In my opinion, Roy coming back kinda told me that there really is no limit to which veteran can come back, being a 2nd derivative of Marth. Initially, I did not like the fact that he, of all veterans, was returning but now I'm pretty neutral. Roy set the bar pretty low for DLC veterans in my opinion.
I don't know why I'm so set on reminding, but in the "spot" dataine that discovered Ruy and Ryu (I like anagrams), there were two "marios" left. Now, I believe those were characters being created at the time and obviously lower on the list. I don't believe they were remaining character for DLC, period. These are all opinions, mind you.
Sakurai has said stuff in the past "Mewtwo being only part of the Buy Both deal" "Mewtwo being only DLC", Fan Service, even if it does mean Ballot, could be a ruse to think we are only getting newcomers. It would be beneficial to both Veteran-lovers and Newcomer-wanters to say, "okay, while were tallying up the votes and filtering out the rather unusual choices, here's Wolf and another Vet" I have to remind myself that Sakurai doesn't acknowledge the leaks so he could still have what he considers a surprise for us.
Edit: I think people may have been discouraged about Wolf because of the continuous 'misfires' that should've been him and in a way, Ryu's inclusion extended this. From Sakurai's perspective, it would be a cake to just say, Returnining Veterans--Newcomers I want--Newcomers they want and then end it like that. But I'm hoping Ryu was a special occasion and that they're returning to Vets (I'm a believer)