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Captain Olimar?

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Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
sorry its hard not 2 anyway isnt olimar da size of my pinky????
goddam japanese ppl will have 1 in japan n not in the americas dats wat they usually do 2 good games but i trust in miyamoto wit reggie speakin for us americans

is any1 here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
"Pikmen" Forever!
sorry its hard not 2 anyway isnt olimar da size of my pinky????
goddam japanese ppl will have 1 in japan n not in the americas dats wat they usually do 2 good games but i trust in miyamoto wit reggie speakin for us americans
Characters can be scaled up or down. And there would be one in America, I don't see why they'd keep a new Pikmin exclusive to Japan.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Characters can be scaled up or down. And there would be one in America, I don't see why they'd keep a new Pikmin exclusive to Japan.
*Creeps out of hiding* Is he gone? Ah who am I kidding, he'll come back -_-;;

I hope when Miyamoto said that there was "Nothing yet but there will be in the future" (or something like that) it was secret code language for "We've finished half of it already!". Seriously Pikmin 3 couldn't come soon enough. No doubt it'll get delayed 5 months before it hits Britain, but it'll get here eventually I'm sure :x.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
"Pikmen" Forever!
*Creeps out of hiding* Is he gone? Ah who am I kidding, he'll come back -_-;;

I hope when Miyamoto said that there was "Nothing yet but there will be in the future" (or something like that) it was secret code language for "We've finished half of it already!". Seriously Pikmin 3 couldn't come soon enough. No doubt it'll get delayed 5 months before it hits Britain, but it'll get here eventually I'm sure :x.
I'm not sure if he left yet.. I went to try to sleep of his posts, but they just kept coming! I'd love for a Pikmin game to come early 2008.. but we'll have to see. And if in some way they could incorporate online effectively that'd be pretty sweet. Maybe a co-op online 2-player like in Pikmin 2. But idk.. just putting random stuff out there.


Smash Lord
Dec 28, 2006
Sacramento, California
Pikmin Suck.
Dude. Someone should close this topic. Because as we know, Opinion = Fact.

Sorry fellow Olimar fans. It doesn't matter that Olimar was created by Shigeru Miyamoto, who also created Mario, Link, Donkey Kong, and Starfox. It doesn't matter that he is a 1st party Nintendo franchise. And it doesn't matter that he would be a unique character. BlackSmoke said it. "Pikmin Suck"

It was a good fight while it lasted. Maybe SSB4?



Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Dude. Someone should close this topic. Because as we know, Opinion = Fact.

Sorry fellow Olimar fans. It doesn't matter that Olimar was created by Shigeru Miyamoto, who also created Mario, Link, Donkey Kong, and Starfox. It doesn't matter that he is a 1st party Nintendo franchise. And it doesn't matter that he would be a unique character. BlackSmoke said it. "Pikmin Suck"

It was a good fight while it lasted. Maybe SSB4?

I appreciate a great bit of sarcasm. Good show! I was wondering, do we have any Pikmin fanatics who happen to be good drawers? I was thinking if we rounded up some of the better stage ideas it'd be nice to have them illustrated.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
&quot;Pikmen&quot; Forever!
I appreciate a great bit of sarcasm. Good show! I was wondering, do we have any Pikmin fanatics who happen to be good drawers? I was thinking if we rounded up some of the better stage ideas it'd be nice to have them illustrated.
Oh oh me me! I can dooo stick figures.. and lines. Well maybe not lines, and the stick figures are almost proportional... hmm. Well i can color inside the lines most of the time. Does that count?


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
&quot;Pikmen&quot; Forever!
Yeah I can draw really well, but my problem is getting pics on here...does copy paste work from paint?
I'll give it a shot sometime!
If you do all you have to do is go to http://photobucket.com create a free acount, takes like seconds. Then upload the picture. And it gives you different formats for it and you copy and paste that here.

That's not an advertisement if anyone thinks that >.>


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
No it is not a record rant.

Anyway WTH? was up with that OMEGA newb? (No offense)

Er... all im saying (Which i have mentioned a few times) is that if Miyamoto wanted ANYTHING (even his pet dog) he WILL get it.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
&quot;Pikmen&quot; Forever!
No it is not a record rant.

Anyway WTH? was up with that OMEGA newb? (No offense)

Er... all im saying (Which i have mentioned a few times) is that if Miyamoto wanted ANYTHING (even his pet dog) he WILL get it.
Ya.. he's pretty dang bad.. double posts, triples posts so he can stop being a smash n00b.:dizzy:

Anyway, I don't think Miyamoto would even have to tell Sakurai to include Captain Olimar in Brawl, even though he does have that power. He just fits the Smash atmosphere so well I don't see any reason for him not to be included. Captain Olimar for Brawl!


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Ya.. he's pretty dang bad.. double posts, triples posts so he can stop being a smash n00b.:dizzy:

Anyway, I don't think Miyamoto would even have to tell Sakurai to include Captain Olimar in Brawl, even though he does have that power. He just fits the Smash atmosphere so well I don't see any reason for him not to be included. Captain Olimar for Brawl!
He's certainly incredibly violent, killing hundreds of poor innocent bugs, and enslaving an entire race to do his bidding AND worship him? That's badass. I don't think even Ganondorf managed to pull off that much.


Smash Lord
Dec 28, 2006
Sacramento, California
He's certainly incredibly violent, killing hundreds of poor innocent bugs, and enslaving an entire race to do his bidding AND worship him? That's badass. I don't think even Ganondorf managed to pull off that much.
HA. It was all for a good cause I'm sure..

I mean Mussolini made the trains run on time after all..


Smash Lord
Dec 28, 2006
Sacramento, California
To debate his inclusion. I think it's silly for someone to not want the inclusion of any character, and I think it's also pretty silly to attack someone for not liking your character. Can't we all just get along?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
yea i guess ur right we are all here 4 brawl its ineviatble for olimars inclusion he got his trophy in a special way in melee so he has to be in brawl watch him crach the dolphin into the halberg n jump minister wit pikmin did he get his driver's license from the pikmin?


Smash Lord
Dec 28, 2006
Sacramento, California
yea i guess ur right we are all here 4 brawl its ineviatble for olimars inclusion he got his trophy in a special way in melee so he has to be in brawl watch him crach the dolphin into the halberg n jump minister wit pikmin did he get his licence from the pikmin?
He's going to be in brawl for two reasons. Shigeru Miyamoto. This guy created Mario, Link, Donkey Kong, and Starfox, and you guessed it, Pikmin. Without him, there would be no Nintendo.
If any character deserves to be in, it's Olimar.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
To be honest it'd be incredibly hard not to want Olimar in Brawl. It's fine to say that you don't like him or think that he's stupid, but there is really absolutely no reason why he shouldn't be playable and plenty going for him. That's why this thread is still small tbh, all the fans of Olimar have pretty much nothing to discuss and all the haters can't really think up anything better than "He sucks" or "He's too small", both of which fail.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
if there is a pikmin 3 olimar will be in brawl the whole point of the series was to get good advertisement for games made by ninthendo when they first made it so it will help olimar in pikmin 3 get that solid 10/10

who nook???

The Subspace Muffin

Smash Cadet
Aug 23, 2007
I'm a huge Pikmin fan, and Captain Olimar is my most-wanted character... either him or Toad, and Toad doesn't look like he's going to be in. But, playing as Captain Olimar would probably be my favorite part of Brawl if he were in.

Just like Pokemon Trainer plays in SSBB like he does in Pokemon (using his Pokemon to fight, not fighting himself), I think Olimar should fight in SSBB like he does in Pikmin, using his Pikmin to fight. So, it would be neat if he literally could pluck 100 Pikmin out of the ground. Here's my moveset:

<Down Special Move: Pikmin Pluck> Olimar plucks one Pikmin from the ground. He can keep doing this until there are 100 Pikmin on the stage. They alternate colors every pluck, and are resistant to elemental attacks- yellows won't get killed by Pikachu's thunder, reds won't get killed by Bowser's fire, ect. Whenever they are close to another player, they attack. Holding Down Special Move for a long time will cause the Pikmin to all seperate into groups and go idle.

<Grab: Pikmin Toss> Olimar can grab Pikmin just like he and other characters can grab another player. The longer you hold the button, the farther Olimar tosses the Pikmin/player. If the Pikmin lands close to Olimar, it will return to Olimar. If the Pikmin lands close to or on the other player, it will attack. If it lands far away from anybody, it stands idle.

<Up Special Move: Whistle> Olimar uses his whistle, just like in the game. It has a certain range the longer you hold the button. It deals a small amount of damage to enemies, and makes your Pikmin return to you if they go idle. If Olimar is in the air, then the force of it blasts him farther up into the air.

<Standard Special Move: Ultra Bitter Spray> Olimar sends Ultra Bitter Spray into whichever direction he's facing, freezing the other player into stone for just a few seconds. The other player can be damaged, but the primary use of this move is to have time to pluck more Pikmin.

<Side Special Move: Pikmin March> The Pikmin stampede in whichever direction you point to, and then attack if they touch a player. This way, you can have them attack your enemy while you are far away. They also work good as a sort of human sheild- you're marching towards Fox with fifty Pikmin, and he keeps shooting them, but he can only take out one at a time.

<Final Smash: The Dolphin> Olimar gets in the Dolphin and flies around the stage with the three Onions behind him. All four vehicles deal massive damage to those who get hit, and the Onions will shoot out Pikmin seeds as projectiles. You can also have Olimar crash the Dolphin into the solid part of the stage, which will send the players who get hit flying, but Olimar will get damage as well, though stay where he is.

By the way... where is a little Olimar picture for my sig? I have one for Toad and one for Ridley, but I can't find an Olimar one...


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
&quot;Pikmen&quot; Forever!
To be honest it'd be incredibly hard not to want Olimar in Brawl. It's fine to say that you don't like him or think that he's stupid, but there is really absolutely no reason why he shouldn't be playable and plenty going for him. That's why this thread is still small tbh, all the fans of Olimar have pretty much nothing to discuss and all the haters can't really think up anything better than "He sucks" or "He's too small", both of which fail.
People who don't want Olimar in have just probably never played Pikmin before or started the first level and said, "Why did all my Pikmin die in the water? This game sucks." Oh and you're post number 666.. DEVIL VALI!

To the guy who posted the moveset for Olimar it's nice, but there's one on page 34 that i like better that was posted by Vali, it's worth a look. Very in depth and true to the game.

And Brawler you don't have to double post to ask if anyone is there. GAWD!

Captain Olimar for Brawl!


Smash Journeyman
Aug 23, 2007
Brooklyn, NY
ffine ill stop double postin n start multitasking by looking at mutiple threads and making posts

Captain Olimar for brawl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
God, I hope there's a Pikmin 3.
If it comes, there should be at least two new kinds of Pikmin.
Pink: Resistant to wind gusts. Has no eyes.
Orange: Can dig, doesn't sink in mud. Has eyebrows.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
&quot;Pikmen&quot; Forever!
God, I hope there's a Pikmin 3.
If it comes, there should be at least two new kinds of Pikmin.
Pink: Resistant to wind gusts. Has no eyes.
Orange: Can dig, doesn't sink in mud. Has eyebrows.
Me too, i like the ideas for the new types of Pikmin but no eyes for Pink?!?! What are you trying to make one even creepier than the White Pikmin? Captain Olimar for Brawl!


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Me too, i like the ideas for the new types of Pikmin but no eyes for Pink?!?! What are you trying to make one even creepier than the White Pikmin? Captain Olimar for Brawl!
The Pink Pikmin should have a thick monobrow and the ability to stop anything dead in it's tracks with it's stare. And no eyes.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
&quot;Pikmen&quot; Forever!
The Pink Pikmin should have a thick monobrow and the ability to stop anything dead in it's tracks with it's stare. And no eyes.
They need a Green Pikmin with the ability to feign death in order to attract large animals over to feed on them so other Pikmin may pass by. Giving one for the team.
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