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.::Captain Douglas Falcon::.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2010
At what percentages is it acceptable to use dash attack? I've found that at lower percentages, it just ends up getting you hit/combo'd, since it can't knock them far enough back


Smash Prodigy
Aug 12, 2009
It doesn't have amazing range and has quite a lot of ending lag, you're better of not using it unless it's mid-combo. Try a forward aerial instead imo. Probably debatable.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
There are times when dash attack is good. I can't like explain it but sometimes it's the fastest thing and you need to exploit the vulnerability right away and aerials would like IDK space wrong? Or something?

Anyways it's rarely useful but it can come in handy. Yeah.

Also does anyone else love spacing with SH Fair against DK? I like do a short hop and hang out outside grab range and if both hits get his shield you can run in and do stuff and if one of them pokes or he tries to grab you or doesn't shield right you can run in and do stuff and it's really safe. It's been working wonders for my anti-DK game (because you can't just run up and grab the ***** like you can with everyone else).

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
(because you can't just run up and grab the ***** like you can with everyone else).
This is your problem. I wanted to tell you this when we played. You do worse than you should be doing in match-ups that you should be out-prioritizing them with attacks (Mario, Puff, Kirby, Samus), and do good in grab-centric ones (Pikachu, Yoshi, dittos). At least you figured it out for DK. Just trying to help.


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
Late Fox edgeguard? If you grab and fthrow, fox will end up being high and he'll easily recover, while dash attack can set up for a more proper edgeguard.


Smash Lord
Feb 11, 2009
but then you can also ftilt or dash sh nair for attacks that are harder to reverse ledge di.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
^Pretty sure by "late" Sangoku meant that you run and barely make it to Fox, so that you don't have time to ftilt or short hop nair.



Smash Master
Apr 25, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland
Back throw at mid-high percent isn't always good, because you don't have time to rush to the other end (or you just end up in the first situation again). I don't see why dash attack is bad in this case though. Or why would doing something else be better?


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
This is your problem. I wanted to tell you this when we played. You do worse than you should be doing in match-ups that you should be out-prioritizing them with attacks (Mario, Puff, Kirby, Samus), and do good in grab-centric ones (Pikachu, Yoshi, dittos). At least you figured it out for DK. Just trying to help.
I'm well aware. I wryly make fun of my own grabosity on a regular basis- in this thread alone, you could probably find a dozen examples of me saying "eh don't pay attention to me I just kinda run up and grab people I suck."


Smash Apprentice
Dec 16, 2010
What moves are viable at 0%? Obviously throws are, but, for example, an uair does so little knockback at 0% that you'll get punished for it.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Leavenworth/Kansas City, Kansas
I need matchup advice against pika and ness. Both of my local pikas have either switched mains or disappeared so I can't figure it out via practice. I have two console tournaments in the next three weeks, so this would be very helpful.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
My general advice for simple and effective rinse+repeat falcon play

-Against bad DI, you can combo both of them well from zero out of Fthrow with a running C-hop F-air to U-air up-B or whatever.

-Against good DI ness, follow the Fthrow with an Upsmash to Uairs instead

-Against good DI pika, try Uairs or something IDK I just do whatever

If, for some strange reason, you end up having to hit them with something other than a grab from zero-

Upsmash works pretty well against Ness's dair, but his little *****-hands can't be beaten on that Utilt- don't approach from above

at mid percents, pivot horizontal Uairs against pika is good if you can learn to do those consistently (otherwise just do Uair and follow it with an up-B if you can, or a Dair for the kill if you're kinda near the edge, honestly pika's not gonna be at mid percents often if you're playing the BATTLECOW way)

Good Ness's get surprised by weird Fairs used at random times. if you hit with one of the kicks, he's meat.

Edgeguarding pika is kinda easier than people think, just look into the mind of your opponent to find where he's gonna up-B and then spike him out of it. Ness is pretty easy to edgeguard, just don't let him have the ledge.

Bairs are like OK to space with but mostly just run around when they're at 0 and then grab them and then they're dead.

What console tournies are you going to, may I ask?


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Leavenworth/Kansas City, Kansas
My general advice for simple and effective rinse+repeat falcon play

-Against bad DI, you can combo both of them well from zero out of Fthrow with a running C-hop F-air to U-air up-B or whatever.

-Against good DI ness, follow the Fthrow with an Upsmash to Uairs instead

-Against good DI pika, try Uairs or something IDK I just do whatever

If, for some strange reason, you end up having to hit them with something other than a grab from zero-

Upsmash works pretty well against Ness's dair, but his little *****-hands can't be beaten on that Utilt- don't approach from above

at mid percents, pivot horizontal Uairs against pika is good if you can learn to do those consistently (otherwise just do Uair and follow it with an up-B if you can, or a Dair for the kill if you're kinda near the edge, honestly pika's not gonna be at mid percents often if you're playing the BATTLECOW way)

Good Ness's get surprised by weird Fairs used at random times. if you hit with one of the kicks, he's meat.

Edgeguarding pika is kinda easier than people think, just look into the mind of your opponent to find where he's gonna up-B and then spike him out of it. Ness is pretty easy to edgeguard, just don't let him have the ledge.

Bairs are like OK to space with but mostly just run around when they're at 0 and then grab them and then they're dead.

What console tournies are you going to, may I ask?
and here

Are there any uploads of you playing anywhere? I can only find about 2-3 on youtube


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
My general advice for simple and effective rinse+repeat falcon play

-Against bad DI, you can combo both of them well from zero out of Fthrow with a running C-hop F-air to U-air up-B or whatever.
Why fair? Just uair them.

-Against good DI ness, follow the Fthrow with an Upsmash to Uairs instead
WTF WHY? That just means you get less uairs and less options since usmash hits them so darn high.

-Against good DI pika, try Uairs or something IDK I just do whatever
ya uairs fo sho


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Why fair? Just uair them.
Naaaaaaa it doesn't work sometimes

and it's like not as much of an edgeguard setup? IDK but like

Fairs are the simplest way straight Uairing with no fancy stuff won't kill them or set up an edgeguard

WTF WHY? That just means you get less uairs and less options since usmash hits them so darn high

's good enough yo

upsmash-uairs-UpB- EZedgeguard

Again, simple.

ya uairs fo sho
Depends on stage on DL they can DI down and make it so you can't finish and then you have to be clever... there's stuff it's kinda situational


Smash Cadet
Jul 14, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
when ness is trying to recover you can jump out facing backwards and kind of force them to respect your bair. then when they try to upB you should be close enough to just falcon dive into them for a goodnight.. if they are too far to falcon dive into, just get back to the stage and spike them/bair them when they upB. your aggressive off stage pressure should have forced them to recover from afar and it should be pretty straightforward

Yeah if you're decent enough, one grab on either should lead to death like 95% of the time for ness and like 80-85% for pika.

I can't say i ever usmash a lighty unless they're tough to grab and you do it for surprise.. but never after a grab, there should be better options..

Bcow-its possible to f-throw and straight uair a ness or a pika to death man, at least on DL and the other small stages

Doubtful they'll have good DI tho.. he can probly use fair stuff and be good to go


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
when ness is trying to recover you can jump out facing backwards and kind of force them to respect your bair. then when they try to upB you should be close enough to just falcon dive into them for a goodnight.. if they are too far to falcon dive into, just get back to the stage and spike them/bair them when they upB. your aggressive off stage pressure should have forced them to recover from afar and it should be pretty straightforward
No one needs advice on how to edgeguard ness lol

I can't say i ever usmash a lighty unless they're tough to grab and you do it for surprise.. but never after a grab, there should be better options..
You don't need better options against ness. Fthrow-Upsmash-death 'cause he's off the stage. It's easy, too- IDK how good quote is, but he doesn't play online, so he's probably not super-legit (no offense quote) and this is something anyone semi-decent could do.

Bcow-its possible to f-throw and straight uair a ness or a pika to death man, at least on DL and the other small stages
Without getting fancy? On any stage? Keep in mind that ff uairs and tricky landings and stuff are not gonna do it here.

... doubt it. Maybe everyone I've ever played has more DI than you're talking about, lol.
Doubtful they'll have good DI tho.. he can probly use fair stuff and be good to go
If they do have good DI, uairs alone won't do it for you either (from 0, that is)


Smash Cadet
Jul 14, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
didnt say on any stage man, on the small stages it should work and even with hero DI you can still adjust and keep them in your uairs. you shouldn't need to ff either if you just SH at the right times in the beginning of the combo

Yeah lol about the edgeguarding advice, i just have a huge pet-peeve for pple who stay on the stage and wait for them there for an edgeguard, and i dont know quote's level, so i threw it in..w/e

I get what ur sayin/doin. if quotes level isnt that high than the advice you're giving him should be effective/easy for him to implement.

EDIT: we talkin about console DI eh? none of that KB DI HAX... lol


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
Yeah, console DI (my console DI's actually better than my KB DI because I cripple my KB DI on purpose out of guilt LOL).

You did say on small stages my bad

I still don't think that's true though lol. You're just talking fthrow-a bunch of full hop uairs with easy, obvious landings-up B?


Smash Cadet
Jul 14, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Broo.. You gat to short hop. But yeah man vs ness or pika. I mean, it's kind of natural when I do it, but I guess you need to have some knowledge of the timing needed especially with the platforms, but technically it's pretty easy..
Edit: yeah if you do a uair at the wrong time it ruins it, but once you get it it's pretty chill


Smash Hero
Nov 12, 2008
disproving determinism
Naaaaaaa it doesn't work sometimes

and it's like not as much of an edgeguard setup? IDK but like

Fairs are the simplest way straight Uairing with no fancy stuff won't kill them or set up an edgeguard
fair sucks too easy to DI and ends combos earlier because you don't stale your uair ... plus upB sends them far off the stage so idk what you mean


's good enough yo

upsmash-uairs-UpB- EZedgeguard

Again, simple.
except you can just uairs upB and you'll do more damage and hit them farther off the stage

Depends on stage on DL they can DI down and make it so you can't finish and then you have to be clever... there's stuff it's kinda situational
on dl it's like no issue no matter what you do. can even fthrow fair bair bair reverse uair


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2009
Lawrence, KS
I need matchup advice against pika and ness. Both of my local pikas have either switched mains or disappeared so I can't figure it out via practice. I have two console tournaments in the next three weeks, so this would be very helpful.
You talking bout me and Danny? If we play this weekend you know it's doug dittos, btw.

My advice for falcon against a good pikachu - switch to pika, kirby(mebe) or fox.
It's just really really hard to overcome the matchup, you have to space really well and pretty much combo->death every time you get a setup, otherwise you'll drop it and get grabbed->edgeguarded or combo'd.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Leavenworth/Kansas City, Kansas
You talking bout me and Danny? If we play this weekend you know it's doug dittos, btw.

My advice for falcon against a good pikachu - switch to pika, kirby(mebe) or fox.
It's just really really hard to overcome the matchup, you have to space really well and pretty much combo->death every time you get a setup, otherwise you'll drop it and get grabbed->edgeguarded or combo'd.

I'm just a little bit stressed out because I don't think I know the matchup. To be honest I don't really even think that it's all that bad aside from the fact that I play as someone that's easy to gimp. I feel more confident not switching.

I'm not liking this pessimistic outlook at my skill level though.


Smash Prodigy
Aug 12, 2009
On Hyrule Maybe.

Then again Fox on Hyrule would be better.

On Dreamland Kirby would probably be the best choice.

The Star King

Smash Hero
Nov 6, 2007
I was talking about overall. Fox would be better on Hyrule, yes. Kirby is definitely not better than Falcon vs Pikachu, though, Dreamland or otherwise.

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