Smash Lord
Snowdon is a metro stop, if im not mistaken it is on the blue line?Bi-weeklies, means twice a week right?
Wow, I can't believe it's so popular, I thought you'd guys be a small community. D: I'll get lost in the world of Smash.
Is that far from Bonaventure/ St-Catherine? I could take the metro if that Snowdon place is a metro stop or rather close.
Terrific! I'm free on weekends and such. :3 Or when school starts, this place will still be up, right? So I can go after CEGEP and the likes.
Is there any guarantee that those who bring their Wii will not have it stolen or taken? Another silly question, but, if I bring my Wii (I probably won't sadly, it's a huge thing to lug around), how will I have all my characters and such saved on my game. Is it saved on the Wii or Wii mote.
I believe this will still be up when school starts, it is based upon the show up of people imo.
There is 100% guarantee that no wii will be stolen imo. Everyone is there to watch them all. I felt the same way in the beginning but i bring mine every week. Those who manage to bring their wii first and it is used get a $2 rebate on the entrance fee.
Everything from brawl is saved on the wii, it uses the internal memory to save everything, so all of your "names" will still be there. If you want to bring your "names" you can save them to a wii mote and load them to another wii.