Note: NTSC-U is the game name for American Wii's, NTSC-M is the video name for it, so they are both the same thing.
Another Note: Brawl doesn't work with SDHC cards. So get a regular SD card, 2 gig max size (4 technically but most 4 gigs are SDHC). So do it.
PEOPLE WITH PAL WII's. I am trying to port Comex's exploit in a way, he just put a loader in a stage so I need testers who have boot2 and PAL stages. I think they actually are different, because I have been told replays and other things differ.
Here is the video:
Should give a visual on it actually loading. This is all real footage. I did not reset the Wii for that Brawl+, or anything, it happened right after I re-inserted my SD card at the Brawl main menu. Textures do work with it.
First, download this:
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
Mirror 3
Get Stacksmash here, I barely have any time so this is the only official place and legal place to get StackSmash:
Extract it to the root of your SD card, your root should have 4 things in it.
Now, load the game and go into Stage Builder and load the game through Gecko OS.
Now, put the SD card back in and you have Brawl+ without hacks
Enjoy Brawl+ without hacks.
This no need for a laptop after loading the game was possible because of Bionic Sonic, who told me a disable of custom stages added to it would let it work. Thanks
. It works 100% and amazingly now.
Here's the 5.0 Nightly Build thanks to Bionic: