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Celebrity Mafia: The Revenge of Elin Nordegren (GAME OVER! Did Elin get her revenge?)


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
A little bit of healthy meta is nice, but trying to break the game is downright ridiculous.
You seem pretty tense about this from just two of my posts. Did I actually break the game? How would you know that I had?

The GM of this game is social, not only does he have access to players via SWF, he also does via messengers (i would know, he told via skype the thread was up). Tigerwoods is just as likely (in fact, with proof, MORE likely) than scum to have told Rockin of the change. I'm not going to get into that though.
If you could "prove" such a thing, why wouldn't you want to get into it? If I'm wrong, then let's hear it.

July said:
The fact that Rockin (now Nabe) very quickly realized he was in a game he did not sign up for means does not mean he is scum imo. I'm thinking he would notice pretty quickly if he was signed up for another game and instead gets a PM with a scantily clad celebrity in it.
Hmm, maybe. But, if you look at Rockin's posts (in general, not any specific thread), he had a semi-solid block of posts on 2/2/11 going from noon to just past 2 PM, and didn't post again until 24 and a half hours later. The announcement was made at half past midnight.

I'm not saying this is conclusive by any means, since Clownbot's suggestion that Rockin was here and PMed Tiger is certainly possible (or spoke with him via AIM, etc.)

But what I DO think it is suggestive was the fact that GERTY felt it necessary to call what I had done "breaking the game".


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
K. But when I view mafia (and SWF in general) a lot of the times it is late and I am bored/procrastinating/can't sleep, so I don't always have something new to add.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Hmm kk that post was ninja'd as well *failstorm*.

I think that his reasoning makes sense considering Rockin's activity, but its not something worth lingering on imo. I don't think that what he did was breaking the game, more info is better, so I disagree with GERTY's statement.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
I honestly don't see an issue with character claiming toDay, not sure how much info it would provide though tbh considering in the set-up it said roles are randomly assigned player-wise and flavor-wise.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
July said:
I think that his reasoning makes sense considering Rockin's activity, but its not something worth lingering on imo.
Is there anything else that we could focus on that would be more worthy?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
You seem pretty tense about this from just two of my posts. Did I actually break the game? How would you know that I had?

If you could "prove" such a thing, why wouldn't you want to get into it? If I'm wrong, then let's hear it.

Hmm, maybe. But, if you look at Rockin's posts (in general, not any specific thread), he had a semi-solid block of posts on 2/2/11 going from noon to just past 2 PM, and didn't post again until 24 and a half hours later. The announcement was made at half past midnight.

I'm not saying this is conclusive by any means, since Clownbot's suggestion that Rockin was here and PMed Tiger is certainly possible (or spoke with him via AIM, etc.)

But what I DO think it is suggestive was the fact that GERTY felt it necessary to call what I had done "breaking the game".
The reason is because Cello_marl, you've tried this before (in a game i was modding actually; granted i was modding pretty badly anyways :embarrass: ).

You used information that wasn't really solid to base lynches and kills; in the end it got you know where. The way you're acting is patented Cello town, however at the same time I don't like it because really it could (potentially) kill a townie.

Fact is, there's no proof that mafia communicated with mafia to get them here, or that the GM communicated with a townie in order to get them here. All I'm going to say is that the GM is social, and because of that I see it likely that he might've communicated with him to make sure he got here on time.

Also, the reason I didn't want to get into it for two reasons.

1) I really only feel this is a dumb reason to call Nabe scum, that doesn't mean that he isn't scum, just that this is a dumb way to prove it. Because of that, even if I pull you away from trying to point nabe as scum, he -might- still be scum, which would bite me in the *** later.

2) I can't really prove anything with solid evidence, mainly because of this.
5) Do not quote role PMs or any other form of communication with the Game Moderator unless your role PM explicitly states you can (in which case follow the instructions in your role PM). You may paraphrase your role PM as you see fit, but keep everything in your own words!
This would be an immediate modkill.
3) I was tired and posting from mobile, therefore didn't want to write this huge write up last night.

So yeah, I just think it's a stupid idea to base someone being scum off of something that could just so happen to be coincidence.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Actually, Cello doesn't have his vote on GERTY now either. It seems at this point like he finds him more suspicious though.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
I don't see how GERTY's "breaking the game" comment is particularly scummy. Seems like a perfectly reasonable opinion.


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
You answered my question. I wanted to know if your vote was random. Since you had nothing on July, I assumed you picked a random number.

What was you reason, Swiss? You say you have one, but I don't think so.

Fried Ice Cream

Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2010
Funkadelica ๏̯͡๏﴿
Vote Dourin

Explain why you agree with Cello, and why you haven't voted OR FoS'd GERTY.
Because I agree with Cello's reasoning, that's it. Why do you vote Republican? Because you agree with their points of view.

And if I recall correctly, I FoS'd Gerty in my last post? Or do you actually want me to go:
Fos: GERTY for that?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Is there anything else that we could focus on that would be more worthy?
Well right now I would say Dourin's opinion is important to look at.

@Dourin: Do you have any reasons other than what Cello has already stated to suspect Gerty? What about Gerty's #93, did his explanation increase or decrease your suspicion of him at all?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Dourin, take a read at my explanation and tell me what you disagree with. Cello, how do you feel now that i've fully explained? Quite quiet imo. Joey don't go AWAL on me, what's you opinion swiss? Cello? Axel?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Unvote Vote GERTY

I was wanting to jump out of nowhere and hammer him, and will probably unvote later once the ball gets rolling so that someone else can put him at L-1 and then I'll go BAM! and then the Day will be over.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
1. Axel (J/Zen) (0)
2. Swiss (1) GERTY
3. rPSI (0)
4. GERTY (1) Cello_Marl
5. -Dourin-X- (2) Swiss, Delvro
6. Nabe (0)
7. -Joey- (1) Clownbot
8. July (0)
9. Cello_Marl (0)
10. Sephinator Kuzamune (Seph/Kuz) (0)
11. Delvro (0)
12. Clownbot(0)

Not voting: Axel, rPSI, Dourin-X, Nabe, Joey, July, Sephinator Kuzamune,

With 12 alive it takes 7 to Lynch!

Deadline will be FEBURARY 9th at 11:59 PM


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009

The reason is because Cello_marl, you've tried this before (in a game i was modding actually; granted i was modding pretty badly anyways ).
Oh please do explain how this is like Newbie 7...7.1? I'm not sure. Probably Swiss in 7.0. Is it just that I'm using "information that isn't really solid"? If so, then just what sort of information is solid?

You used information that wasn't really solid to base lynches and kills; in the end it got you know where. The way you're acting is patented Cello town, however at the same time I don't like it because really it could (potentially) kill a townie.
Very quick to call me townie I see. That's fine by me.

Fact is, there's no proof that mafia communicated with mafia to get them here, or that the GM communicated with a townie in order to get them here. All I'm going to say is that the GM is social, and because of that I see it likely that he might've communicated with him to make sure he got here on time.
Maybe. You're right, in that I really didn't have something solid. So, why then, or rather HOW, was I breaking the game? You said that for a reason; I'd like to know why what I said was "breaking the game".

Also, the reason I didn't want to get into it for two reasons.

1) I really only feel this is a dumb reason to call Nabe scum, that doesn't mean that he isn't scum, just that this is a dumb way to prove it. Because of that, even if I pull you away from trying to point nabe as scum, he -might- still be scum, which would bite me in the *** later.
I can see you valuing your own life more than anything else. But, why would you be worried about how you would look if we managed to lynch scum? That's a good thing, right? I mean, if he's town, then you're great, right?

2) I can't really prove anything with solid evidence, mainly because of this.
5) Do not quote role PMs or any other form of communication with the Game Moderator unless your role PM explicitly states you can (in which case follow the instructions in your role PM). You may paraphrase your role PM as you see fit, but keep everything in your own words!
This would be an immediate modkill.
But that would mean that you ARE saying that you COULD prove that I'm wrong if that rule was not in place, right? How?
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