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Captain Olimar?

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Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2007
In your sock drawer
i have no doubt that olimar will be in brawl. but there are so many possibilities on how he will be put in to the game. the example of the pokemon trainer being like olimar could happen and you fight with pikmin. i was also thinking that olimar might be like the ice climbers. the 6 different types of pikmin could follow him and attack like that. or it could be like peach and pluck the pikmin randomly out of the ground. who knows. all i know is that if he gets in. i can't wait to play as him. he'll be next to Sonic, ridley, pokemon trainer and jigglypuff if he gets in.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
i think olimar's chances are pretty good after the event. here's how i think so...

we've already seen the bulborb as a trophy, so the Pikmin series will appear in some way. and at the media event, people had the chance to use Assist Trophies. If Olimar was an AT, you would think at least ONE person would of nabbed it, but no one saw it.

i think olimar is playable with that kind of proof.

Olimar for Brawl


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2007
I've thought up a real basic move set (pretty much just specials) but check it out

Down B- Pikmin Pluck: up to three can be carried with you at a time, plucking more just makes the oldest one go away. So say you pluck 1, 2, 3, plucking 4 would make 1 go away. The colors could come out at random. This is the basis for a lot of his moves. The pikmin can be killed like goombas in adventure mode, hit them a bit and they just fly away.

B- Throw Pikmin: Throw whatever pikmin is first in line, once you throw it they will latch on to whoever is close by and beat on them. If your aim is good and you hit them directly they will do a good amount of damage and instantly latch on (so people can't fend them off/run). Different colors would have special effects/abilities
Red- The "base" pikmin by which all others are measured. It has no particular strength or weakness, maybe some other cool effect too.
Blue- Dunno this is the only one I haven't thought of yet
Yellow - Flies farther and higher, but attacks are slightly weaker and they are easier to kill
White/Poison- Fly normal, attack weakest of all the pikmin but anyone they latch on too becomes poisoned (effect works while pikmin is on and a slight time after they leave) hitting them away lets out a burst of poison too so if you melee them away you'll still get poisoned.
Purple- Moves slow (may fall behind), doesn't fly far but is incredibly strong, if it hits someone directly it'd be like taking a smash attack, and it slows them down while latched on. If it hits the ground it shakes it slightly stunnng nearby players. But along with it's slowness, if you get a purple pikmin it takes up the space of three.

Up B: Yellow Pikmin straight up: Olimar throws a yellow Pikmin straight up (regardless of whats plucked) and is somehow attached to it (vine or something, maybe a whole rope of pikmin?) similiar to ice climbers up B.

Side B: Whislte: Olimar Whisltes allowing him to rearange or guide him pikmin. Hold the special button to whislte longer. If you whistle while pikmin are away from you they will run back to you.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Olimer is definetly the only character I am assured is getting in...


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Nya has spoken!.

Now i just whant to see that in the Ridley or the Black Knight thread. *cryes*


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
So NYA is the one that predicted Sonic right? with her connection?

O good... lets just hope the icon theory isn't correct XS


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
So NYA is the one that predicted Sonic right? with her connection?

O good... lets just hope the icon theory isn't correct XS
All it proves is that Game & Watch will return...nothing else...and I don't see why that's so bad...


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Olimar and Mega man are competing for a spot...
Not really, that alphabetical part is wrong...

They assume it would be arranged by the English Alphabet or whatever but under the Japanese name


Smash Apprentice
May 23, 2007
Captain Olimar would be so ****ing awesome. He has potential to be an incredibly unique fighter, and Sakurai loves that. Something like...

vB: Pikmin Pluck (Olimar plucks a pikmin from the ground, which then follows him around. He can have up to 5 Pikmin out at any one time. These Pikmin was very fragile, and will die after taking about 20% of damage from enemy attacks. The pikmin has a 30% of being red, 30% chanceof being yellow, 30% chance of being blue, 5% chance of being purple, and a 5% chance of being white.)

B: Pikmin Throw (Olimar holds the first pik,min behind him by the head and tosses it at the opponent. If the hit connects, the Pikmin will latch onto the opponent and continue hitting them until shaken off. Can be charged to be thrown farther. Purples do the most damage, but are the hardest to throw. Reds do sufficient damage. Blues do less damage than reds. Yellows do the least damage, but can be thrown farther. Whites will poison opponents upon contact a la Lip's Stick.)

^B: Geyser Jet (A giant stream of water shoots straight up from beneath Olimar, launching him and all current Pikmin upward.)

>B: Swarm Order (Olimar sets all of the Pikmin currently following him free. They can now move and jump as they please, and will usually begin attacking the nearest target, or collect any nearby items and bring them to Olimar.)

Final Smash: Rocket Trip (Louie flies in on Olimar's ship, and Olimar hops into the rocket as he flies by. The player can now control the rocket's flight, heavily damaging anyone the rocket comes in contact with for about 5 seconds. Olimar will then jump out of the ship and land on th estage as Louie flies away.)

Love it, right?

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I'm glad this thread is getting some attention again. We've seen hardly anything Pikmin-related in this game, yet...and it is definitely missing it. I can't wait to play as Olimar. I think he will be an amazing character to play as...


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
ZOMG T3h Grim LiZaRdS!?

Anyways i wholeheartedly agree i cant wait to play as Olimar not matter how little Sakurai gives us.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Oh, and I also want to quote this because it is hands down the best Olimar moveset. This is how Olimar should be implemented in Brawl...

Captain Olimar

Weight: 2
Size: 2
Strength: 3
Speed: 3
Reach: 2.5

Star of the Pikmin series Olimar is one heck of a fella. In just a few hours he manages to enslave a race of kind-natured flower people, abuse them by throwing them at things to get
his slave labour done and even has them killing the local wildlife in order to recycle their corpses for making more Pikmin (who are born into slavery). That's just Pikmin 1 though, he does it again in Pikmin 2 but this time in order to pay off a big loan his company has racked up. Just to give you an idea, as explained in the introduction, 100 "pokos" is over 1 year's salary and the aim of Pikmin 2 is to clear the remainder of the debt of 10,000 pokos, that's like...over 100 years salary. Talk about badass, Ganondorf can eat his heart out. Being first party and a game that has produced nothing but excellent titles since Pikmin 1 and 2 were 9.0 and 9.2 games on Gamespot and I think even higher on IGN, 3 on Wii is practically a dead cert. To make the games sell even better, what better than to include the protagonist in Brawl to promote the franchise?

Onto the actual moveset though, the majority of the uniqueness of Olimar would be his Pikmin buddies. After all, it's the game's focus and Olimar's primary way of whooping ***. He can actually fight himself, the Pikmin aren't necessary for him to fight (although incredibly necessary to complete the game, obviously) and so he's more than Brawl-worthy.
I should start off by explaining that there are 5 different kind of Pikmin that you can use primarily in Pikmin 2 and 2 unique but not really obtainable Pikmin in 1 and 2. These 5 main ones are Red, Yellow, Blue, White and Purple. Each have different strengths and weaknesses and like in Pikmin they'll be gotten by plucking them from the ground, but Olimar will start with 4 randomly generated Pikmin in order to not completely gimp him.

The Different Pikmin

You can have up to 15 Pikmin at one time. Oh and I better mention that pikmin when in the air are hapless. No, they can't DI, don't be silly. I should also note that any Pikmin currently engaging in hostile acts on an opponent can't be used in Olimar's attacks, even if they are in range.

Basic Pikmin Mechanics: When thrown will attack and follow the closest target, like in Pikmin, however if the closest target is Olimar they will return to his side. Pikmin come in the 3 different stages of evolution: Leaf, Bud and Flower. Leaf is the most basic, a bud will increase their attack speed by 0.2 seconds and runspeed slightly, while a flower will increase their runspeed slightly, attack speed by a further 0.2 seconds and damage 1%. If a Pikmin lands on you, depending on their weight your runspeed and jump height will be lowered slighty. To rid yourself of a Pikmin, waggle the analogue stick <-, ->, <-, ->. While a Pikmin is attached to you it's attack speed increases slightly by 0.3 seconds. Pikmin evolve by being used in a killing move or after every 15 hits.


Attack Speed: 1.5 seconds
Damage: 3% per hit.
Weight: 2.5
Speed: 3
Immunities: Fire/Explosions
Special Abilities: None
Takes knockback proportionate to weight and 175% of Olimar's Damage (so if Olimar was on 100% and you smashed a red pikmin, he would get knocked back as if he was of weight 2.5 on 175% damage)

Most basic Pikmin and the first you get, they are also the strongest of the original trio of Yellow, Red and Blue. Immune to fire and so immune to explosions aka. bomb-ombs.


Attack Speed: 1.2 seconds
Damage: 2%
Weight: 2
Speed: 3
Immunities: Lightning
Special Abilities: None
Takes knockback proportionate to weight and 200% of Olimar's Damage (so if Olimar was on 100% and you smashed a yellow pikmin, he would get knocked back as if he was of weight 2 on 200% damage)

The 2nd type of Pikmin you are introduced to in Pikmin 1, Yellow's are the lightest are thus are capable of being thrown the furthest. Immune to lightning attacks such as PK Thunder.


Attack Speed: 1.5 seconds
Damage: 2%
Weight: 3.5
Speed: 3
Immunities: Water
Special Abilities: None
Takes knockback proportionate to weight and 125% of Olimar's Damage (so if Olimar was on 100% and you smashed a blue pikmin, he would get knocked back as if he was of weight 3 on 150% damage)

3rd regular type of Pikmin and the last one found in Pikmin 1. Able to withstand water attacks such as Blastoise (if he's back in Brawl :(). Slightly heavier than the other 2 and cannot be thrown as far.

Sorry for the terrible, terrible picture. Honestly, there was no good ones of the blue Pikmin >.>

Whitey! (aka. the Albino Pikmin)

Attack Speed: 1.0 seconds
Damage: 1%
Weight: 3
Speed: 5
Immunities: Poison
Special Abilities: 3% chance on hit poison which deals 2% damage every second for 5 seconds. If ingested (a la Kirby or Yoshi's swallow moves), that opponent is automatically poisoned.
Takes knockback proportionate to weight and 150% of Olimar's Damage (so if Olimar was on 100% and you smashed a white pikmin, he would get knocked back as if he was of weight 3 on 150% damage)

This one seriously scares the crap out of me. Just don't look into it's eyes! Fastest of all the Pikmin and is partially made of toxins I believe. Immune to poison (since it's body contains it) and so immune to poison mushrooms.

Purpley! (aka. the Sumo Pikmin)

Attack Speed: 2 seconds
Damage: 4%
Weight: 4.5
Speed: 1
Immunities: None
Special Abilities: Apart from being the fattest son'of'a... around, none
Takes knockback proportionate to weight and 75% of Olimar's Damage (so if Olimar was on 100% and you smashed a purple pikmin, he would get knocked back as if he was of weight 5 on 75% damage)

This guy seriously puts on a pound a minute. Even throwing him near an enemy stuns them in Pikmin 2. Obviously has the highest weight and damage at the cost of speed and throwing distance, these guys are heavy brawlers and cause the most slowing and jump height reduction when thrown onto someone. As hard as they are to knock away, they don't have any immunities (except to indigestion).

Good so far eh? We're just getting started!

The Actual Moveset

Finally, onto Olimar's actual moves. That's a lot of information to get down before you can even get onto this stuff, if Sakurai ever finds this moveset and thinks "Wow, that's such an excellent idea!" he'll put it in manual. I hope.

A moves

A - Right fisted punch - 2%, loooooooow knockback
AA - Left fisted punch - 2% loooooooooow knockback
AAA - Olimar's special Rocket Punch(tm)(R)...maybe not...Olimar sticks out both his fists in a double fisted punch of glory - 4% med-low knockback
Dash A - Rush Boots, you slide at 1.5 times your running speed for a short distance, semi-bad wind-down lag though - 8% medium knockback
A -> tilt - Headbutt - 10%, medium knockback
A^ tilt - Rising headbutt - 9% medium knockback
Av - Pik-a-grab, grabs a Pikmin and sweeps out the opponents feet. Knockback, speed and damage vary on the Pikmin sweeping with, ranging from 6%->10%, low -> med-high knockback.

A -> Smash - Swing-a-pik, for every 3 pikmin, Olimar grabs a random pikmin by the flower (so cruel) and swings them forward. Damage is 10% + the damage of each pikmin, knockback and speed again depends on the type of Pikmin and the number. If no pikmin are near, Olimar hits for 10%.

A^ Smash - Soar-a-pik, for every 5 pikmin, Olimar grabs a random pikmin by the flower and swings them in an arc upwards. 10% + pikmin damage, speed and knockback variable. If no pikmin are near, Olimar hits for 10%.

Av Smash - Kik-a-pik, All the pikmin around him kick (both sides, so it wouldn't be 15 pikmin on 1 side kicking) for their base damage with good knockback, if no pikmin are currently following Olimar, he does a 360 floor sweep for 8% with low-med knockback.

Nair - Spins around - 2% each hit with low knockback, last one has medium knockback
Bair - Donkey kick - 5% good knockback
Uair - Somersault kick (he's had zero g training after all) - 6% medium knockback
Dair - Mid-air headbutt (kinda like a reverse of his Uair and instead of kicking them, thwacks them with his helmet) - 5%, meteor
Fair - Your standard kick - 5% medium knockback

B moves

These are probably going to be a bit more indepth.

B - Ye olde "Whistle" - Olimar uses this to command his little buddies. Tapping B will make a short shrill whistle noise which is the go ahead for the pikmin to change the order in which they are standing, meaning you can select which pikmin are closest to you at any given time by taps of B. The default formation is Purple -> White -> Red -> Blue -> Yellow and will change as such so the front goes to the back (ie. W->R->B->Y->P is the next formation). Formations are there to give you greater control over which Pikmin you are throwing and with practice will become second nature, even in the heat of a battle, and like everything would just take practice getting used to managing them.

Holding down B will make all pikmin in 4 body-lengths of Olimar will attempt to make their way back to his side. While holding down B (so after 1/2 -> 3/4 of a second), Olimar is forced to continue to whistle for the remainder of 2 seconds and is unable to move or attack during this time.

B -> - Hurl-a-Pik - Throws a pikmin, how hard depends on how far you tilt the control stick. They follow a set trajectory of the classic arc, and will also go different distances depending on their weight. Holding the control stick full tilt and throwing a purple pikmin will yield roughly the same result as throwing a yellow pikmin at under half tilt.

B^ - Dolphin Rocket - Olimar's rocket is also his recovery move! Upon using this move Olimar is instant in his rocket which moves on a shaky trajectory diagonally upwards. You can also control this a little, such as veer it in a direction. Any surrounding pikmin which are falling relatively near to Olimar are taken up in the Onions around the S.S. Dolphin. Upon moving for 1.5 seconds or so, the dolphin explodes out of habit sending 3 randomly generated parts upwards, diagonally down to the right and diagonally down to the left. These parts are parts which you collect from Olimar's ship in Pikmin 1 and all do 5% damage except the secret safe which does 8% and the Massage Machine and the Space Float (with lower chances of appear) which do a healthy 10%.

Bv - Pick-a-Pik - Probably the most complicated one of all that will take some time to explain. Pick-a-Pik works as sectioned areas of each stage where each section has a 60% common chance and 40% uncommon chance of plucking 2 different kinds of Pikmin. Battlefield for example might be split into 5 different sections, the 3 different platforms and the main floor split in half. On these sections 2 types of Pikmin can be plucked (skilled Olimar's will know which Pikmin to get where on each stage) in those 2 percentages but the rarer Pikmin (white and purple) can only ever occur as 40% uncommon chances, so a purple/white or white/purple combination won't happen, but a red/blue could.

To actually pick the Pikmin, Olimar must hold down and press B at which point it will take 2 seconds to pick a Leaf Pikmin form that area. Subsequent presses of B (while still holding down) will yield Pikmin at 1 second delays. The first 2 Pikmin to be picked will be Leaf Pikmin, the next 3 will be Bud Pikmin and all subsequent Pikmin will be Flower Pikmin, up to the maximum of 15 Pikmin. If you start picking with 0 Pikmin, it's possible to pick up to 10 Flower Pikmin.

Grab moves

A (while holding) - Sly dig - 3%
Forward - Bum's rush, 1-3 Pikmin by Olimar grab the opponent and do the Bum's rush on him ::chuckle: (6-9% high knockback), no Pikmin and Olimar weakly attempts it himself resulting in 3% damage and low knockback

Back - Pik-a-Swing, 1-3 Pikmin grab the opponent's feet and swing him backwards for 5-8% damage and med-high knockback, if no Pikmin, Olimar attempts to do it by himself for 3% damage and low-med knockback.

Down - Pik-a-pounce, Olimar throws the opponent to the floor, 1-6 Pikmin + Olimar jump on one end of the floored opponent for half their totaled base damage + 3% and med-high knockback depending on Pikmin weights. If no Pikmin, Olimar once again foolishly attempts it by himself and doesn't get very far, 3% damage and very low knockback.

Up - Pik-a-Punch, Olimar releases the opponent and uppercuts them at the same time as 1-5 Pikmin. Damage and knockback depends on Pikmin's strength. If no Pikmin, Olimar does it by himself for 3% damage and low knockback.

Final Smash Move

Pikmin Bomb Squad!

The S.S. Dolphin flies in from the top left of the screen over the battlefield and exits again to the top right, pausing only to fire the Nova Blaster down on Olimer's position. Any enemies caught in the dazzling beam are stunned as if their shield was broken. Any yellow pikmin bathed in the light acquire bomb rocks with a minimum of 3. If 3 yellow pikmin aren't present, 3 random pikmin caught in the light will be transformed into yellow bomb pikmin and if 3 pikmin aren't present (if any), then any pikmin caught in the light will be transformed and up to 3 bomb pikmin appear to a maximum of 3 in total. However, if 15 pikmin of that Olimer are present on the battlefield but none caught in the beam, the bomb pikmin will not appear.

Yellow bomb pikmin are able to be thrown as far as regular yellow pikmin and if they land on an opponent after being thrown will automatically explode for 15% damage and high knockback and the pikmin will automatically be star-ko'd. A yellow bomb pikmin will give chase to any opponents they land near like regular pikmin, but instead will self-detonate (star-ko'ing itself) and do 10% damage and med-high knockback. If the opponent attempts to evade the pikmin and succeeds (so the pikmin cannot follow), he will attempt to throw the bomb rock at the opponent with a good degree of precision for 7% damage and med knockback but unfortunately not a star-ko :(.


All the pikmin by Olimar's side line up facing the screen and do the leaf-mexican-wave from the good ending of Pikmin 1, speed varies on how many pikmin are in the line as to always be the same amount of time for the taunt. If no pikmin are by Olimar's side, he looks left, then right (as if looking for the pikmin) and then bows his head (in realisation that he's all alone *tear*).

Kirby Hat

Kirby dons the entire spacesuit with a small (non-spherical) helmet over the top third of his head. Kirby's B move now plucks and throws pikmin. Holding B will pluck the pikmin from the ground at the same rate as Olimar does but Kirby is not adept at throwing the pikmin. Upon tapping B Kirby throws the pikmin horizontally for less distance than Olimar as they spin through the air. Like Olimar's pikmin they well give chase and attack nearby opponents but due to their spinning in the air will bounce off of any enemies they are thrown at for their base damage rather than landing on them.

It's not exactly orthodox, but nothing about an Olimar moveset really could be :laugh: and the way the controls are set up at the moment (B for whistle, side B to throw pikmin, down B to pluck) at least make sense and such things as the whistle will feel natural for Pikmin players. Thus making one which would also make sense for Kirby's B would be practically impossible.

I think that about wraps it up for the my Olimar moveset. Thanks for taking the time to read it.


^ Awesome Pikmin advert, well worth checking out.

If anyone is unfamiliar with Pikmin and the gameplay behind it, check out this music video of Pikmin clips from Pikmin 2. While it's not exactly a tutorial video or anything you might be able to at least pick up some gameplay mechanics and how **** awesome Pikmin is.




Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
ZOMG T3h Grim LiZaRdS!? X2!!

They should have that picture of Blue Pikmin as an Olimar alt costume.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
omfg grimlizard on the olimar thread i feel so blessed first kaid on sonict hread now grim lizrad here awesomeness. I thought this thread was gonna die. Olimar has to be in because on the delay of the game there is more production time so Olimar would be in if they weren't gonna put him in before. I just want them to anounnce Olimar so I can have my first heart attack.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
When did Nya post and on what thread because she must be Jesus' reincarnation in a girl form for guessing that Sonic was going to be announce wed. and olimar would have to use the "pikmins" to fight duh.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Leading my Drowned Knights into battle
I enjoyed Pikmin, although I never finished it, got too tedious, but the idea was fun and interesting. it was my first GCN title along with Smash and one of the hundreds of flying Star Wars games.

He's an interesting character, but I dunno how he'll work in Smash, he's not the most pro-active person in existence, he basically walks around and commands the Pikmin to do his work for him. He's also slow, and he won't be powerful, so he'll be a small crappy version of Bowser.

BUT if he's made good, that'll totally ROCK OUT LOUD.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2007
hmmmm i don't know he doesn't really do a lot just chucks pikmin at people maybe an AT though
no no no-nonsesne. read into the thread before you post, theres alottttttttt you could do with olimar and it would make him the one of the most unique characters in the game.


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2007
I'll be semi-&quot;dead&quot; for a while after Fe
I had a small idea

When he attacks with no Pikmin nearby, then he needs to use his fists and stuff. Moves like Pichu really. So I'm not a big fan of some of these MS where his smashes actually involve using the ikmin as clubs. His Standard Attacks should be more on the ICs effect but the more Pikmin he has at the time, the more they move forward when he attacks. Say a FSmash is a big punch, well the last Pikmin will be so far ahead that he now has the range and priority of DKs Donkey Punch. That would make the Pikmin extremely important to his battle but not useless without them.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
I'm sure Captain Olimar will be playable.
His games are .... WONDERFUL! Pikmin2 was the best game on GC. (for me)

Olimar's Moveset:
I heard suggestions like Captain Olimar could be a character like PT. He could change Pikmins that are fighting for him.
To be honest, I would be really disappointed if Sakurai made CO a character like PT.

I think all B-Moves should be based of Pikmins.
Vali's moveset is good, I like this one.

And CO isn't to small to be a pc. In Brawl living trophies are fighting each other. Not the real characters and you can compare the Pikmin trophies in Melee and the Ridley/another big char one.......

+ Icon 19 is Pikmin...... or I think so



Smash Apprentice
Oct 5, 2007
South Island
Olimar's cool but there's a bit of a side disadvantige i mean from the camera angles by how big olimar is supposed to be you wouldn't be able to see him on screen. But i do want him in.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2006
im sure his size wouldn't be a problem. sakurai could just have his subspace emisary story as sumtin like...

he crashes his ship in mushroom kingdom and you have to fight a massive goomba( seeing as he is tiny ) and when you win a super mushroom pops out which makes him grow to a little smaller than meta. then he meets up with luigi and his adventure begins.....
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