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CAST4 - Nov 22-23, 08 - Alberta, CAN - MELEE ONLY - It's over! T^T


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
Stops are nice so we will make many indeed.
Fur johns calls for punting in my NEW books.
I am driving all the way to the CAST4 palace.

However, Extreem one, if this is what you do after your bday, would you be bussing all the way to Red Deer or Edmonton? Because you just mentioned a consideration of Randal coming from Edmonton, and that makes me think that you'd go there instead, so keep note that I'm not driving to Edmonton and back so don't bus there if I'm coming to get you, bus Red Deer if you bus so I can get you or just come with us all the way. lol

Edit: Start drinking again shortly after sobering though. I quit drinking in May so I've slowly started again, start faster than me k thx? ;P


Smash Lord
Oct 3, 2007
I didn't understand your post at all... I'll talk to you about it when you get here Nov.8 tournament you going?


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
I can't make it Nov 8th. The next Vancouver tourney I can even dream about making is the one in January, which I'm 100% confirmed on going to much like MOST and CAST. Other than that I'm burried up to my neck in **** I need to do "here" but yeah, basically you mentioned coming with Rand but he was coming from Edmonton and I just wanted to make it clear that I'm not going to Edmonton so yeah...

Unsmashrelated...I just found out that a buddy/guitarist/bassist from Ktown will be in Red Deer these days too...epic


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
So, just to recap. Who is going with you in your car, and how many seats (legally) does it have?

The Car
5 seats in the car.
Technically 2 legal for me right now but at that time I'll have a full licence and it'll be all legalsies. It's never been an issue for me before and I drive almost every weekend with a full car of people for band tours so I doubt it will matter for smashers either. Also, you can drive for all legalsies if it comes to that and it really matters but we could just take turns and all will be legalsies no worries about that.

There are 5 people in current attendance.
Daltsy, CAOTIC, NoobKing and Dynamism are 4.

Lib3r4t3 will be the 5 unless jugfingers is coming, which wont be decided until the end of this month at least and maybe not until much closer to the tournament date. ExtreemOne will also decide at the end of this month but if Kaelen or AJ still want to come by carpool, they get priority. If both Kaelen and Roby decide to come, there will be 7 people total including everyone so to make it fairest for everyone, the truck will then be used and everyone will carpool.

The Truck
5 seats in the truck. If we take the truck, you will have to drive one of the vehicles. We could just split us up to 4 and 3 because we could both drive full licenced. The insurance will be canceled on the truck before the end of October if it's not needed at that time regarding the 6th and 7th passenders. It's my dads and he's gone until Christmas so I'm supposed to cancel it for November if I don't use it for this. If I do keep it, we'll all have to split the 150$ ish insurance cost for the month as well. The truck is also not favored as it's worse on gas than my car and would only have 2 more used seats among the vehicles. It'll probably cost more money than preferred but it's all we have if everyone is coming. Though it is only optionally limited, in other words, no backsies Roby and Kaelen.

outcomes possible!

Best Possibility For Everyone ::
= We all wavedash there and it takes an instant and we **** Red Deer.

Best Realistic Possiblity For Everyone ::
= Dynamism drives the car with Noobking, Daltsy, CAOTIC and Jugfingers all the way to Thug Masion in Red Deer arriving Thursday night ready for CAST4. Extreem and Lib3r4t3 meanwhile bus to Red Deer and Dynamism picks them up at the GH station Thursday night or Friday sometime.
= Everyone gets there and it's done efficiently and is convinient for me.

Worst Possibility For Everyone ::
= We get waveshined off the planet and 4 stocked by deaths Brawl FS.

Worst Realistic Possibility For Everyone ::
= Adam drives the Truck that everyone empties their pockets of cash for filled with AJ, David, Daltsy and Roby while I drive Kaelen in the car along with the luggage because only one person is legal with me and we run late getting to Red Deer and barely make it in time for the tourney.
= Everyone gets there but we're all broke, tired and annoyed for CAST4.

Most Realistic Possiblities For Everyone ::
= Roby busses to Red Deer and I pick him up at the station when he arrives, Kaelen can't make it and I drive everyone else directly to CAST4 or...
= Roby and AJ bus to Red Deer and I pick them up at the station when they arrive, Kaelen decides to come at the last second and I drive us all directly there or...
= We absolutely ****ing destroy all the *****es at CAST4 with our **** BC with a tint of Aussie and nobody stands a ****ing chance as they eat our ****!

How's that for a recap?

Edit: I'll add you too Dan, I'm inkyjr

also, Adam, I seem to have everones msn but yours! Add inkyjr k? :D


Smash Champion
Aug 2, 2005
Calgary, AB, CA
FLY?! Uhh, I'll talk to calgary, and I know we'd love to host the great gimpyfish, But I honestly think you should go to edmonton, better smashers

lol 62 points


Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2008
Grande Prarie, AB
You want to fly to Edmonton International Airport. =D

Someone drive this beast down to Red Deer! Kat? Wanna pick up your hero on your way here? You'll be dropping Sev and Stub at Edmonton anyways right?

Ok so gimpyfish will be arriving in Edmonton? so you want ME to pick him up when Sev and Stub go to edmonton? Well I would, the thing is it's Stub who's driving not me, I'm not brining my car. And stub and sev might come to CAST4 still...so depending if we go to edmonton or not. Connor said if i went to edmonton he could pick me up and drive back to Red Deer. So here's what I'm thinking, if stub and sev go to west ed, I'll meet up with Gimpy and i'll call connor and connor will pick gimpy and I up and we can drive back to Red Deer.

how does that sound to you guys?

Oh and i'll make sure Gimpy has a place to stay at Connors. I'll reserve room for him. So someone might get shafted so Gimpy can stay at Connor's house.

So I mean, if Stub and Sev flake out and go get high in Edmonton, I would love to get connor to pick up my low-tier idol. That would be way too cool. Lol i sure hope connor's Dynasty can make it without him backing up into something again heh heh. However if Stub and Sev DO come to CAST4 i'll have no reason to go to Edmonton, thus not being able to pick up Gimpy. But connor did say he could pick ME up in edmonton so why cant the same be for a legend? I think he'd do it.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2005
Donkey Kong.
FLY?! Uhh, I'll talk to calgary, and I know we'd love to host the great gimpyfish, But I honestly think you should go to edmonton, better smashers

lol 62 points
Go to Edmonton. I can't really think of anyone who can give a ride in Calgary who's car isn't already full.


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
Alex; we have room for Riley, right?

The only person who might house in Calgary is Joel, and he'll be working most the time, which means people will have to talk to his stupid room mate. And we don't have room for rides. And we don't like people


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
it's gonna cost $625.00 monnies to put get winter tires and put them on my car... >_>

I have 2 tires to trade in but I don't know how much I'll get for that...yes, I may ask for a slight donation from my passengers for this but I know that they are my tires and I should pay the bulk of it so it wont be much extra donation but throwing that much into tires and not even be on the way to the tournament is a big fsmash to my finances...


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
Everyone coming with me or maybe coming with me, check the first post I made on Janitors discussion thread regarding rides. I'll keep updating it as things change.
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