That was a fun tournament. The whole trip was actually one of my favorite vacations to date. Great to see everyone there, meeting people for the first time and hanging out with friendly faces again. I’m glad everyone had fun, that’s what it’s all about and it really happened.
Everything from Jumblez and Superboom getting ***** at drinking games to me getting ***** by one way streets in the city. I have a bit of stuff on film from the road trip but not as much as I would’ve liked. Still, there will be a CAST4: Adventure from K-town video when I get some time to do it. The party was awesome, the dinners were awesome and the tourney was awesome. Couldn’t have been much better.
I suppose the only thing that caused me problems were the lack of sleep and lack of money. Huge thanks to everyone who chipped in some change for gas and the guys who bought me dinner. That softened the blow a little. The excess and unexpected amounts of driving I did and eating out more than ever emptied my pockets faster than I would’ve liked and having so little sleep made it difficult to drive home and play smash well but I loved everything so much it didn’t make a bit of difference. (LOL that reminds me of something I have to look up on youtube)
The smash was fun! I never get the chance to play really good players, let along players better than me, let alone bunches of them, and this was the most competition I’ve ever been able to play. I learned a ton and it was great. I could tell that I was getting better from something almost every match and I’m happy for that.
The sexiest TV at this whole event was my TV, again, as it is everywhere it goes. It basically ***** every other TV in sexiness and probably always will. The day I go to a tournament where someone has a sexier TV than mine is the day I learn tech skill where I can actually pull off a waveshine...AKA pretty much not going to happen like, ever.
The sexiest driving was when I was trying to find Hunting Hills Highschool to pick up the 6 people for dinner. I got lost in some random area and purposefully drove over 6 blocks the WRONG WAY down a one way to get back to some place that I recognized. It was well worth the trip cause the dinner was sexy too. Congrats on your licence too DESOPHOCATOR, don’t follow my driving habits XD
The sexiest MM was the piss drunk best of 31 at 4am between Daltsy and Boomy that ended after about 5 cause they rolled over and couldn’t get up. Some of the worst smash I’ve ever seen either of them play and the funniest smack talk I’ve ever heard. Meanwhile some hot girl was sleeping through it on the couch in our room. No idea who she is but she added even more sexiness of a different kind. Apparently the MM confirmed that Alberta gets up fast, BC has good combos and Marth likes meat snacks.
The sexiest match(es) were (was)
- The one in finals where SW did some wacked out platform laser waveland that froze the entire audience (including Bam) in complete confusion and amazement. The whole set was beyond entertainment but that particular match showed the epitome of tech skill and why melee is so much fun to watch.
- The one where I beat Bam and Noobking in the same match with my Luigi vs Falcon. Took off Noobkings first 2 stocks then he left to sign up and Bam took over for the last 2 stocks. We both have our last stock and 50%ish when I COMBO INTO MISFIRE FTW! No doubt the best moment not caught on film at CAST4.
The sexiest moments were too many to count and too sexy to say. You aren’t ready yet!
Bam: DAYUM you were so fun to watch. I don’t know how you do it but it’s like you see the future a second before it happens and punish it before it even gets there! LOL
Playing you in pools was great for me. Going Zelda vs my Jiggs is an annoying low tier counter that I’ve had to deal with multiple times at this event and you just had to do it too. GRRR! Playing your Doc with Luigi was fun, very close match and then I jumped into your future-sight-**** like what you later did to everyone else in the building! XD
It was great to play someone good with those characters and I learned a lot from playing you and watching you play. My proudest moment in the entire tournament was when I ***** your Falcon with a combo into misfire and you paused it. WEEEGGEEEE RRAAAPEEESS!!! Doesn’t get any better than that LOLOLOL
Silent Wolf: WHOA you do some crazy **** in smash mang! Great seeing you play and thank you so much for ****** me in some friendlies. I really learned a bunch from playing you and it was a blast. I’ve never had the opportunity to play someone that good and efficient who actually knows the match up on top of that. I figured you would know a bit about fighting good Luigi’s so I expected to get destroyed cause I’m not very good, and I did get destroyed and it was awesome!
I had to almost completely re-look at what I was doing to not get 4 stocked all the time and that was the best thing for me. I hope to play you again sometime and I’ll hopefully make some matches really close, maybe even win one against you. That’s like my goal now or something cause that was just pwnage to the max, you’re just too good. XD
FalseFalco: Manli was talking about you the whole way to Red Deer like you were a couple. “OMG it’s Carl! I get to hang with Carl! Oh Carl this, Carl that!” jkz(ish) HAHAHAHAH XD XD XD
After seeing you **** everyone and briefly talking to you around the place, I can see why he’s a big fan. This gave me some confidence too cause I didn’t know FalseFalco was the “Carl” when we played in doubles during the tourney. It wasn’t really a tourney set cause we weren’t supposed to play each other or something but we should’ve just gone hax on the bracket and finished our set. I think you guys were winning the 2nd match so that would’ve tied us up at 1-1, needless to say the 3rd match would’ve been EPIC. Maybe next time. See you around hopefully! >:D
ManLi: MANUEL #1 IN BC! *facts* No questioning that, you **** man. Sweet hanging out with you and road trippin and all that. It was great having you to play and chill with all weekend and I learned lots thanks to you. You’re a good teacher and taught me how to show my moves with Falcon and Weegee. I can’t really apply anything I’ve figured out because of my lack of skills but at least I know what I need to do and will one day be able to do it in matches.
I’m glad I got to play you and see you play in your last tournament. I hope you still play occasionally and come out to SFU or something when I take trips down to Vancouver. I rarely get to make trips there for smash so when I go there to smash, I want to smash with you too. Hopefully I’ll see you around and great job in the tournament.
The MM was fun too, apparently Luigi ***** Falcon cause of the whole 4-0 thing. Either that or my Luigi ***** and Falcon sucks where you’re great with both so switching characters evens things out. One day we will MM again, but you better be on top of your game or both sets are mine!
Keep playing the giiiiitar too. And nice singing, very good BACK STREETS BACK ALRIGHT! XD I’m looking forward to seeing you next time I’m in Van. Thanks for everything from DBZ jokes to sandbagging me and four stocking me at the same time.
Oh, and watch out for full hop Falcon down airs in the near and distant future LOL
Eggziez: RAWR! Great to finally meet and play you! Congrats on low tier, I had no idea you pwned with so many characters. I wanted to MM you too, you’re sick good and great to watch. The Mario vs Peach MM with CAO and all the Foxy Woxy, too gooood! I want more friendlies next time >:[ Oh, and teach me your skills while you’re at it you *****! I wanna **** like you one day and you prob have weegee sekrets to share that I needz XD
Next time, thug masion partying is a gogo for you, no johns! LOLOL
MikeMonkey: Played you in 2 doubles matches that weren’t tourney matches and that’s all I recall. I would’ve liked to see you play more and meet you for realz cause I heard you ****.
Kage: ARG @ Link ditto LOL at least it was some close low tieriness. I never did get to play your Ganon or Falcon but I saw you play a bunch. You’re part of what inspired me to take up Falcon. You’re really cool and I hope to see you again, more than once, all over the place, and smash your Ganon, or try to at least. XD
Runawayfire: LOL @ crew battle with you and CAO. I missed it but heard awesome thing. LOL @ all the Jiggs in Sask and LOL @ how much Daltsy hated my crap Jiggs then having to play you. Too good, keep it up and make the rest of Sask beastly!
CAOYPOO: WUB WUB WUB You are the coolest person on the face of the planet. Remind me of me sometimes! XD The Peach taunt irl, the Peach gameplay, the Boozer, the pics, the accent, the Pharmacy, all awesome. Thanks for coming to this and on the road trip and all that. It was great to hang with you and learn from you. You’re above mediocre for sure, there’s a reason you beat the rest of aussie. XD
I loved the pic taking at the Keg and the party, bet they’ll turn out well! Hope to catch you next time you come to Canada and hope this trip was all that you wanted it to be. You’re great Dave! <3
NoobKing: RAWR! Thanks for letting me win a match against you in brackets! XD Seriously though, you’re awesome and I’m glad I got to see you again. You and ManLi are like my teachers in BC and again, I learned a ton from you. It’s great playing you, and you give great advice and helped me get way better. Every match I seem to find something new to do and playing you it’s more like 3 new things I could do.
Like utilt! LOLOL I’m looking forward to playing you again sometime in Jan or something. Hopefully I can drag my *** out to more SFUs or something, I just love playing you guys too much and playing you makes me miss playing you when I’m not playing you. You’re too fun, too good and on top of that, I’m picking up Falcon because of you! XD
After starting to learn Luigi from scratch, knowing absolutely nothing about him and 2 weeks later going straight Luigi in this tournament, I was set on finding where I needed to improve in all aspects of my game and thought it out carefully. I need a character that can get inside fast, doesn’t rely too much of spacing big attacks and does well against Sheik and Marth, (at least better than weegee). I narrowed it down to a few and Falcon is the character I knew the least about and played the least. After seeing you play and learning a lot about the Falcon game in general from all of the Falcon matches, I’ve decided to use him at Weegee’s side. Yes, the most manly characters in the game, I’m a man ***** HAHAHAHAHA
Oh, and I beat you and Bam in the same match. YAYUHZ XD
Levi: After playing you in pools, I didn’t think you were going to do as good as you eventually did (no offence), then I saw you play a few matches in brackets and you totally stepped up your game man. You went into **** mode on everyone and nice work in the tourney! I’m just glad I could keep up with you before you went into **** mode XD
Thanks for recording everything, I’m looking forward to that!
Boomy: Come! HAHAHA
You’re too cool Dan. Freakin ***** me in 64, so glad I got to get ***** by you LOL. I’d get the first 2 hits and grab or something for 30%, then you’d grab me and stock me with ease. Thanks for teaching me a bit and ****** me in dittos, I think I know what I need to do in that game now. MM at SFU TS2 is still on, I’m hoping to at least bring you down to 1 stock in a match during the MM, so I have work to do.
Your melee is crazy, even if you hate the game you’re still good at it XD GANON STOMP is way too broken. The best “****ty” character doubles matches I’ve even played were dominated by the STOMP!!! LOLOLOL!!!
In Brawl you **** too. We could probably have some sweet MMs in Barlw if we played it a bit before playing each other. I think we were both pretty sloppy and that’s why those games were so awkward. As an edgecamping Pit would say about gimps... “Too easy” LOL that NEVER gets old!
It was great hanging out with you and partying with you and everything. You’re awesome and I hope to see you around some more. Good work in the tourney and get ***** in 64 “come” January Superboom ;D
PKMvodka: Your Gaymenwatch Destroyed My Luigi in a friendly! XD Can’t believe how good it was and how little I knew what to do against him. Your DK ***** me once too I think, can’t remember. Better luck in Singles next time, good **** in doubles. Get a hair cut seems to be a theme around here but you had some cool facial expressions that were enhanced by your hair so I say no hair cut is needed. EC DI wins! Oh, and nice Link ditto. There were so many I doubt you remember which one I was. XD
MagnuM: I felt so bad going Link vs Bowser on FD but that was some funny smash on Yoshi’s. Probably one of the most fun matches of the day was me trying to platform camp with bombs to get away from the edges as you waited for me. XD Good work vs Victor in the MM, nice dsmashing! Haha
Daltsy: DALTSY!! Oh the jokes, the skills! You have the best drinking games! You’re pwnage at drinking games and foozebawl! Totally awesome! Then your whistling skills were incredible! That was by far the best whistling I’ve ever heard! I’m pretty sure that was what kept me awake for the drive home, it was too good. And of course the balls in the pocket made a bit of difference. LOLOL
As always, it was sooo much fun to play against you, teamzing with you, hanging out with you and watching you play. You’re the bestest ever! Great work in Singles and sowy about my suckiness in Doubles. I know that I screwed up a ton but you might not have noticed. At the end of the day, I was like 4 times better so if doubles was the last event, it would’ve been better. Though, somehow we did well so I’m happy.
I used to say it all the time without to much depth in knowledge of the community but now I can say it with absolute certainty and I’ve heard others say it too. You could easily become the best in BC. You’ve only had a few months to play the better players of the province and you’ve excelled and keep excelling. You know what you can do to improve and you can do it and I know well enough that you’re capable of improving from everything thrown at you. You’ve got everything needed and you’re well on your way. I just hope I can keep up with you to not let us down in doubles ever XD
I’m expecting good things from your Marth too, or whoever you go with. Your Falco is crazy but if you know Marth and Sheik will make you even better, than I’m sure you’ll be unstoppable or close to that. You could easily be BCs next Eric, or even more in time. Also, now that I’m picking up Falcon, maybe you’ll enjoy playing AGAINST me again. No more of that Jiggs BS! LOLOL
Great times and good work in the tourney. Undamafeated 4 life, wubz wubz <333
Solaris: RAWR I don’t think I remember you but for some reason I think you were a Samus...?
FastFox: I recently heard that you were once retired! Good to see you still playing smash then. Good pools matches and doubles matches. They were close. GGs for sure. Hope to play you again sometime. Sorry we never got to do some friendlies afterwards. I remember you saying that you wanted to play my weegee and I wanted to play you but somehow it never happened. Next time for sure!
Ermine: RAWR! I'm not sure who that is, my bad.
Killlock: You are too cool! HAHA Thanks for waking up at the right time but it would’ve been nice to have you join the late hours of fun with us for at least one of the nights. You’re good, you should play more! Looking forward to seeing you in Jan at SFU, MM? >:]
xpiritflare: Nicely done man! You did a great job countering my Luigi. Your Sheik was played well and you adjusted to the match up well. I heard that you don’t play very much so I like how you know your stuff. That last match was the most difficult match of the tournament for me. Sheik needle camping and shielding into dthrows and aerials is like 90% in her favor against Weegee and I had to play so well to not get destroyed. You’re good and played it well, winning the first match and me getting to pick DL really helped me but it wasn’t enough. Last stock, 150ish % and really patient spacing. Nice work! You took it from me and well deserved the victory! You sure were shaking afterwards though. XD
I would’ve liked to play more friendlies with your Sheik because it was tough and fun but you did ok with Falco and Marth too. If you master that style of play with Sheik, I’m going to have to switch characters to beat you next time. XD Good ****!
Chrusher: RAWR! Lol your name is speeled fuknee
Brdy: I didn’t even get to see you play. Saw you around though. You’re pretty cool XD
MAIN Attraction: RAWR! I'm not sure who that is, my bad.
Kithkin: Nice work in doubles, was fun.
Tyson: Nice work in doubles, was fun.
Victra: Really fun tournament! I’m glad you got the others to come out to the Keg dinner and CAST3.5! The whole weekend was a blast and the tournament was awesome. There are always slipups and you handled them well. This was a big event at it was everything I could’ve asked. So glad you did this whole thing and so glad I came out to this.
Nice Fox too. Try implementing usmashes into your game and you might beat my Luigi next time. Against lighter characters it’s deadly even more than it is normally. That’s like a doomsday device you simply avoid using. XD
Expect to see me at CAST5!
Nitrocidal: RAWR! I'm not sure who that is, my bad.
Dynamism: ****ing noob! Lurn 2 ****ing play and get a ****ing main that’s actually good and get some ****ing experience you ****ing noob!
Mach5: RAWR! I'm not sure who that is, my bad.
JAPMAN: RAWR! I don’t know who you were there but I’ll probably see you in BC XD
Halcyon.Days: RAWR! I'm not sure who that is, my bad.
Toph: RAWR! I'm not sure who that is, my bad.
vertically challenged: Fun in pools and entertaining watching you play others. Your Peach is coming along. Beat my Link when I thought I good be lazy and you ***** me for it! That shows that you have the right stuff. Keep at it and you’ll be great. You seemed to improve as the day went on. Sask rules! LOL
Vash: RAWR! I'm not sure who that is, my bad.
Lib3r4t3: LOLOL You got so drunk at the party. The drinking games really went haywire for you. XD Nice smashing you again, you’ve improved. Find that main and study those approaches and work on it. You’ve probably heard a lot of advice and seen a lot of things over the course of this trip so learn to apply those approaches to your game and change up your style. Remember to always change. You’re getting there but have a long way to go.
Nice work in doubles at the Thug Masion, we got totally ***** pretty much the entire time though. Watch out for DownBs off the edge and watch for my knees...they hit randomly! XD
I’ll put on a smashfest so we can practice our new tricks against jugfingiez and sakiz and all them sometime. Keep practicing though, don’t do the same thing twice!
ICYU: I saw some of your ICs against Jumblez ICs. Those were epic! Keep it up and maybe I’ll get to play you next time!
icedteea: RAWR! I'm not sure who that is, my bad.
Chumly: RAWR! I'm not sure who that is, my bad.
RL Prodigy: Little guy that pwnd Sask right? You’re awesome! XD
Frio: Nice Marth! Almost had me there. You’re probably just not used to fighting Weegee’s and I used that to my advantage. Marth is a pain but by the end of the tourney I was keeping up with some of the better ones so you had a good chance at that time. Best of luck next time and see you again hopefully. You got skillz and just need to play a little more I think! Don’t try to force anything, just be patient and you’ll pwn me!
[Danny]: RAWR! I'm not sure who that is, my bad.
Alphicans: I though you were supposed to be like...not complete trash at smash....?
LOLOL I didn’t see it but I heard it! Better luck next time! I’d like to play you next time. XD
Blitzmidfielder: RAWR! I'm not sure who that is, my bad.
XeroGravity: RAWR! I'm not sure who that is, my bad.
Sketch: You’re not bad so keep at it and you’ll keep improving. Sorry for knocking you into losers brackets, I always feel bad winning for some reason. XD
Dogg: RAWR! I'm not sure who that is, my bad.
Aden: RAWR! I'm not sure who that is, my bad.
Pressokman: RAWR! I'm not sure who that is, my bad.
Jumblez: By the end of the tourney, you were way better. Still hilarious how you thought this was a Brawl tournament until the week before. Oh well, you somehow still took a match off of almost everyone you played even when you don’t play this game anymore. Nice Nana, she ***** XD
You’re really bad at drinking games HAHAHAHAHAH
Un_gato: cake?
5950: RAWR! I'm not sure who that is, my bad.
Albinoguy: Nice work doing a whole bunch of stuff and keeping things in line. I never saw you play or anything and didn't even know you entered the tourney too. Hosts are always supposed to do bad anyway. No johns at CAST5, I'm expecting a top 10 out of you XD
SASK - **** Jiggs lol (lil peach/fox)
CAL - **** Sheik lol (lil fox/marth)
EDM - **** Marth lol (lil fox/sheik/falcon)
BC - **** Fox lol (lil marth/falcon/falco)
EC - **** Falco lol (lil falcon/marth/fox)
WA - **** Fox lol (lil falco/peach/falcon)
OKANAGAN - ****ty Weegee
lulz I’m so stuuuupid