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Character Discussion Thread

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True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
The entire concept of customised moves ended up as a waste of development time considering you won't be able to use them online in order to customise your strategies in high-level online play. The concept could have been used to at least make a meaningful innovation to gameplay like the additional Special Moves that were introduced in Melee, but considering that you can't even use them in for Glory Mode.

We need Ephraim and Hector to complete Fire Emblem's weapon triangle.
Okay. Cool.:p

Is it weird that every time I imagine a Blaziken moveset, I think Captain Falcon clone?
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Smash Lord
Feb 17, 2014
Switch FC
So Paletuna's Default Moveset is

^ Teleport

- Auto Aim

> Reflect Barrier

v Counter


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
It's not that, at all actually.

I said that because he probably wasn't considered at the time.

I know Mewtwo has been incredibly popular in all of his years of existence, but the key thing to remember is that his popularity only became so extreme after we saw his mega, in 2013. That's why I think he'd be DLC, if it's actually true. Maybe he missed his chance in the initial roster, and the option of DLC is what will bring him back, and maybe what Sakurai was considering.
I'm sure Gamefreak informed Sakurai about the big things they were doing with Mewtwo, so being given all that information probably gave him more reason to add him. With Greninja it was a shot in the dark guessing he would be popular, with Mewtwo Sakurai already knew he was popular and he probably figured he'd only become more popular when his movie and mega evolutions get revealed.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2014
Davis, California
Switch FC
Mario having an Ice ball or the Tanooki Suit is "unreasonable?" Excuse me for recognizing his other potential power-ups that could easily be implemented into Smash.
I apologize for this, but you have to admit that these power-ups are not as iconic as, say the Fire Flower or Starman right?

Some power-ups are becoming a series stable and are iconic. Is F.L.U.D.D REALLY that crucial? Is the Cape REALLY that crucial? A character with so many power-ups, customization seems like a prefect way to implement them.

As recognizable as Mario is, I doubt he'd have to do much "research" to see what is popular and iconic to Mario's arsenal of power-ups. I agree, he would be most familiar with the characters he created, however, this isn't Super Kirby Icarus Bros.
Considering a huge portion of his power-ups are items, I actually retract my statement. However, these power-ups do not have to be attributed to Mario. Both Mario and Luigi have access to the power-ups and the rather show the series as a whole than define Mario as a character. I think his Cape Fireball and,to a less extent FLUDD, show Mario through the ages. From his days shooting Fireballs, to his days flying with capes (even though its implementation surprises me), to his days cleaning up paint which a high pressured hose, it shows Mario through the ages.

I personally think the way Sakurai is showing powerups, through items, is more enjoyable, as you see Marth in a Tanuki Tail or see a Metal Kirby rather than shoving eight of the power-ups into Mario.

My problem with your statement is how you are blaming Palutena for having twelve different custom moves instead of Mario. I swear the Palutena hate on Smashboards is laughable; we get a completely unique staff user and people complain because it's for Kid Icarus and not Mario or Mega Man.


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2014
Croft Manor
The entire concept of customised moves ended up as a waste of development time considering you won't be able to use them online in order to customise your strategies in high-level online play. The concept could have been used to at least make a meaningful innovation to gameplay like the additional Special Moves that were introduced in Melee, but considering that you can't even use them in for Glory Mode.

Okay. Cool.:p

Not really, it was made for Palutena and the miis. He can't just leave everyone else out and limit it to 2 characters


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2014
I apologize for this, but you have to admit that these power-ups are not as iconic as, say the Fire Flower or Starman right?
Yes I agree, the Fire Flower and Starman are his most iconic power-ups.
My problem with your statement is how you are blaming Palutena for having twelve different custom moves instead of Mario. I swear the Palutena hate on Smashboards is laughable; we get a completely unique staff user and people complain because it's for Kid Icarus and not Mario or Mega Man.
I don't have a problem with Palutena or her 12 unique special moveset. I'm not really blaming her either. And Palutena doesn't receive that much hate. She was one of the most wanted and expected characters, I personally do not see that much hate towards her. It's not her fault that Mario doesn't have 12 unique customization options.

Anyway, I don't think it's too fair that only a couple of characters received a drastic amount of customization while there are a couple of other characters on the roster who could have the same treatment. Mario being one of them. Some problems may occur due to the fact that Palutena was, like you stated, already unique and no other character other than the Mii's received this treatment.
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Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2010
I apologize for this, but you have to admit that these power-ups are not as iconic as, say the Fire Flower or Starman right?

Considering a huge portion of his power-ups are items, I actually retract my statement. However, these power-ups do not have to be attributed to Mario. Both Mario and Luigi have access to the power-ups and the rather show the series as a whole than define Mario as a character. I think his Cape Fireball and,to a less extent FLUDD, show Mario through the ages. From his days shooting Fireballs, to his days flying with capes (even though its implementation surprises me), to his days cleaning up paint which a high pressured hose, it shows Mario through the ages.

I personally think the way Sakurai is showing powerups, through items, is more enjoyable, as you see Marth in a Tanuki Tail or see a Metal Kirby rather than shoving eight of the power-ups into Mario.

My problem with your statement is how you are blaming Palutena for having twelve different custom moves instead of Mario. I swear the Palutena hate on Smashboards is laughable; we get a completely unique staff user and people complain because it's for Kid Icarus and not Mario or Mega Man.
As perhaps the most ardent Platutena hater on this board, I can say that we (I) dont hate her because she got 12 specials over anyone else, its because she got 12 at all and that's her gimmick. A limited exposure, shallow gimmick.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2014
Davis, California
Switch FC
As perhaps the most ardent Platutena hater on this board, I can say that we (I) dont hate her because she got 12 specials over anyone else, its because she got 12 at all and that's her gimmick. A limited exposure, shallow gimmick.
:popo: :gw: :pt: :4littlemac: :4robinm: Surely you hate these characters for their limited exposure and/or shallow gimmick right?


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
My problem with your statement is how you are blaming Palutena for having twelve different custom moves instead of Mario. I swear the Palutena hate on Smashboards is laughable; we get a completely unique staff user and people complain because it's for Kid Icarus and not Mario or Mega Man.
As a Mario fan, I don't think I've once heard anyone advocating a staff user from the Mario series. Are you counting Bowser Jr's paintbrush as a staff or randomly targeting the Mario franchise because it's the flagship series to ridicule the hate on Palutena?


Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2010
:popo: :gw: :pt: :4littlemac: :4robinm: Surely you hate these characters for their limited exposure and/or shallow gimmick right?
I meant exposure being how much the gimmick actually gets used. I mean you can only have 4 specials equipped at a time, while 4 of the other 5 characters you mentioned's entire playstyle revolves around their gimmick. There's aren't shallow. I don't really see Game and Watch as having a gimmick other than being a goon, he has a pretty standard moveset.

IC's are linked, insperable, and rebvlves around managing the two well
Trainer had the switch and stamina mechanic, which while essentially a gamestyle change, it was also easy to implement and didn't take the amount of time to develop as 6 extra specials.

Mac is ground based with bad aerials, literally the least shallow gimmick as it dictates his entire playstyle

Robin, limited use items, presumably a major factor in how you play as him.

Plat is "I can use this special or this one. I choose this one. Now I'll play exactly the same excpet I have one-three different movers" Her gimmick was a waste of development time that doesn't have nearly the same impact on playstyle as the other deeper gimmicks.

Deleted member

So Paletuna's Default Moveset is

^ Teleport

- Auto Aim

> Reflect Barrier

v Counter
And judging by how Teleport was described, it sounds just like Mewtwo's.
...either Mewtwo and Pale Tuna are going to share the same up special or Mewtwo has a new one.

Sonic Poke

Smash Lord
May 14, 2011
Sao Paulo, Brazil
And judging by how Teleport was described, it sounds just like Mewtwo's.
...either Mewtwo and Pale Tuna are going to share the same up special or Mewtwo has a new one.
It's not a reason too change Mewtwo's set. Look at this list:
Lucina, Marth, Ike, Lil' Mac, Palutena, Lucario, Greninja, Mii Sword fighter, Peach.
What does these characters have in common?
A counter attack.

Deleted member

It's not a reason too change Mewtwo's set. Look at this list:
Lucina, Marth, Ike, Lil' Mac, Palutena, Lucario, Greninja, Mii Sword fighter, Peach.
What does these characters have in common?
A counter attack.
Each with their own properties. Palutena's Warp and Mewtwo's Teleport on the other hand have the same exact evasive/movement function with no damaging properties.

Sonic Poke

Smash Lord
May 14, 2011
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Each with their own properties. Palutena's Warp and Mewtwo's Teleport on the other hand have the same exact evasive/movement function with no damaging properties.
Nah, the first five plus Mii are basically the same, just with differences in how much damage or knockback it lands. But functionally the same.
The difference between Palutena's or Mewtwo's teleports can be the distance of travel.
But I'd like to get a Mewtwo with a teleport that works twice. It would improve a lot his recovery.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2014
Davis, California
Switch FC
As a Mario fan, I don't think I've once heard anyone advocating a staff user from the Mario series. Are you counting Bowser Jr's paintbrush as a staff or randomly targeting the Mario franchise because it's the flagship series to ridicule the hate on Palutena?
I meant the twelve custom movesets, not being a staff user.

@ ElPanandero ElPanandero These custom movesets define her as a slow character with a lot to work with. It's the percent balance or poor attributes but a lot of different tools and options. Each custom move can drastically alter both her options and how she handles other characters. For example, her counter and reflect barrier can help discourage camping or approaching, her lightweight can help her approach herself, her different recoveries can either boost her recovery, allow her to move on the ground or be used as a offensive option. This makes her an extremely unique character, and calling her a waste of development time is a whole bunch of :salt: :salt: :salt:.
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Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2010
I meant the twelve custom movesets, not being a staff user.

@ ElPanandero ElPanandero These custom movesets define her as a slow character with a lot to work with. It's the percent balance or poor attributes but a lot of different tools and options. Each custom move can drastically alter both her options and how she handles other characters. For example, her counter and reflect barrier can help discourage camping or approaching, her lightweight can help her approach herself, her different recoveries can either boost her recovery, allow her to move on the ground or be used as a offensive option. This makes her an extremely unique character, and calling her a waste of development time is a whole bunch of :salt: :salt: :salt:.
I don't doubt that the she has a playstyle, everyone does, and each of the moves has an effect and a use, but they're not a cohesive build like the rest. You can only choose 4 even if they are ridiculously unique (which I also doubt) they can only be used in x combinations. Her playstyle in game is not as unique as the time it took to develop, she has an average character style with a long long list of moves you can mix and match, and make for slight variations in her average playstyle.

And I wasn't calling her a waste of development time, just her extraneous unnecessary moves.
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mark welford

Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2014
Decatur, IL
One question that should be asked is what happens when smash is over do the characters go back to their respective universes? Do the smash world uncollide? Guess we will never know


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
One question that should be asked is what happens when smash is over do the characters go back to their respective universes? Do the smash world uncollide? Guess we will never know
In the case of Dark Pit, he was born in the darkness... erhm, Smash. After that, he quite clearly "returned" to Kid Icarus as a result. So I suppose the correct answer is: they do indeed go back to their respective universes.

Meets Fox meets Pikachu.
Meets Dark Pit.


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2014
In the case of Dark Pit, he was born in the darkness... erhm, Smash. After that, he quite clearly "returned" to Kid Icarus as a result. So I suppose the correct answer is: they do indeed go back to their respective universes.

Meets Dark Pit.
You're really going to keep this Dark Pit thing going until the roster is revealed, aren't you?


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
You're really going to keep this Dark Pit thing going until the roster is revealed, aren't you?
I solemnly swear that once Dark Pit is revealed, I will cease this "Dark Pit thangz." However, it appears that that may not happen until the roster is revealed. In that event, I suppose you are correct.


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2014
Croft Manor
One question that should be asked is what happens when smash is over do the characters go back to their respective universes? Do the smash world uncollide? Guess we will never know
Maybe all the nintendo worlds are actually one universe, Samus and fox just got back in their ships and fly off, mario and link go back to hyrule and the mushroom kingdom, DK goes back to DK island, The pokemon characters go back to their planet and so does kirby etc
Aug 5, 2014
So, people. Is there any chance there will be a Direct this month, either general or Smash based?
A general Direct is very likely, considering they're usually a couple months apart from each other. April was kind of a special month because they had three specific Directs, but it's almost always followed the same pattern, so I'd say we'll have one.

On the other hand, I think we'll have a Smash Direct before it launches in Japan, but I'm not sure when. It could be this month or it could be the first week of September.
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