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Brawl model extractor

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Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2008
Feels kinda weird asking this but, each .pac houses it's own model correct? Would this tool allow you to use several models in game, like lucario as mewtwo for his default costume, and for his green costume just regular lucario?


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2006
To answer this question correctly, yes, once the model converts back to Brawl file format, you will be able to do that.

Seriously guys, there's a time for being a douchebag, but this wasn't one of those moments.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
lmao I didn't do anything but make a duck face. =<

I guess I'm just so used to be a douche I unintentionally do it. <<


Smash Apprentice
Apr 21, 2009
I would still replace lucario with mewtwo, just because I don't know who the heck this lu guy is.

mewtwo was ultimate back in the day ^_^

but really there's no need to a argument, since we can still like 6 different characters in a single slot.


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
I would still replace lucario with mewtwo, just because I don't know who the heck this lu guy is.
Lucario is a pokemon from the 4th generation.
I don't see why so many people want to replace Lucario with Mewtwo... (Then again, I main Lucario, so I wouldn't get it anyways.)
...lucario and mewtwo don't have similar movesets...
This, after the rudeness has been removed.

Keud Bybor

Smash Rookie
Jan 27, 2008
Haha! I FINALLY got this to work with maya! All i had to do was get version 8.5 instead of 2009 and it worked! Hooray! Thanks again Pharrox for the help!!


Smash Ace
Feb 17, 2009
for the last time, lucario and mewtwo don't have similar movesets. get this through your thick skull already.
wow, i didnt realize pokemon was such serious business, but just to recap:

mewtwo: telekinetic pokemon with vague psychic abilities and moves that emit blueish-purple crap

lucario: telekinetic pokemon with vague psychic abilities and moves that emit blueish-purple crap

cmon lets be real here, you could swap mewtwo and lucario's character models and it would look fine.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2009
Mewtwo and Lucario's movesets arent similar but it'll work fine. Even in the pokemon games, they're used for the same reason often.


Smash Cadet
Jun 20, 2009
Mewtwo's moves sucked anyways. Give me Force Palm and Double Team over Confuse and Disable any day. Also, Aura Sphere and Shadow Ball are practically the same move, and Extreme Speed and Teleport are functionally similar.

Lucario is better than Mewtwo....sure Mewtwo is the ultimate Pokemon in the Pokemon games but he doesn't show it very well in SmashBros.


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Even so, Mewtwo just looks cooler than Lucario and I wouldn't mind playing a Mewtwo with Lucario's moveset at all.
I can't say I agree with you there. I prefer Lucario's look over Mewtwo's.
wow, i didnt realize pokemon was such serious business, but just to recap:

Mewtwo: telekinetic pokemon with vague psychic abilities and moves that emit blueish-purple crap

Lucario: telekinetic pokemon with vague psychic abilities and moves that emit blueish-purple crap

cmon lets be real here, you could swap mewtwo and lucario's character models and it would look fine.
Mewtwo using Force Palm? I have trouble seeing that.
Mewtwo and Lucario's movesets arent similar but it'll work fine. Even in the pokemon games, they're used for the same reason often.
Except Mewtwo is NEVER used as a physical sweeper, and Lucario isn't uber.
Mewtwo's moves sucked anyways. Give me Force Palm and Double Team over Confuse and Disable any day. Also, Aura Sphere and Shadow Ball are practically the same move, and Extreme Speed and Teleport are functionally similar.

Lucario is better than Mewtwo....sure Mewtwo is the ultimate Pokemon in the Pokemon games but he doesn't show it very well in SmashBros.
Aura Sphere and Extremespeed are the ONLY moves that translate properly between Mewtwo and Lucario.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 15, 2009
you guys are really arguing over nothing mewtwo, and Lucario are close enough in moveset that it will make a believable model swap, personally they are my two favorite pokemon, if u really have a big problem with mewtwo using lucario's moveset than you can just play melee. Thats what I do when I want to be mewtwo


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2009
Welp, it seems I can't do jack with the Collada format. The only 3D modeling software I have access to is Milkshape and Blender. The former can export Collada, but it can't import it; the latter technically has a Collada importer, but it was apparently never finished, and doesn't work. I tried using FBX Converter to change models to another format, but it only spit out garbage.

I don't suppose anyone with better modelling software would be kind enough to convert a few Brawl models to .3ds format for me? If so, please PM me so as not to derail the thread.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 26, 2007
Belleville, MI
I'm currently working on the hardest part of the mdl0 saving process. The new version will generate the mdl0 blocks as close to the original as possible.

Since I am rewriting the program I have the option of changing the format used for the models. I was hoping I could get some suggestions here. An ideal format would support multiple texture animations, multiple bone animations, color maps, and materials with multiple textures. The sdk for the format would also need to be free. If no format can fully do this, I will probably continue to use Collada as the main format.

Is there a free sdk for 3ds or maya files?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 21, 2009
SDK is included with the max disc isn't it?

anyway great to hear an update :) yay

although DAE was devolved by sony for that reason.. there aren't any other formats that support a diverse range of options between systems and programs.

but I think DAE will do just fine, it won't be user friendly but it works ;)


Smash Ace
May 28, 2009
Pharrox, I've been interested in MDL0 conversion myself, and would like to integrate such a feature into my data viewer (http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=238861).

I've been looking around in the forums for quite some time, and it seems like everyone suggests Collada as a model storage medium. The only problem is this: because the specifications are so open, there are many features in the collada file that will have to be converted/ignored/removed during the import process. This may or may not be a difficult issue, but it's something to consider.

Many of the other 3d file formats are either proprietary or depreciated, which could make data consistency and converter support difficult.

Another thing to consider is that much of the data can be calculated when the model is imported. Things such as vertex normals, bounding boxes, and vertex colors don't NEED to be included/imported from a model because you can supply those yourself (with some increase in processing time).


Smash Journeyman
Jan 26, 2007
Belleville, MI
My biggest hesitation with the Collada format is that it doesn't support texture animations. While this doesn't directly affect mdl0, if I want to add support for texture animations in the future, it presents a problem. Unfortunately, I don't believe there are any non proprietary formats that can do that.

While some things such as bounding boxes are calculated as needed, I don't have enough experience with modeling (or coding in general) to known how normals or colors would be calculated automatically.


Smash Rookie
Jul 14, 2009
Guess who feels like an idiot?

After further experimenting (and, you know, rereading the thread), I've determined that the problems I've been having actually lie in the converter. I've just been running into the same problem everyone else has been having, with models coming out as confetti in the shape of the model. I tried using Williams' converter today, then running the results through FBX Converter, and the models came out just fine. In other words... turns out I can do jack with Collada. v:ohwell:v

So... yeah. Probably not telling you anything new here. Ignore me.


Smash Ace
May 28, 2009
My biggest hesitation with the Collada format is that it doesn't support texture animations. While this doesn't directly affect mdl0, if I want to add support for texture animations in the future, it presents a problem. Unfortunately, I don't believe there are any non proprietary formats that can do that.
The animations aren't part of the model files. In fact, they are separate. If you look at the character variations (char00.pac), there aren't any animations at all (but they COULD be added). This makes me believe that HAL/Nintendo had a system that managed these resources separate from each other. Each of these resources (textures/models/animations) are stored in their own section of the brres package, and in their own exclusive files. Sometimes they're stored in different brres packages altogether.

The question of whether or not to find a format that is compatible with both is irrelevant at this point. Some testing may be in order to find out if you can even put such animations in these brres packages, because some files may not allow it.

So, my recommendation is this: Use what you already have and get model importing/exporting to work as best you can. You have the capability of answering all these questions through testing, which at this point is a great feat in and of itself. :)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 26, 2007
Belleville, MI
I know the animations are seperate files, but I've done research on them and they seem pretty simple. My main focus right now is models, but after that I'll probably start working on animations. Collada should be able to handle the standard animations, but the textures are what I'm worried about. I hope to eventually be able to extract all the brres sections and make them editable, and I don't want to write the code for one format just to have to scrap it when I move onto something else. The reason I'm asking now is that I don't have anything yet with Collada or any other format, so I was just wondering if there is any kind of format that can do everything the models in brawl can do.

The hard part for the mdl0 writer is done, there are just a couple more sections and they are both very similar. I'm probably going to stick with Collada and when the time comes to handle the textures I'll think of something. :)


Smash Rookie
Jun 17, 2009
Stuttgart Germany
thakis from the emutalk forums wrote a modelviewer for bmd files found on super mario sunshine. his little app was able to import a model, animations and also texture animations. I know they are different file formats but if it would help, just take a look http://www.amnoid.de/gc/


Smash Apprentice
Apr 21, 2009
what even uses animated textures in brawl? I can't think of anything, unless the characters eyes are worked off a texture sheet like that.

anyway there seems to be a license issue with the X format, so not everything has an X exporter/importer.
I think DAE Collada should be enough, animated textures is getting kinda fancy. it's a fast pace game, and half the time the game's camera is zoomed away.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2009
The Hood, NY
for a file format suggestion, obj might work, but i am not positive.

and i am a little confused about what people are saying. Are they animated textures, or character animations (like punching and jumping)? I don't believe that there are animated textures (although picano's G&W with codes does prove me wrong), but other than that I could be wrong.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
GnW colors aside from the SSE GnW don't even use textures.

If I'm correct, picano is basically poking at the address that holds the values of GnW's colors, and makes it constantly change the color value in a set loop (IIRC), hence why it even changes when the game is paused.

Anyway, everytime Pharrox posts it's like SUPAH hype to me. I don't know why though, especially since sometimes he kinda says the same things. xD


Smash Journeyman
Jan 26, 2007
Belleville, MI
I'm talking about changing what texture is applied to a model. For example, Pikachu has five eye textures. Depending on what happens determines how these textures animate. The default is 00, when he blinks it switches to 03 for a second, when he's in knockback, it changes to 04, etc.


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
If we make a model edit (once everything's working with the converter), do we have to remake all the animations or is it possible to just reuse the animation data that's already there?


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2009
I'm talking about changing what texture is applied to a model. For example, Pikachu has five eye textures. Depending on what happens determines how these textures animate. The default is 00, when he blinks it switches to 03 for a second, when he's in knockback, it changes to 04, etc.
IIRC, PAT0 files control the pattern animated textures are in (pikachu's thunder and so on).
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