Meh, I've seen the boards for characters that do get a lot of attention, and it's totally disorganized. I would feel really bummed out if I spent hours of labbing tech for, say, Diddy's Monkey Flip, and it gets buried by bi-weekly threads about what buffs/nerfs the character needs. Ick. If you can find the good in a thread where we rub the unmentionables of a certain player, than I'd like to hear it. That may be okay on our regional Smash community pages on Facebook, but we talk about the competitive aspects of Bowser here, not the players.
I don't know any Lordmix. Is he another Brawl Boy? Man, don't even answer that, I've just lost interest.
Let's be real, any news about Bowser mains representing this character is good news. It proves that our guy won't get thrown to the side as soon as all the other mid-tiers get insane amounts of buffs, and they have been. I picked up Lucina recently, and holy cow. Can you say "Rage Jab to Fsmash"? Fantastic. There's oceans of discoveries for the cast of characters that should only be a matter of time before the other guys pick up on it. And seeing as this is the social thread, I want it written in writing here. I'm going to get back out there. The best reason to explain why I quit so long ago is that my Dad's recovery was a bit more important than Bowser's. Classes be damned. I've got enough time on my hands to compete. Also, reading about people's theories about Jab in the past couple days, It's pretty clear that a certain thread about jabs needs an update.
Jab to Fortress over Jab to Jab 2? Hunh? You're trading one 9% followup that doesn't kill for another 9% followup that doesn't kill. And yes, of course you can buffer a special move out of jab 1, did we all forget about that concept at some point?