At the risk of severe embarrassment.... apart from me, and Moose, who ELSE knows how to upload videos from BCM to my YT account?
When I started uploading more videos I noticed the description had been changed to say "[Song] from [Game] that will play for [Length]"
Replace [Song], [Game] and [Length] appropriately, obviously.
Then I notice somehow there's suddenly a video from a Kingdom Hearts game, IIRC. What does the description say? It's back to that freaking "Mwahahaha. I hacked Brawl's site to upload videos for me" or whatever. That's what I'm pissed off with him about. Uploading things without me wanting, and keep changing the description. I asked him to change it from that, and he did. I'm not sure if he was actually doing it because I asked, but the fact it was changed back, AND I've found 2 videos from a KH game uploaded without even asking me, is what I'm angry about.
AFAIK, there's only Moose and me who knows how to upload to my account. So therefore, if it's not me, it's him.
I'm sorry if I've hurt or offended anyone else, but I REALLY don't like being pissed off like that! I removed all the previous videos I uploaded with the "I hacked Brawl's site" description, and was going to re-upload them with the description where it says the name of the song and game, and the length. And then it's changed back! AND as I said, another video I didn't upload, nor WANT uploaded.