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Brawl Custom Music Hub: Archiving all the music in one place!


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
Well the most obvious feature is "stability" :p

But there's the forum that has been suggested, and things like something that shows maybe a small icon of the logo, to show users whether the game has a logo, as well as possibly an 'upload logo' thing. It'd work the same way as BRSTMS, where staff would still have to approve, and would also be able to update them. Also, optionally, a new visual layout? A proper 'index.php' homepage, maybe?

Alaric Skywalker

Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2011

I think the probability of that one happening depends on your definition of "stability."

Soneek did say that he'd work at finishing what moose started (e.g., the series list, so we can look at games from a certain series, like Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokemon, etc.). I've asked for a feature to allow custom titles on the site (once that deal's sorted out). Any other suggestions?


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
Custom titles?

Also, we need something that shows alternate regional titles of a game, e.g. Yoshi (US), Mario & Yoshi (Europe/Australia) and Yoshi's Egg (Japan) are all the same game. As is Yoshi Topsy-Turvy and Yoshi's Universal Gravitation, or Kirby of the Stars Wii, Kirby's Adventure Wii and Kirby's Return to Dreamland.

As well as this, a 'duplicate BRSTM from a different game" thing. So if we have the menu from Sonic 4: Episode II the same as the menu from Sonic 4: Episode I, we should be able to have them listed in both games, but both link to the same page and files.

Alaric Skywalker

Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2011

Basically, custom titles are basically some addtional titles that you can have other than "member," "moderator," etc. (once it's up, I'm planning on having mine be "skype manager").

Once Soneek shows up, I'll let him know about those.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
I just want to know what the **** is wrong? It doesn't log in, it's constantly got some "boolean" thing where it should be "1" on some line of index.php

I bet Seg doesn't even know.... oh, there's Seg now.... watching me.
What's that Seg? Well I have a right to be here! It's BRSTMs business! ... But that [insert something] here doesn't fit anymore!.



Smash Ace
Nov 8, 2008
What the heck is going on? The disc's full on the server. Somebody needs to upgrade the disc size.
And Ijah, did you add a cron job that will clear out old videos? You need to keep up with the site.

Edit: I got a new password and sent it to TUK. I think he just forgot the username. Somebody needs to pay the bill, preferibally by way of the Paypal account that was donated to if that's available, and upgrade the disk space. It's somewhere in billing.

And TUK, all your problems were due to the low disk space.

Edit 2: I upgraded the disk space by 40GB, somebody just needs to pay the bill for next month soon within the next week.

Edit 3: What the heck!? We now have eight cores on the server at 2.5ish GHz each. Ijah, you can increase the number of YouTube video conversion jobs running at once now and test out the available cpu.

Flame Hyenard

Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2010
What the ? Moosehunter is back ?! O____O

Ijah hasn't replied here for a while, so I don't know if he will see that.

Useless Informations said:
If the sample rate of a BRSTM is at 22050, the 14336 sample is roughly equal to 0,65 seconds.
At 32000, it's equal to 0,448 seconds.
44100 = roughly 0,325 seconds.
48000 = roughly 0,286 seconds.


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2010
New York
Ijah hasn't been around lately for personal reasons, so we've been attempting to manage the site to the best of our ability. I guess we can always clean out the undeleted videos manually.

Alaric Skywalker

Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2011
I had a feeling Moose would show up eventually! Now we know about some of the problems that are going on!


If you're reading this, Soneek is teaching himself how to do coding, so once he's got it down, he'll see what he can do on the site. In addition, since I've gotten a skype account, I managed to get Linkshot, Soneek, Segtendo, darksamus77, Flame Hyenard, and Kyokoro onto a skype group for BCM related topics. If you have a skype account, by all means, let me know so I can add you as well. We don't know what Ijah's up to, but let's hope that he shows up soon. Anyway, glad to hear from you again about what we need to do. Thank you.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
I never forgot the username. I had the username from the original PM you sent me :p. I changed the password, because I used my bank card to set up auto payments (unless I'm mistaken, the next payment should automatically be taken out of my bank account).

Also, in response to Useless Informations, Flame:
Well you know how we use a 'dot' (period or full-stop) for the decimal point, e.g. 0.66, but in France you use a comma, like 0,66? How do you write large numbers like 1 million? In the UK, and maybe US, we write it like 1,000,000. But in France, that'd be like 1.000.000? Or do you use apostrophes? Like 1'000'000? :p It's also weird how French people say phone numbers. I'm from the UK, so I'd be something like 03523793018. But if I remember my French lessons (and I mean lessons about the French language, not some kind of .... other French lessons :p), then don't you say them in pairs? Like if the number was 4568474561 (yes I just mashed a load of numbers) instead of saying quatre cinq six huit quatre sept quatre cinq six un(e), you'd say quarante-cinq soixante-huit quarante-sept quarante-sinq soixante-et-une..... yay French!

So, also, something else I wondered.
French translated to French is Français
But... what is Français translated to French? Hmm... what does Google say? :p Lol, translating French into French FTW!

Also, your name should be Flamme Hyenard :p

And mine should be: "Le nec plus ultra épineux à carapace créature."

Which translates into French from "The Ultimate Spiny-shelled creature", but if you translate it back into English, with Google Translate it says.... the same thing.... DAMN! I was hoping for some badly translated Franglais! (French+english).

Flame Hyenard

Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2010
TUK : to say one million, we simply write it that way : 1 000 000 or 1000000. The former is more handy though. For the phone numbers, it depends : most of the time, it's written as follow : 0X XX XX XX XX (the Xs being numbers), or 5 pairs of numbers. In rare instances (mostly for specific phone numbers), it's written that way : 0 XXX XXX XXX, or 0 + 3 trios of numbers. In all cases (except for the police / rescue), it always results in using 10 numbers.

Actually, the correct spelling would be "La créature ultime à carapace épineuse". Carapace being a word employed in feminine (la / une), the next word (Epineux) is also accorded and results in "Epineuse". A better (and short) translation would be "Le Koopa Ultime". =p


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
Yeah, I knew it was 'euse' and not 'eux', I just couldn't be bothered to change it.

Also... why is it when I use vgmcheck, the loop points are completely inaccurate?

The VGM of "The Machine" from the Game Gear version of Ecco, loops perfectly. But I make a BRSTM using the loop points that vgmcheck said to use, and I get this:

Listen to the loop point (5:13 -- yes it's a very long track), and tell me that does not scream 'bad loop points'?


Flame Hyenard

Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2010
Maybe you're not using the same sample rates as the one vgmcheck uses ?

vgmcheck might be set to 32000 while the BRSTM you've made is 44100 ?


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
No, because it has the correct length.

The actual loop is at around 5:13 - 5:14, and the BRSTM loops at 5:13. If it was at 32000 Hz, then the loop points it gave would have given a length of over 7 minutes.

The loop point SHOULD be around 5:13. 32000 Hz - 48000 Hz is a quite a large ratio (2:3). So it's going to be 3/2 times as long isn't it, if it was 32000 Hz. It's only a fraction of a second that the loop is incorrect. Like a small insignificant section. Maybe it's adding 14336 when it doesn't need to be?


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010

Same loop points, but somehow the update doesn't say the game's name?

I'm assuming it's just a quality update, since the loop points are the same, but it's weird how it doesn't display the name of the game.... does it mean anything to you? (You'll eventually get it, if you're in to Swedish pop groups of the 70s).


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
What if I made EVERYONE an admin? Can you imagine? Loads of idiots renaming things, removing things, messing around? :D


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
The most recent member is KasaiOkami
User #2213

There are a total of 1505 active members, 699 inactive members, and 1 suspended member, totalling 2205. The above user is 2213, meaning that out of the 2213 accounts that have been made, only 8 have been removed. I think.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
I'm in trouble.

****ing cookies = not logged in on YouTube + no password known = HELP!
How the hell did you tell me the password? It's not in any PMs.

Flame Hyenard

Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2010
Is it normal that I can change the descriptions, but not the title of BRSTMs ? I also can't move a BRSTM to an other section for some reason. O__O


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
So you just drag this in here... hmmm... it didn't work? Let me try again... OK, so you drag this in here... hmm that's odd. My anti-virus detected it as a threat. I had to mark it as safe. OK, here we go... hmm... it still isn't working....

I reckon there was more footage of you trying to get brstmmake to work, than the rest of the entire tutorial XD


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
I wanted to update the rest of the OOT BRSTMS with the better quality soundtrack versions, instead of the lower-than-normal bad quality USF rip.

I've already done three of them, House, Hyrule Field and Water Temple, but I tried doing Title, but the stupid thing is crackly.

Also, which is better:

The former one is from Nintendo Sound Selection, the latter is remastered from the actual GSF.
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