Michael Myers is a hide-and-go-seek based game in which players team up against one other player. People that are alive are on one team, Mike is alone on the other team. Players have to avoid Michael at all costs and if they get stabbed, they sit out and spectate. Nobody can use bullets, only knives. Nobody can knife Michael Myers, you can only run. When it comes down to a 1v1 situation, you can kill him via knife or throwing knife. SWF plays like this. Marathon - Lightweight - Ninja - Handgun - Throwing Knife - Special Grenades. No Commando, humans can use Stuns to stop Mike, he can't use any himself. A time limit is often helpful, but it promotes camping. The advantage goes to those that know the most secret spots. I was on top of a crate on Skidrow and that prevented roacherwoman from killing me.
Also, I trapped Graywolf in a corner during pubs, get at me.