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Celebrity Mafia: The Revenge of Elin Nordegren (GAME OVER! Did Elin get her revenge?)


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Clown, sorry I thought you were scum a lot Day 1 and Day 2 ;-; I had a really hard time reading you, but by the end of Day 2 I was thinking you were town, and I think you did a really good job.

Dat kuz pre' smart.

Skimmed the start of this game as it was happening, dunno why anyone even entertained the idea of lynching Clown or Roxy

Hey July, we need to play together again, maybe we can get both get town next time.
Yes!! We should deff play again sometime, it would fun to be town with you this time haha. Although I probably won't be joining any new games until the end of March (except maybe as a hydra with Ran...:p) due to Spring Break then tons of midterms.

I absolutely agree that Kuz deserves the dice for this one, very well done.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Also, FYI, I was not given Katie Couric as a fake claim...took a leap of faith. As for how I knew Swiss was a male character, Delvro's RB N1 failed which alerted me to an opposite roleblock or a male character (took a second leap of faith) and I knew he was a mason type thing because of my PR hinting at it. Again, guessed at most of the details.

Still a fun game, and I really enjoyed participating.

Thx @ everyone who gave me props at endgame. Much appreciated. ^_^

@J, lol. Ofc you pinned the scum team after July's death. Clown and Joey were confirmed to each other, and the only other people left besides obvscum nabe and delvro at that point was me and ryker. Ryker was pretty much town in your eyes, so it had to be me.

@ Delvro & Nabe, *brofist*

@MOD, Thanks for modding, flavor was quite good. I just have one question. How did Axel know July's roleblock flavor when July actually RBd Dourin N2?


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
Karate Chopping was supposed to be the flavor for general roleblocking. The only difference was that when July did it, it was a Ninja Roleblock (you weren't told anything about who it was).

When Delvro did it you were told you saw a man.

I made it so it would confuse town a little and force them to use specifics since I felt town was overpowered when I made this game.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
Yeah town was dealt a pretty strong hand that game. If we didn't lynch July d3, mafia would probably have lost because pretty much everyone else was getting confirmed to each other
(clownbot/Joey, Swiss/Axel/his n3 target, etc)

We also lucked out with a cop lynch d1. Thanks Swiss!


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
lmao @ the quicktopic. Kuz' claims are so pro. I felt it was off, but l I still came to think he was town in the end. Although after the day ended I realized we wouldn't have won even if joey survived, as the next day after that would have been 2 scum 2 town had July and Nabe been scumbuddies.

Funny to see that Nabe actually did plant 1515 haha.

July you played really well up until d3. Your accusations and back tracking just made you look so scummy. You played a very townie game up until then though. I just think you need to fight harder when you have strong reads on someone. And for your own self as well.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
Player Shoutouts

Good game guys. Both J and Zen played well considering their own thoughts, though the conflicting heads of the hydra thing was a tad confusing :p. Some parts J had right, some Zen did... Maybe you guys could iron things out and turn into an epic hydra! I hope you guys had fun with the game and thanks for playing! Also shout out to both of you for helping putting this game on the map and attracting players lol.

Swiss/Ryker: Good game you two! Swiss, you did pretty well at the start. Asserting yourself as a major player and analyzing posts etc. served you pretty well. Don't worry about replacing out... it happens to everyone. Hope you had fun with the Pimp Role :p And ryker, GG! I know you replaced into a game that was moving a bit fast and close to the end, so you probably didn't get a proper foothold on the game. Hopefully you enjoyed what you got out of it though :p

rPSI: Poor Sarah Palin. :( I was sad that your politician role didn't get to add more chaos into the game but you played well and got killed for it :). I wanted to see those great late game skills but scum wanted you dead :( Thanks for playing and I hope you had fun with it. Also... thanks for the laptop help :D

Roxy: Gogogo Roxy! I was quite sad when you were lynched... as you were one of the driving forces of activity in this game. Being the top poster yet dead earlier on shows it. I hope you had fun being Megan Fox and watching that video I sent you in your role PM :p. Hopefully your death doesn't ruin your image of her though :p. I was kinda sad when town killed you off :( Hopefully I'll see you around again!

Hey Dourin! I understand the role you were given was probably not what you were expecting but thanks for playing with it and using it well. You had plenty of correct reads and good analysis. Though you weren't right all the time, with the information you were given I couldn't have done any better. Great plays Dourin. Hopefully I get to see that brain of yours in future games :D.

Nabe: Congrats Scum :p. I sort of understand the call of the real world which explained the majority of your absence for most of the game, but you did well in drawing attention to July and coordinating with Kuz and Delvro. Would have loved to see you post more. Hopefully I'll see you in more games later on... Thanks for playing!

-Joey-: Good game joey. I hope you had fun with your intriguing role. Tunnel on my friend! :p Thanks for playing to flavor and playing the game!

July: Good game July! I really enjoyed reading your enthusiasm for the game. Hopefully you had fun being Lucy Liu :p. Your reads, though a bit misguided at parts, were well done and did not go unsupported. Stick by your convictions more and fight harder for your defense later on... Had you been alive you would've been a dangerous foe for scum and an obstacle in their path. Keeping kicking butt and thanks for playing :)

CelloMarl: Poor Cello :(. If you want to know something funny, you completely pinpointed all the scum D1... though Im unsure of your reasons. I was sad to see you die so early... would've liked to see that late game play you're famous for. Thanks for playing man and hopefully I'll see you in more games in the future :D.

Delvro: Same with Nabe, I understand that the real world calls a lot but I would've liked to see more activity. You played well late game though with that coordinated effort with your scum mates. Hopefully I get to see you in more games in the future and congrats on your win :D

Clownbot: Hey clown thanks for playing! Don't get discouraged on your reads, things were chaotic in this game. Hopefully I'll see you in more games! Gj in saving Joey as well. Hopefully I get to see you play in more games! :)

Kuz kuz kuz. Great game indeed. You are to be congratulated. You took risks when necessary and really lead town astray. You even got town to lynch one of their own despite information to the contrary. Well done with the gamble of fake claiming a character that I didn't even give to you. Hopefully I get to see you in more games in the future. Nice Job! You also get MVP btw lol.



Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
@Zen: Thank you, and I know I totally dropped the ball Day 3, but I'm definitely going to work on it, and deff need to work on my reads haha. You and J kept me on my toes a lot, it was really fun playing with you guys and given the same information you had I would have lynched me too lol.

@Tiger: Thank you for the awesome game!! I had tons of fun as Lucy Liu and roleblocker, and I will deff take that advice and work to kick butt more efficiently lol :)


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
LOL at town roleblocker. If I ever here WAT DERES NO SUCH THING AS TOWN ROLE BLOCKER I'll refer to Celeb.

MVP Ranmaru for catching Nabe before game even started. :p

Jk. Good **** Kuz. KUZ ALWAYS SCUM.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Omg after my role pm I had so many ideas of who could be in this game, mass claiming was awesome and getting everyone's roles...I totally thought that Axel was Scarlett Johansson for the longest time based on the red posting though.

Looking back on Ran calling the Angelina Jolie thing is so good now lol xD


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Also good games July.

Cmon, you guys were thinking it too.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
Most of my lurking was on purpose. I was up to date on the thread nearly the entire game except for the v/la (Kuz would talk to me a lot and make sure I was up to date), but I wanted to let Kuz do his thing while I "disagreed" but never posted about it so everyone forgot.

July really caught me because she saw me posting in other places on the forum. That's when you guys should know that I definitely was consciously deciding not to post.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
@Tiger: Yep yep, thanks a lot. It was a pretty fun game despite our loss. I wish we could have been more active d2 though. I'm pretty sure Axel will rise from the ashes again.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
@Tiger, Thanks for the MVP! It truly was a lot of fun, thanks for keeping up to date with the flips and being a pri cool mod


Jun 7, 2009
@Tiger: Yep yep, thanks a lot. It was a pretty fun game despite our loss. I wish we could have been more active d2 though. I'm pretty sure Axel will rise from the ashes again.
If you guys can work together more succinctly, then yes. Otherwise, no. :bee:


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
A lot of that was intentional actually. At least by me. I felt that if people saw the thought process/conflict we were going through, they would recognize that we were town by our inter hydra debate- putting thought into what were deciding. Rather than simply picking a view which is what scum does.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Clown is so hard to read because of how scummy he plays >_<"

Also tbqh, I never read D1/D2 completely. =P

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
nooooooo don't take that as an insult.

It just means I have to learn how to read you better is all ^_^


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Yeah, whatever.


Someone needs to fix the spoiler tag so that it actually covers emoticons.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
How do you do that? I seem to skim without noticing.
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