Wooo! I was right... I guess...? Since this isn't just an outlier, but this blows a
shotgun blast right through Gematsu's heart!
Annnnnd that possibility actually happened, and I'm both giddy as all hell (grabbing that popcorn, I need to read this thread responses after I'm done this post) and somewhat salty (which I will get into later).
Sal Romano, as someone who thought your leak was likely, you ****ed up
hard. Doesn't matter if you had legit info, you are no longer trustworthy. Missing Shulk reveal and Chrom is a pretty damning. I guess this is a lesson for leakers to keep their mouths shut and never give specific dates.
And Thank God that Robin is in here. Robin may have been overrated, but I always felt he/she was the ideal choice since he not only had the most potential but also the character that could finally showcase besides Fire Emblem sword users. So glad he has magic! Sakurai, you did good here, and I must give credit. He may actually be "unique!"
Now, time for me to equip my Gravity Suit. Time to be the debbie downer. Come at me with the flames.
After months and months of people shouting "but every character is going to be unique! You'll learn to love them!!!", I'm starting to get a bit frustrated. I must give credit where credit is due: Megaman, Rosalina (even though I disagree with her inclusion), and Little Mac seem to offer more variety in playstyles of Smash bros.
But then there's Wii Fit Trainer, Miis, and Palutena, whom all make me hella salty. "But they'll be unique!" they said. Yet all I see is either derivative movesets slapped on a character without rhyme or reason, or a bland playstyle who's only existence is just to squeeze in some "lol Yoga jokes" (man, I remember the days when I used to defend WFT. Those were simpler times).
And now Lucina. Goddammit Lucina. If you were going to go through all that trouble just make a clone of Marth, you might of well have just brought Roy back. It's bad when I first saw her I was like "wow, maybe Chrom supporters were right: he may have had more to work with as a fighter." Yeah, didn't think the day would come when I would be salty that
Chrom got shafted (potentially) for
Lucina. Thank God for Robin and Falcon to disperse my anger (In

We Trust). Remember when Sakurai said that he was looking at characters whom would bring something new to the table? Yeah, I remember as well.
Sorry, but I really hope Lucina has more to her besides "Muh Femalez". Otherwise, she seems to be a waste. Project M Roy looks to be more unique then her

(My salt is so real right now)
Now, time to read the forums. This should be good.