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Official Character Competitive Impressions - Tourneys, Tiers, Theories, Tactics

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Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2015
Somewhere in Mexico
The balancing team seems more concentrated in helping low tiers and mid tiers that nerfing the top tiers, and they want to make the chances slowly and steady as they can, i think the reason are because of the sheer number of characters, they still need to test the dlc characters, stages, and i think the most important is that they not want to alienate the competitive scene(the top players like zero, nairo, dabuz,larrylur, etc) and that the characters develop their metagame, so i don't expect nerf to these 2 well not before they address all of the low and mid-low character, remember sakurai has a schedule and he likes to have control of the changes in the game, weil this is my opinion of course.

Sleek Media

Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2006
I appreciate the effort put into this post, but...what? On what planet does a Shiek throw needles so close you can land a uTilt??? Even an item tossed MB shouldn't reach her if she's on the right half of the stage, and even if it could, you don't have the frames to react and throw it. The math doesn't add up. I'll prove it:

http://www.humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime has the #1 position on the leaderboard at 110ms, or just under 7 frames. The median is double that. That is for watching a box change color, not identifying an animation, which obviously takes many more frames. Even if you have exceptional reaction time, you aren't "reacting" to any of her stuff. She literally has her fAir out before your brain can process it, much less react and put out a bAir or whatever.

For everything else, I don't see how that translates into anything positive for Mega Man. Stay outside of the range of needles? Sure...and do what to attack Shiek when she is on the other side of FD? Reset more than reverse out of a combo? You don't have a choice - she decides when the combo ends, not Mega. The only control you get is whether or not she baits you into airdodging into Vanish. Control the ground with pellets, MB, and grab? Again, have you actually played a Shiek before? I'm gonna need video proof because that's just ridiculous. She swats pellets and MB, and her grab beats ours. It's not like the pellets at least cancel out her attacks or whatever, she will just fAir/nAir as though you did nothing (except put yourself in 30 frames of endlag you can move but not attack or shield out of). Don't get grabbed?!?!? That is not advice! All you did in that huge post was explain the most basic needle play possible, and put up all these crazy scenarios where Shiek has 0 spacing and Mega Man gets free punishes. That isn't how the MU works.

I've heard that the RosaLuma v. Ness matchup isn't as bad as people make it out to be but I don't see it when Dabuz swiftly 2-0s every Ness he encounters.

side note: Pac is an atrocious commentator. My ears hurt. I want RC back, dude was cool.
To be fair, when I see one of these Ness players lose bad, they are doing stupid stuff like burning their double jump onstage near the edge in neutral, or immediately during recovery. Ness really can put a hurting on Rosa and Luma, but there's no room for being careless, and frankly, Ness encourages careless play. Personally, I would at least switch to Lucas for the MU, but I guess they have their reasons.
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Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2015
Could anyone give me a list of the brawler/gunner/swordfighter type things, which the gunner/brawler, brawler/swordfighter, and swordfighter/gunner (And anything else that is two) so that I know? I tryed to search it up, but it only shows mii crap.


Smash Lord
Mar 9, 2015
Could anyone give me a list of the brawler/gunner/swordfighter type things, which the gunner/brawler, brawler/swordfighter, and swordfighter/gunner (And anything else that is two) so that I know? I tryed to search it up, but it only shows mii crap.
You mean like character archetypes? I found this picture.


Smash Master
Jan 26, 2008
Baton Rouge, LA
People have said this since release and honestly I have my doubts, it's been a year and I still see top/high level players getting bopped by Rosalina it's also a pretty common matchup in tournaments, lack of knowledge seem doubtful.
It's not just matchup inexperience, obviously, but Rosalina punishes a lack of experience more harshly than the vast majority of the cast. I'd honestly say Pac-Man is the only real contender in this specific regard. Luma is just that unique.

Combine that with her relative lack of players (AFAIK), and it's not too hard to imagine how some people just don't know the best way to fight her. Although Dabuz putting her in the spotlight helps.

I've heard that the RosaLuma v. Ness matchup isn't as bad as people make it out to be but I don't see it when Dabuz swiftly 2-0s every Ness he encounters.

side note: Pac is an atrocious commentator. My ears hurt. I want RC back, dude was cool.
It's mostly down to the fact that Rosalina's main advantage is being able to wreck Ness's recovery move with little effort. As long as both parties are onstage, they can make life quite annoying for each other.

I would like to see how non-Dabuz Rosalina players tend to do against Ness.


Smash Champion
May 28, 2014
Middletown, Ohio
Not even the Project M dev team could make Bowser viable. And this is the game that, when it's not pandering to fanbases, strives to make every character as viable as possible in 1v1s.
They made Donkey kong, dedede, snake and Ganondorf viable. They made Zard viable too. Snake was viable in brawl. DK is viable in 64. One vastly important thing that makes these heavies viable are their normals. Naturally, the bigger you are in fighting games, the more space you'll cover and the more damage you'll do.however, your moves are never slow and you'll be able to convert single pokes into damaging combos. In smash, that's kinda not the case except for some special cases like snake whose normals were flat out ridiculous and could zone his butt off. He also had no problems killing too. Really, it just takes the right combo to make heavies viable, or any archetype for that matter.


Smash Lord
Nov 3, 2014
To be fair, when I see one of these Ness players lose bad, they are doing stupid stuff like burning their double jump onstage near the edge in neutral, or immediately during recovery. Ness really can put a hurting on Rosa and Luma, but there's no room for being careless, and frankly, Ness encourages careless play. Personally, I would at least switch to Lucas for the MU, but I guess they have their reasons.
How does Ness encourage careless play?


Too Drunk to Smash
Aug 11, 2006
NH, Discord: SB#6077
Switch FC
SW 5369-1969-6280
Do you guys think that being the first official Smash bros game that has semi-bi-weekly whatever patches (I've lost count) it's affected character meta in a way that someone would complain/ask for nerfs/buffs instead of looking at tools that their character inherently has and optimizing them?
Yes and no.

Some people give up and/or wait for buffs. Others lab the **** out of their character of choice no matter how hopeless it seems.

The Bowser forums have a dedicated crew who were maining Bowser long before the shell shock was added to the game. Every character seems to have this dedicated core and they're no doubt trying to roll the meta forward.

As I've said in the past, though, the real issue is that we've become very, VERY good at figuring out a character's potential and exploiting the piss out of it quickly. It's kind of been perfected at this point.

I don't think we're ever going to find another "melee Marth" hiding in the roster of SSB4...

Sleek Media

Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2006
How does Ness encourage careless play?
Ness isn't exactly a character that requires lots of precision. He has big, meaty hitboxes, and there isn't a lot of technique to landing a bThrow. In many MUs, some of his aerials (usually uAir) can be made safe on shield, and because of its power, many people are afraid to challenge it. Fair is a similarly safe way to wall some characters. I believe that people get a little "spoiled" by the reliability of these moves against 99% of players, so they aren't prepared to adapt when they run into that 1% who has the means and ability to punish them for just putting hitboxes out. I could be wrong, but I've caught many Ness' going on autopilot and getting punished hard for it.
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The Free-est
Nov 28, 2005
College Park, MD
How does Ness encourage careless play?
He has a poor neutral but is very difficult to extend a lead on due to his aerials and ridiculous airdodge. So he fails an approach, gets smacked, and there's hella reads that need to be made to punish his landing unless you can cover them all. (Needles, Spindash, Luma Stuff)

With rage never screwing up any kind of kill confirm for him because bthrow and uair just kill raw... If the opponent makes the wrong reads he can just win off that.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
You mean like character archetypes? I found this picture.
I made a list like this a LONG time ago. It sparked some discussion, though it was criticized for "oversimplifying" characters.

Yes, and Pac-Man is in BRAWLER. Not even the gunner-brawler, which actually could make sense (maybe), but BRAWLER
Other things that bug me about that chart:

First of all there's a bit too much emphasis on the "sword" part of swordfighter. Just because a character doesn't use one doesn't mean they don't fight in a similar manner to one. Like Rosalina, Mr. Game & Watch or King Dedede.

Also it's kind of silly that it tries to put yet-to-be released characters on it. Currently, the only characters that really fit as a Brawler/Swordfighter are Meta Knight and maybe Roy.

Mario should either move to pure Brawler with Doc, or vice-versa (especially if considering customs).

Samus should be in Brawler/Gunner, and Mewtwo in Swordfighter/Gunner.


Aug 26, 2007
Madison, WI
DK Will just firmly beat Ally, despite Ally taking the second game with his usual excellent play.

We pretty much have to talk about it whenever the best player of a top character is upset.

Das Koopa

Smash Master
Writing Team
Jun 13, 2014
So, DKwill just 2-1'd Ally to get into Top 8 at Dismantle 2. I really do think that DK is a legit viable threat.

To expand (:yeahboi:) further, this is a perceived mid-tier with arguable viability beating out a top 10 character piloted by a Top 5-ish player. Not sure if DK just has an advantageous matchup, but he didn't git a bunch of Ding Dong combos off or anything and Ally's been in top form today.
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Aug 26, 2007
Madison, WI
The commentator (Lord Strum) mentioned that DK Will told him he thinks the DK match-up is 6:4 against Mario. Now he's up against Dabuz!

Edit: And Dabuz wins Misadventures in DK Disadvantage 2-0.
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Das Koopa

Smash Master
Writing Team
Jun 13, 2014
Top 8 character spread:

Nairo :4zss:
Vinnie :4sheik:
DKwill :4dk:
Ned :4zss:
Ally :4mario:
Zinoto :4diddy:
MJG :4villager:

Nairo used Robin in doubles and if it weren't for him teamkilling MVD and suiciding a lot it might've worked out, because demolished RosaLuma a lot with it.
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Locke 06

Sayonara, bye bye~
Oct 2, 2014
Grad School
Even an item tossed MB shouldn't reach her if she's on the right half of the stage, and even if it could, you don't have the frames to react and throw it. The math doesn't add up. I'll prove it:

http://www.humanbenchmark.com/tests/reactiontime has the #1 position on the leaderboard at 110ms, or just under 7 frames. The median is double that. That is for watching a box change color, not identifying an animation, which obviously takes many more frames. Even if you have exceptional reaction time, you aren't "reacting" to any of her stuff. She literally has her fAir out before your brain can process it, much less react and put out a bAir or whatever.
You don't react to moves. You react to positioning and timing. Sheik's FAir could be f13 for all I care, she's still using to SHFF land and combo into grab/whatever. It's still the same arc of a jump that's ~20 frames? Your thinking of what I'm reacting to is incredibly incredibly flawed.

Using that logic, Megaman literally has his BAir out before the Sheik player's brain can process it, much less react and airdodge or whatever. Megaman can FAir too and nobody can react to it! :/ You're looking at frame data and throwing out numbers, but you don't understand them. Good job. Sorry to be condescending, but that was a really really dumb point and shows you don't understand smash at all. Yes, you should feel bad.

For everything else, I don't see how that translates into anything positive for Mega Man. Stay outside of the range of needles? Sure...and do what to attack Shiek when she is on the other side of FD? Reset more than reverse out of a combo? You don't have a choice - she decides when the combo ends, not Mega. The only control you get is whether or not she baits you into airdodging into Vanish. Control the ground with pellets, MB, and grab? Again, have you actually played a Shiek before? I'm gonna need video proof because that's just ridiculous. She swats pellets and MB, and her grab beats ours. It's not like the pellets at least cancel out her attacks or whatever, she will just fAir/nAir as though you did nothing (except put yourself in 30 frames of endlag you can move but not attack or shield out of). Don't get grabbed?!?!? That is not advice! All you did in that huge post was explain the most basic needle play possible, and put up all these crazy scenarios where Shiek has 0 spacing and Mega Man gets free punishes. That isn't how the MU works.
You're upset about my incredibly simplistic rules? That's because everything else is built on top of those rules.

- You're not staying outside the range of needles, that's either a platform or literally full stage. Your goal is to be inside the range where you can react to needles. SEE NEEDLES
- Maybe I should've put "strung" instead of "combo'd." There are many times when Sheik has put you in a situation where you have to land. If you watch me vs Cacogen, I end up trying to FAir out of a string to get him off me, instead of landing and resetting. Shield>continue being strung>more damage. Finding ways to reset and alleviate pressure are often much better options, despite not seeming like them.
- In order to swat pellets and MB, she has to jump. She has left the ground. You have accomplished your mission as long as you didn't let her jump freely or in a range where she can hurt you.
- Her grab beating ours? What does that even mean. It'd be one thing if Megaman had a slow grab, but he doesn't. What does grab vs grab even look like?
- Don't get grabbed is advice. I'm not scared of her jab combo'ing me, in that situation, I'll take that. But I don't want to get grabbed. It's like "don't go offstage vs Villager as Cloud." I'll gladly get juggled. Whether you realize this or not, this is probably what goes through your head.

Everything is built on those rules. That is my game plan.

I broke down the most simple needle play, because that's literally all needle camping is. That's it. There's no dynamic timing, it's not Falco lasers which can be used aerially (to go horizontally), that's all there is to it. It's not a complex move that can lead into 5 different things based on whether you hit sourspot or sweetspot or late hit or early hit... it's just a needle, and the fact that you think there's more to needle camping than what I literally just put, means you haven't broken it down yourself.

I react to grounded needles. You HAVE to. And you probably do. If you're thinking I throw a MB in a twitch response to a fully charged needle storm or uncharged needle storm (Mega's item toss is f11 btw), you're wrong. An item MB discourages needles because it will trade at the right range. I can bait needles by playing with that range, and he can bait item MB with playing with that range, but that's no longer the matchup and that's a me vs my opponent, not Megaman vs Sheik.

On what planet does a Sheik throw needles so close to me I can land a utilt? When they are running away to b-reverse needles and I pursue. NWM: Dropzone top 16 match vs Shinkou's Sheik on omega Wily first stock. Look it up on Breadnbuttergaming's twitch vod if you really want to. You're not going to, but I don't care. It's not the first time that's happened either. B-reverse paralyzer with ZSS and is a similar idea and happens a lot when Disorient goes on autopilot.

When Sheik (or anyone) in full run away from you, she doesn't have a whole lot of options. Jump, shield, skid, dash attack (no), turnaround special (not neutral B), and b-reverse special.

When sheik b-reverse needles, she reverses her runspeed momentum towards you. It's basically a dash attack in your direction. So, you pursue at the range where you can react to those options. AND THEN THEY DO IT. AND THEN IT'S BEAUTIFUL. Because that's Smash. They wanted the space to do something, and I denied it. They did it anyway, and I punished them for it and they died.

Spacing. Is. A. 2. Person. Interaction.

Sorry for interrupting the more interesting discussion of DK v Mario/the tournament.
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Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
So how does DK get off the ledge against Rosa?

Because that was gross
With blood, sweat and tears.

No but seriously, my brother is a very strong DK (significantly better at the game than I am, just not big into theory or discussion), and edgeguarding is one of the few times I really feel safe against him. I think Man Li Gi Man Li Gi has commented on DK's getup options being among his weakest traits.

Das Koopa

Smash Master
Writing Team
Jun 13, 2014
MJG's apparently using Villager. Corrected in my above post. So we're also getting a another Villager top, interesting.

Vinnie got destroyed by Ally 0-2. Deserved it for the poor sportsmanship, imo.

DKwill beats MJG 2-1.
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The Free-est
Nov 28, 2005
College Park, MD
DK Will just firmly beat Ally, despite Ally taking the second game with his usual excellent play.

We pretty much have to talk about it whenever the best player of a top character is upset.
DKWill beat Ally before though. I believe pre-patch, too.

It's clearly not a good MU for mario though since he needs to go for reads as low as 10% for combos, and DK's inherent design is supposed to be "get comboed, but..."

But, then again there isn't a mario anywhere near as optimized as DKwill's DK (Zenyou maybe. Anti and Ally barely play this game) So it could be different, as things are though I'll trust his opinion on it.

Sleek Media

Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2006
User was warned for this post
Average Joe has given me tons of trouble. DK is scary, especially with rage.
You don't react to moves. You react to positioning and timing. Sheik's FAir could be f13 for all I care, she's still using to SHFF land and combo into grab/whatever. It's still the same arc of a jump that's ~20 frames? Your thinking of what I'm reacting to is incredibly incredibly flawed.

Using that logic, Megaman literally has his BAir out before the Sheik player's brain can process it, much less react and airdodge or whatever. Megaman can FAir too and nobody can react to it! :/ You're looking at frame data and throwing out numbers, but you don't understand them. Good job. Sorry to be condescending, but that was a really really dumb point and shows you don't understand smash at all. Yes, you should feel bad.

You're upset about my incredibly simplistic rules? That's because everything else is built on top of those rules.

- You're not staying outside the range of needles, that's either a platform or literally full stage. Your goal is to be inside the range where you can react to needles. SEE NEEDLES
- Maybe I should've put "strung" instead of "combo'd." There are many times when Sheik has put you in a situation where you have to land. If you watch me vs Cacogen, I end up trying to FAir out of a string to get him off me, instead of landing and resetting. Shield>continue being strung>more damage. Finding ways to reset and alleviate pressure are often much better options, despite not seeming like them.
- In order to swat pellets and MB, she has to jump. She has left the ground. You have accomplished your mission as long as you didn't let her jump freely or in a range where she can hurt you.
- Her grab beating ours? What does that even mean. It'd be one thing if Megaman had a slow grab, but he doesn't. What does grab vs grab even look like?
- Don't get grabbed is advice. I'm not scared of her jab combo'ing me, in that situation, I'll take that. But I don't want to get grabbed. It's like "don't go offstage vs Villager as Cloud." I'll gladly get juggled. Whether you realize this or not, this is probably what goes through your head.

Everything is built on those rules. That is my game plan.

I broke down the most simple needle play, because that's literally all needle camping is. That's it. There's no dynamic timing, it's not Falco lasers which can be used aerially (to go horizontally), that's all there is to it. It's not a complex move that can lead into 5 different things based on whether you hit sourspot or sweetspot or late hit or early hit... it's just a needle, and the fact that you think there's more to needle camping than what I literally just put, means you haven't broken it down yourself.

I react to grounded needles. You HAVE to. And you probably do. If you're thinking I throw a MB in a twitch response to a fully charged needle storm or uncharged needle storm (Mega's item toss is f11 btw), you're wrong. An item MB discourages needles because it will trade at the right range. I can bait needles by playing with that range, and he can bait item MB with playing with that range, but that's no longer the matchup and that's a me vs my opponent, not Megaman vs Sheik.

On what planet does a Sheik throw needles so close to me I can land a utilt? When they are running away to b-reverse needles and I pursue. NWM: Dropzone top 16 match vs Shinkou's Sheik on omega Wily first stock. Look it up on Breadnbuttergaming's twitch vod if you really want to. You're not going to, but I don't care. It's not the first time that's happened either. B-reverse paralyzer with ZSS and is a similar idea and happens a lot when Disorient goes on autopilot.

When Sheik (or anyone) in full run away from you, she doesn't have a whole lot of options. Jump, shield, skid, dash attack (no), turnaround special (not neutral B), and b-reverse special.

When sheik b-reverse needles, she reverses her runspeed momentum towards you. It's basically a dash attack in your direction. So, you pursue at the range where you can react to those options. AND THEN THEY DO IT. AND THEN IT'S BEAUTIFUL. Because that's Smash. They wanted the space to do something, and I denied it. They did it anyway, and I punished them for it and they died.

Spacing. Is. A. 2. Person. Interaction.

Sorry for interrupting the more interesting discussion of DK v Mario/the tournament.
It's remarkable how little you can say in such a long post. You post dumb best-case scenario theorycraft that doesn't work and nothing else. You don't even know how to embed quotes. The only thing you are good at is refuting the obvious and making long winded nonsensical retorts in an effort to appear smarter than you are, since apparently you have no footage to backup your claims. I will waste no more time on you. You are everything that is wrong with smashboards.

Das Koopa

Smash Master
Writing Team
Jun 13, 2014
Dabuz beating Nairo.... Is that an upset? Has that actually happened before? There was a lot of hype for Dark pit but he got bopped pretty hard.
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Smash Ace
Oct 11, 2014
Guess Dabuz won cuz Nairo, like everyone else, just doesn't know how to fight Rosa yet. :roll:

Das Koopa

Smash Master
Writing Team
Jun 13, 2014
Guess Dabuz won cuz Nairo, like everyone else, just doesn't know how to fight Rosa yet. :roll:
In fairness (not to JohnCity...) but Nairo hasn't been on point today at all imo.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 17, 2015
Props to Dabuz for finally beating Nairo.

Sleek Media Sleek Media Chill dude, if you can't have discussion without recurring to insults stop posting.


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2016
The Empire
Dabuz beating Nairo.... Is that an upset? Has that actually happened before? There was a lot of hype for Dark pit but he got bopped pretty hard.
Dabuz beats nairo.

The mental block is gone!
Guess Dabuz won cuz Nairo, like everyone else, just doesn't know how to fight Rosa yet. :roll:
To be fair, he did make the switch to :4darkpit:, not entirely sure why but of course lolNairo

If you don't have any quick get off me/a third jump :rosalina: makes life hell

Sleek Media

Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2006
Props to Dabuz for finally beating Nairo.

Sleek Media Sleek Media Chill dude, if you can't have discussion without recurring to insults stop posting.
Just responding in turn. My tolerance for BS is very low. If you want a circle of hugs, kisses, and misinformation, there's always Reddit.

Dabuz beating Nairo.... Is that an upset? Has that actually happened before? There was a lot of hype for Dark pit but he got bopped pretty hard.
Props to Dabuz for finally beating Nairo.
Is this considered an upset? I'm kind of interested too. Head different opinions about the ZSS vs Rosa MU.
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Das Koopa

Smash Master
Writing Team
Jun 13, 2014
Will pulled a very hard clutch game 2, but Ally won convincingly otherwise. Ally downloaded and started exploiting DK on the ledge.

Sleek Media

Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2006
So...watching Nairo vs Ally. Can someone please tell me how ZSS supposedly has a bad neutral again? Because I'm seeing crazy pressure against Mario, of all characters.

Das Koopa

Smash Master
Writing Team
Jun 13, 2014
Ally pulling out a Shulk and getting swiftly destroyed. Pretty disappointed since he pretty much gave up :/


Pro Hands Catcher
Nov 11, 2014
East Coast
Nairo has always been very good at pressure. Does pressure constitute neutral though? Mario's neutral is not great either.


*Those Who Stand Against Our Path*
Jan 8, 2014
Switching to Shulk was really silly since ZSS is a hard match-up in my experience.

Man Li Gi

Smash Lord
Nov 14, 2013
Will pulled a very hard clutch game 2, but Ally won convincingly otherwise. Ally downloaded and started exploiting DK on the ledge.
DK gets nothing from the ledge ledge shenanigans he was trying to pull over Ally. Dunno what stage Will banned for him to play Mario on FD 3 times on stream, but he lost every single time. If he took Mario to DH instead, DK has the mobility and space to work some magic. Chicago's restrictive 6 stage ruleset really prevented the stage choices ever going in DKs favor.

Wintropy Wintropy
DK has always had ledge options but the removal of regrab invul is the nail in the coffin. Neutral get is slow and leaves you open. Jump is slow. Roll and attack are pitiful. To win against DK, pin him to the ledge and wait. Its sad, but true. If DK had a real approach in either fair or Nair, this ain't an issue. You can say "well he has a punch". If you shield it, DK slides off. Plus its kinda predictable as it was a Brawl tech.

I disagreed with the stage selection choices by both Chicago and Will. If ALLY chose BF, that's curtains for Mario.

Man Li Gi

Smash Lord
Nov 14, 2013
I'm seeing a lot of Nairo's :4zss: jab 1 -->up-B and jab 1-->grab. Is this a real thing?
Jab 1 is a thing at higher percent if they don't DI. It near true for fat boys, but for others, you can fall out. Jab 1 into grab is more a read though as most try pressing shield or neutral aerial. If you jump it's possible to miss the grab.

Das Koopa

Smash Master
Writing Team
Jun 13, 2014
Well, Nairo wins on a trade. Add another :4zss: to the victory book. Villager and DK going top 8 (with DKwill getting 4th) and a Toon Link in the Top 16 are some of the better highlights. Dabuz taking a set was pretty cool too, but... it's less impressive when Nairo answers by winning 2 sets.


Smash Ace
Oct 11, 2014
. Dabuz taking a set was pretty cool too, but... it's less impressive when Nairo answers by winning 2 sets.
I wouldn't sell him short like that, especially when you consider how close the second to last set was (i.e. It wasn't a firm thumping). Dabuz has always struggled with Nairo, and he played really well despite the fact Nairo was totally on point the whole time (because he was). But anyway

Nairo is so amazing at killing Luma. He has kill combos for him and everything. And I second the thing about ZSS' neutral, it doesn't look weak at all unless you're comparing it to Sheik, and then it still doesn't look weak IMO.

I lol'd when Nairo bodied Ally's Shulk. Ally didn't look good enough with Shulk to warrant taking him out against Nairo.
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