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Celebrity Mafia: The Revenge of Elin Nordegren (GAME OVER! Did Elin get her revenge?)


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
Aha this again. Swiss OMGUS = Swiss scum- take out all who oppose. I've seen it many times Swissai, you need some new tricks.

You lying would mean you're scum because lying means you're scum. How many times are we going to have to go through this?

You're saying you had reason when there is nothing to go off of. You just attacked the two easiest players you could: July > Dourin (Actually Dourin is scummy as hell but still.)

The fact that you kept your vote on July for merely a post or two tells me you had no reason and were simply voting. Yet you claim to have had reason in which you refused to tell and now some how magically forgot. What did you post that player list for? You're play is dumb, even if you have a PR. Get in the game or replace out. I don't care about that FB biz. I care about winning, and you being alive, playing the way you are goes against that.

Roxy we are forming a town exclusive voting block. Once we let scum on it, we lose. Who do you think we should invite? rPSI Cello? I'm pretty willing to join Cello and his Nabe campeign, you still against it even with Nabe's scumactivity? Swiss, Nabe, or Dourin imo.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Actually, you're playing like a one dimensional ******. I don't expect you to care about my facebook game (unless you sign up like J and Tan ;D) but I do expect you not to be a ******.

Pseudo content comes when it comes.

How about this for a reason: I voted July BECAUSE she is new. Jesus F Christ you are slow.


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
Actually, you're playing like a one dimensional ******. I don't expect you to care about my facebook game (unless you sign up like J and Tan ;D) but I do expect you not to be a ******.

Pseudo content comes when it comes.

How about this for a reason: I voted July BECAUSE she is new. Jesus F Christ you are slow.
Good. Roxy we are adding Swiss. Swiss, just learn to stop lying fool. Also are you indy?

Unvote; vote: Nabe


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
Yes, you did. Swiss there isn't much to reread. What's taking so long? What do you think of clownbot? I'm 76% certain he is scum, but I was waiting for him to screw up before calling him out.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
@swiss - i actually did last night, that's how I noticed you're skimpy on the info (156) and is why I want Axel to go deeper ointo it. I mean, if you want -me- to, you shoulf answer my question then.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Ebwop: another question, why vote against axel? If hee you got reasons point em out, but right now I can see his reason for concern/vote


Jun 7, 2009
Ahhh... just woke up from a refreshing night of sleep and I'm drinking my Coffee now. Expect stuff from me shortly.


Jun 7, 2009
I don't like Axel's take my hand approach to getting a wagon. Going from pressuring him to "hop aboard" seems silly. Especially how he considers it to be a "town voting block". He himself stated that it is ineffective as soon as scum is on it. To be trying to make a voting block this early on like that states that he has really good town reads. I doubt that.

Can somebody explain the deal about Rockin' to me? I'm a tad confused about what actually happened as I do not frequent DGames. Anyhow, good pressure is good pressure. I believe that right now, Cello and Roxy are town, Roxy leaning towards vanilla, or he would have done something stupid by now.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
The deal with Rockin from Cello's perspective, is how did Rockin know so fast that he wasn't in this game after being put in. He feels that scum must've told him "hey you aren't in this game" which is why he was so quick to know.

Seems silly to be to be honest, hence the call out on it.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
posting from phone, will say more when i can get to a comp

j why is rpsi town and how are you 76% sure im scum if i have yet to slip up. are you doing some sort of process of elimination thing?


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
im also a bit confused by you dropping your alleged suspicion of swiss so suddenly


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
The J side of this hydra has not been posting as of yet due to the fact he has been incredibly sick for the past couple of days. He still won't be posting till he catches up and talks with the other side.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
9_9 i should have figured it was you zen, sorry

answer the questions that were posed plz


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Hey sup gaiz. Pep band johns awww yeeeah!

Lying =/= scum. Just saying, before it gets too far out of hand.

Starting from what I believe to be my latest post (including things that have been already said since I didn't get to contribute)

@ Cello on page 2 (40 ppp) - Going after someone for a reason like that has no meaning at all whatsoever. Were you serious with this vote? Was that a RVS vote? I'm assuming it is.

@ Dourin lynch gaiz on page 3 - Why... He said he agree'd with cello... for his two posts... and he FoS'd Roxy because of it... which really isn't that bad either. >_> I wouldn't paint him as scum over that. >_>

@Cello vs Gerty page 3 - I agree with cello in this case. Nothing he did was game breaking at all in any way. He just voted someone at the beginning of the day. Super-shocked!

@ SephKuz lynch gaiz page 4 - No. It's been ONE irl day, and you're ALREADY going for people that are inactive? You're joking, right? Stop. Just stop. -_-

@ Gerty in general - My only scum read is this guy. The way that he said that Cello's play was gamebreaking over TWO posts, and the way that he said nabe might still be scum even though he's not are both REALLY scummy posts, and I'm honestly willing to lynch him.

Swiss, please explain why you want Dourin Lynched?

Delvro, please explain why you want Dourin Lynched?

Gerty, please explain why you want Sephkuz Lynched?

I feel like that with re-reading through the thread, I still don't fully understand why either of these two people are getting lynched. I feel like I'm missing something because I'm new...

Now on to page 5~

.....How did I miss that on page 4 LOL

I looked at Gerty's post, went back to page 4 to see it, and I noticed that Axel/Roxy are basicly one at this point? That's stupid.

I wouldn't be suprized at all if Axel/Roxy were a scum team.

Why Nabe? -__-.

OMGUS =/= scum. Lying =/= scum.

Town read on swiss. I see his reasonings, and not everyone uses all of their time to post in one game. :p


RPSI, if you can convince us that he's town when you get your read, I'll unvote. Otherwise, until that happens, my vote will be staying on this person.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Glad to see joey posting, too bad I have to go in on it. For ine, breaking the game is going by something no one has control of to figure them as town or mafia. For example, name-claiming is breaking the game depending on the mod. Cello is going by something that can't be proven due to rules, and he can, as long as he wants, use it to pin Nabe as scum, and there's nothing Nabe can do about it and even if he does, it'll result in a modkill. That's stupid, and unfair if nabe's scum, and a ******** mislynch opportunity if nabe's town. Also Joey, while I agree OMGUS does not equal scum, why would town lie to town about anything? In the scenario of a false claim (say you're doc and you claim townie), it makes you unbelievable because you lied when you should be building trust. Now, you say me and axel agree; I'm okay with this, but do me a favor and isoread Swiss, do you think he has content? If you agree, you're in the same boat with me and axel, if you disagree, then show us Swiss' oh so valuable content.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Anyone who thinks I've had content is a ******. Because I haven't. I have stances though, and I'm happy with them. July is town, Cello probably, Delvro town. Axel null-scum. Dourin scum. GERTY null.

@ GERTY - Explain why you use Joey to discredit me. Quote where Joey explicitly stated I had 'content' - he merely agreed with my reasoning that Axel was being a dumb f*** for trying to pressure me when I was skimming the thread/not yet playing.

@ Axel - Explain exactly what you gained from your 'pressure' on me. Explain why, even though you KNOW as a player I regularly skim threads early and add little content other than votes and vague/contradictory statements. Why did you pressure me on what you personally know to be null, and personal whim. Also explain why you're mind numbingly slow in every game we play.

Would lynch any of the aforementioned scummy/useless players.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Tell us your reasonings from Swiss Joey; apparently you know them. And we have a lot of activity and SephKuz is missing it all, we need him here and this will push him whenever he gets prodded. Speaking of whic @mod, please prod inactives


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
@swiss - i can take the hit on that, I read it as joey disagreeing with me, my point was that you had no content, and I want to see some. By disagreeing with me, he indirectly said that you have content; make sense? He bunched two comments that are different, axel wants you dead, i think you have no content, and that axel should dig more into that.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Started with the latest post being 12:52 PM Gerty post. Not including any info from posts after that.

Lol @ Clownbot troll post. Tell me what I'm doing awfully wrong post-game? :p

Oh! Sorry I mis-understood the meaning of game-breaking. Okay yeah, I understand.

I honestly don't see where he lied though...

Sorry, but what's an ISO? lol. Just look through all of his posts?

I'll do that, if it's wrong, then tell me afterwards.

...Lol WOW! He really hasn't posted ANY content. He asked a few questions, and the rest are statements like "Lets vote Dourin gaiz." and "Lets STILL vote Dourin gaiz!"

Swiss how do you feel about whos scum/town right now? Why do you feel this way about them. Why did you tell July to post more content if the only reason you voted her was because she was new, and ALSO right after she posted, posting more than you in this game at the time?

Why did you vote Dourin? He FoS'd Roxy like you said and all(before you even asked), so why did you vote him anyways?

FoS: Swiss

Comments on each of his posts:
80 - Why did you post a list before you voted? What does this show?

81 - Already stated above, but why did you tell her to post in the thread next time she viewed it if she's posted more than you have.

84 - A good question to ask.

87 - Why would you ask this randomly? I don't see the point of it.

89 - Lol Random change much? Explain. :X

96 - I honestly don't understand this question LOL.

102 - You could have gave him the reason why when he asked it... yaknow? >_>

104 - LOL you're dumb :c

109 - Vote changed ONCE again. Gosh, you need to make up your mind sometimes! Why did you vote Dourin before he could answer the questions

111 - Refer to 104.

136 - Refer to 111.

161 - Refer to 136. Also, 4th vote change so far. Why are you voting him?

163 - Why would you refer to a random facebook game when you're trying to defend yourself? It makes you look like you're avoiding the point and trying to slide away safely while everyones looking away.

166 - Refer to 136.

168 - Why would you state that you're going to post it when you feel like it (which gives the town NO IDEA when you're going to post actual content), instead of saying that you're going to post it as soon as possible? I feel like you're just trying to not work with town or those two specific people, which if it's the later of the two, the rest of the town would like you to post any content that you have in mind, please! Thank you~ ^_^! Also, why are you telling him to vote you? It, with the above, really shows that you don't care about this game. If that's the case, then get out please. Or get lynched. Either work!

Unvote: GERTY

FoS: GERTY and Swiss


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Rephrase the question please Swiss, with viable opinions and content, skimming isn't bad. But you had more than enough time to read this stuff, i read the thread over in 20 minutes, why would you be skimming now?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Rephrase the question please Swiss, with viable opinions and content, skimming isn't bad. But you had more than enough time to read this stuff, i read the thread over in 20 minutes, why would you be skimming now?
Time is not the issue, and I don't care how long it took you to read the thread.

I merely asked if you attribute your misreading to skimming or not. Simple question.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
The one where bold was messed up.

At the time I made my post I thought you were trolling.
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