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Character Discussion Thread

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Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2014
Not one of my gaming friends are familiar with Xenoblade or Rhythem heaven, I'm not saying this necessarily means anything, but they play just as much smash as i do. Which is a lot.
Same here. I never heard of Xenoblade until Smash speculation. I never saw it anywhere.


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Not one of my gaming friends are familiar with Xenoblade or Rhythem heaven, I'm not saying this necessarily means anything, but they play just as much smash as i do. Which is a lot.
While this is fairly true that these two series aren't as well known here, the same can be said for Mother, Fire Emblem, and such which were far more beloved in Japan. Xenoblade Chronicles is just a large game/series in fame in its circles because the fans were able to successfully get the game localized when it wasn't originally planned to due to the sheer love it had, like Mother 3 fans attempted and somewhat relatedly Fire Emblem had happen after Marth and Roy's popularity in Smash. Xenoblade Chronicles X being shown off to the extent it was at the Treehouse event shows that they are really wanting to give the sequel a better western footing.

Rhythm Heaven is a quirky game that's more liked in japan than here and made by the Warioware team. The latter 2 of the three games went worldwide and sold fairly well for what they are.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Here I was hoping for another chubby aerial character like Wario and Jiggly for Villager, but I guess that's not happening lol.
Villager has an incredible recovery. His air game is not going to be poor, I assure. His controls were better for me than Jigglypuff.
Since we're posting prediction rosters...

I'm a fan; love your icons man! Specifically Henry (whom I was looking for for my DLC list), Bowser JR in the Clown Car, and Sceptile!
I think your DLC is pretty spot on to what the approach to it would be, with the two guaranteed being Captain Toad and Inkling. I'd say we are likely to get more than four though (and then it gets into my personal taste).
General taste is where the rest of my statements would come in, here.
56 characters + miis + DLC. Very beautiful layout, too.

Nothing really changed except adding some visual enhancement.
Well, I made my comments before about the character selection.
I'm a huge fan of the upgraded Wii space bar, since they are in fact 0 characters in this game, so awesome job there.
But the characters themselves look as though they had no thought as to where they were placed man. Even if some have some logic behind it, it looks extremely cluttered, starting with Rosalina, then Luigi, and then getting to Mario. Link is two thirds of the way in on his row, and it doesn't get simpler from there...

So I did a thing
I spent hours in photoshop btw
Nice job on it visually man! I'm especially a fan of Mewtwo!
I think that Krystal would more likely be DLC at this point, sincerely.


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2014
Croft Manor
Villager has an incredible recovery. His air game is not going to be poor, I assure. His controls were better for me than Jigglypuff.

I'm a fan; love your icons man! Specifically Henry (whom I was looking for for my DLC list), Bowser JR in the Clown Car, and Sceptile!
I think your DLC is pretty spot on to what the approach to it would be, with the two guaranteed being Captain Toad and Inkling. I'd say we are likely to get more than four though (and then it gets into my personal taste).
General taste is where the rest of my statements would come in, here.
56 characters + miis + DLC. Very beautiful layout, too.

Well, I made my comments before about the character selection.
I'm a huge fan of the upgraded Wii space bar, since they are in fact 0 characters in this game, so awesome job there.
But the characters themselves look as though they had no thought as to where they were placed man. Even if some have some logic behind it, it looks extremely cluttered, starting with Rosalina, then Luigi, and then getting to Mario. Link is two thirds of the way in on his row, and it doesn't get simpler from there...

Nice job on it visually man! I'm especially a fan of Mewtwo!
I think that Krystal would more likely be DLC at this point, sincerely.
I'm feeling optimistic about krystal, the lack of star fox info gives me hope


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Since I posted mine at 2 AM, I think It was a bad time.

Here is my Optimistic Prediction, at 58 characters.

My roster has 55 characters (plus 3 third parties), for a total of 58. I find it on the optimistic side, absolutely, but I think we will have secret characters in the game for sure, and I just cannot fathom the highly wanted characters of Mewtwo, K Rool, and Ridley not being put in at this time- but I'm not going to get into that, there are many places that discussion is happening at every moment. I'll just put it in as Sakurai is not an idiot. I would also say the fact that we have not seen any of the main old series characters revealed points more heavily that we still could; the big power house reveals would be saved for last. *ignore this statement if you must in judging my roster, we can debate on it separately*

Paper Mario- If we have two Link's, it just seems strange to me to not have two of Nintendo's mascot. I believe, sincerely, this is a huge reason we had Dr Mario in the first place. Paper Mario represents a part of the major Series that we never get any chunk of in smash. Now that a tidbit as been released, he will either be deconfirmed as a part of the stage, AT, or, more.

Dixie- Old awareness, female representation in this game (and she was one of the first known-female main characters we had in Nintendo), her recent rise to stardom again, unique abilities to play.

King K Rool- Kremlings, Falling Boxing Lights, DK64 fan, lack of info, my persona Smash Run experience, Cranky Kong trophy, etc-etc-etc

Vaati- Next most recurring Zelda villain. Flying. Wind mage. Toon helps the dreadful second Link not standout as much. Possible ties to other Zelda villains it seems? Again, some personal bias is in here.

Ridley- He is a playable boss (or something of the sort), or playable. Again, Sakurai is not an imbecile, and I think it would require an extreme level of daftness to do what he has done and not have the character be in. We can argue this game is not fan service- that is why we don't have Shrek. It has been proven to be quite a high level of fan service, he just gives the fans better-than-what-they-wanted.

Duck Hunt Dog- "Retro" if we get one. Cartoon fun animal character to represent Nintendo history, as well as Peripheral of the Nintendo Zapper (which was quite a big deal). Highly original move set and expressive character seem to be on point with what Sakurai looks for, and he is an old game franchise, which Sakurai said he loves.

Shulk- Eh, why not?

Sceptile- Insert my monster post here.

Chibi Robo- Slight bias. I believe I remember Sakurai said something about him at one point; he has a prominent series, unique ideas, is adorable, another electric user we could use. Honestly wouldn't even mind if he needs to be a Pikachu clone. We need more robots!

Isaac- Not fully sure, honestly. Yet I think he has a high probability, we know he is on the radar for Sakurai as he was an AT, has a strong fan base, original move set, and Palutena's push ability seems to be a derivative of his Move; her trailer confirmed for me she, like the Mii's, takes her moves from other characters, as she said she 'does it better than other characters.'

Marshall- Rhythm Heaven sells highly. Creators of Wario ware. Sakurai has said specifically he is a fan of Warioware. It is a unique character. And while others do not believe the video leak, to me, it looks quite legitimate.

Like many, I only cut Snake, Squirtle, and Ivysaur. This is difficult, because Squirtle is my favorite character in fiction/video games at least. I'd personally cut Jigglypuff, Falco, Lucas, if I were trying to keep the roster down- but after some recent evidence I just do not see this being very likely anymore.

Newcomers are in red border.

I have my main 6 likely (ish) DLC candidates to the side, explained below. And other possibilities (which are mostly just ones that I want) at the bottom.

I divided them into new series representation, and old series representation.

Also; I believe that Mii fighters are just a create-a-character. Everything we have seen about them points to the fact that they are just this, under a Nintendo name of 'Mii.' They do not even have an intro poser on the site, nor an icon. I count them as 0 characters.
  • They have 0 unique moves (other than Final Smash)
  • None of them has a set 'standard' of what they are. If you said 'Mii Fighter' there is no default.
  • They will not come up when we select 'random' characters
  • We cannot use them in online battles (the icon would just go dim? That would look hideous if in regular CSS slot)
  • I cannot see how it would work for them to be just another icon, where upon clicking it you would have too many other options- to create new or use a stored one, which of the three options, then create more and more.
It just doesn't make any sense.
Therefore, just as I believe it is in Mario Golf, it is a separate bar at the bottom of the page, as is the random bar.
I took out the characters I wanted to see as DLC but did not deem likely- they were divided into two categories of new series and old series. I believe they were as follows (excluding revealed Assist Trophies/Pokeballs, despite my theory of an upgraded character).
NEW: Muddy Mole, Lip, Ray MK, Pushmo, Balloon Fighter, Andy, Mach Rider, Wonder Red, Donbe and Hikari, Sukapon
OLD: Pokemon Trainer, Team Rocket/Meowth, Anna, Impa, Waddle Dee, Medusa

I think there will definitely be DLC: Nintendo has shown a very intelligent awareness as to how much both casual and competitive players love Smash Bros; it was the prime of E3, and had an entire tournament, multiple treehouse viewings, a private roundtable that we could not see but all tuned in to hear (genius), EVO tournament, handheld tournament since, Best Buy demo, and a pure direct for it. All within a few months. We have seen a catering to both sides of the field, with modes available to both fanships, attention to characters on both edges, and additions for both sides as well. The tournaments have bridged the gap as well!

DLC will be a prime way for them to continue to market new franchises to continue to win victory in the video game industry. I think they will utilize DLC to really hype new franchises they are starting to get them into consumer homes as important characters; primarily with Splatoon's Inkling, but likely with Codename Steam as well. I put Captain Toad here because it is a sister Series to Mario, has been receiving a lot of attention (and hinting), and because Nintendo, now aware of Toad's prominence to fans, has a huge reason to add him into a roster he was missing in as much as Ridley is. Somewhat marketing as well.

It would also be the prime way to add third party characters- third parties pay for the development, and at paying for cost, get the advertising of having their characters in Smash (since it should be clear by now to outside parties, being in smash is a victory if you are a video game developer). This is why I have added both Bomberman and Rayman into that category.

Other DLC I Have added as hugely likely are for game releases- this is the Krystal/Bowser Jr category. Mario games are always being released, and Star Fox Wii U is going to come out sometime.
Otherwise we could see many other characters as DLC; it would be strange not to have a Pokemon character.
I think we will get DLC for a good amount of time, quite frankly. It may be incorrect, but this is Nintendo's ... most hyped franchise. I think they are finally respecting that.


Smash Ace
May 26, 2014
I'm a fan; love your icons man! Specifically Henry (whom I was looking for for my DLC list), Bowser JR in the Clown Car, and Sceptile!
I think your DLC is pretty spot on to what the approach to it would be, with the two guaranteed being Captain Toad and Inkling. I'd say we are likely to get more than four though (and then it gets into my personal taste).
General taste is where the rest of my statements would come in, here.
56 characters + miis + DLC. Very beautiful layout, too.
Thanks! I should probably post my Henry in the roster maker thread, I've been holding on to that one for a while.

I definitely think we'll be getting more than 4, I'm just not sure what the others would be. But if Mario and Pokemon are getting another rep, it's only fair that they add somebody from the new LoZ.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Sometimes I wonder how much we're factoring our wants into these prediction roster critiques.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Could you share me those Lucas, Wolf, Snake, Ganondorf and R.O.B icons? pretty please?
I don't actually know where to find them...

Sometimes I wonder how much we're factoring our wants into these prediction roster critiques.
I never ponder this.
The answer is always.

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
Well, I started making my rosters unbiased to favorites, as I already have favorites like Lucina and Ike already confirmed. The only one I would slate to be biased would be Krystal.

Also, it's kind of sad to see the average roster deemed boring, as we're nearing the release of the game, so most rosters would look the same. Roster Predictions tend to have weird choices for characters just for the sole factor to make this roster different from the common one, it's understandable when there's a valid reason(s) put behind the inclusion, but sometimes it's even stated that its just to spice up their roster.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2014
I trust you'll rate my next roster highly if I add Toon Zelda? :awesome:
That's quite the possibility.
I see it's becoming more noticeable how much I'm advocating for Toon Zelda. It came to my attention that people are always supporting their favorite characters, or characters that they just find real likely. I see no one paying attention to Toon Zelda, even though I feel that she has a much better case of being on the roster than most people tend to believe. I guess you could say that I'm volunteering to be the one to show the support I think she deserves. Even if it's only for a few more weeks until the roster is revealed. :bee:

Autumn ♫

I'm terrible with these Custom Titles.
Apr 20, 2013
Sakurai's Secret Headquarters
Well, I started making my rosters unbiased to favorites, as I already have favorites like Lucina and Ike already confirmed. The only one I would slate to be biased would be Krystal.

Also, it's kind of sad to see the average roster deemed boring, as we're nearing the release of the game, so most rosters would look the same. Roster Predictions tend to have weird choices for characters just for the sole factor to make this roster different from the common one, it's understandable when there's a valid reason(s) put behind the inclusion, but sometimes it's even stated that its just to spice up their roster.
Mine must be pretty unique then, mine's generally a lot different than other people's.


Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014
A roster that is both optimistic and pessimistic:

54 Characters + Mii again, but this time it has 4 clones.
Sadly, after a lot of thinking, K. Rool, Ghirahim and Ridley don't seem as likely to me anymore


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
I took into account on a lot, yet I don't remember an impacting Metroid character that ISN'T Ridley that's believable in Smash Brothers. . .:ohwell:
But my roster is more considerate after thinking about the meaning of truth. Seriously though who do you predict gets in that's not Ridley.
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Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014
I took into account on a lot, yet I don't remember an impacting Metroid character that ISN'T Ridley that's believable in Smash Brothers. . .:ohwell:
But my roster is more considerate after thinking about the meaning of truth. Seriously though who do you predict gets in that's not Ridley.
Rundas! :awesome:

Fire Emblemier

The Crests are to Blame
Apr 4, 2013
United States
Switch FC
SEeing Jigglypuff and Lucas on your roster is making me incredibly conscious of how hideous they are on mine (not the icons, just the existence).
Eh, Jigglypuff has been in every smash game so far, and is quite a popular and unique character, at least in my eyes. Lucas was planned to be part of the roster since melee, (only reason he didn't was his game was cancelled and later revived). I tend to think people give these 2 characters more flak than they deserve...


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
That's quite the possibility.
I see it's becoming more noticeable how much I'm advocating for Toon Zelda. It came to my attention that people are always supporting their favorite characters, or characters that they just find real likely. I see no one paying attention to Toon Zelda, even though I feel that she has a much better case of being on the roster than most people tend to believe. I guess you could say that I'm volunteering to be the one to show the support I think she deserves. Even if it's only for a few more weeks until the roster is revealed. :bee:
Fair enough. I wouldn't mind her. She's one of the few Zelda newcomers I would look forward to playing as. You see, my list is very short: there's Ganon, there's Happy Mask Salesman, there's Medli (which ain't happening) and then there's Toon Zelda. Curious though, do you believe she could end up being an original character or are you more in line with the popular opinion that she would be a clone?


Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2010
Fair enough. I wouldn't mind her. She's one of the few Zelda newcomers I would look forward to playing as. You see, my list is very short: there's Ganon, there's Happy Mask Salesman, there's Medli (which ain't happening) and then there's Toon Zelda. Curious though, do you believe she could end up being an original character or are you more in line with the popular opinion that she would be a clone?
Another Mash salesman supporter? All right! But yea, realistic zelda newcomers aren't too enticing for me, I like Impa, but I hate ghiriam, everyone else is very meh to me, including Toon Zelda


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2014
Chicago, Illinois
So I looked over my roster I laid out yesterday and realized I accidentally put Ridley in and left Falcon out. Whoops. Well this time I might as well show you my roster prediction. Behold this roster I totally didn't make in 10 minutes on Microsoft Paint!

(Mii Fighters and Random button are located in the top right corner. Just use your imagination)
Gorgeous, aint it? Well I might as well explain why I have certain characters in and out.

Snake - Okay, I love Snake, but I didn't put him in just because I want him in. For the longest time I thought, like many people, he would be cut, but recently I've changed my mind. I just can't see Sakurai letting go of a unique character, one that he himself loves. The only argument against Snake, that he's isn't relevant with Nintendo, hold no weight either because he was planned for Melee and playable in Brawl. Back when Metal Gear was essentially a Sony franchise, which isn't the case now. If Snake gets cut it's because of legal disagreements, not fanboy wars people on the internet think are real. I can see Snake being the last big surprise before release. Get ready to hear "Kept you waiting, huh?" soon...hopefully.

Ridley- I've been back and forth on this...thing, but at the end of the day I do think he'll just be a boss and that there will be some kind of mode on the Wii U version where you play as bosses. Watch Rogersbase's video on Ridley and that's pretty much my stance. I won't delve into it more for fear of an angry mob. Although I will say I could still see him being playable, but for now I'm banking on boss.

K Rool - Listen, I love Donkey Kong Country, I love K Rool, he's not in. If by some miracle he is than horaay! But the biggest thing against K Rool is that he hasn't been relevant in a long while. And like it or not every newcomer thus far has been relevant in the Wii, DS, 3DS, Wii U era. Again, I would love for K Rool to get in, but I don't see it happening.

As for other characters like Bandana Dee, Secptile and Ghirahim. I lump them together with Chrom and Takamaru. Characters people assume will get in because of Sakurai's past track record. But if Ike, Toon Link and Lucario coming back and Chrom and Takamaru getting disconfirmed has taught us anything is that we shouldn't rely on Sakurai's past track record this time around.

So yeah, that's my roster. Some may wonder why only 48, not counting Miis. Personally I feel like people are getting a little over zealous with their rosters and people who think we're getting a 55-60 roster are going to be disappointed. 48 sounds more reasonable. With dlc characters of course but I'll talk about that later. So yeah, how much do you guys hate my roster?

EDIT: I don't feel like making another big wall of text so I'll just lay out what characters I think will be dlc. Mewtwo, Dixie Kong and Lucas.
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Smash Lord
May 28, 2013
Who's asking?
K Rool - Listen, I love Donkey Kong Country, I love K Rool, he's not in. If by some miracle he is than horaay! But the biggest thing against K Rool is that he hasn't been relevant in a long while. And like it or not every newcomer thus far has been relevant in the Wii, DS, 3DS, Wii U era. Again, I would love for K Rool to get in, but I don't see it happening.
I'm getting pretty tired of people confusing relevance and recency. Yes, believe it or not, the main antagonist of the Donkey Kong Country series is still relevant.

Edit: Sorry, that was really rudely worded, but I stand by the point.
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Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
I've made a downsized roster, I took off Dixie, Krystal, Rayman, and the blank slot.

I still see Rayman as a number 1 option for DLC if he doesn't make the initial roster. Here's the other one again:

I'm not sure why everyone is suddenly lowering their opinions on K. Rool and Ridley, it seems odd that Mega Man is the only "heavy hitter," the only character who had massive amounts of requests. Sure, Mac and Palutena had decent support, but it was nowhere near that level, surely Sakurai is hiding some of the more requested characters, he does know what people ask for. Similarly with Mewtwo, while not a newcomer he is the most requested character that isn't Mega Man, I don't personally care whether he's in or out, but it would still be a big kick to the balls and a middle finger to the fans if he weren't included.

I don't care if you don't like my characters or not, opinions are a great thing and we should all cherish them. I'd like to see the various opinions on my rosters, but please keep any heavy bias out. In turn, I'm leaving the blank slot as "Rhythm Heaven."

I know there are very strong feelings here, but does it really matter who gets in? Smash is a wonderful game regardless.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
Im so bored. :(

I've made a downsized roster, I took off Dixie, Krystal, Rayman, and the blank slot.

I still see Rayman as a number 1 option for DLC if he doesn't make the initial roster. Here's the other one again:

I'm not sure why everyone is suddenly lowering their opinions on K. Rool and Ridley, it seems odd that Mega Man is the only "heavy hitter," the only character who had massive amounts of requests. Sure, Mac and Palutena had decent support, but it was nowhere near that level, surely Sakurai is hiding some of the more requested characters, he does know what people ask for. Similarly with Mewtwo, while not a newcomer he is the most requested character that isn't Mega Man, I don't personally care whether he's in or out, but it would still be a big kick to the balls and a middle finger to the fans if he weren't included.

I don't care if you don't like my characters or not, opinions are a great thing and we should all cherish them. I'd like to see the various opinions on my rosters, but please keep any heavy bias out. In turn, I'm leaving the blank slot as "Rhythm Heaven."

I know there are very strong feelings here, but does it really matter who gets in? Smash is a wonderful game regardless.
Also dont kill Krystal :sadeyes:
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Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014
So I looked over my roster I laid out yesterday and realized I accidentally put Ridley in and left Falcon out. Whoops. Well this time I might as well show you my roster prediction. Behold this roster I totally didn't make in 10 minutes on Microsoft Paint!

(Mii Fighters and Random button are located in the top right corner. Just use your imagination)
Gorgeous, aint it? Well I might as well explain why I have certain characters in and out.

Snake - Okay, I love Snake, but I didn't put him in just because I want him in. For the longest time I thought, like many people, he would be cut, but recently I've changed my mind. I just can't see Sakurai letting go of a unique character, one that he himself loves. The only argument against Snake, that he's isn't relevant with Nintendo, hold no weight either because he was planned for Melee and playable in Brawl. Back when Metal Gear was essentially a Sony franchise, which isn't the case now. If Snake gets cut it's because of legal disagreements, not fanboy wars people on the internet think are real. I can see Snake being the last big surprise before release. Get ready to hear "Kept you waiting, huh?" soon...hopefully.

Ridley- I've been back and forth on this...thing, but at the end of the day I do think he'll just be a boss and that there will be some kind of mode on the Wii U version where you play as bosses. Watch Rogersbase's video on Ridley and that's pretty much my stance. I won't delve into it more for fear of an angry mob. Although I will say I could still see him being playable, but for now I'm banking on boss.

K Rool - Listen, I love Donkey Kong Country, I love K Rool, he's not in. If by some miracle he is than horaay! But the biggest thing against K Rool is that he hasn't been relevant in a long while. And like it or not every newcomer thus far has been relevant in the Wii, DS, 3DS, Wii U era. Again, I would love for K Rool to get in, but I don't see it happening.

As for other characters like Bandana Dee, Secptile and Ghirahim. I lump them together with Chrom and Takamaru. Characters people assume will get in because of Sakurai's past track record. But if Ike, Toon Link and Lucario coming back and Chrom and Takamaru getting disconfirmed has taught us anything is that we should rely on Sakurai's past track record this time around.

So yeah, that's my roster. Some may wonder why only 48, not counting Miis. Personally I feel like people are getting a little over zealous with their rosters and people who think we're getting a 55-60 roster are going to be disappointed. 48 sounds more reasonable. With dlc characters of course but I'll talk about that later. So yeah, how much do you guys hate my roster?
Pretty reasonable, though i think we will also have Lucas back and maybe Dark Pit included, making 50 + Miis


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2014
Fair enough. I wouldn't mind her. She's one of the few Zelda newcomers I would look forward to playing as. You see, my list is very short: there's Ganon, there's Happy Mask Salesman, there's Medli (which ain't happening) and then there's Toon Zelda. Curious though, do you believe she could end up being an original character or are you more in line with the popular opinion that she would be a clone?
I completely believe she would be a clone. Part of why I think Toon Zelda has a good chance of being on the roster is because it seems to me that they tweaked a lot of Zelda's moves in order to get ready for a variation. Not to mention the Phantom Slash, which would have been a perfect side special for Toon Zelda had they wanted to make her an original character. I'm not sure how much you read of the conversation I had a couple nights ago, but I mentioned that Marth was changed up in certain areas that people complained about before we got Lucina. The same could be happening with Zelda. My thought was that Zelda will have a better air game, while Toon Zelda would have the advantage on the ground with quicker attacks and what not.

Now only adding a clone to the Zelda roster might seem a little out of left field when you consider that just about every other newcomer has been very unique, and even when we got a clone we also got a unique newcomer from the same franchise. To justify adding Toon Zelda, I think Ganondorf will end up getting revamped, or at least do to him what they did to Bowser. When you think about how bad of a character Ganondorf was considered as in Brawl, I feel as if they have to change him up somehow. We would then have four characters and two clones representing Zelda, which seems like an alright ratio when you consider that we have Fox, a clone, and a semi-clone representing Star Fox. It may not be what most people desire, but it's definitely not anywhere out of the realm of possibility.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2014
Chicago, Illinois
I'm getting pretty tired of people confusing relevance and recency. Yes, believe it or not, the main antagonist of the Donkey Kong Country series is still relevant.

Edit: Sorry, that was really rudely worded, but I stand by the point.
The last time he was a main antagonist was in King of Swing and Jungle Climber, two handheld games people barely remember. His last appearance was in a Mario baseball game and hasn't been mentioned at all since DK's big revival. That doesn't sound relevant to me. Maybe I'll be wrong, we got less than a month to see.

Pretty reasonable, though i think we will also have Lucas back and maybe Dark Pit included, making 50 + Miis
I was going for a more conservative approach. People's rosters, in my opinion, are starting to get a little too over zealous, so I'm trying to reel it back. For some reason I feel like at least one veteran will get cut due to time constraints, similar to Mewtwo and Roy. Lucas seems the most likely. Though if that were the case I'd consider him likely as dlc along with Mewtwo and Dixie Kong.
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Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
The last time he was a main antagonist was in King of Swing and Jungle Climber, two handheld games people barely remember. His last appearance was in a Mario baseball game and hasn't been mentioned at all since DK's big revival. That doesn't sound relevant to me. Maybe I'll be wrong, we got less than a month to see.
This is where you're confusing relevance with recency. Has he been in any recent games? No, so he doesn't have recency on his side. But he is still the main antagonist of the Donkey Kong franchise as a whole, and he's been the main antagonist more times than not. Ganondorf gets thrown to the side for new antagonists all the time, but that doesn't make him irrelevant. Hell, his last appearance was in Twilight Princess, all the way back in 2006*. Sure he's a veteran, but the idea is the same.

*Not counting WWHD, a remake, or Hyrule Warriors, which only just came out.


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
Sorry to butt in the topic, but K.Rool is to :4dk: like :4bowser: is to :4mario:. Same with kremlings being the koopa army. They;re heavily similar, which was why K. rool appearing in Sm4sh seemed like a legit idea, without regarding his MIA from games.


Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014
While i agree that going past 55 character is indeed getting a little trigger happy, i think 50 +Miis is a pretty reasonable approach.
This what i think it could look like at worst (in my opinion):

A here's how i think the starter- unlockables would be:
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