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Bust a Move/Puzzle Bobble Mafia..... GAME OVER!


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Tako will probably end up needing to be verified, his push on Rake is WTFbbq and doesn't make much sense/isn't indicative of alignment. I can see noobTown based on other posts with slight potential for noobScum. Nothing is set in stone.

I was gambit'ing your slot with bravado because you actually tried vouching for your rationale with JD. A bit of an over extension. Even if I was gambit'ing, why are you trying to out it? Don't be dense. I'm 100% the 1-shot Vigilante this game and I have no intentions of retracting.

Vinyl's read on me is hilarious.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Kantrip said:
Good question.

There was actually nothing scummy about Vinyl's post. My intent was to skip RVS as much as possible. I think I accomplished this and started the game off with actual discussion. You're welcome.
I hate this explanation, but it's a really risky one for scum to use, so I'm inclined to believe it. Still, what made you think that ending RVS quickly by getting a wagon started on yourself was better for town than just letting RVS end in its own time?

BarDulL said:
@Riddle: Can I get your read on Bardull?
His claim seems weird; I can't figure out the motivation behind it for the life of me. Other than that, I like he way he thinks. He certainly has a very different style from me, but he seems to be actively scumhunting and playing with town's best interests at heart.

PrivateJoker-Brown said:
@Kantrip, what makes you doubt that Rake and I are scum together? I think we could totally be the scumteam.
What (useful) information could you possibly be hoping to gather from the answer to this question?

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
What (useful) information could you possibly be hoping to gather from the answer to this question?
I'm trying to figure out what he bases his reads on. So far I don't like most of what he's said, and I'm trying to figure out why he's jumping to conclusions that I don't understand. If he answers my question in a way that I don't find absurd, I just might like him a little more.

What were you hoping to gain from asking me that question?


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
I'm trying to figure out what he bases his reads on. So far I don't like most of what he's said, and I'm trying to figure out why he's jumping to conclusions that I don't understand. If he answers my question in a way that I don't find absurd, I just might like him a little more.

What were you hoping to gain from asking me that question?
I wasn't sure if your question was asked in order to feel Kantrip out (as it seems to have been) or if there was a more specific reason for the query.

So, what were you hop- :awesome:


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
You think it'll pay off?
I've already gotten information out into the open as a result, and I intend to use my shot toDay anyway, so no harm done. Also, I'll be clear once my shot is out of the way, another plus. Granted, I'll become a night kill choice as a result, but Doc should be on me anyway (or suffer my wrath post-game.)

194/Joker, assume I give you my gun and you have to shoot. Who do you shoot with it?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
@Kantrip, what makes you doubt that Rake and I are scum together? I think we could totally be the scumteam.
The quote that prompted my saying that is the one right above it. The one where you said "why are you trying to put Rake in a bad light?" I doubt a scum connection between you two with you so outwardly saying that. There's also how Rake initiated my early-game wagon and you joined it pretty quickly. This is a more minor point than the other one, but scum tends to not shove all its eggs in one basket for the sake of an early game wagon that isn't yet shaping up to be a lynch.

I hate this explanation, but it's a really risky one for scum to use, so I'm inclined to believe it. Still, what made you think that ending RVS quickly by getting a wagon started on yourself was better for town than just letting RVS end in its own time?
I agree that it's all too convenient for me to backpedal and say "lol I wasn't srs" to try to avoid or mitigate the pressure that built up on me, so I don't blame you for hating my explanation. However, I'm not a total newbie at this game, as bad as I may be at times. Don't you think it's more logical that I had a deeper intent (getting actual discussion going as soon as possible) than that I just jumped into the game with baseless and illogical conclusions/reads?

My reasoning is that I've grown not to like RVS much. It only exists because SOMETHING has to happen before serious accusations can start rolling. I didn't intend for a wagon to form on ME as a result of my actions, though. I actually hoped at least a few people would just roll with it and pressure Vinyl, or perhaps ask me questions which would advance the game. I mean, a wagon on me served just as well, so I'm not complaining.

His claim seems weird; I can't figure out the motivation behind it for the life of me. Other than that, I like he way he thinks. He certainly has a very different style from me, but he seems to be actively scumhunting and playing with town's best interests at heart.
I wouldn't worry about the claim too much, there's plenty of options as far as motivation goes there. If he's lying about the claim, it's probably to establish thread control and become a driving force (since he'll always have the threat of "if I don't like you, I can and will shoot you"). If it's legitimate (which I'm not ruling out, it very well could be), he's obviously not too worried about his action being tampered with and, again, wants to establish some semblance of power in the game. But yeah, thanks for the read.

[/QUOTE]What (useful) information could you possibly be hoping to gather from the answer to this question?[/QUOTE]
Town lean on Riddle. This exchange between him and Joker still has me disliking Joker.

Tako will probably end up needing to be verified, his push on Rake is WTFbbq and doesn't make much sense/isn't indicative of alignment. I can see noobTown based on other posts with slight potential for noobScum. Nothing is set in stone.

I was gambit'ing your slot with bravado because you actually tried vouching for your rationale with JD. A bit of an over extension. Even if I was gambit'ing, why are you trying to out it? Don't be dense. I'm 100% the 1-shot Vigilante this game and I have no intentions of retracting.

Vinyl's read on me is hilarious.
When was I vouching for my rationale with JD? When I asked him to think harder about my intent? That was me trying to see if he could figure out what I was actually doing. He failed that test.

I only said what I did about your claim when you threatened to shoot me. I won't question the validity of it any further, but I was merely trying to say I'm not threatened. I'd recommend picking someone else whether your claim is legit or not. Either way it'd be quite a waste.

Talk to me about Joker.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
#72 was interesting, but I'll drop it. I have no intentions of shooting you this Day phase. We'll talk about Joker later when my read develops on him. Not yet. Haven't read too far into Joker because I've been looking elsewhere. Some of his questions are peculiar ("do you think it'll pay off?", couldn't see the motivator. Question regarding potential rake/joker scum was fine though.)


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
"How do you feel about BarDulL possibly shooting you" probably warrants a vote, actually. I'll think it over.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
It isn't; his push on you isn't indicative of alignment (I'VE SAID THIS LIKE TEN TIMES RAKE! Lol.) At least, not yet. Gotta hear his thought process first.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Did you guys take anything from Ryu posting "prod dodge", not commenting on anything, and leaving?


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
I actually wanted to give him a slight town lean for that because I don't think scum would have the guts to do that. Scum may as well just not say anything.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
If scum don't say anything, they get prodded like anyone else. He must be anticipating a lot of inactivity if he's concerned about accumulating prods. All that means is that he's too busy to post. Null

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I'm pretty sure we can all confirm that all of us don't have chatterbox. In the unlikely case that you and you alone have chatterbox, I suspect that you would be scum. This is based off of two ideas.

1.) Your initial RVS is all over the place. Spreading suspicion while attacking those that call your method silly is somewhat scummy. You kill two birds with one stone with this approach if you are scum and chatterbox.

2.) In general chatterbox is a scummy power. It is much more unfavorable when scum have to constantly talk, this puts them in more danger than a townie with chatterbox would. Townies need to talk to find scum, scum talking leads to exposing themselves and forces them to play more active.

3.) The way you post seems to collect post counts like crazy, you probably already have like 5 times as many posts as the 4th top poster (haven't bothered to count yet.)

There's no risk for you not posting for 60 posts if you weren't chatterbox, why not accept and clear my suspicions?

Also the reason why I ask three people who aren't me to inflate the post count are two-fold.

1.) I'm V/LA tomorrow.

2.) I want to confirm that I myself am not chatterbox. I do not mind if 3 people have more posts than I do.

I'm not saying lynch you in any means Rake, but if you have chatterbox then I feel ur likely to be scum, why waste an opportunity to get a free Mod-kill?
Hmmm after searching the Dgames results it seems that chatterbox is indeed almost half and half power, retract my random vote request.

Why would it not be more scum lean T.T. (Since when is Deadpool a townie role? Effing Ryan Renolds.)
That would explain why it wasn't on Mafiascum wiki.
He is not playing the uniformed card on this. Not even.

He actually calls my slot scum on a power he claims later to not understand.

He had to back off because me and Bardull pointed out the flaw in his logic.

He literally based his entire push on me off the fact that i might have chatterbox ability.

Also his point 3 is reachy as hell, it definitely reads like scum stretching something non-indicative of alignment(post count) in order to back up his push on me. Look how fast he dropped it too, after me/Bardull he drops me to an arms length read of null.

Also his point 2 about confirming himself non-chatterbox is about the only thing i would cconsider chalking up as noobish, and it's not even that much of a newb thing, you would never not be informed of a restriction. Any player new or not would know that.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Also the first thing tako needs to do back in this thread is explain his flip clear. he doesn't have to state who it is / if he gets to choose who he potentially clears, but now that it is out there I want to hear about it .


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Rake, if he's not ill-informed, why the hell would he push you for potentially being Deadpool? If he knew better, he would realize that pushing someone for potentially being Deadpool is the epitome of human silliness.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
If scum don't say anything, they get prodded like anyone else. He must be anticipating a lot of inactivity if he's concerned about accumulating prods. All that means is that he's too busy to post. Null
Well yeah, but he specifically said he was dodging the prod. I don't think scum would do that. I'd expect a comment on at least something to make it look like you're adding.

IDK about the too busy. Maybe he left a tab open or something, but I saw him down there at the bottom for a bit when I was going through the thread.

Tako needs to explain himself before we do anything.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Bardull, he had to push me. That's why.
If he would have dropped it immediately it would have been 10 times as bad for him

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Look at the sequence of posts bardull, he was forced to hold out on his logic until we both spelt it out to him.

Vote: Kantrip
Rake do you have chatterbox?
Let's go with that.
Then you wouldn't mind if 3 people artificially increase the post count day 1 would you? I challenge you to not post for the next 60 posts.

Would three people post 20 times each so that in case he has chatterbox he get's modkilled by the end of day 1? If he has chatterbox he's probably scum, since it's much more unfavorable as scum to have chatterbox.

V/LA tomorrow, going to the casino.
1) chatterbox =/= to scum role in any way as proved by deadpool mafia / OS all-starts deadpool and the original deadpool from Super-hero's mafia IIRC. Why did you default to me possibly being a chatter box = me being scum ? Also, giving scum a unfavorable restriction is not even that bad, as seen when mafia won deadpool mafia. Any good scum could play around the restriction easily.

2) If 3 people post nothing of value 20 times in order to get me mod-killed, that would be gross.

3) Sarcasm, of course I don't have a chatterbox , although it already seems like your trying to paint the fact I post frequently in a bad light.
Vote: sneakytako
I'm pretty sure we can all confirm that all of us don't have chatterbox. In the unlikely case that you and you alone have chatterbox, I suspect that you would be scum. This is based off of two ideas.

1.) Your initial RVS is all over the place. Spreading suspicion while attacking those that call your method silly is somewhat scummy. You kill two birds with one stone with this approach if you are scum and chatterbox.

2.) In general chatterbox is a scummy power. It is much more unfavorable when scum have to constantly talk, this puts them in more danger than a townie with chatterbox would. Townies need to talk to find scum, scum talking leads to exposing themselves and forces them to play more active.

3.) The way you post seems to collect post counts like crazy, you probably already have like 5 times as many posts as the 4th top poster (haven't bothered to count yet.)

There's no risk for you not posting for 60 posts if you weren't chatterbox, why not accept and clear my suspicions?

Also the reason why I ask three people who aren't me to inflate the post count are two-fold.

1.) I'm V/LA tomorrow.

2.) I want to confirm that I myself am not chatterbox. I do not mind if 3 people have more posts than I do.

I'm not saying lynch you in any means Rake, but if you have chatterbox then I feel ur likely to be scum, why waste an opportunity to get a free Mod-kill?
EBWOP: When I say all of us I mean not everyone has chatterbox.
Also to alleviate any chance of considering that I am covering for a scum teamate with chatterbox I ask you Rake to choose three people randomly to inflate the post count.
Hmmm after searching the Dgames results it seems that chatterbox is indeed almost half and half power, retract my random vote request.

Why would it not be more scum lean T.T. (Since when is Deadpool a townie role? Effing Ryan Renolds.
Underlined: I have only gone after you and kantrip, with a gambit on 194. How is that all over the place? The only thing you could justify that is the fact i asked a couple different slots wifom questions. And once again, you don't seem to be trying to read into my intention and are calling my RVS all over the place to discredit my pressure on your slot.

In addition RVS is supposed to be all over the place, so i fail to see the distinction of how my play so far is scummy.

Italicized: I haven't attacked anyone, have you even been reading my posts ? The only thing i have done in the actual RVS stage is put a vote on you/kantrip and am now pushing you. Futhermore, how am i spreading suspicion after making 2 RVS votes and ollowing up with up ? Again you seem to be throwing little darts at my play in order to undermine me instead of working with me so far.

Bolded: It generally being a scummy power does not constitute it being scummy in any particular game, and as I said, any good scum would find a way to play around the restriction.

Second Bolded: I am generally an active player, take a look at Utrik'd / really any game i have been in, I tend to like to post my current thoughts and questions and get follow up on them, which doesn't hurt town at all to explore all the options and figure out who scum is. The fact i post frequently is just a by product of that, plus the fact i may forget a part of one post / see something / think of something i hadn't originally considered , so i just post again with whatever that is.

Underlined 2: Why not give me the benefit of the doubt? I want you to consider how /why logically as i scum chatterbox i would proceed to flood the thread and risk slipping just to play within a restriction and not gameplan with the rest of my scum team in order to be within whatever the restriction was. Or to simply not state i was one at all, and accumulate posts by having my scum member's post me all sorts of questions and such.

But i am nothing if not amicable , so I will slow down my posting.
Chatterbox is a role OverSwarm invented and has only been seen in OverSwarm games (the exception being Deadpool mafia). The role is otherwise uncommon and not used often. Chatterbox is also a town aligned role in every game it has been in, so you're essentially pushing on Rake's slot on a faulty premise (chatterbox isn't indicative of scum alignment.) Also, a player is informed as to whether or not they are a chatterbox role (so if it doesn't say that you are a chatterbox role in your role PM, then you do not need to "verify it."

No one here is a chatterbox, I can vouch for that with 99% certainty. That being said, double posting and triple posting in mafia games isn't uncommon, so Rake's posting habits aren't necessarily indicative of alignment.
That would explain why it wasn't on Mafiascum wiki.
Indeed. What's your stance on Rake now?
Right now my read on Rake is null.

If you do decide to shoot me Bardul, can you tell me before the day is done? My flip can confirm the alignment of another player, I want to be able to give a hint to who that player is before I die.
Look at the underlined posts, he starts backing off slowly because he knows he is not going to get a lynch out of this. He makes a joke about it , then throws in the "oh so that's why i couldn't find it " line , to try to play it off like he was un-informed.

He doesn't even give the ability any Benefit of the doubt, he immediately makes the jump that it would be a restriction only given to scum.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
^^^^Which makes no sense if the only place he could have found out about the ability in the first place is from the games here on SWF.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Also, Tako isn't stupid. Look at his play in the cave story game. We're going to need an explanation.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Which is still null, it's only telling of the fact that he's dumb

I do have to agree that it seemed like he was stretching to make it seem scummy. It was either scum trying to force a lynch (which would be pretty risky with nothing but that to go on), or it was just over eagerness.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
You said maybe, so did you take anything? Or can you say something about what I'm thinking?
I think you should drop any thoughts you have of prod dodging like that being town. What is it doing? It's avoiding accumulating prods so as not to get mod-votes or replaced/modkilled for activity. As Joker said, it is usually a dead null. However, Red Ryu likes to coast as scum, so what I take from it is that he has to be watched closely and not allowed to go on like that. It should in no way be a town lean.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
An explanation is fine.

I just don't expect people to vote him for that. And I'm really not gonna expect to just go at it and lynch him for a suspicion vote.
So just to be clear, you wouldn't want us to lynch him toDay off of what he said from your confirming post, correct?
To be fair, he literally didn't have to do anything to win cavestory. The town self destructed so bad... that game was a joke.
True, but I looked at the quick topic he and Ryker had. He knows what he's doing.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
You... you seriously think his goal in the long run was getting you lynched?

Oh my, Rake....

I have a suggestion for you. Think first. Ask questions later. Vote even later than that. Right now you're going with a hybrid of vote first, ask questions later and vote first, ask questions later, proceed to not care about the questions anymore, and skip the thinking part altogether.

@BSP's last post: I agree. I have absolutely no idea wtf Tako is thinking, but I also have no idea wtf anyone who finds his shenanigans scummy is thinking either.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
BSP, i liked your 188.
Talk to me, could Tako just be that eager in his first actual (non newbie ) game that he would jump on my slot on a restriction he didnt' understand, but yet called scummy ?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Foolishly foolish fools, arguing about Tako does nothing for us right now. He's still up for being shot, and if he doesn't come clean with his entire thought process, he's gone. For the time being however, since he's V/LA toDay, no good comes from theory crafting what Tako may or may not have been thinking. We need testimony straight from the horse's mouth.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Rake, maybe he is a bit over eager and that may explain his actions, but again, taco knows what he's doing, so I want his own word this.



Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I support Tako coming clean. Kantrip, distinguish between TownTako/ScumTako if you can, but I'd prefer it to be after Tako talks.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
so i heard we were talking about Ryu ?
he's null. it is pointless to try to read into his prod dodge post as it is entirely a null tell.
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