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Celebrity Mafia: The Revenge of Elin Nordegren (GAME OVER! Did Elin get her revenge?)


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill

heh. July, are you trying to convince me or yourself? None of what you're saying makes sense. It's like you're trying to tell yourself that it's true when you very well know that it's not.

Why would you tell us to lynch you if you were town, knowing this would end the game??? You're showing no town motive. All game you have been pretty much riding whatever is popular. You haven't fought for anything.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.

1. Axel (J/Zen) (0)
2. Ryker (0)
6. Nabe (3) Joey, Kuz, July
7. -Joey- (0)
8. July (3) Delvro, Nabe, Axel
10. Kuz (0)
11. Delvro (0)
12. Clownbot(0)

Not voting: Ryker, Kuz, Clownbot

With 8 alive it takes 5 to Lynch!

Deadline will be FEBURARY 26th at 11:59 PM


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
I don't know that it would end game, that's what I'm saying, but I can't give anymore information than I have, I can't give you anything more against Delvro than my story and the fact that he was inactive for so long. I don't have the time tomorrow or Saturday to do anything substantial, so if I die then I have to hope that there are only two mafia, but after today theres nothing I can do to stop you from lynching me because I won't be here to defend myself, at that sucks and I'm pissed about that but it is what it is.

No. I. Have. Not. I pushed for Clown most of Day 1 until **** hit the fan, then it came down to Kuz and Cello and I made a call based on Swiss's claim that I didn't get the chance to take back. Day 2 I take full responsibility for being the first one to suggest that Roxy was scummy, and I admit I messed up. But I did fight for that so don't even go there. ToDay I pushed for Delvro who was definitely not the popular choice and I gave in to a Nabe vote toDay because I'm really scared of a no lynch, but I assured my self it had to be the right thing to do, and I'm even more sure of that now knowing that someone has to be bussing Nabe. Do you disagree with that statement?


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
July, Sorry if I asked this already (I know I did but I don't remember when or the answer), but do you have to roleblock every night?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
@Joey: Actually I don't remember you asking me that lol, I asked Tiger and am waiting for a response, but my role pm says each night I may choose a player to role block so I'm assuming I do not have to role block every night. Will give definite answer after hearing from Tiger though.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
I don't think a mafia member messed with my results, honestly. After searching mafia wiki, I didn't find any roles that could add targets to tracker results, only remove them.

I'd rather lynch July, because I know she is scum. I don't want another D&D, when I caught Tandora red-handed and we ended up lynching..... Rockin =\


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Sorry I did not post last night. The drive took longer than expected and I got home dead tired and just went to bed.

I know people have already said this, idc. I am seconding everything said that July should be 100% sure that Delvro is scum and her Nabe vote looked very opportunistic. I was on the fence most of this time about which side to take concerning July/Delvro (I was still previously leaning towards Delvro because of his D2 Clown crumbs), but 1618 and 1620 definitely convinced me of July's actual conviction to get Delvro lynched (despite that, from her POV, she should know Delvro is scum).

Now here is the thing, guys. Despite what everyone thinks, town will not lose with another mislynch, even if there are 3 mafia (assuming 2 mafia would be dumb). This is because we have a double voter. I completely forgot about what the implications of having a Double Voter held in terms of endgaming but, as I was brainstorming courses of action yesterday while driving into the city, I remembered that town could still pull off a lynch even with numerical parity.

However. Now that scum knows this, they will obviously try and take out Joey asap. There is just one problem for them, though. We still have our doctor alive.

This is why we should lynch July toDay.

We need to lynch one of July/Delvro to find out which of the other is lying. However, waiting until tomorrow to do this would be a mistake. Why? Because we don't have the cushion of a mislynch tomorrow. ToNight, knowing that they can't hit Joey directly because he will be protected by Clown, scum will be forced to kill the doctor first. With that, we will enter toMorrow (the game still going regardless) knowing that Delvro is the tracker (with a july scum flip) or that he is scum (with a july town flip). If we wait until tomorrow to lynch one of Delvro/July, the doctor will most likely be dead by that following Night and another mislynch + Joey NK (nothing will stop them from doing this) will endgame us.

If Clownbot agrees to protect Joey and Ryker plays it safe with his recruitment we will bag a definite scum along with a scumNabe toMorrow.

Now, stop. I know what you are thinking already. "But Kuz, there might be a scum roleblocker and a town roleblocker!"

I already considered this as well (I had a long *** drive to think) and I just can't see this being the case. First off, if there is a scum roleblocker, its July (as we have confirmed she is a RBer). Second, I have read the last few pages of almost every game in SWF (and looked at the role PMS) and I have never seen both a town roleblocker and a scum roleblocker present in any type of setup (large games included). It just does not happen.

July said:
I was just using it as an example that roles can be manipulated, and if either Axel or Delvro are not scum then that has to be the case >< my previous assumption was that Delvro had to be lying, but I'm now dealing with the fact that he could have been tricked. Like, really, **** it all, I'm allowed to get ****ing confused at some point when things don't make sense. I'm going with Nabe toDay because his Lady Gaga pretty face claim really can't be tested unlike night actions can, and it reeks of scumminess. Delvro or Axel will prove they are scum toMorrow, or toNight, and I can't freaking wait til that happens.
Nice AtE. First you were sure that Delvro was scum, then you were still sure he was scum but Nabe could die first, now you consider the possibility that Delvro is town and that some far-fetched mafia PR is messing with your results. It does not seem you are very sure of anything, and your conviction to lynch Delvro is very weak.

Also, July, you obviously have been posting frantically, as you would have not made such a reaching accusation on Axel if you had been in your right state of mind. Axel is confirmed town at this point (unless you don't believe Swiss/Ryker is town). Swiss/Ryker just told us that if he mis-recruits, he dies. He already successfully recruited Axel, which confirms Axel as town. How did you miss this important tell when pressure began to shift your way? Instead of holding strong that Delvro was scum, you caved onto Nabe to get a lynch off toDay and then (once people questioned you for this change of stance) bring up the idea that both Axel & Delvro are probably scum but, then again, maybe they're not (due to some other mafia PR distorting things).

Between the roleblock flavor mixup, wishy-washy stances, Delvro's claim, incorrect accusations and blatant AtE, you are flipping scum. Regardless, we are set tomorrow even if your flip turns sour, which it wont.

Vote: July

Don't get me wrong, Nabe is still scum, but I realized he is not the play toDay. We should determine which of July/Delvro is scum toDay while we still have a guaranteed toMorrow.


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill

Case on Nabe:
-Desperate as ****
-Claimed Town Pretty Face thinking that it was the standard vanilla claim when it isn't.
-Freudian slip up revealing to be scumbuddies with July.

That should be enough, yeah?


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
*brofists Axel*

pretty sick font on that pic too.

@Clown, I suspect you will have no problem doccing Joey toNight, yes?

@Ryker, what Axel said.

July is the way to go toDay regardless.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Nabe said:
"Found" him dead? Your wording sounds like you don't think she's scum, since as scum she would know who their NK was. Why would we even RB Dourin?
He later said that he meant to say she, but somehow wrote we while typing.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
This is why we should lynch July toDay.

We need to lynch one of July/Delvro to find out which of the other is lying. However, waiting until tomorrow to do this would be a mistake. Why? Because we don't have the cushion of a mislynch tomorrow. ToNight, knowing that they can't hit Joey directly because he will be protected by Clown, scum will be forced to kill the doctor first. With that, we will enter toMorrow (the game still going regardless) knowing that Delvro is the tracker (with a july scum flip) or that he is scum (with a july town flip). If we wait until tomorrow to lynch one of Delvro/July, the doctor will most likely be dead by that following Night and another mislynch + Joey NK (nothing will stop them from doing this) will endgame us.
As long as this works then go for it, I said that I'm fine with you lynching me to prove Delvro is scum as long as it doesn't end game for town.

Nice AtE. First you were sure that Delvro was scum, then you were still sure he was scum but Nabe could die first, now you consider the possibility that Delvro is town and that some far-fetched mafia PR is messing with your results. It does not seem you are very sure of anything, and your conviction to lynch Delvro is very weak.

Also, July, you obviously have been posting frantically, as you would have not made such a reaching accusation on Axel if you had been in your right state of mind. Axel is confirmed town at this point (unless you don't believe Swiss/Ryker is town). Swiss/Ryker just told us that if he mis-recruits, he dies. He already successfully recruited Axel, which confirms Axel as town. How did you miss this important tell when pressure began to shift your way? Instead of holding strong that Delvro was scum, you caved onto Nabe to get a lynch off toDay and then (once people questioned you for this change of stance) bring up the idea that both Axel & Delvro are probably scum but, then again, maybe they're not (due to some other mafia PR distorting things).
That was genuine anger and disappointment in myself for not putting the time and effort into thinking about this game that I should have. I was rushed and picked a stupid choice, but I did so with the best of intentions. Sorry.

I legit did not see that post about Swiss/Ryker telling us if he mis-recruits he dies, because I have been rushed because of rl johns and you can see that in all my games, and that's my bad. Regardless, I'm still not convinced that Axel is town until he gives us a note, and after I'm dead, I want Delvro after me but the only people I'm sure are town are Joey and Clown. I'm sure the night actions will help figure this all out, but after my lynch you will realize that scum is playing really tricky (since both Axel and Delvro have incorrect stories) so don't take anything for granted.

Between the roleblock flavor mixup, wishy-washy stances, Delvro's claim, incorrect accusations and blatant AtE, you are flipping scum. Regardless, we are set tomorrow even if your flip turns sour, which it wont.

Vote: July

Don't get me wrong, Nabe is still scum, but I realized he is not the play toDay. We should determine which of July/Delvro is scum toDay while we still have a guaranteed toMorrow.
But I will flip town :( whatevs, I said I trust the town to come to the right decisions in light of my death and I mean that. I'm really sorry my midterms and my mafia breakdown happened right now, but it is what it is. Kuz if you are town, win this game and please don't just write off Axel and Swiss as town. Axel, if you are town, then I think that means Swiss is too so Kuz and Nabe are scum, easy : )


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
@Clown, Joey, maybe Kuz and Ryker: Actually, kk...Axel doesn't send a note then they are scum (no roleblocker left to use that excuse, and if so I doubt there are two Lucy Liu characters karate chopping lol), but if a note does come toDay don't take that as obvtown, just looked through dgames and saw a suggestion note sender =/= always equal town, so yeah, just be careful with Axel please.

Also since I don't have much time Axel I think now I should point out that every time I type your name, EVERY TIME, I spell it Alex then have to fix it ><


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Joey should demonstrate his double vote before anyone gets close to being lynched. I'm still wary of Clown/Joey and it would be nice to be wrong going into toMorrow so we can tighten the playing field.
Well, I'm at L-1 lol so it's a little late to take that precaution.

Anyways, Kuz is right that either Delvro or I have to go toDay to prove which one of us is lying, and double voting Joey is crucial to that plan. I do think Joey should put his second vote on someone though, whether its the hammer or not, to verify his role. Delvro, can't wait for your inevitable lynch toMorrow.

Vote Delvro


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Yeah, I can Doc Joey toNight.

Nabe I don't see why you find Clown/Joey possible at all. UNCOUNTERCLAIMED DOC


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010

I am saying Joey is already using his one vote on nabe, so he could use his double vote to hammer July and it would show up on the votecount as his second vote.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Are you freaking kidding me?

Why July?

I feel very iffy about this. I want Nabe gone over July and my vote is going no where else.

...I actually read through the thread as to why we're lynching July and I guess... okay.

Cast Double Vote: July


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Lol contradictions in mid post let me clear that up.

I thought we were voting for July just because you wanted her gone more than Nabe, but the Delvro vs July thing actually makes sense and I'm willing to lynch her for it.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Cast double vote puts my second vote on July. Based on what I know, it shouldn't move my other. Honestly, he's been giving me info about my double voting powers as the game has been going. Like yesterday he told me how to cast it right XD!
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