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Celebrity Mafia: The Revenge of Elin Nordegren (GAME OVER! Did Elin get her revenge?)

Sephinator Kuzamune

th3kuzinator|Sephiroth's Masumune
Dec 27, 2010
Also in Roxas's room.
This is kuz speaking. If you want to refer to the hydra please say kuzamune

Seph is seph

Kuz is kuz

As for inactivity. Seph is at work like all day and I am too busy juggling 4 other games to keep up on this game hard D1. What do you mean by seeing me view the thread? You see me right now, no?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
You haven't viewed until just now, stop responding to stuff here, and look at information we've discussed previously.

Outside games aren't an excuse.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
man, Clownbot's lookin bad.
Is this a joke? Did you not think my apparent scumminess was important enough to bring up earlier? Did what Seph point out bring you to some sort of realization? And why stir the pot without placing a vote? Where is your vote again?


Jun 7, 2009
What does it matter if you doubt that so long as I believe I have good reads haha. Which I do. Pressure, determine alignment, lynch or add into the town pile. It's a simple process. Though you're quite right that Swiss shouldn'tbe added to the town pile. Town-null for now. My counter-self will be able to confirm his alignment.

Also I never said the vote block is ineffective as soon as scum is on it, I said we lose. It's a game.

It's interesting though that you chose to say "I doubt that" though, and I'll tell you why later. In the mean time, do you think I'm scum/scummy? I must know.
It's not saying that I doubt you have reads. We all do unless we're just not playing. The matter is though, are your reads correct? How can we be sure that you (you don't even have your hydra partner to confer with, or so it seems) have correct reads.
You wanted to start a voting block exclusive to townies. I don't think that's possible unless we've already won the game.
Based on your reads so far, do you think you can win this game?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
I don't want to do this because it goes against my reads (Nabe/GERTY scum), but maybe that will mean it has a higher chance of success?

Unvote Vote Axel

I don't have a read on Axel, btw.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
I don't want to do this because it goes against my reads (Nabe/GERTY scum), but maybe that will mean it has a higher chance of success?

Unvote Vote Axel

I don't have a read on Axel, btw.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
I don't like Axel's take my hand approach to getting a wagon. Going from pressuring him to "hop aboard" seems silly. Especially how he considers it to be a "town voting block". He himself stated that it is ineffective as soon as scum is on it. To be trying to make a voting block this early on like that states that he has really good town reads. I doubt that.

Can somebody explain the deal about Rockin' to me? I'm a tad confused about what actually happened as I do not frequent DGames. Anyhow, good pressure is good pressure. I believe that right now, Cello and Roxy are town, Roxy leaning towards vanilla, or he would have done something stupid by now.
rPSI, what do you feel about the interactions between Swiss and Axel and Axel's switch to letting Swiss on as part of the "town voting block"?

Hey sup gaiz. Pep band johns awww yeeeah!

Lying =/= scum. Just saying, before it gets too far out of hand.

Starting from what I believe to be my latest post (including things that have been already said since I didn't get to contribute)

@ Cello on page 2 (40 ppp) - Going after someone for a reason like that has no meaning at all whatsoever. Were you serious with this vote? Was that a RVS vote? I'm assuming it is.

@ Dourin lynch gaiz on page 3 - Why... He said he agree'd with cello... for his two posts... and he FoS'd Roxy because of it... which really isn't that bad either. >_> I wouldn't paint him as scum over that. >_>

@Cello vs Gerty page 3 - I agree with cello in this case. Nothing he did was game breaking at all in any way. He just voted someone at the beginning of the day. Super-shocked!

@ SephKuz lynch gaiz page 4 - No. It's been ONE irl day, and you're ALREADY going for people that are inactive? You're joking, right? Stop. Just stop. -_-

@ Gerty in general - My only scum read is this guy. The way that he said that Cello's play was gamebreaking over TWO posts, and the way that he said nabe might still be scum even though he's not are both REALLY scummy posts, and I'm honestly willing to lynch him.

Swiss, please explain why you want Dourin Lynched?

Delvro, please explain why you want Dourin Lynched?

Gerty, please explain why you want Sephkuz Lynched?

I feel like that with re-reading through the thread, I still don't fully understand why either of these two people are getting lynched. I feel like I'm missing something because I'm new...

Now on to page 5~

.....How did I miss that on page 4 LOL

I looked at Gerty's post, went back to page 4 to see it, and I noticed that Axel/Roxy are basicly one at this point? That's stupid.

I wouldn't be suprized at all if Axel/Roxy were a scum team.

Why Nabe? -__-.

OMGUS =/= scum. Lying =/= scum.

Town read on swiss. I see his reasonings, and not everyone uses all of their time to post in one game. :p


RPSI, if you can convince us that he's town when you get your read, I'll unvote. Otherwise, until that happens, my vote will be staying on this person.
Hello July~ ^___^ Glad to be playing another game with you!

Swiss please state your reasonings :c
Hi Joey, glad to play another game with you too!! I am also glad to read your input. Could you elaborate on your feelings about Axel/GERTY please.

Also, agreed that Nabe is not the play for today, GERTY has been scummy and I would be okay with his lynch. I would like more reads from rPSI, he is null to me right now. Clowbot has also been a bit scummy, will be explain later in post.

Swiss's vote on me, while a problem, is not the important subject for discussion. Axel's is, if we aren't going to explore Nabe's inner crevices.
Swiss's play so far seems town to me at this point, and at the very least that vote wasn't inconsistent with his playstyle in the game so far. Axel's vote, however, was suspicious in light of having just called you cop. Never played with Zen, the town exclusive voting block idea that Axel had earlier I could see J saying but from Zen I'm not sure how to take it.

FoS: Axel

Honestly, while I find some things you have done to be scummy, most of all I'm confused about you more than any other player (who has posted). You leaned town to me when you were first questioning Swiss, but since then I've gotten a pretty bad vibe, but need more info.

vote clownbot

bring on the omgus

On a different note, "just throwing that out there," "my reread might change this vote" "I am too scared to take a hard stance in early game without making excuses"


have not even read the thread yet, but I am already okay with clown. Him or Nabe.
I know you said that you haven't read the thread yet, but that's a legit point and definitely speaks to the bad vibe I've gotten from clownbot. So far I've seen indecision and some questioning, all in all leading to a lack of stances and a lack of information from him in general.

Vote: Clownbot


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009

GERTY, my 247.

Cello, I don't think GERTY is scum. I doubt Nabe is actually lurking, but he hasn't given us any reason to believe he's Town and I don't want us pulling dead weight. If all else fails and Nabe doesn't speak up soon I don't suppose I'd oppose his lynch.

I think I'd rather go with rPSI toDay. Starts by saying he'll meta GERTY. No talk of other players, or even anything substantial about GERTY himself. Upon further prompting he states that he's confident in his reads but still doesn't have anything to say, not even a gut tell. Doesn't reveal his reads until asked, and his reads consist of Axel, Dourin (an easy target and person whose potential lynch has gained momentum in the past), and Nabe, an inactive as well as another easy target. He doesn't really elaborate on Axel, and votes Nabe.

Vote rPSI

For the record Axel is leaning town for me. It seems like he's kind of a popular target but no one's owning up to what he's doing wrong.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
@Clownbot: Axel's vote was (or is, don't care) on a person that he believed to be a cop, and the only explanation he gave is that he "wants that person to die". He needs a better explanation.

Sephinator Kuzamune

th3kuzinator|Sephiroth's Masumune
Dec 27, 2010
Also in Roxas's room.
Did you gain that insight from re-reading the thread in the time frame of 20 minutes? If so, what convinced you to unvote me?

Or was it simply you did not like the incoming pressure and wanted to move away from anything to do with me asap. How come you did not adress my vote on you, but adressed Roxy when he agreed with me? Does July have valid reasoning for voting you? I think she does. Why ignore the subject?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Is this a joke? Did you not think my apparent scumminess was important enough to bring up earlier? Did what Seph point out bring you to some sort of realization? And why stir the pot without placing a vote? Where is your vote again?
My vote is still on sephkuz because he hasn't added much to play except for something you literally just said (granted, what you said -did- look bad, i mean come on dude. you need to re-read someone who JUST posted for the first time?)


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
SephKuz, I unvoted you because your suspicion is legitimate, which is the same reason I'm not offering a rebuttal. I'm chewing out GERTY as opposed to you because while I don't want him lynched (toDay) his post was just a throwaway comment that served no purpose other than to stir the pot, no reinforcement of the case on me, and no vote on me despite alleged suspicion of me. That's also why I asked who he had his vote on, because it could very well be someone more worthy of a vote than me in his eyes.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009

Did you know that when you reread.

You can find a candidate you like more as a lynch and therefore change your vote to them?


Jun 7, 2009

GERTY, my 247.

Cello, I don't think GERTY is scum. I doubt Nabe is actually lurking, but he hasn't given us any reason to believe he's Town and I don't want us pulling dead weight. If all else fails and Nabe doesn't speak up soon I don't suppose I'd oppose his lynch.

I think I'd rather go with rPSI toDay. Starts by saying he'll meta GERTY. No talk of other players, or even anything substantial about GERTY himself. Upon further prompting he states that he's confident in his reads but still doesn't have anything to say, not even a gut tell. Doesn't reveal his reads until asked, and his reads consist of Axel, Dourin (an easy target and person whose potential lynch has gained momentum in the past), and Nabe, an inactive as well as another easy target. He doesn't really elaborate on Axel, and votes Nabe.

Vote rPSI

For the record Axel is leaning town for me. It seems like he's kind of a popular target but no one's owning up to what he's doing wrong.
So you're confident in your read of him but you don't have one so far? What's your instinct say as of now?

Also, how often have you played with him?
The most recent game I played with him was the DRoom Upick game. He was town vanilla, I was town cop, called him on role and flavor. lol

I've played with him in like every DRoom game we've been in together and talk with him on AIM all the time.
I see. And
EBWOP: I'm confident in my reads on him before, I hope that I can get reads like I have before.

As of right now, it seems he doesn't have an important power role if any if he is town. IDK if he is town or not though. =/
Way to misconstrue what I said. I said I've been pretty confident on my reads on him in the past. GERTY will vouch for me on that one. You then interpret that as "I have a read on GERTY" and say well what is it. Asking me for a gut tell on GERTY. Now, you can ask almost anyone in this game how effective a gut tell on someone is. Not very.
However, you said I didn't give you one. I have given you one and I've said it was that he's Vanilla townie here:
EBWOP: I'm confident in my reads on him before, I hope that I can get reads like I have before.

As of right now, it seems he doesn't have an important power role if any if he is town. IDK if he is town or not though. =/
and here:
I believe that right now, Cello and Roxy are town, Roxy leaning towards vanilla, or he would have done something stupid by now.


Jun 7, 2009
Aha this again. Swiss OMGUS = Swiss scum- take out all who oppose. I've seen it many times Swissai, you need some new tricks.

You lying would mean you're scum because lying means you're scum. How many times are we going to have to go through this?

You're saying you had reason when there is nothing to go off of. You just attacked the two easiest players you could: July > Dourin (Actually Dourin is scummy as hell but still.)

The fact that you kept your vote on July for merely a post or two tells me you had no reason and were simply voting. Yet you claim to have had reason in which you refused to tell and now some how magically forgot. What did you post that player list for? You're play is dumb, even if you have a PR. Get in the game or replace out. I don't care about that FB biz. I care about winning, and you being alive, playing the way you are goes against that.

Roxy we are forming a town exclusive voting block. Once we let scum on it, we lose. Who do you think we should invite? rPSI Cello? I'm pretty willing to join Cello and his Nabe campeign, you still against it even with Nabe's scumactivity? Swiss, Nabe, or Dourin imo.
So Axel calls Swiss out on seeking others out and attacking. Playing for himself rather than town. This is a totally legitimate reason to be voting for someone. The problem that I have is that
Actually, you're playing like a one dimensional ******. I don't expect you to care about my facebook game (unless you sign up like J and Tan ;D) but I do expect you not to be a ******.

Pseudo content comes when it comes.

How about this for a reason: I voted July BECAUSE she is new. Jesus F Christ you are slow.
somehow convinced him to take a total 180 and post this:

Good. Roxy we are adding Swiss. Swiss, just learn to stop lying fool. Also are you indy?

Unvote; vote: Nabe
It simply doesn't make sense. Why would you make a 180 out of the blue like this. Swiss came up with a half-***** reason for voting for July and Axel goes "Good." I mean, if you don't see a problem with that, you're pretty dumb.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
The first post in which you allegedly gave a read on him doesn't mean ****. You did not say he was vanilla there, all you said was that it didn't seem like he had a PR which really seems more detrimental than positive to me. Also, I saw what you had to say about GERTY's alignment in your second read post. Maybe my language was misleading but I never tried to say you didn't give a read on him.

I didn't misinterpret what you said. You say you'll meta GERTY because it's never failed you before and you were previously confident in your reads. I'm thinking, "well, you know him and his play pretty well so what do you think so far?" and you don't have a definite answer at that point. I find it curious since you've previously had such strong reads on him.

You know what else GERTY can vouch for?

rPSI, it's unlike you to not have a read yet.
Do you have a response to the other end of my suspicion of you? Citing easy targets and players who have been bandwagoned as your primary suspects? Do you still not have anything to say about Axel and Dourin? Surely you don't have anything to say about Nabe, for obvious reasons.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Axel is bleh. Bleeeeeeeeh. Blorg, too! I don't like the way he decided to have a voting block this early in the game since it probably won't work. He's in no spot to direct the town right now honestly.

I honestly have to re-read everything for Roxy. My read on him was based on Swiss posting content, since at the time I felt like he was posting info with his questions. But after I re-read, I realized he wasn't. I'd put Roxy in a more-so town spot than I would Swiss. I still feel he's suspicious though.

For them together, I hope that they don't work like they are one or anything, since they have two different roles. It looks like they won't based on what's happened as of late. I honestly doubt they'd be a scum team anymore for now but I don't think both of them are town. If I had to choose one to vote though, it would definetly be Axel. I really don't like him right now (nothing personal~)


Jun 7, 2009
lol get ninja'd

About Dourin: While it may be easy to just say "well he's an easy lynch target", it's for a damn good reason. You can't hide behind a lynch purpose saying "he went after an easy lynch target" when the easy lynch target is easy for a reason. If town agrees that a member of mafia is a member of the mafia, should he just hide behind the fact that they are going to lynch him? No. The town lynches him. Dourin was playing specifically scummy hiding behind other players. In fact, even now, you're indirectly protecting Dourin. Why shouldn't he be able to handle the pressure we're putting on him?


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
That's all fine and good, but you never gave me a real reason for finding Dourin suspicious.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
lol get ninja'd

About Dourin: While it may be easy to just say "well he's an easy lynch target", it's for a damn good reason. You can't hide behind a lynch purpose saying "he went after an easy lynch target" when the easy lynch target is easy for a reason. If town agrees that a member of mafia is a member of the mafia, should he just hide behind the fact that they are going to lynch him? No. The town lynches him. Dourin was playing specifically scummy hiding behind other players. In fact, even now, you're indirectly protecting Dourin. Why shouldn't he be able to handle the pressure we're putting on him?
I understand there are reasons for being suspicious of Dourin, and I'm perfectly fine with putting pressure on him, but not to lynch him toDay based on only those first couple posts we got from him so far.

@Dourin: We need updated thoughts from you, there is a lot going on since your last post. What are your opinions on Axel and Cello? Also, if neither of them are your scum picks, some scum picks would be nice.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Guys you also have to realize that he's gone at a tournament lol. I'm not expecting any posts from him until tomorrow afternoon XD

Fried Ice Cream

Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2010
Funkadelica ๏̯͡๏﴿
Back from the tournament!
A few things:
Axel, do you HAVE to post in red, or is it just because you like it? It sort of bugs me as being hard to read on this background, but it could just be me.

Requesting a mod that actually does vote counts regularly!

@Dourin: We need updated thoughts from you, there is a lot going on since your last post. What are your opinions on Axel and Cello? Also, if neither of them are your scum picks, some scum picks would be nice.
Cello is town, Axel isn't scummy to me, it's just the posting colour that makes me dislike his posts. My scum picks don't exist.

P.S. Can we lynch the mod and get a new mod?
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