Yeah, I suppose we need to do better work on writing down kind of basic information and things that have changed about Bowser. To be quite honest, I've never had to really "search" for tech since I've pretty much been here since Smash 4 popped up, but things do end up either not being used or completetly forgotten.
Example; it took me months to actually implement the turnaround Bomb. Anytime someone would hit the back of my shield I would just shield drop and side B instead, even when I knew it wasn't optimal. Then I tried what Big Sean & others mentioned and boom, stocks ending at 80. Super optimized, because tbqh...I stale the HELL out of Klaw. My style hasn't really changed because I used to do the same stuff in Brawl, but remember how months ago I was ******** about how I couldn't use the move anymore like I used to? what am I doing? LOL
And yeah PQ is realllly weird. There were times where I pretty much wanted to put the game down due to the puzzles, and grinding in that game is really tedious. On top of that, the level threshold to get really good personas (Golden Link, Heroic Gemini, Salome's Kiss skills etc.) is super high. I honestly just did every single sidequest Liz had, and I had a pretty busted party. Naoto with Impure Reach actually breaks the game and I had no idea. If you have someone with the "Link" skills set up, and someone who can keep status effects going, you should be straight. It's just a matter of grinding it out, like you said..and that's not fun. Even with abusing Mahamaon and Mamudoon to speed it up, it's still SUPER repetitive lol
I clocked in at ~80 hours I think, once I beat the Clock God? I got really lucky with the Captor Spider too. I read some real horror stories about that.
And also, personal secret (I read your edit) I've never really watched any of those tech of the week videos because I've always assumed it was probably a more specific application of something that's been known (known to old farts like me) and I realize that's not healthy or even conducive to optimizing our playstyles and our characters. Bowser doesn't have any Smash 4 bull ****, so we need to take any and all universal tech we have. To this day, even though Jero and now you mentioned it, I still haven't seen that perfect parry video. I'll go watch it now and see what I think.
And to add on to that, that's always been the OG way. It's hard to argue that for Ken's example because back in '04 all you really could do was show people. You weren't able to throw followups like that on notes and have someone else run with it or make a video in your stead. People learn things more easily by being shown first. It's hard to read a giant wad of text...but then that plays into other issues. A lot of people don't have the means to upload, or even the time to edit a video. Even I have an elgato and still can't do anything with it because my computer is trash. If I had the money, and time, I would make content very often probably. There's a lot of misinformation, ESPECIALLY about our character out there. I puke every time.
Now we do have people like you who do lab it up all the time, and honestly we totally are blessed to have you and people like you. You guys do good work.