Saw this video on Youtube and I thought I'd share it.
It definitely raises a lot of good points, and the sense of entitlement is very much BS, but I do disagree in that a fair amount of anger was called for and that many things were very questionable.
Maybe it's me but this guys annoying. He's just going to work up the fanbase into a fight. Personally, I'm angry but not over entitlement. I've always hated how they treated Inafune's legacy (not including Bad Box Art as that was Inafune's idea, as much as I disagree with it).
Say Miyamoto was one day like **** Nintendo, I'm joining Sony and suddenly, 3 new Mario games are cancelled and the series just stopped. That's how it felt when Inafune left and suddenly everything Mega Man related is just axed. I won't get into what the fanbase deserves and doesn't deserve as that would be like opening Pandora's Box, but when they cancel those games and are basically throwing Inafune and his teams hard work into the garbage, that's BS, especially when he's shown interest in finishing up some of those titles like Legends 3 but they just won't have none of that. Of course, it's great seeing them trying to expose the new generation of gamers to the Mega Man series that I grew up with and loved, but in the end it just feels like one of those fake charity publicity stunts to try and make people happy.
Like I said, this is a grey subject and lots of people will have different opinions so I won't go to in depth into it. I guess the most important thing to take from the video is, like he said, we as a fanbase have had it really really good, and I know I'll always treasure the old Mega Man games, from Classic to Starforce.