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Character Discussion Thread

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Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
Actually question, @ MagnesD3 MagnesD3
Would all their old VA's return to voice over them in Sm4sh?
Doubtful, cept Mewtwo probly would get his back.

....no hype for reggie?
I would make it the big 4 if I could and add krystal but she is just a league below im afraid :(
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Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
I'm getting the feeling that Sonic Boom might have some decent characterization (as much as I hate to admit it). The tv show + the games gives Sega plenty of opportunities to beef out Sonic and his pals' personalities. (in a certain echidna's case the beefing is literal). Don't let me down BIGREDBUTTON.
I'm not so sure, considering that they're aiming towards kids with the whole show and such. Though it's possible.

More on the topic of characterization, there's three major places they can go with video game characters.

The Mario: No personality other then "good guy, you play as him." Gets old for long time fans, but keeps the series going.

The Sonic: They tried to give him a personality and failed. Becomes grating after a long while, but newcomers like it.

The Pit: Am I even playing a game right now? They really went all out on making these characters lovable.

There are other places they can land, like the Luigi, enough personality to be endearing yet he keeps his mouth shut enough so that he never really grows old on you. Then there are the characters that are completely different every time they show up...

Of course these are completely subjective, some people see personality in Mario and some people like Sonic McGoesFastALot.

On topic of the ever so talked about trio...
King K. Rool: My second most wanted newcomer, I still have hope for him unlike some. I guess people keep forgetting about secret newcomers...
Ridley: I also want to see him, but I won't throw a fit if he's a boss. I do think Sakurai is massively trolling us and he is playable, however.
Mewtwo: Don't care either way, but he's the most requested character, so I'd really start to question Sakurai if he didn't bring him back.


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2013
So you arbitrarily stopped reading my sentences if I called something arbitrary?

I do not care if people do not believe what I say about Dark Pit, I am just here to list the reasons for his inclusion if anyone is interested or defend him from those who presume that he would be an alternate costume because they do not want him on the roster.
See, you used it incorrectly, right there. But moving on....

It's fine that you wanna list reasons, but you're doing it in a condescending and unrelenting manner as of late. And a lot of people don't buy it because it feels like one of your many bandwagon moments. First there was all the Jigglypuffs, then the Ganondorfs and the Christian Bale gifs, then all the Game of Thrones, now you won't stop it with the Guardians stuff and can't make a post that doesn't have Dark Pit, or "arbitrary" in it. If you want the character, great. But your half-hearted reasoning for why he'll make it in doesn't make you Stephen Hawking.

We miss the Morbid that said wise and respected things that were relevant to the scope and celebration of the game, and not just the bandwagon character of the week. And we miss that we're not imagining these wise words are coming straight from Vin Diesel's mouth.


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2014
Palms, Staves, Arms, and Clubs....all of which are different types of weapons other characters have not used.
Edit: OH! And Orbitors. That's 5 different types of weapons on one character. He's perfect for Smash and has a perfectly good reason to be included due to his diversity.
Okay, you've given me a list of weapons...but that wasn't really what I was looking for:

  • How would these equips differentiate Dark Pit from not only Pit, but from the rest of the cast? How would the addition of a few slightly different moves (like a staff instead of the bow) bring a completely unique playstyle to Smash Bros? Just swapping out some of Pit's moves with more Dark Pit's moves won't automatically alter Dark Pit's playstyle drastically.
  • And not just moveset/playstyle control either, but because of his extreme similarities to Pit it is reasonable to assume that his weight, gravity, falling speed, hurtboxes, and the like will also be extremely similar, if not completely identical. These may or may not greatly restrict Dark Pit's to play similarly to Pit even if he were to acquire new moves.
  • Do you believe it's even feasible for Dark Pit to have varying different weapons? I know I'm entering "muh patterns" territory again, but characters with far more distinguishable features, both aesthetically and canonical abilities have been derivative of each other before. What makes you believe Dark Pit, probably the most derivative (arguably) character that has a decent chance in Smash because of his miniscule differences (aesthetically and canonical abilities) compared to his counterpart Pit will obtain all of these unique attributes (inb4sakuraibias)? Allow me to hop off the Lucina "Hate" Train for a minute, but Lucina is much more visually distinct (including different gender), and her connection to Marth is only a semblance (even though she's technically a descendant, she wasn't straight up cloned of Marth by a Mirror) yet all she got (according to Sakurai interviews) is just a slight sweet spot change.
Did they show off all of Pit's custom moves (can't remember)? If they didn't, then why couldn't some of Pit's custom moves have these weapons that Dark Pit could use? Everyone keeps saying "well, Dark Pit could just use the weapons that Pit didn't use!"


Why is it crucial that create a completely new fighter just to incorporate some different stat equips? I fail to see why even a fraction of Pit's loadout in Uprising needs to be present on another character. Why is that so necessary?

Besides my obvious dislike and bias to the character alone (even though, unlike most Dark Pit detractors, I find him a likely addition) this is the route of my main beef with Dark Pit as a playable character. The reasons for his inclusion, in my opinion, seem completely unnecessary and unneeded in the overall grand scheme of things.

He can be black haired and have angst and rustle peoples jimmies, crash parties you name it.
I want Dark Pit to make up for the Shadow the Hedgehog I could never get because he wasn't created by Sakurai.
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Smash Apprentice
Jul 17, 2014
See, you used it incorrectly, right there. But moving on....

It's fine that you wanna list reasons, but you're doing it in a condescending and unrelenting manner as of late. And a lot of people don't buy it because it feels like one of your many bandwagon moments. First there was all the Jigglypuffs, then the Ganondorfs and the Christian Bale gifs, then all the Game of Thrones, now you won't stop it with the Guardians stuff and can't make a post that doesn't have Dark Pit, or "arbitrary" in it. If you want the character, great. But your half-hearted reasoning for why he'll make it in doesn't make you Stephen Hawking.

We miss the Morbid that said wise and respected things that were relevant to the scope and celebration of the game, and not just the bandwagon character of the week. And we miss that we're not imagining these wise words are coming straight from Vin Diesel's mouth.
Come back Morbid....


Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014
See, you used it incorrectly, right there. But moving on....

It's fine that you wanna list reasons, but you're doing it in a condescending and unrelenting manner as of late. And a lot of people don't buy it because it feels like one of your many bandwagon moments. First there was all the Jigglypuffs, then the Ganondorfs and the Christian Bale gifs, then all the Game of Thrones, now you won't stop it with the Guardians stuff and can't make a post that doesn't have Dark Pit, or "arbitrary" in it. If you want the character, great. But your half-hearted reasoning for why he'll make it in doesn't make you Stephen Hawking.

We miss the Morbid that said wise and respected things that were relevant to the scope and celebration of the game, and not just the bandwagon character of the week. And we miss that we're not imagining these wise words are coming straight from Vin Diesel's mouth.
...So because you don't agree with her or like the character yourself that makes her opinion less valid?


Smash Lord
May 19, 2014
I'm not so sure, considering that they're aiming towards kids with the whole show and such. Though it's possible.

More on the topic of characterization, there's three major places they can go with video game characters.

The Mario: No personality other then "good guy, you play as him." Gets old for long time fans, but keeps the series going.

The Sonic: They tried to give him a personality and failed. Becomes grating after a long while, but newcomers like it.

The Pit: Am I even playing a game right now? They really went all out on making these characters lovable.

There are other places they can land, like the Luigi, enough personality to be endearing yet he keeps his mouth shut enough so that he never really grows old on you. Then there are the characters that are completely different every time they show up...

Of course these are completely subjective, some people see personality in Mario and some people like Sonic McGoesFastALot.

On topic of the ever so talked about trio...
King K. Rool: My second most wanted newcomer, I still have hope for him unlike some. I guess people keep forgetting about secret newcomers...
Ridley: I also want to see him, but I won't throw a fit if he's a boss. I do think Sakurai is massively trolling us and he is playable, however.
Mewtwo: Don't care either way, but he's the most requested character, so I'd really start to question Sakurai if he didn't bring him back.
Even if they fail to give him a personality, I'll still like him. Personally I think Sonic does in fact have a personality and I like it, what he lacks however is any kind of back story to give the character some development. The comics however provide these things for almost all of the characters. So as long as they exist, I'll be fine.


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2013
...So because you don't agree with her or like the character yourself that makes her opinion less valid?
View attachment 21768
That's not what I said at all.

My point was that I've always respected and enjoyed the comments she's made on just about anything, but lately, all this Dark Pit talk doesn't seem like her. Being enthusiastic about a character is one thing, but this is something else, something foul. And I'm not the only one who has said something about it. But to avoid getting further off topic and potentially hurting anyone's feelings, I'm going to stop.

I'm not against Dark Pit. I'm just against the overbearing Dark Pit bandwagon and their flimsy arguments. Between them and the Sceptile people, nothing is based on facts anymore. We don't want characters because we like them anymore, we want them because a lot of people came to the conclusion that they follow certain patterns/trifectas.


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Ridley has a lot of information on him... y'know... being a stage boss for Pyrosphere. One thing I don't remember anyone having a proper argument against is the fact that his shadow is on screen while Ridley is in free-flight for about 10 seconds. Wouldn't free-flight to that extent be quite imbalanced for a character, on top of all the other information?

King K. Rool is a somewhat-lost character for Nintendo history as a villain, but is the DK. Rep I would like to see most since Cranky was deconfirmed. I have yet to see a fan moveset that has "sold" me on him as a fighter.

Mewtwo as a poor poor character in Melee, coming from a HUGE pokemon fan. I am glad he was spiritually replaced with Lucario (bla bla bla forbidden 7). But if he had a MegaEvo final smash, it would clearly be Y because it is the more publicized evolution and would be a mirror for Mega Charizard X. If he were to come back, he would need newcomer-tier work to become a remotely viable character. I'd prefer Sceptile for a 6th Pokemon.

I really don't think we need big new villains for the roster after Ganondorf is revealed with that majestic Hyrule Warriors mane of hair. LONG LIVE FALCONDORF.
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Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
@ Jiggly Jiggly Nice roster. I like the Sceptile, I'm okay without Ridley & Mewtwo & K.rool. But almost everyone else will give you 1/10:urg: Also didn't know if you meant to leave Falco out, but he's not in there

Also @ Jason the Yoshi Jason the Yoshi the anniversary is in a week & 5 days. Important dates like that marking anniversaries for the character's game origin may actually have merit to it, & confirm Ness on that day like FE & Captain did from their game anniversaries.
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CJ Falcon

Smash Lord
Jul 27, 2014
Ridley has a lot of information on him... y'know... being a stage boss for Pyrosphere. One thing I don't remember anyone having a proper argument against is the fact that his shadow is on screen while Ridley is in free-flight for about 10 seconds. Wouldn't free-flight to that extent be quite imbalanced for a character, on top of all the other information?

King K. Rool is a somewhat-lost character for Nintendo history as a villain, but is the DK. Rep I would like to see most since Cranky was deconfirmed. I have yet to see a fan moveset that has "sold" me on him as a fighter.

Mewtwo as a poor poor character in Melee, coming from a HUGE pokemon fan. I am glad he was spiritually replaced with Lucario (bla bla bla forbidden 7). But if he had a MegaEvo final smash, it would clearly be Y because it is the more publicized evolution and would be a mirror for Mega Charizard X. If he were to come back, he would need newcomer-tier work to become a remotely viable character. I'd prefer Sceptile for a 6th Pokemon.

I really don't think we need big new villains for the roster after Ganondorf is revealed with that majestic Hyrule Warriors mane of hair. LONG LIVE FALCONDORF.
Ganondorf won't have his Hyrule Warriors design. Why would Link, Sheik, and Zelda have their old designs while Ganondorf would have his new one?


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
My thoughts on Pittoo:

  • A decent character from a good game, has enough to be unique, yet it's entirely possible for him to be a clone.
  • I don't want him personally, but I'm not opposed to him. Three Kid Icarus characters too much? Too bad.
  • Do I think he's in? No. Unless he is a last minute clone like Lucina. HeshTegSakuraiBias
  • "But he was in a trailer without being officially confirmed! He can't be playable!" Ridley and Raymang, mang.
Basically, I'm not counting anyone out until the final roster is shown. *Unless they're an assist or something.
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Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2010
Thoughts on the big three:

Ridley- Don't think he's in, don't want him to be, ever for eternity
Rool- Want him in, don't think he will be
Mewtwo- Think he could be in, hope he is if they change his moveset


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
So guys. . . .
There's still 18 Smash Brothers left TBA = To Be Announced.
Listing them off for reminder of forgetting:
:drmario::mewtwomelee::pichumelee::roymelee::younglinkmelee: / :falco::ganondorf::popo::ivysaur::jigglypuff::lucas::gw::ness2::rob::snake::squirtle::warioc: & :wolf:.

If you HAD to choose only 8 to return who'd they be? listing in order doesn't matter.
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Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
So guys. . . .
There's still 18 Smash Brothers left TBA = To Be Announced.
Listing them off for reminder of forgetting:
:drmario::mewtwomelee::pichumelee::roymelee::younglinkmelee: / :falco::ganondorf::popo::ivysaur::jigglypuff::lucas::gw::ness2::rob::snake::squirtle::warioc: & :wolf:.

If you HAD to choose only 8 to return who'd they be? listing in order doesn't matter.
Jiggly, Wario, Ganondorf, Icies, Rob, Ness, Mr. G&W, Falco. I don't think anyone is really going to argue with me on this for likeliness of this, if only 8 would return.


Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2010
So guys. . . .
There's still 18 Smash Brothers left TBA = To Be Announced.
Listing them off for reminder of forgetting:
:drmario::mewtwomelee::pichumelee::roymelee::younglinkmelee: / :falco::ganondorf::popo::ivysaur::jigglypuff::lucas::gw::ness2::rob::snake::squirtle::warioc: & :wolf:.

If you HAD to choose only 8 to return who'd they be? listing in order doesn't matter.
Ganondorf, Young Link, Roy, Ice Climbers, Ivysaur, Squirtle, Jiggly, and Ness

Almost wario, but I hate Wario Ware Wario. Wario.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
So guys. . . .
There's still 12 Smash Brothers left TBA = To Be Announced.
Listing them off for reminder of forgetting:
:mewtwomelee: / :falco::ganondorf::popo::jigglypuff::lucas::gw::ness2::rob::snake::warioc: & :wolf:.

If you HAD to choose only 8 to return who'd they be? listing in order doesn't matter.
Fixed for accuracy.

If I had to lop four of them off?
:snake::ness2::gw::ganondorf::rob::warioc::popo::mewtwopm:Would be in :jigglypuff::lucas::falco::wolf:Would be out.

Of course, there's no way in hell most of these guys would go anywhere. Lucas, Snake, and possibly Jiggs are the only ones with any remote chance of not returning. :ivysaur::squirtle::roymelee::pichumelee::younglinkmelee::drmario: People still think these blokes have a shot?


Drop the mic, cause these fools sleeping on me
Apr 17, 2014
The FBI Surveillance Van outside your house.
Fixed for accuracy.

If I had to lop four of them off?
:snake::ness2::gw::ganondorf::rob::warioc::popo::mewtwopm:Would be in :jigglypuff::lucas::falco::wolf:Would be out.

Of course, there's no way in hell most of these guys would go anywhere. Lucas, Snake, and possibly Jiggs are the only ones with any remote chance of not returning. :ivysaur::squirtle::roymelee::pichumelee::younglinkmelee::drmario: People still think these blokes have a shot?
After lucina, Dr. Mario is definitely possible imo, but I dont want it to happen.

Why you gotta cut jiggly man? Don't make me come over there and rest you up :mad:
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Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters
So guys. . . .
There's still 18 Smash Brothers left TBA = To Be Announced.
Listing them off for reminder of forgetting:
:drmario::mewtwomelee::pichumelee::roymelee::younglinkmelee: / :falco::ganondorf::popo::ivysaur::jigglypuff::lucas::gw::ness2::rob::snake::squirtle::warioc: & :wolf:.

If you HAD to choose only 8 to return who'd they be? listing in order doesn't matter.
Definitely :mewtwomelee::ganondorf::lucas::gw::rob::snake::warioc::wolf: The rest I couldn't care much less about, with the exception of Roy and Ivysaur, I'll definitely miss those two. :crying:


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
After lucina, Dr. Mario is definitely possible imo, but I dont want it to happen.

Why you gotta cut jiggly man? Don't make me come over there and rest you up :mad:
Lucina has absolutely nothing to do with Dr. Mario. Honestly, Mewtwo is the only cut Melee vet with enough fan power to even have a shot at returning. I only put Jiggly there for personal reasons, did you miss the part where I said that there was no way in hell any of these guys would get cut?


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
So guys. . . .
There's still 18 Smash Brothers left TBA = To Be Announced.
Listing them off for reminder of forgetting:
:drmario::mewtwomelee::pichumelee::roymelee::younglinkmelee: / :falco::ganondorf::popo::ivysaur::jigglypuff::lucas::gw::ness2::rob::snake::squirtle::warioc: & :wolf:.

If you HAD to choose only 8 to return who'd they be? listing in order doesn't matter.
Wolf, Mewtwo, Ness, Game and Watch, Ganondorf, Wario, Falco, Jiggilypuff. Because bias.

Im slowly starting to learn smashboards isnt that different that neogaf and gamefaqs. I kinda wish this site showed age and sex personally.... so I can judge even harsher.
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Deleted member

So guys. . . .
There's still 18 Smash Brothers left TBA = To Be Announced.
Listing them off for reminder of forgetting:
:drmario::mewtwomelee::pichumelee::roymelee::younglinkmelee: / :falco::ganondorf::popo::ivysaur::jigglypuff::lucas::gw::ness2::rob::snake::squirtle::warioc: & :wolf:.

If you HAD to choose only 8 to return who'd they be? listing in order doesn't matter.
Wario, Falco, Falcondork (:troll:), ROB, Ness, Snake, Mr. Game & Watch, & Jigglypuff.

Yes, I am that evil.


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
so far so eggselent guys.:4yoshi:
I added in the melee cuts because they're apart of Nintendo's Smash's History. Never has a cut technically return, but it's np they have very low, but still a shred of possibility. That & I did ask if & HAD. This is test of taste & preference. At least your responses aren't fourty five hundred miles out there.
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Drop the mic, cause these fools sleeping on me
Apr 17, 2014
The FBI Surveillance Van outside your house.
, did you miss the part where I said that there was no way in hell any of these guys would get cut?
I did:
Of course, there's no way in hell most of these guys would go anywhere. Lucas, Snake, and possibly Jiggs are the only ones with any remote chance of not returning.
I still am a little butthurt *sniffle*


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
So guys. . . .
There's still 18 Smash Brothers left TBA = To Be Announced.
Listing them off for reminder of forgetting:
:drmario::mewtwomelee::pichumelee::roymelee::younglinkmelee: / :falco::ganondorf::popo::ivysaur::jigglypuff::lucas::gw::ness2::rob::snake::squirtle::warioc: & :wolf:.

If you HAD to choose only 8 to return who'd they be? listing in order doesn't matter.
Falco, Ice Climbers, Ganondorf, Mewtwo, Ness, Snake, R.O.B., Wario.
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Sep 19, 2010
A Mirror
So guys. . . .
There's still 18 Smash Brothers left TBA = To Be Announced.
Listing them off for reminder of forgetting:
:drmario::mewtwomelee::pichumelee::roymelee::younglinkmelee: / :falco::ganondorf::popo::ivysaur::jigglypuff::lucas::gw::ness2::rob::snake::squirtle::warioc: & :wolf:.

If you HAD to choose only 8 to return who'd they be? listing in order doesn't matter.
Mewtwo, Falco, Gannondorf, Lucas, Mr. Game and Watch, Ness, ROB and Wario.
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