There are a few something i noticed at the smashfest.
1. Lesser skilled players did not push hard enough to play with better people. ( some did, and that was good, but i think more should try.)
2. Much improvement, from ZR, Marly, and stock
3. Too many people were playing the same person for too long. Switch it up, and play different people. The Ben( P.i), Foxy, me, Zr rotation was good, and more of that should have been going on.
4. kadaj is a ***.
5. Steve is a ***
6. sushi is a *****
7. shady is a ****
Yo some of you **** need to pull top players aside and say " *****, you are going to play me, 2 out of 3, right now."
They will do it, you just have to be persistent.
I think i was the only PR'd member who fought people that were not pr'd, and it should not be like that.
taught Dj some nice mk tricks. He just needs to play the char more to get a better feel of the moveset and the game.
Overall the fest was very refreshing and it is good to have a chill atmosphere where we can play each other and learn new things.
I am prop going to try and have these on weekends we dont have tourneys. I know trill dojo is next weekend, and then the Christmas party after that, so we are kinda stacked, but whenever things slow down, i will host things.
P.S i ***** foxy's mk with Falco BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH!
im only gloating cause i know he is prob our best mk main, besides sushi, even though he does not want to admit it. Oh, and im gloating cause he absolutely destroyed my diddy
@ ocean. That was actually me when i went to Washington.