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Bust a Move/Puzzle Bobble Mafia..... GAME OVER!


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
I'm not a genius. I ****ed up D1 and it led to our loss.

I just look at the small **** and stick to it. It saddens me that no one else thought it was legitimate enough to pick up on though.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
From a reading perspective, deffo No MVP imo.

BSP, we would have been total bros this game. I kept yelling for people to go with you and just sadness. :(


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
I'll be honest: I've been considering BarBell and/or Ruy MvP.

I'll sleep on it and decide tomorrow night, since I'll be in Flagstaff until 7PM.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
I'm not a genius. I ****ed up D1 and it led to our loss.

I just look at the small **** and stick to it. It saddens me that no one else thought it was legitimate enough to pick up on though.
you just have to learn to get loud, sometimes. You've said before that I almost always put myself on the lynching block, but don't I usually get my targets lynched? :p You just gotta stick your neck out when you're sure about something.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
But Bardull, sololy, didn't play really well. I mean, he played a decent game but him and Riddle worked together to get the end product win and it wasn't really astounding play.

Then again MVP =/= playing really well. MvP means Most Valuable Player to their faction/game in a exemplary way.

It's your decision, John. I'm just offering my $0.02. :p


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
My vote is personally for no MVP, though I can see the argument for Bardull MVP. No for Ruy Most Valuable Player. Maybe if he had turned things into a win instead of a LyLo quicklynch....


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
Like I said..I need to both read things and sleep on it. =/

Though this was seriously a fun game to mod. Thanks to all for making it that way.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
BarDulL, were you actually gonna push the same Rake case that I made, or were you just sheeping me because it seemed like a solid platform for a mislynch? Cuz when I found out you were scum, I started thinking that you had set Rake up on purpose, and got really mad that I played right into your hands. Did you actually have a plan, or was it just an easy wagon to sheep?


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY

You did an awesome job modding this game. Honestly, I think the best thing I could say about a mod ever is that I barely noticed his presence. Everything was perfect, unobtrusive, and timely. Would definitely join a game you modded again.


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
The one thing I would really try to do better would be votecounts.

And writing more flavor things. :c

Votecounts were hard because I had a job start shortly before this game began, which kept me out until 5:30PM on weekday nights. Big thanks to Marshy for helping me with votecounts, though.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
i would probs lean no mvp as well, for what it's worth

RR, i would suggest dropping the "bullying" approach (ie- the strong "do this or die" statements) and take a less abrasive tone when trying to convince people. no offence, but your word usage isn't really... eloquent enough for that strong arm approach to be effective in my opinion. calm down and really focus on communicating your thoughts clearly and logically.

just something to try... maybe it'll work out better for you.

wtf at the push on bardull for the vig thing though... i still don't know why you latched onto that so hard


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Couldn't sleep, was pretty excited about this.

I don't care if I don't get MVP anymore at this point, so no hard feelings @John. I know I played well and posted furiously for that win. No regrets. Although I'd like to hear from J/Kantrip/T-block what they feel I should improve on. I thought I played to my Town meta really well while also disconnecting myself from 194 to the point where no one thought we were scum together. All my reasoning, while entirely constructed, was pretty spotless and made sense. I honestly did think Riddle was playing better than BSP because his posts were constructed well with obvious intent, while BSP's style of play was sheepish and non-scum hunting in nature. Riddle may have seemed the same way, but he was still asking the right questions.

@PJB - I had intentions of pushing against Rake, but I never expected the Vinyl hammer. I was going to pull out and say I was "getting a better read on Rake" to try and earn some town points.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
I barely even feigned town-intent in my posts. My whole play revolved around getting Bardull thread control honestly.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
[10:57:18 PM] Will: I think we were a good team
[10:57:36 PM] Will: our styles meshed together fairly well for manipulating town imo
[10:57:49 PM] Will: Vinyl for scum MVP
[10:58:13 PM] Nicolas: You were great with our interactions.
[10:58:16 PM] Will: >mfw town clears help scum more than they help town
[10:58:21 PM] Nicolas: I KNOW.
[10:58:34 PM] Nicolas: Vinyl was soooooo helpful.
[10:58:41 PM] Will: hammered so many townies for us lol

LOL, but it's true though.

Gotta work on this, Vinyl.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
This was still a really fun game, I thoroughly enjoyed playing in it. Thanks for modding John! :)

Well played scummies

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
I could forgive him hammering townies if he actually had given any decent reasoning for it. But... he never even gave bad reasoning, unless he was voting BSP. Then his bad reasoning was "Completely unjustified gut feeling".


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Kantrip, just so we're clear, I couldn't keep you because of the Census Taker role. That was literally the only reason. I hit you N1 because you were my biggest threat (even if you were my ally, I still felt I could manipulate Town without you. Can't remember EVERYTHING that went into my reasoning, but yeah.) I would have considered keeping you around longer if you didn't claim animal with a believable role.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Ahh, so even when I managed to get out of the census taker bingo I still never escaped how screwed that role made me.

Oh well. No regrets :) (except maybe I should've just claimed dragon haha)

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Wouldn't mind having my play critiqued. I know I need to learn how to read people better, but that'll only come with time and experience. In the meantime, if there's anything else I should work on, I'd be interested to hear it.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
i would probs lean no mvp as well, for what it's worth

RR, i would suggest dropping the "bullying" approach (ie- the strong "do this or die" statements) and take a less abrasive tone when trying to convince people. no offence, but your word usage isn't really... eloquent enough for that strong arm approach to be effective in my opinion. calm down and really focus on communicating your thoughts clearly and logically.

just something to try... maybe it'll work out better for you.
I'll reread my posts with this in mind, something that I really should consider.

wtf at the push on bardull for the vig thing though... i still don't know why you latched onto that so hard
I Did not see town intent on how he approached using the vig gambit. Usually I see people maybe go for thread control, but push the thread more, I didn't think Bardull did that.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
@Kantrip - There's no way you could've known. Claiming Dragon probably would have ruined you in accordance with the flavor, I think. Isn't Develon (or whatever his name is) the only other Dragon in the BaM/PB universe? Seems condemning. Although, it does make me wonder what would happen if you did. Everything would have fit into place in regards to the Census Taker, makes me wonder just how effective the Census Taker was really meant to be. Obviously meant to counteract the Indy (unless Indy claims Dragon and Town doesn't question the Chak Dragon flavor. If not, you claiming animal was nightmarish because it could have potentially killed off 194's slot AND my slot assuming 194 was still alive on D2. You'd still die though.)

@PJB - I thought you were fine in all honesty. At first you had some trouble placing your feet on the ground, but you started doing a lot better as the game progressed. Your push on Rake was fine and well grounded since it definitely was an odd occurrence on Rake's part to turn to Kantrip as Indy, but you at least realize now that pushing him in this fashion is a great way to get a better read. Just keep that in mind for when you're trying to get better reads on other slots.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Haha that would've been funny if I was so townie that I managed to get you and 194 lynched just because of the census taker before going down myself. Teehee

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Couldn't he have just said he was Devlon [Dragon] and just like, hoped he didn't get burned by flavor dictating that he's evil? I mean, he could probably have written it off pretty easily with "Really, you guys are gonna lynch me based on flavor? Gtfo."

Plus. if the flavor makes sense for Devlon to be Abductor, it makes exactly as much sense for him to be Jailer.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I'm not sure I would've gone for the Jailer claim without that heat on my slot. That was something I set up to save my ***. But yeah claiming Develon [Dragon] would've been way better of an option and so easy to play off.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
The paranoia would end up eating his slot alive, probably. It would be like trying to claim Bowser in Mario Mafia, assuming my understanding of Develon's antagonist-esque nature in the BaM/PB universe is correct.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I would have definitely used it against you and set you up for dying before me, LMAO.

"Develon is the archrival of Bub. He is similar in looks to Bub, but black and winged. He lives on the planet Diable."

Eh, it's a bit of a reach. I would have pushed it a little, but the seed of doubt would definitely be there.

Guess I was right on the money then.


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
Yeah Dev is antagonist. Straight-up claiming that would have likely been bad. =P


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
That was the hard part...Vinyl kept me as solid scum.

And people made up BS about how me and 194 were connected.

No one would go with Riddle when I pointed out the lack of commitment in plane view, but Vinyl refused and so did other people.

Idk how to convince people well. I just don't.
I had you as town. Except for when i made that little post about my scum thoughts on you , but those disappeared once you got back in game.

He told me in the QT that we should push you. But I was just way too convinced you were town, so I just kind of went for Rake instead, cuz I thought I had something solid on him. Tako just wasn't very confident in himself, because every time he was confident, it was about stupid chatterbox stuff. Once that whole fiasco was over, his confidence seemed understandably shot. He didn't really start throwing punches until that last hammer happened, and the game was over.
Solid =/= true or telling. Next time try reading intent over posts, especially if i'm feeding you scummy things i'm doing ;)

BarDulL, were you actually gonna push the same Rake case that I made, or were you just sheeping me because it seemed like a solid platform for a mislynch? Cuz when I found out you were scum, I started thinking that you had set Rake up on purpose, and got really mad that I played right into your hands. Did you actually have a plan, or was it just an easy wagon to sheep?
Sheep 100% lol, I tried telling you when he jumped on why he was scum and how we needed to swap, didn't help that Bardull just sitting there repeating his "Rake makes no sense " song and dance. I pretty much got lynched because you guys didnt understand what i was posting even when i spelt it out lol.

Couldn't sleep, was pretty excited about this.

I don't care if I don't get MVP anymore at this point, so no hard feelings @John. I know I played well and posted furiously for that win. No regrets. Although I'd like to hear from J/Kantrip/T-block what they feel I should improve on. I thought I played to my Town meta really well while also disconnecting myself from 194 to the point where no one thought we were scum together. All my reasoning, while entirely constructed, was pretty spotless and made sense. I honestly did think Riddle was playing better than BSP because his posts were constructed well with obvious intent, while BSP's style of play was sheepish and non-scum hunting in nature. Riddle may have seemed the same way, but he was still asking the right questions.

@PJB - I had intentions of pushing against Rake, but I never expected the Vinyl hammer. I was going to pull out and say I was "getting a better read on Rake" to try and earn some town points.
No one ever expect vinyl hammer but me, i knew when he started saying wildcard as town he was revving up to hammer me.

Wouldn't mind having my play critiqued. I know I need to learn how to read people better, but that'll only come with time and experience. In the meantime, if there's anything else I should work on, I'd be interested to hear it.
Learn to read intent. Have a solid backing to your cases as It wasn't hard for me to explain the actions you called me scum for. Try not to buddy people as town to much, you'll notice that i tired to make Bar explain everything he did, there is a reason you want people to explain, as scum can slip on explanations. Like Bar's town read on Riddle.

@Kantrip - There's no way you could've known. Claiming Dragon probably would have ruined you in accordance with the flavor, I think. Isn't Develon (or whatever his name is) the only other Dragon in the BaM/PB universe? Seems condemning. Although, it does make me wonder what would happen if you did. Everything would have fit into place in regards to the Census Taker, makes me wonder just how effective the Census Taker was really meant to be. Obviously meant to counteract the Indy (unless Indy claims Dragon and Town doesn't question the Chak Dragon flavor. If not, you claiming animal was nightmarish because it could have potentially killed off 194's slot AND my slot assuming 194 was still alive on D2. You'd still die though.)

@PJB - I thought you were fine in all honesty. At first you had some trouble placing your feet on the ground, but you started doing a lot better as the game progressed. Your push on Rake was fine and well grounded since it definitely was an odd occurrence on Rake's part to turn to Kantrip as Indy, but you at least realize now that pushing him in this fashion is a great way to get a better read. Just keep that in mind for when you're trying to get better reads on other slots.
Indy spider sense tingled. Just ike my scum sense on Kevmo in Utrik'd


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
I'll post more complete thoughts when I'm at a comp, but I have to say I'm disappointed in Town this game. Most of us were fooled and we let the game slip away from us.

Vinyl, I don't care how strong your gut feelings are; they are both useless and worthless without any evidence to back them up. If you're going to persist on it, at least pull something up so people can look at it and respond to it. If you can't find anything to validate it, you need to drop it. Since you kept going off of it the entire game despite not really justifying it, you were fine with just hammering people away and not scum hunting at all, and the scum used that to their advantage.

Your ability was nice though, so good job on using that.

Joker, you did alright minus misreading Rake and Bardull. As I said in-game, Rake's constant switching of votes didn't bother me at all. A vote when it takes 7 or 6 people to lynch is a lot different from a vote when it only takes 3 or 4 imo, so I had no problem with him switching his votes around early game. I also saw that he was actually trying to get stuff out of his votes as well. If he'd would've flipped scum, I would've been surprised and I would congratulate him.

As for Bardull, you told me that you ran through all possibilities of Bardullscum and said that they didn't work out. I asked you to point out why you had said read, and you said you couldn't. I was about to tell you that you should be able to validate your town read, but the lynch happened while I was making the post, and I just dropped it after that. If you have a legitimate town read on someone, I would think you'd be able to bring up something to validate it, which is why I asked you to pull up why you thought Bardull was town. If you can't, something's not right.

Also, don't clear anybody unless there's evidence on the table that makes them 100% impossible to be scum. For me, everyone could possibly be scum unless they're cleared; different people are just different priorities based on their play. As I tried to point out, 194's lynch should not have made anyone clear Bardull, but no one followed.

RR, we would've won if we had the same direction. You had Riddle, but I wanted Bardull at the same time. Had either of us settled, I'm positive we would've pulled out a win. You also turned the suspicion on your slot right around when you actually got into the game. However, please don't let setup speculation drive your actions so much. I'm guessing you voted me so fast because you were positive there was no 3-man :/. If you'd have stuck to your Riddle plan, things would've probably gone differently.

Tako, I didn't like your play post-chatterbox incident. You ****ed up initially and got yourself and your Mason partner outed; that's ok, it happens. What wasn't alright was that once you got confirmed, you pretty much sat back for the most part, didn't do anything, and came in and threw votes down. If you don't scum hunt, voice your opinions, and pursue your own thoughts, you become easy to manipulate, as well as not taking a part in actually finding the scum (applies to you too Vinyl). I know you could've done more.

As for me, my reads were on, but my D1 screwed me considering I was a VT. While it did provide me a way of figuring out which town reads were bull****, it came back to bite me in the end when people were ok with my lynch. I really wish that quick lynch wouldn't have happened because I think I could've reasoned my way out it.

I want some opinions on my case making. I thought my case on Bardull was fine because I pointed out the double standard in his read, but nobody really joined in with me, so I'm guessing that means something was wrong or it just wasn't compelling enough. Can I get some opinions on what I need to work on in presenting a case?


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Couldn't sleep, was pretty excited about this.

I don't care if I don't get MVP anymore at this point, so no hard feelings @John. I know I played well and posted furiously for that win. No regrets. Although I'd like to hear from J/Kantrip/T-block what they feel I should improve on. I thought I played to my Town meta really well while also disconnecting myself from 194 to the point where no one thought we were scum together. All my reasoning, while entirely constructed, was pretty spotless and made sense. I honestly did think Riddle was playing better than BSP because his posts were constructed well with obvious intent, while BSP's style of play was sheepish and non-scum hunting in nature. Riddle may have seemed the same way, but he was still asking the right questions.

@PJB - I had intentions of pushing against Rake, but I never expected the Vinyl hammer. I was going to pull out and say I was "getting a better read on Rake" to try and earn some town points.
I barely even feigned town-intent in my posts. My whole play revolved around getting Bardull thread control honestly.
I'll get on this later.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
really what happened was town was to apathetic towards Bardull scum.
Your cases were alright but without someone to back em up they were never going to reach very far


Apr 3, 2008
Town played awful. (Tako entirely inactive as a cleared mason, Vinyl lynching every town in sight for scum's benefit, Toaster inactive and then killed, I derped a herp D2)


But if you give it to someone give it to Bardull.


Apr 3, 2008
I'm really dissapointed in myself for letting pretty much all of the scum shout me down from correct reads coming into D2 and put my slot in a huge hole. I just assumed I must not know what I was talking about and had missed something: next time I'll give myself more credit and not back down, even if the cleared mason doesn't like it. :<
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