Yeah, I'm all jokes.
You made perfect sense Agony. It was just your choice of words. Innuendo city, as Bento proved.
I can bring Twilight. I'm actually hacking my Wii as I type this so, if you want, I can help you hack it.
Or Kirt, if he'll be there. I know Kirt's Wii is hacked, so if he'll be there he could do it too. And he's more experienced than I. Doesn't look hard, though.
Make sure you've read this thread before so you can make sure you have everything:
EDIT: It is now official, hacking the Wii for Brawl codes is easy beans. I can definitely help you out Agony.
EDIT 2: Since we're using my Wii, are you guys going to want me to keep the No Tripping code on? Or do prefer Super Sakurai Brothers Brawl?