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brawl online nightly


Smash Apprentice
Dec 14, 2012
What are the specific times for this? Is this for 1v1 matches? If so, I'm interested in trying to improve.


Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2012
What are the specific times for this? Is this for 1v1 matches? If so, I'm interested in trying to improve.
while its not specifically for 1v1, you can get plenty of them. Most members are busy but satan and i are usually on at 8:00 PM est. You can do a 1v1 against her or do a 3 player match with us all.whatever you wanna do.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 14, 2012
I would prefer 1v1s, but I am okay with free for all matches. I just want to improve, I don't have anyone to play against, so I want to play online.

Moderate skill

Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2012
GG, I guess?

Lucas's main upside is his ability to generate Johns.

Also, do you have any tips to not get Sparta kicked in the face by tippers?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 14, 2012
Sudden disconnect? Umm, to answer your question, I don't really have any tips on not getting hit by tippers, it's really dependent on the Marth player. If they space well, you can't really do much about not getting hit by tippers. I guess just try to keep away from the tipper area.And yea GGs


Smash Apprentice
Dec 14, 2012
MehG. I really need a new main...
Not really, if you like the character and have fun playing the character,then it's a bad idea. I think it's bad to switch between many characters because it doesn't allow you to gain experience as effectively. Sticking with one character allows to to gain experience with that character and improve as a player. But I do think there may be things that you can learn from playing other characters, which can help improve your playing with you main character.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 14, 2012
At Mod, sorry for our last match ending abruptly. I got disconnected.

Moderate skill

Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2012
I feel sorry for poor satan. That sad little scrublet can't win without glitch abusing as his precious top tier characters.
May 1, 2012
I feel sorry for poor satan. That sad little scrublet can't win without glitch abusing as his precious top tier characters.
What's wrong with this? I guess I sorta understand the glitch part but... Top tier? I can (I think I remembered) beat satan without using top tier characters.... You have to have knowledge with your characters and know how to read your opponent... If you can read your opponent then you can win with almost any character....

But then again these are just my opinions....



Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2012
Canada (Nothing to find here!)
^This just because you play as metaknight/iceclimber or any other top tier doesn't automatically mean you'll win. Also fyi if you haven't notice I main G&W and according to the latest top tier list he is boarderline tier not top. Abusing glitches is just apart of stratagy/metagames thats why they're called advanced techniques (accept for powershieldcanceling its some guy trying to make brawl more technical (which is not).


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2012
oh boy.....here we go....

just an FYI, wehn it comes to certain glitches, there is no problem with em, they should be used as they give the game a bit more depth/give characters more options in a match(now keyword there is certian; if he was abusing MK's infinite cape whcih is the only major glitch of his that i can think of off the top of my head that isn't situational, than that's a different case entirely, its banned for a reason as it makes him invulnerable and invisible for however long he can keep up the timing.), and brawl is a game that is in desperate need of more depth after how hard sakurai nerfed the gameplay from melee.

To call a player out because they're using *some* glitches and/or physics exploits that aren't gamebreaking "just because they're glitches/exploits", is pretty much the kind of mentality of a scrub.

With all that said, on the topic of metaknight as a whole, i stilll feel he should of stayed banned(not so much in this topic because of the op's original ruleset..which btw it seems no bothers to read even though he's now even created another topic just specifically for moer competitive playstyles) competitively.

john12456's(or w/e the #'s in his name are) and others have gathered more than enough data over the years since brawl's release to show just how overcentralizing he is in the competitive scene, and they've shown and explained just how ridiculous his advantages are compared to the rest of the cast, and all the other things that have been more than enough evidence to show he's crossed the line into bannable territory, heck he was even officially banned already before the URC asploded. (good thing about that was it showed folks its not too taboo anymore to ban him, so more and more mk banned tournaments popped up after that, the results from said tournaments where as clear as day and night; with metaknight banned a huge variety more of characters started to place well in tournaments, it was never just MK MK MK one or two other top tier characters, mk mk mk mk, in the results anymore, adn no other characters in any of these tournaments ever seemed to dominate the results like metaknight did) But since the URC no longer exists, its now a huge amount of MK legal and non-legal tournaments going around, and it seems like a lot of national TO's still refuse to ban him even despite the fact that a large number of players going to said national are heavily in favor of the bans especially after all the results MK banned tournaments have given us.

BUT at the end of the day, here, in this topic, the Op was wanting folks to be less serious and go into item matches and FFA's and stray away from playing so serious all the time(least originally, thats the vibe i got from it, before he changed the original rulset). Now bc of that, i feel he the topic creator shouldn't ban MK as long as items, crazy stages, and FFA matches are on, bc in those types of settings mk is just as much likely to get screwed as anyone else is by the items and stages.


Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2012
Canada (Nothing to find here!)
IMO no character from any game should be ban no matter how cheap/broken they are. There will be tournaments where that character isn't banned and when you go against someone who mains it then your ****ed because you wouldn't know how to deal with it. TBH saying a character should be banned just sounds like they're being butthurt ******s because they didn't read there attacks well enough. Take ike in project m for an example I think his attacks are too op but I still don't want him to be banned (I just want pmbr to make him weaker though).


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2012
^akuma from SF2 turbo ****s on that theory of yours.

the majority of the cast, literally, and i do mean quite literally, has zero options or answers to his aerial firballs in taht game, it was something the original SF engine just wasn't designed to handle, and as a result, no one could touch him, if they had kept akuma legal, EVERY SF turbo tournament ever would boil down to akuma's spamming fireballs and seeing who can outspam the other, the game would of been ONLY akuma

sometimes a game dveloper derps up, and creates a character *SO* broken/op'd that they do infact need to be banned in order to keep the game alive and not become a shallow experience of "pick this character and only this character"

banning a characters is an extreme scenario, and its one that the community itself does look into extensively before finally coming to a decision. they do look into all caes and factors before they decide the character needs to be taken out of play competitively, they aren't just banning em willy nilly, why do you think it took over FOUR YEARS for the community to finally and truly come to the decision that mk needed to be banned in the first place? THere is a crap load of data and statistics from frame data on mk and the entire cast, to tournament results over the years, to community matchups that have been picked apart piece by piece to show the best options for each character in each matchup in each situation.

Some like to think the *only* factor of any game is just player's abilities to read/punish, but the truth is the character itself does matter. you can be the best player in the world in terms of reading/baiting/mindgaming your opponent, but if you are using a character who quite literally has zero effective ways to punish his opponents mistakes, than all the mindgaming/prediction/reading etc is all useless and won't really help you at all.


Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2012
Canada (Nothing to find here!)
^akuma from SF2 turbo ****s on that theory of yours.

the majority of the cast, literally, and i do mean quite literally, has zero options or answers to his aerial firballs in taht game, it was something the original SF engine just wasn't designed to handle, and as a result, no one could touch him, if they had kept akuma legal, EVERY SF turbo tournament ever would boil down to akuma's spamming fireballs and seeing who can outspam the other, the game would of been ONLY akuma

sometimes a game dveloper derps up, and creates a character *SO* broken/op'd that they do infact need to be banned in order to keep the game alive and not become a shallow experience of "pick this character and only this character"

banning a characters is an extreme scenario, and its one that the community itself does look into extensively before finally coming to a decision. they do look into all caes and factors before they decide the character needs to be taken out of play competitively, they aren't just banning em willy nilly, why do you think it took over FOUR YEARS for the community to finally and truly come to the decision that mk needed to be banned in the first place? THere is a crap load of data and statistics from frame data on mk and the entire cast, to tournament results over the years, to community matchups that have been picked apart piece by piece to show the best options for each character in each matchup in each situation.

Some like to think the *only* factor of any game is just player's abilities to read/punish, but the truth is the character itself does matter. you can be the best player in the world in terms of reading/baiting/mindgaming your opponent, but if you are using a character who quite literally has zero effective ways to punish his opponents mistakes, than all the mindgaming/prediction/reading etc is all useless and won't really help you at all.
I get where you're coming at, but glitch/projectile abuse is apart of pressure games (which is why fox/falco mains tend to bunny-hop laser). But have you thought about shielding when you have the oppertunity to?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2012
i don't think you do get what i mean tbh...

akuma's aerial fb in SF2 turbo was literaly proven to be uncounterable, and it was impossible to get near an akuma with it unless you were akuma yourself and used it. The games engine wasn't designed for his aerial fireballs in SF2, and it made it impossible to pretty much get near him. its not about it being a pressure game, its about it completely and totally stopping any and all approaches entirely that any other character could have.

my main point is still though that sometimes game designers mess up and create a character who does need to be banned to avoid the game turning into a shalllow mess of "this is the only viable character in the game"


Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2012
Canada (Nothing to find here!)
i don't think you do get what i mean tbh...

akuma's aerial fb in SF2 turbo was literaly proven to be uncounterable, and it was impossible to get near an akuma with it unless you were akuma yourself and used it. The games engine wasn't designed for his aerial fireballs in SF2, and it made it impossible to pretty much get near him. its not about it being a pressure game, its about it completely and totally stopping any and all approaches entirely that any other character could have.

my main point is still though that sometimes game designers mess up and create a character who does need to be banned to avoid the game turning into a shalllow mess of "this is the only viable character in the game"
:woman: Okay you won the arguement.:embarrass:
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