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Bust a Move/Puzzle Bobble Mafia..... GAME OVER!


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Cincinnati OH
Then you wouldn't mind if 3 people artificially increase the post count day 1 would you? I challenge you to not post for the next 60 posts.

Would three people post 20 times each so that in case he has chatterbox he get's modkilled by the end of day 1? If he has chatterbox he's probably scum, since it's much more unfavorable as scum to have chatterbox.

V/LA tomorrow, going to the casino.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
1) chatterbox =/= to scum role in any way as proved by deadpool mafia / OS all-starts deadpool and the original deadpool from Super-hero's mafia IIRC. Why did you default to me possibly being a chatter box = me being scum ? Also, giving scum a unfavorable restriction is not even that bad, as seen when mafia won deadpool mafia. Any good scum could play around the restriction easily.

2) If 3 people post nothing of value 20 times in order to get me mod-killed, that would be gross.

3) Sarcasm, of course I don't have a chatterbox , although it already seems like your trying to paint the fact I post frequently in a bad light.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
@Bardull: I think you should legitimately get behind me on sneakytako for a while, you can put vinyl on a back-burner for a while can't you ?


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Cincinnati OH
I'm pretty sure we can all confirm that all of us don't have chatterbox. In the unlikely case that you and you alone have chatterbox, I suspect that you would be scum. This is based off of two ideas.

1.) Your initial RVS is all over the place. Spreading suspicion while attacking those that call your method silly is somewhat scummy. You kill two birds with one stone with this approach if you are scum and chatterbox.

2.) In general chatterbox is a scummy power. It is much more unfavorable when scum have to constantly talk, this puts them in more danger than a townie with chatterbox would. Townies need to talk to find scum, scum talking leads to exposing themselves and forces them to play more active.

3.) The way you post seems to collect post counts like crazy, you probably already have like 5 times as many posts as the 4th top poster (haven't bothered to count yet.)

There's no risk for you not posting for 60 posts if you weren't chatterbox, why not accept and clear my suspicions?

Also the reason why I ask three people who aren't me to inflate the post count are two-fold.

1.) I'm V/LA tomorrow.

2.) I want to confirm that I myself am not chatterbox. I do not mind if 3 people have more posts than I do.

I'm not saying lynch you in any means Rake, but if you have chatterbox then I feel ur likely to be scum, why waste an opportunity to get a free Mod-kill?


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Cincinnati OH
Also to alleviate any chance of considering that I am covering for a scum teamate with chatterbox I ask you Rake to choose three people randomly to inflate the post count.


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!

Kantrip(1): PrivateJoker
sneakytako(1): Rake
Vinyl.(1): BarBelL

Not Voting(9): Red Ruy, ToasterBrains, 194, Vinyl., Kantrip, BSP, JDietz43, Riddle, SneakyTako


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Cincinnati OH
Hmmm after searching the Dgames results it seems that chatterbox is indeed almost half and half power, retract my random vote request.

Why would it not be more scum lean T.T. (Since when is Deadpool a townie role? Effing Ryan Renolds.)

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I'm pretty sure we can all confirm that all of us don't have chatterbox. In the unlikely case that you and you alone have chatterbox, I suspect that you would be scum. This is based off of two ideas.

1.) Your initial RVS is all over the place. Spreading suspicion while attacking those that call your method silly is somewhat scummy. You kill two birds with one stone with this approach if you are scum and chatterbox.

2.) In general chatterbox is a scummy power. It is much more unfavorable when scum have to constantly talk, this puts them in more danger than a townie with chatterbox would. Townies need to talk to find scum, scum talking leads to exposing themselves and forces them to play more active.

3.) The way you post seems to collect post counts like crazy, you probably already have like 5 times as many posts as the 4th top poster (haven't bothered to count yet.)

There's no risk for you not posting for 60 posts if you weren't chatterbox
, why not accept and clear my suspicions?

Also the reason why I ask three people who aren't me to inflate the post count are two-fold.

1.) I'm V/LA tomorrow.

2.) I want to confirm that I myself am not chatterbox. I do not mind if 3 people have more posts than I do.

I'm not saying lynch you in any means Rake, but if you have chatterbox then I feel ur likely to be scum, why waste an opportunity to get a free Mod-kill?
Underlined: I have only gone after you and kantrip, with a gambit on 194. How is that all over the place? The only thing you could justify that is the fact i asked a couple different slots wifom questions. And once again, you don't seem to be trying to read into my intention and are calling my RVS all over the place to discredit my pressure on your slot.

In addition RVS is supposed to be all over the place, so i fail to see the distinction of how my play so far is scummy.

Italicized: I haven't attacked anyone, have you even been reading my posts ? The only thing i have done in the actual RVS stage is put a vote on you/kantrip and am now pushing you. Futhermore, how am i spreading suspicion after making 2 RVS votes and ollowing up with up ? Again you seem to be throwing little darts at my play in order to undermine me instead of working with me so far.

Bolded: It generally being a scummy power does not constitute it being scummy in any particular game, and as I said, any good scum would find a way to play around the restriction.

Second Bolded: I am generally an active player, take a look at Utrik'd / really any game i have been in, I tend to like to post my current thoughts and questions and get follow up on them, which doesn't hurt town at all to explore all the options and figure out who scum is. The fact i post frequently is just a by product of that, plus the fact i may forget a part of one post / see something / think of something i hadn't originally considered , so i just post again with whatever that is.

Underlined 2: Why not give me the benefit of the doubt? I want you to consider how /why logically as i scum chatterbox i would proceed to flood the thread and risk slipping just to play within a restriction and not gameplan with the rest of my scum team in order to be within whatever the restriction was. Or to simply not state i was one at all, and accumulate posts by having my scum member's post me all sorts of questions and such.

But i am nothing if not amicable , so I will slow down my posting.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
TBH deadpool mafia was a joke game, but the point still remains valid from OS all stars and Superhero mafia IIRC.

Also i choose bardull / kantrip to inflate to their hearts content


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Chatterbox is a role OverSwarm invented and has only been seen in OverSwarm games (the exception being Deadpool mafia). The role is otherwise uncommon and not used often. Chatterbox is also a town aligned role in every game it has been in, so you're essentially pushing on Rake's slot on a faulty premise (chatterbox isn't indicative of scum alignment.) Also, a player is informed as to whether or not they are a chatterbox role (so if it doesn't say that you are a chatterbox role in your role PM, then you do not need to "verify it."

No one here is a chatterbox, I can vouch for that with 99% certainty. That being said, double posting and triple posting in mafia games isn't uncommon, so Rake's posting habits aren't necessarily indicative of alignment.


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Chatterbox sounds like an awful restriction/role. It's also pretty difficult to determine whether someone is a chatterbox at this point any because tons of people have that posting style.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Vinyl can wait.

Vote: Riddle

I don't see the Town incentive behind your most recent post. Your contribution seems lackluster in that it doesn't serve any real purpose other than take up space. Why aren't you scum hunting?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
to clarify, were you trying to insinuate i was scum based off the fact that it may be plausible that a mod gave me a crappy restriction in order to off-set the fact that as scum i would have a kill.


Smash Rookie
Sep 11, 2012
So, could I get an explanation about what Chatterbox is? I can't fully get tako's words without it.

Also, rake, I wasn't going to fall into that gambit so soon, don't you think? I am a newbie here, but I'm used to the game.


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Cincinnati OH
Right now my read on Rake is null.

If you do decide to shoot me Bardul, can you tell me before the day is done? My flip can confirm the alignment of another player, I want to be able to give a hint to who that player is before I die.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Lol, just realized I still had this tab open and saw this crazy talk of chatterbox. Tako, why assume Rake has chatterbox restriction? Go read a game with him in it, you'll see this is how he always posts XD

That's such a left field accusation to make, why are you painting Rake in a bad light?


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Vinyl can wait.

Vote: Riddle

I don't see the Town incentive behind your most recent post. Your contribution seems lackluster in that it doesn't serve any real purpose other than take up space. Why aren't you scum hunting?
I was simply agreeing with you and Rake that Rake's posting style is not particularly indicative of any restriction, since that was practically the only topic of the Day. Adding to discussions, even if the input isn't new, helps town to see where people stand on issues and isn't anti-town in any way. Perhaps I'm just used to more inane conversation early on in Day 1.

sneakytako said:
If you do decide to shoot me Bardul, can you tell me before the day is done?
Why are you so calm about potentially being shot? Do you believe that BarDulL has a gun? If so, how serious do you think he is about likely shooting you?


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Good morning everyone. I'll get down to business later, but as for now, I feel as though it's necessary to respond to this.

Orboknown isn't in the game either, scrubadubdub.


Regarding these people


How much experience do you all have? Number of games/wins would be stellar information here.
I've played 2 games, 1 of which I was apathetic in, and the other I lasted till the final day.
Town lost in both games. I decided to play a non-newbie game on Ryker's recommendation. Haha.

I'll be back later with more important things.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Chatterbox sounds like an awful restriction/role. It's also pretty difficult to determine whether someone is a chatterbox at this point any because tons of people have that posting style.
I haven't read back very much but I did notice this post.

I understand the argument back then was about someone being on this "chatterbox" role restriction but your post was almost completely irrelevant to the game and useless in the interest of town; In this post, you seem more concerned about the role than the person who supposedly has it. (Even though he doesn't.)

As much of a stretch this is, because of my lack of information at this current point in time, I'm still keeping my eye on Riddle.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
There's no risk for you not posting for 60 posts if you weren't chatterbox, why not accept and clear my suspicions?
>suggesting chatterbox
>suggesting Rake be quiet even though he always plays like this


You got a scum lean from Vinyl's "confirm" post alone. I said "confirming and yes" to "are you town". Am I scum too?


Smash Rookie
Sep 11, 2012
I haven't read back very much but I did notice this post.

I understand the argument back then was about someone being on this "chatterbox" role restriction but your post was almost completely irrelevant to the game and useless in the interest of town; In this post, you seem more concerned about the role than the person who supposedly has it. (Even though he doesn't.)

As much of a stretch this is, because of my lack of information at this current point in time, I'm still keeping my eye on Riddle.
OK, so I read the chatterbox (thanks @BarDull) and Tako's conclusion about it being scummy sounds... hurried at best. What Rake did isn't much different than usual pregame RVS. Why do you assume it has a chatterbox restriction? The only way you can come with a reasoning like that is...

You know there's a chatterbox in game. And for some reason, you are looking for it!
Is this true, Tako?


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009

Tako, how is chatterbox generally a scummy role , if you couldn't find it anywhere?
That's a good question.

Right now my read on Rake is null.

If you do decide to shoot me Bardul, can you tell me before the day is done? My flip can confirm the alignment of another player, I want to be able to give a hint to who that player is before I die.
Trust me, you do not want to take this route if you're town. You're going to get shot. Fight for your slot...

and answer those chatterbox questions while you're at it.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Vote: Vinyl.

Not explaining my reasoning yet, but it's legitimate reasoning.
Do you think you can read Vinyl? I'm pretty terrible at it.

Joker's confirming post null.
Bardull's confirming post probably packed with more WIFOM than I care to swandive into but I'll do it anyways. Town.
Vinyl's confirming post is cautious and conservative. Conspicuous, he's starting off careful. Reserving judgement on if it's scum careful or not.
I think you're trying too hard too.

Vote Kantrip


Apr 3, 2008
I've already provided reasoning, but here it is again: His opening post was overly cautious, including only the bare minimum of "/Confirming". I only presumed that Bardull was voting legitimately because I figured he had seen the same thing I did, as that is more likely than picking Vinyl for RVS by happenstance. It was still an assumption though, hence why I didn't state it as fact.

Jdietz: Could you explain to me what makes "trying too hard" scummy? What is it that I'm trying too hard to do? Let me hazard a guess:
Is it that I'm trying too hard to look like I'm analyzing stuff when there's nothing to analyze?
If so, you fail to grasp my intent. Care to take another stab at that?
Ok then what was your intent. Not really, no.

Vote: Kantrip



Apr 3, 2008
Tako wtf...

Chatterbox? Really?

Literally only Deadpool mafia (and the superhero mafia it was based on) has ever had that restriction.

Vote: Tako


Apr 3, 2008
So, could I get an explanation about what Chatterbox is? I can't fully get tako's words without it.

Also, rake, I wasn't going to fall into that gambit so soon, don't you think? I am a newbie here, but I'm used to the game.
Chatterbox was a restriction OS dreamed up where you have to be among a certain amount of the most active posters or something happened. The original role was Deadpool in Superheroes mafia, where Deadpool was "Town Eternal Chatterbox", where he was allowed to speak even if dead, but only if he was among one of the most active posters. From there it was re-used in OS's All-Stars game, and then in the joke "Deadpool Mafia" where everyone basically had that role.

It's completely laughable to accuse someone of being a chatterbox in a real game is basically what you should take from this.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
I haven't read back very much but I did notice this post.

I understand the argument back then was about someone being on this "chatterbox" role restriction but your post was almost completely irrelevant to the game and useless in the interest of town; In this post, you seem more concerned about the role than the person who supposedly has it. (Even though he doesn't.)

As much of a stretch this is, because of my lack of information at this current point in time, I'm still keeping my eye on Riddle.
That post by Riddle was after most Tako's chatterbox stuff. I think that's pretty good information. Did you miss it?

I could get on this tako wagon, but I think he should be shot instead.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
@Mod - Can you put deadlines in the thread title so we can see them without finding vote count posts?


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch!

Kantrip(2): PrivateJoker, BSP
Riddle(1): BarBelL
sneakytako(2): Rake, JDietz43

Not Voting(7): Red Ruy, ToasterBrains, 194, Vinyl., Kantrip, Riddle, SneakyTako

Deadline is set to: September 21st, 11:59PM MST
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