1. For those of you saying this game is not meant to be competitive, who cares? As long as someone doesn't make an *** out of themselves (like being a sore loser or making disparaging comments when winning) why not let them be competitive? I know that much of my love for this game is trying to think up new ways to apply a certain move or technique in competitive play.
You say that the game is meant to be played for fun; but I think that Smash is most fun when played competitively.
2. Zombie, you're clearly competitive (since you're excited to beat down on those WDers). If you care so much about winning, and you REALLY think that WDing is the difference between winning and losing (which I assure you it isn't for most people that play you), then go ahead, take the time and learn it so that you can get rid of the advantage everyone else has over you.
3. Finally, this is BRAWL. This isn't MELEE WITHOUT WAVEDASHING. If you were to compare everyone's ranking now (if we all had rankings) to after Brawl was out for a while, it'd be radically different. I bet there are pros now who won't be able to adjust (or won't put the effort into adjusting), and there'll be random *** kids who'll turn into pros.
What i'm saying is, you can't assume anything. Even if WDing IS the reason everyone's beating you, the lack of WDing in Brawl doesn't necessarily mean anything because its a DIFFERENT GAME.