the following is the supposed reason brawl is being delayed:
"Nintendo of America made this decision, not Sakurai. brawls pre-order numbers weren't looking good, and Nintendo of America (NOA) wanted more time to get together the advertisements, commercials, magazine ads, and promotions to drive stronger first week sales. Another factor in the placement of the American delay is to give this part of the year stronger profit. My source had no details on this matter. The Japanese numbers are fine and the week delay is for a shortage of copies made. The game is finished in Japan in in full. NOA is still working on localization and the way brawl communicates with American routers. So in short, we simply will have to wait another extra month for Brawl , unless u want it half English/ half Japanese."
if this is true i just wanna say how utterly ridiculous this is. NOA has had plenty of time to advertise for this game and plenty of time to localize it. they do very little in the whole machine that is making a game like this. compared to NOJ they;ve got a very small work load on their plate. and also THIS IS THE MOST ANTICIPATED GAME EVER. I have never seen more hype over one game in my entire life of gaming. EVER. this game is gonna sell like crazy when it comes out.
we don't need MAGAZINE ads...because gamers who read gaming magzines already know about BRAWL! just put up a couple of TV commercials to pull in some noobs because frankly noobs watch the tube....they dont; read game informer or nintendo power.
AND There is no reason to generate so much advertising before the game comes out. ACTUALLY it would be ideal if they advertise a few weeks after so that the fans (US!!) ,that have made this game as important as it is today, can get our hands on the game before the mass of noobs rip it off the shelves and make it hard to find. so if they are planning on this they better print up like 6 million copies right now . because it would be a MASSIVE DISSERVICE to us loyal fans to delay the game just to sell to casual gamers and leave some of us bereft of it for who knows how long.
we've been waiting for over a year...checking updates...talking ...speculating...growing as a community. WE WANT THIS GAME AND WE DESERVE THE GAME
noobs can wait
so i just really hope this isn;t there goal...because it;s f*cking stupid---the game will sell...and it will outsell every other wii game once it gains some momentum
i;m tired of party games...i;m tired of nintendo gimmicks....i;m tired of even grandma being able to play wii because of how user friendly it is
i bought my wii for smash and nothing else
i want smash...and this delay is horse sh*t