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Brawl Online General Discussion/ Social/ Thing


Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
I guess it makes sense, as PM is a big improvement from LOLvBrawl, but at the same time it's still kind of janky compared to OG Melee. Smash 4 looks as bad as, if not worse, than Brawl though, so I hope the PMBR can turn it into more of a Melee replica and eliminate as much of Brawl as possible within PM.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2011
Smash 4 looks awesome. Brawl is awesome. Haters gonna hate.

Also, this thread will never die now that I have Brawl online again. hehehehehehehehehe.

Some Brawl techs are useful in P:M.
B reversals. Footstooling.
A lot of character strategy comes from Brawl too. Like ZSS. She kinda sucks though. Or at least I'm bad with her.

(I find it ironic that ToonLink is the worst in the game but I do very well with him against people online. Its like. I win more with him than I do my regular characters :ohwell: idk. Don't sleep on Toon link. [you might crush him])


Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
Eh...whatever, man, lol.

Yeah, I got that kind of tech down. The physics just make a lot of stuff that was good in Brawl essentially useless.

I agree about Tink as well, I think he could rise a good amount in the tiers if more people gave him a shot.


Smash Master
Feb 23, 2014
Switch FC
So....this place ISN'T dead?

I would like to thank SB for not giving me any alerts for this thread for weeks and, as a result, making me think the thread died.

:colorful:THANKS SB!:colorful:

I seriously thought the place died. The heck, SB?


Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
Though people don't like to admit it, the Brawl Online boards were at their best when it was a complete ****storm. Since the mods cracked down on that it's always been a lot quieter.
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::The Pathological Trailmix::
Sep 24, 2013
Boston, MA.
I'll play Brawl on occasion, although occasions tend to be fairly sparse. I prefer P:M(all day erryday), and so brawl does not regularly see the light of my TV screen anymore.

Smash4 won't kill P:M at all, they're two completely different games.

I almost never see TLink used. :/

Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Don't diss the best game ever.

So is that a P:M/Brawl only tech? I have no clue if something like that was in Melee or not.
I've never played other M, but from what I heard, in the story Samus acts like a teenage girl reading a diary, when she says confession time. Like I said I've never played it but that's what I've heard about it.


Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
I'll play Brawl on occasion, although occasions tend to be fairly sparse. I prefer P:M(all day erryday), and so brawl does not regularly see the light of my TV screen anymore.

Smash4 won't kill P:M at all, they're two completely different games.

I almost never see TLink used. :/
No one said SSB4 would kill PM. If anything, it would be Nintendo directly. If people keep shoving it in their faces and they acknowledge it, they'll have to take legal action because of hurr durr copyright laws.

I've never played other M, but from what I heard, in the story Samus acts like a teenage girl reading a diary, when she says confession time. Like I said I've never played it but that's what I've heard about it.
Basically. It's an exposition of Samus's daddy issues and random baby references. Also, Samus only gets her equipment when Adam says so (Sakamoto, r u srs) and there's a ridiculous dodging system that beats ****ing everything.

0/10, inb4 Cap'n Crunch.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2011
No one said SSB4 would kill PM. If anything, it would be Nintendo directly. If people keep shoving it in their faces and they acknowledge it, they'll have to take legal action because of hurr durr copyright laws.

Basically. It's an exposition of Samus's daddy issues and random baby references. Also, Samus only gets her equipment when Adam says so (Sakamoto, r u srs) and there's a ridiculous dodging system that beats ****ing everything.

0/10, inb4 Cap'n Crunch.
Hey, if Samus didn't listen to Adam the last time that she was under his command she would've died. It also makes for a funny meme. I really don't understand the hate with that. It was explained pretty well. Adam was a figure that she respects. Metroid Fusion is an even better game to me now. I played Other M first and got Fusion recently. Fusion is my 2nd favorite Metroid. Its so good. Especially since it continues the story of Other M. A lot of peoples gripes with the game is the cutscene. I personally loved them. They were all very well animated and I loved the story as well. I mean. I guess that's just me though.

Here's Nate Bihldorff's take on the story of Other M
SS: Metroid Other M has provoked some controversial comments. Some fans feel it didn’t meet the high expectations that they held for it and have complained about poor writing, voice acting, dropped sub plots and other various aspects. In your own personal opinion, what are your feelings on these comments?

NB: This is a touchy subject, to be sure. Bear in mind, we’re dealing with a beloved series that’s almost 25 years old, and since Metroid has traditionally been extremely light on exposition, fans have filled in a lot of the blanks with their own imaginations. Samus’ story—her voice, her motivations, everything about her—has largely been a matter of individual perception, especially in the US, where people haven’t read any of the official manga related to her childhood. Mr. Sakamoto is the only one who knows who she really is, and his vision for her and her voice was always going to be different than the character people had built in their heads.

I’ve seen the same comments you have, and while I understand where they come from, I definitely don’t agree with most of them. For me, Samus’s detached monologue speaks to the reticence of a wounded character, one scarred by the tragic events of her childhood. The glimpse of the pain and fear she carries—shown in the flashback scene when she sees Ridley—is not a sign of weakness, but of strength. People who call out that scene as anything but empowering are kind of missing the point, in my opinion—she does end up torching Ridley, after all. There is no courage without fear, in my mind, and knowing that Samus overcomes that repressed terror makes her all the more heroic than someone who plods forward without a hint of humanity.

I do think that Samus’s reliance on Adam’s commands is an important part of her canon as we see later in Metroid Fusion, Samus hates taking orders, and that problem with authority can be traced directly back to the events on the Bottle Ship in Metroid Other M. Obviously her relationship with Adam was complicated, and her confusion about his role in her life led her to put up with a command structure that she ordinarily would have scoffed at. Make no mistake, though—the events of Metroid Other M change her.

- See more at: http://www.shinesparkers.net/interview-with-nate-bihldorff#sthash.3FWn8Jor.dpuf

Also. Cap'n Crunch has only been used by @ kaazers kaazers so far. Congrats on second place.

I've never played other M, but from what I heard, in the story Samus acts like a teenage girl reading a diary, when she says confession time. Like I said I've never played it but that's what I've heard about it.

Its like Samus had a back story that everyone hated because they have their own ideas of how Samus is. Not how she really is. (this is a common reason why good games are hated ex. Brawl, Spirit Tracks, Oot [thanks for that one egoraptor] Windwaker at first[make that any Zelda at first] and, Mario Sunshine. All of these are great games imo)

I think Other M is severely underrated.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
oooooohh a discussion about the atrocity that is other M.

I'ma just snag this quick post from an IGN user that sums it up quite nicely about the issues with other M's story.

The story was made by Sakamoto, not Team Ninja.

He needs an editor then.

More like 3,000 editors. I seriously have no idea how come it crossed his mind it was perfectly OK for this game to have:

1) Samus saying "this was the first joint mission I'd been a part of since becoming a free lance bounty hunter", implying Prime 3 and by extension, Prime 2 and 1 didn't happen or are not canon, or were moved to happen much further ahead into the Metroid timeline, which would then contradict the expected lasting events from Fusion's ending. This pissed off a lot of people within the very first 20 minutes into the game. This could have been easily fixed/prevented by having Samus say "this was the first joint mission I'd been a part of since the Phaaze crisis" instead.

2) The Hell Race. Samus never even questioned Adam why it took him so long to "authorize" her to turn on heat shields when that's not even a weapon to begin with, or why he didn't tell her or recommended for Samus to activate her shields before entering the Pyrosphere as per his own orders. This means she was willingly OK with following orders to her death by that point in the game, which is disgusting. The context of this situation could have been easily fixed/prevented by simply having the following dialog before entering the Pyrosphere:

Adam: Samus, the Pyrosphere is a really dangerous area with a high heat signature. Be sure to turn on your heat shields before entering the area. No other weapons are authorized until further notice.

Samus: Roger that, Adam.

Or, as an alternative to keep the tension of having to speed-run that section:

Adam: Samus, be careful. I'm detecting a strong interference that's affecting your suit. You won't be able to turn on your shields for now. Proceed with extreme caution as we can't risk failing this mission by attempting a rescue in the Pyrosphere. I'll try to resolve the interference but try to cross the Pyrosphere as fast as you can in order to minimize damage to your body.

Samus: Roger that, Adam.

But instead we silently got by virtue of context:

Samus: Hey Adam, I'm dying here because it's extremely hot. Can I at least turn on my heat protection? It's not a weapon.

Adam: No.

Samus: OK, I'll just keep dying here until you feel like it. I'm a good girl trying to impress you, so I won't disobey you right now.

There's absolutely no defending that.

3) The Botteship's security mechanism. You seriously tell me the engineers of the Bottleship made it so it requires for someone to die in order to save the ship in case of a Sector Zero leak? What if they send a person that dies before reaching the switch? "Um... Any other volunteer?"

4) No one seems to fear Samus Aran here. By this point in the Timeline and considering Prime, she has destroyed several planets and even raided the Pirate Homeworld by herself. Her fame would precede her by her merits and accomplishments, and no sane puny human army or soldier (Including "The Deleter) would dare to even piss her off, yet the federation tries to arrest her at the end of the game like they actually can, which is hilarious to even think a bunch of puny humans would be able to scratch the paint job of her armor. Yet she is still working with the Federation at the beginning of Fusion. Samus can't be that stupid.

5) The PSTD scene. Won't even start with what's wrong with it. People will cite the manga to reference why it's canon when the Manga has Adam dying.
At the end of the day all other M did was make a mockery of one of the most famous female gaming icons who wasn't a typical female gender stereotype.
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Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
Hey, if Samus didn't listen to Adam the last time that she was under his command she would've died. It also makes for a funny meme. I really don't understand the hate with that. It was explained pretty well. Adam was a figure that she respects. Metroid Fusion is an even better game to me now. I played Other M first and got Fusion recently. Fusion is my 2nd favorite Metroid. Its so good. Especially since it continues the story of Other M. A lot of peoples gripes with the game is the cutscene. I personally loved them. They were all very well animated and I loved the story as well. I mean. I guess that's just me though.

Here's Nate Bihldorff's take on the story of Other M
SS: Metroid Other M has provoked some controversial comments. Some fans feel it didn’t meet the high expectations that they held for it and have complained about poor writing, voice acting, dropped sub plots and other various aspects. In your own personal opinion, what are your feelings on these comments?

NB: This is a touchy subject, to be sure. Bear in mind, we’re dealing with a beloved series that’s almost 25 years old, and since Metroid has traditionally been extremely light on exposition, fans have filled in a lot of the blanks with their own imaginations. Samus’ story—her voice, her motivations, everything about her—has largely been a matter of individual perception, especially in the US, where people haven’t read any of the official manga related to her childhood. Mr. Sakamoto is the only one who knows who she really is, and his vision for her and her voice was always going to be different than the character people had built in their heads.

I’ve seen the same comments you have, and while I understand where they come from, I definitely don’t agree with most of them. For me, Samus’s detached monologue speaks to the reticence of a wounded character, one scarred by the tragic events of her childhood. The glimpse of the pain and fear she carries—shown in the flashback scene when she sees Ridley—is not a sign of weakness, but of strength. People who call out that scene as anything but empowering are kind of missing the point, in my opinion—she does end up torching Ridley, after all. There is no courage without fear, in my mind, and knowing that Samus overcomes that repressed terror makes her all the more heroic than someone who plods forward without a hint of humanity.

I do think that Samus’s reliance on Adam’s commands is an important part of her canon as we see later in Metroid Fusion, Samus hates taking orders, and that problem with authority can be traced directly back to the events on the Bottle Ship in Metroid Other M. Obviously her relationship with Adam was complicated, and her confusion about his role in her life led her to put up with a command structure that she ordinarily would have scoffed at. Make no mistake, though—the events of Metroid Other M change her.

- See more at: http://www.shinesparkers.net/interview-with-nate-bihldorff#sthash.3FWn8Jor.dpuf

Also. Cap'n Crunch has only been used by @ kaazers kaazers so far. Congrats on second place.


Its like Samus had a back story that everyone hated because they have their own ideas of how Samus is. Not how she really is. (this is a common reason why good games are hated ex. Brawl, Spirit Tracks, Oot [thanks for that one egoraptor] Windwaker at first[make that any Zelda at first] and, Mario Sunshine. All of these are great games imo)

I think Other M is severely underrated.
Here's the thing: it's nice that Samus is overcoming fear, but it seems like she had overcome that a while ago. She goes from being able to kill without a word to scared ****less, and it doesn't make sense. As for the Adam part, it may have fit in one situation, but in the others, there was no reason to restrict her beyond lazy, absurd writing.

On top of that, it basically ***** any element that made it a Metroid game. Backtracking and exploration are nonexistent. Levels are generic, compared to the beautiful environments in past games like Tallon IV. The voice acting absolutely sucks. She reverts to a childish fear of a pinata-like Space Pirate who she's already killed many, many times, and takes orders from an abusive officer who makes a really lame self-sacrifice bit in the end in a weak attempt to make him likable.

The reason people don't like the way Samus was portrayed isn't because of their own perceptions, it's because of how she was portrayed in past games, as a much stronger, independent character. Instead of something that would make sense, we get constant camera shots on her ass, Samus apparently going through puberty again, and random maternal references that never tie in.

Edit: ****, link# beat me to it, lol. Mine is much more abbreviated, though.
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Richard 89

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2008
Mt. Storm, West Virginia
Hey, if Samus didn't listen to Adam the last time that she was under his command she would've died. It also makes for a funny meme. I really don't understand the hate with that. It was explained pretty well. Adam was a figure that she respects. Metroid Fusion is an even better game to me now. I played Other M first and got Fusion recently. Fusion is my 2nd favorite Metroid. Its so good. Especially since it continues the story of Other M. A lot of peoples gripes with the game is the cutscene. I personally loved them. They were all very well animated and I loved the story as well. I mean. I guess that's just me though.

Here's Nate Bihldorff's take on the story of Other M
SS: Metroid Other M has provoked some controversial comments. Some fans feel it didn’t meet the high expectations that they held for it and have complained about poor writing, voice acting, dropped sub plots and other various aspects. In your own personal opinion, what are your feelings on these comments?

NB: This is a touchy subject, to be sure. Bear in mind, we’re dealing with a beloved series that’s almost 25 years old, and since Metroid has traditionally been extremely light on exposition, fans have filled in a lot of the blanks with their own imaginations. Samus’ story—her voice, her motivations, everything about her—has largely been a matter of individual perception, especially in the US, where people haven’t read any of the official manga related to her childhood. Mr. Sakamoto is the only one who knows who she really is, and his vision for her and her voice was always going to be different than the character people had built in their heads.

I’ve seen the same comments you have, and while I understand where they come from, I definitely don’t agree with most of them. For me, Samus’s detached monologue speaks to the reticence of a wounded character, one scarred by the tragic events of her childhood. The glimpse of the pain and fear she carries—shown in the flashback scene when she sees Ridley—is not a sign of weakness, but of strength. People who call out that scene as anything but empowering are kind of missing the point, in my opinion—she does end up torching Ridley, after all. There is no courage without fear, in my mind, and knowing that Samus overcomes that repressed terror makes her all the more heroic than someone who plods forward without a hint of humanity.

I do think that Samus’s reliance on Adam’s commands is an important part of her canon as we see later in Metroid Fusion, Samus hates taking orders, and that problem with authority can be traced directly back to the events on the Bottle Ship in Metroid Other M. Obviously her relationship with Adam was complicated, and her confusion about his role in her life led her to put up with a command structure that she ordinarily would have scoffed at. Make no mistake, though—the events of Metroid Other M change her.

- See more at: http://www.shinesparkers.net/interview-with-nate-bihldorff#sthash.3FWn8Jor.dpuf

Also. Cap'n Crunch has only been used by @ kaazers kaazers so far. Congrats on second place.


Its like Samus had a back story that everyone hated because they have their own ideas of how Samus is. Not how she really is. (this is a common reason why good games are hated ex. Brawl, Spirit Tracks, Oot [thanks for that one egoraptor] Windwaker at first[make that any Zelda at first] and, Mario Sunshine. All of these are great games imo)

I think Other M is severely underrated.

oh okay......Cap'n Crunch:)
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Smash Master
Aug 22, 2011
oooooohh a discussion about the atrocity that is other M.
I'ma just snag this quick post from an IGN user that sums it up quite nicely about the issues with other M's story.
At the end of the day all other M did was make a mockery of one of the most famous female gaming icons who wasn't a typical female gender stereotype.
I honestly don't see those things as such a big problem...

I don't see why people need to fear Samus at all. I get that there should be a respect for her but if there was respect for Samus between her and the GF than who would the villains be? Thats basically like saying the bad guys shouldn't be bad because they should respect the good guy. Bad guys are stupid and greedy. The GF doesn't care about what Samus thinks. They want to disobey what she says and use the Metroids as a weapon. Good guys are stupid for thinking the bad don't lie. Samus goes to try and destroy Metroids and the Federation tries to use them for biological weapons. Thats pretty much the story in almost every Metroid game I've played.

1. He's saying that like he know's the whole plot of all Metroids. Even if Prime was later on there's probably going to be an explanation for it in another game. Just because there isn't one now doesn't mean there won't be in the future.

Number 2. You're literally in Pyrosphere for 2 minutes before Adam says you can put on the varia suit. :ohwell: There needs to be some kind of established reason to put it on. Do you just want her to walk in for a second and then put it on? Idk. Thats a bit nit picky imo. And really exaggerated.

3? Bad guys are dumb. Adam had to die somehow for Fusion. Idk. Design flaws. Ask the guy that made the Death Star about design flaws.

4. Its not that arresting Samus would be impossible. They're bad guys. I don't think that they would just not even try to do anything about Samus. Who in their right mind would just give up if they believe that Samus is in the way and they can arrest her. That would be a terrible villain if they just gave up in the end and said. "welp, you win. Not even gonna try to fight you" might as well put the end credits at the beginning of the game hahahaha.

5. Idk what he means by whatever he's saying. It would be nice that he didn't treat it like something thats so obviously wrong. Sure she's beaten Ridley before. Ridley is no kitten. Why wouldn't she be afraid at least a little bit. Especially after she's defeated him before. "How is he even back? How is he there with her?" Then all the childhood memories come back. There's depth to her character at that point. Why would she be so stone cold as to not even care about someone of such notorious significance in her life?

I don't see how this game was at all a mockery.
Here's the thing: it's nice that Samus is overcoming fear, but it seems like she had overcome that a while ago. She goes from being able to kill without a word to scared ****less, and it doesn't make sense. As for the Adam part, it may have fit in one situation, but in the others, there was no reason to restrict her beyond lazy, absurd writing.

On top of that, it basically ***** any element that made it a Metroid game. Backtracking and exploration are nonexistent. Levels are generic, compared to the beautiful environments in past games like Tallon IV. The voice acting absolutely sucks. She reverts to a childish fear of a pinata-like Space Pirate who she's already killed many, many times, and takes orders from an abusive officer who makes a really lame self-sacrifice bit in the end in a weak attempt to make him likable.

The reason people don't like the way Samus was portrayed isn't because of their own perceptions, it's because of how she was portrayed in past games, as a much stronger, independent character. Instead of something that would make sense, we get constant camera shots on her ***, Samus apparently going through puberty again, and random maternal references that never tie in.

Edit: ****, link# beat me to it, lol. Mine is much more abbreviated, though.
I didn't really notice those kinds of shots in the game lol.

Adam was cool and you know it :smirk:

As far as gameplay go with no back tracking. Thats probably my most hated parts of Metroid games. There's no guidance. Thats another reason why this game and Fusion are my favorite Metroids. There's some kind of guidance. If you can't advance you don't need to go bombing walls throughout the WHOLE map. I really hate that about Metroid games. Its like... I want to just play the game. I don't want to walk around the entire game's map to find an item that I'll only use twice just to find the super missile so I can advance to a boss that I need 250 missiles to beat but I only have 50.... Its so dumb sometimes. I love Metroid games though. Thats my only complaint about them is the lack of guidance that is delivered as "exploration".

I liked the voice acting :p

Also, the maternal references weren't very random imo. Mother Brain. MB. Madeline Bergman. Madeline was MB's maternal figure. Bottle ship. Where their relation ship developed. The Baby Metroid. Idk. I guess I don't see things how you do. Maybe its because there's no AHAA!! moment at the end that's like Clannad's ending. (goodness gracious. good anime is good.) The references tied in in a more subtle fashion.


Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
I didn't really notice those kinds of shots in the game lol.


Adam was cool and you know it :smirk:
He was pretty much an unlikable douche who thinks "correction" means exposing your underlings to heat that could potentially kill them without their suit. Generic self-sacrifice ending is noted, but not significant.

As far as gameplay go with no back tracking. Thats probably my most hated parts of Metroid games. There's no guidance. Thats another reason why this game and Fusion are my favorite Metroids. There's some kind of guidance. If you can't advance you don't need to go bombing walls throughout the WHOLE map. I really hate that about Metroid games. Its like... I want to just play the game. I don't want to walk around the entire game's map to find an item that I'll only use twice just to find the super missile so I can advance to a boss that I need 250 missiles to beat but I only have 50.... Its so dumb sometimes. I love Metroid games though. Thats my only complaint about them is the lack of guidance that is delivered as "exploration".
Honestly, if you like that kind of game, you're better off playing a Halo or Battlefield campaign, where you're carefully directed through narrow areas and doing narrow, unimportant tasks like the sheeperson the developer wants you to be. The beauty of Metroid is being able to explore creative, well-made environments and uncovering things about the story yourself. As for the missile issue, that's another Sakamoto problem. In trade for the almighty dodge option added for MOM, bosses now take forever to kill compared to older games. There was annoying stuff like the MP2 morph ball fetish in the past, but nothing compares to this steaming dump.

I liked the voice acting :p

Also, the maternal references weren't very random imo. Mother Brain. MB. Madeline Bergman. Madeline was MB's maternal figure. Bottle ship. Where their relation ship developed. The Baby Metroid. Idk. I guess I don't see things how you do. Maybe its because there's no AHAA!! moment at the end that's like Clannad's ending. (goodness gracious. good anime is good.) The references tied in in a more subtle fashion.
But if they're not going to make any point out of it other than random connections that don't enhance/reveal anything in the story, why bother? I know the dialogue was empty to begin with, but it really doesn't help to add more unnecessary details.

Still a 0/10.

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Smash Master
Aug 22, 2011


He was pretty much an unlikable douche who thinks "correction" means exposing your underlings to heat that could potentially kill them without their suit. Generic self-sacrifice ending is noted, but not significant.

Honestly, if you like that kind of game, you're better off playing a Halo or Battlefield campaign, where you're carefully directed through narrow areas and doing narrow, unimportant tasks like the sheeperson the developer wants you to be. The beauty of Metroid is being able to explore creative, well-made environments and uncovering things about the story yourself. As for the missile issue, that's another Sakamoto problem. In trade for the almighty dodge option added for MOM, bosses now take forever to kill compared to older games. There was annoying stuff like the MP2 morph ball fetish in the past, but nothing compares to this steaming dump.


But if they're not going to make any point out of it other than random connections that don't enhance/reveal anything in the story, why bother? I know the dialogue was empty to begin with, but it really doesn't help to add more unnecessary details.

Still a 0/10.

Other M is fun and enertaining. /argument

I'll have a better response to this when its not 11-3 aka *ahem anime time :awesome:


Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
Actually, I'm behind schedule right now with that, I'll be glad to poop on Other M more tomorrow. :)


Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
I figured. No sense in playing a game that will be completely dead in two months.

Cap'n Crunch, where's that cavity response you promised me? Time to defend this:



Smash Master
Aug 22, 2011
Honestly, if you like that kind of game, you're better off playing a Halo or Battlefield campaign, where you're carefully directed through narrow areas and doing narrow, unimportant tasks like the sheeperson the developer wants you to be. The beauty of Metroid is being able to explore creative, well-made environments and uncovering things about the story yourself. As for the missile issue, that's another Sakamoto problem. In trade for the almighty dodge option added for MOM, bosses now take forever to kill compared to older games. There was annoying stuff like the MP2 morph ball fetish in the past, but nothing compares to this steaming dump.
(the first couple of points are pretty much just opinion so I'm not going to really bother)

FPS? Those things are icky. I'm all for exploration as long as its guided at least a little bit. and not monotonous.

I think I only remember one boss taking a bit to defeat. Other M is extremely creative in the ways you can fight bosses. Some ways may be easy like dodge and shoot. Other ways are more creative like hitting them with a speed boost. I like Other M for its attempt to make all the gameplay a cinematic. A lot of people hated the amount of cutscenes but I liked them. I think a major factor in me liking the game and its story so much is the basic types of games that I've played before. I play mostly Nintendo games and Other M is the first of its kind for a 1st party Nintendo game. Compare that to other kinds of games that are cutscene/voice acting heavy by 3rd parties and I can see why people can say its bad. Since they've been exposed to something that they call "good". Me on the other hand, this game is the first game with this amount of voice acting I've ever played.


Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
Cutscenes: My main grudge with cutscenes in MOM are that they didn't have much substance to them. Between butchering the story and revealing unimportant details, it didn't add much and just made an already painful experience more difficult. I don't mind long cutscenes (MGS1 and 2 were masterpieces and I didn't mind the lengthy ones at all), but only if they actually develop the story and just exist to make the game feel longer.

Bosses: It's nothing new to make different approaches to beat them. Sometimes you may need to choose an indirect way to fight because they're invisible or impervious to direct attack or whatever. Even in older Metroid games, you would often have to utilize different tools depending on the boss, so I wouldn't call it groundbreaking.

First vs third party: IDK, I wouldn't judge a game based solely on this. But just having not been exposed to many games doesn't mean that there aren't a lot of third party games that do the same thing, but in a more organized, well-written fashion. That's why the Half-Life and Silent Hill and Bioshock stories of video game legend are praised, and Other M is so hated and rejected.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2011
Cutscenes: My main grudge with cutscenes in MOM are that they didn't have much substance to them. Between butchering the story and revealing unimportant details, it didn't add much and just made an already painful experience more difficult. I don't mind long cutscenes (MGS1 and 2 were masterpieces and I didn't mind the lengthy ones at all), but only if they actually develop the story and just exist to make the game feel longer.

Bosses: It's nothing new to make different approaches to beat them. Sometimes you may need to choose an indirect way to fight because they're invisible or impervious to direct attack or whatever. Even in older Metroid games, you would often have to utilize different tools depending on the boss, so I wouldn't call it groundbreaking.

First vs third party: IDK, I wouldn't judge a game based solely on this. But just having not been exposed to many games doesn't mean that there aren't a lot of third party games that do the same thing, but in a more organized, well-written fashion. That's why the Half-Life and Silent Hill and Bioshock stories of video game legend are praised, and Other M is so hated and rejected.
Meh, this could go on forever.


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2011
Xian Du
@ FoxBlaze71 FoxBlaze71 - Hey...I remember you, Da Beast, Dyclone, AV, Zulo and the others who posted on the BBFF way back then. Fancy running into you here.

And wow, almost two pages of Metroid debates. My, oh my.
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Smash Master
Apr 6, 2011
Xian Du
I forgot to add MR. K to the list.
Yeah, we're the only ones left, bro. :(

AV was such a BAMF. Rest in peace, King of Evil.
Maybe they're all in a better place…


They just might rise from the dead like you did. You never know.

But until then, yes, RIP, guys. Thou shalt all be missed.


@ Metalbro Metalbro , @ Rickster Rickster , @TriforceOfWisdom, @Twili, @ P PATH O__o , @ Player -0 Player -0 , @Bluekandy, @ XStarWarriorX XStarWarriorX , @XDanDan612

You guys won't get a notification for this since I'm editing you all in…

but one of you guys are bound to see this edit eventually so…



And any attempts at getting my Skype to stop freezing has failed so far so I guess I'll try in another day or two. My internet's kinda slow right now so that might be it… maybe...

Stay classy, guys, haha.
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Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
Yeah. Until then, I've gotta post annoying **** on their graves profile pages. ;)

At least it seems like you've gained a bit more personality over time. You used to just post really detailed, color-coded descriptions of BB matches, but never ventured out of that topic. I don't even remember you being around the "Bull**** Social", lol.
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Sep 19, 2010
Toronto, Ontario
Switch FC
I forgot to add MR. K to the list.

Maybe they're all in a better place…


They just might rise from the dead like you did. You never know.

But until then, yes, RIP, guys. Thou shalt all be missed.


@ Metalbro Metalbro , @ Rickster Rickster , @TriforceOfWisdom, @Twili, @ P PATH O__o , @ Player -0 Player -0 , @Bluekandy, @ XStarWarriorX XStarWarriorX , @XDanDan612

You guys won't get a notification for this since I'm editing you all in…

but one of you guys are bound to see this edit eventually so…



And any attempts at getting my Skype to stop freezing has failed so far so I guess I'll try in another day or two. My internet's kinda slow right now so that might be it… maybe...

Stay classy, guys, haha.
HE SAID MY NAME FIRST!!11223221!!!!

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Smash Master
Feb 23, 2014
Switch FC
I forgot to add MR. K to the list.

Maybe they're all in a better place…


They just might rise from the dead like you did. You never know.

But until then, yes, RIP, guys. Thou shalt all be missed.


@ Metalbro Metalbro , @ Rickster Rickster , @TriforceOfWisdom, @Twili, @ P PATH O__o , @ Player -0 Player -0 , @Bluekandy, @ XStarWarriorX XStarWarriorX , @XDanDan612

You guys won't get a notification for this since I'm editing you all in…

but one of you guys are bound to see this edit eventually so…



And any attempts at getting my Skype to stop freezing has failed so far so I guess I'll try in another day or two. My internet's kinda slow right now so that might be it… maybe...

Stay classy, guys, haha.
You know what?

HE SAID MY NAME FIRST!!11223221!!!!

Wis is gonna kill me...


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2011
Xian Du
Yeah. Until then, I've gotta post annoying **** on their graves profile pages. ;)

At least it seems like you've gained a bit more personality over time. You used to just post really detailed, color-coded descriptions of BB matches, but never ventured out of that topic. I don't even remember you being around the "Bull**** Social", lol.
I’m sorry… am I giving everyone the impression that I no longer post really detailed, color-coded descriptions?

…I'll remedy this by making sure to write an
extra descriptive and extra colorful BB shout-out next week…yes.

But yeah, I’d post in the BBFF on and off, and if I found someone, great; if not, no biggie. And no, I didn’t post in the “Bull**** Social”, lol.


HE SAID MY NAME FIRST!!11223221!!!!
You know it.

You know what?


Wis is gonna kill me...


Smash Master
Feb 23, 2014
Switch FC
I’m sorry… am I giving everyone the impression that I no longer post really detailed, color-coded descriptions?

…I'll remedy this by making sure to write an
extra descriptive and extra colorful BB shout-out next week…yes.

But yeah, I’d post in the BBFF on and off, and if I found someone, great; if not, no biggie. And no, I didn’t post in the “Bull**** Social”, lol.


You know it.

I. See. How. It. Is. >_>

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