[collapse="Log"]rockem7 switched in Claydol.
kirbyraeg switched in Uxie.
Claydol used Trick.
Claydol obtained Leftovers!
Uxie obtained Choice Scarf!
Uxie used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!
kirbyraeg switched in Ludicolo.
Claydol used Explosion.
Ludicolo lost 155% of its health.
kirbyraeg's Ludicolo fainted.
rockem7's Claydol fainted.
kirbyraeg switched in Uxie.
rockem7 switched in Ambipom.
Pointed stones dug into Ambipom.
Ambipom lost 12% of its health.
Ambipom used Fake Out.
Uxie lost 20% of its health.
Ambipom lost 10% of its health.
Uxie flinched!
Ambipom used Taunt.
Uxie fell for the taunt!
Uxie used U-turn.
Ambipom lost 20% of its health.
kirbyraeg switched in Rhyperior.
Ambipom used Low Kick.
It's super effective!
Rhyperior lost 47% of its health.
Ambipom lost 10% of its health.
Rhyperior used Substitute.
Rhyperior lost 25% of its health.
Rhyperior made a substitute!
Rhyperior's leftovers restored its health a little!
Rhyperior restored 6% of its health.
Ambipom used Low Kick.
It's super effective!
The substitute took damage for Rhyperior!
Rhyperior's substitute faded!
Rhyperior used Earthquake.
Ambipom lost 99% of its health.
rockem7's Ambipom fainted.
Rhyperior's leftovers restored its health a little!
Rhyperior restored 6% of its health.
rockem7 switched in Blaziken.
Pointed stones dug into Blaziken.
Blaziken lost 12% of its health.
Blaziken used Vacuum Wave.
It's super effective!
Rhyperior lost 54% of its health.
kirbyraeg's Rhyperior fainted.
kirbyraeg switched in Hitmontop.
Hitmontop used Fake Out.
Blaziken lost 38% of its health.
Hitmontop lost 10% of its health.
Blaziken flinched!
rockem7 switched in Donphan.
Pointed stones dug into Donphan.
Donphan lost 6% of its health.
Hitmontop used Mach Punch.
Donphan lost 30% of its health.
Hitmontop lost 10% of its health.
kirbyraeg switched in Uxie.
Uxie makes ground moves miss with Levitate!
Donphan used Earthquake.
Donphan's attack missed!
rockem7 switched in Registeel.
Pointed stones dug into Registeel.
Registeel lost 6% of its health.
Uxie used Psychic.
It's not very effective...
Registeel lost 6% of its health.
Registeel's leftovers restored its health a little!
Registeel restored 6% of its health.
kirbyraeg switched in Houndoom.
Registeel used Toxic.
Houndoom was badly poisoned!
Houndoom is hurt by poison!
Houndoom lost 6% of its health.
Registeel's leftovers restored its health a little!
Registeel restored 6% of its health.
Houndoom used Fire Blast.
It's super effective!
Registeel lost 97% of its health.
Registeel used Earthquake.
It's super effective!
Houndoom lost 79% of its health.
Houndoom is hurt by poison!
Houndoom lost 12% of its health.
Registeel's leftovers restored its health a little!
Registeel restored 6% of its health.
Houndoom used Fire Blast.
It's super effective!
Registeel lost 96% of its health.
rockem7's Registeel fainted.
Houndoom is hurt by poison!
Houndoom lost 19% of its health.
kirbyraeg's Houndoom fainted.
kirbyraeg switched in Hitmontop.
rockem7 switched in Blaziken.
Pointed stones dug into Blaziken.
Blaziken lost 12% of its health.
Blaziken used Vacuum Wave.
Hitmontop lost 20% of its health.
Hitmontop used Mach Punch.
Blaziken lost 58% of its health.
rockem7's Blaziken fainted.
Hitmontop lost 10% of its health.
rockem7 switched in Donphan.
Pointed stones dug into Donphan.
Donphan lost 6% of its health.
kirbyraeg switched in Uxie.
Donphan used Assurance.
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
Uxie lost 69% of its health.
rockem7 switched in Swellow.
Pointed stones dug into Swellow.
Swellow lost 25% of its health.
Uxie used Psychic.
Swellow lost 56% of its health.
Swellow was burned!
Swellow used Facade.
Uxie lost 44% of its health.
kirbyraeg's Uxie fainted.
Swellow was hurt by its burn!
Swellow lost 12% of its health.
kirbyraeg switched in Hitmontop.
Swellow used Quick Attack.
Hitmontop lost 28% of its health.
Hitmontop used Fake Out.
Swellow lost 47% of its health.
rockem7's Swellow fainted.
Hitmontop lost 10% of its health.
rockem7 switched in Donphan.
Pointed stones dug into Donphan.
Donphan lost 6% of its health.
Hitmontop used Mach Punch.
Donphan lost 26% of its health.
Hitmontop lost 10% of its health.
Donphan used Ice Shard.
Hitmontop lost 24% of its health.
kirbyraeg's Hitmontop fainted.
kirbyraeg switched in Primeape.
Donphan used Ice Shard.
Primeape lost 39% of its health.
Primeape used Close Combat.
Donphan lost 43% of its health.
rockem7's Donphan fainted.
kirbyraeg wins![/collapse]
[collapse="Summary"]BotW 9 was a UU match between two Pokemon Masters kirbyraeg and rockem7. Kirbyraeg has a history of doing well in tournaments and has proven very adaptable to new environments. Rockem7 specialized in the UnderUsed tier and so has some experience, but he is a relatively new battler. The two players met on shoddy battle, the spectators assembled, and the match kicked off!
Rockem7 decided to use a Trick Scarf Claydol lead, whereas kirbyraeg used a bulkier Uxie lead. Kirbyraeg set up the all important rocks of stealthiness while Claydol tricked Uxie into accepting a scarf in return for his leftovers. Locked into Stealth Rock kirbyraeg switched out his Uxie in favor of Ludicolo who promptly got exploded on. Both Ludicolo and Claydol fainted leaving each battler with 5 pokemon. Kirbyraeg switched in his now scarfed Uxie while rockem7 revealed an Ambipom. Ambipom Fake-out'd and Taunted while Uxie U-turn'd out revealing Rhyperior. Ambipom was able to take around 60% off of Rhyperior before dying. Blaziken was then able to switch in and finish rhyperior off with Vacuum Wave. Kirbyraeg countered priority with priority and switched in his Technitop which took a chunk out of Blaziken before being met by rockem's Donphan. Knowing he was outmatched kirbyraeg switched back in Uxie to avoid the Earthquake with levitate. Rockem made a switch to Registeel to absorb any hits from Uxie but was met with an extremely powerful Psychic that did a whopping 6%. Not wishing to scare rockem TOO much kirbyraeg called back his Uxie and swapped it for a Houndoom which was Toxic'd on the switch. Both pokemon traded hits and eventually died forcing both opponents to make a blind switch. Kirbyreag's Hitmontop and rockem's Blaziken once again and Hitmontop was able to finish Blaziken off with Mach Punch after taking some damage. Rockem once again used Donphan to scare Hitmontop off, but this time he correctly predicted the switch to Uxie and nearly killed him/her/it/potato with a super-effective Assurance. Not wanting to lose Donphan to the super-strong Psychic, rockem switched in Swellow who lost a chunk to Psychic and was burned by its Burn Orb. Swellow then killed Uxie with a boosted Facade. However, Hitmontop was able to revenge kill Swellow with Fake-out. This left just Donphan for rockem who managed to kill Hitmonotop but feel to kirbyraeg's Primeape.
This was a great and close 1-0 battle between kirbyraeg and rockem that was played very well on both sides. Unfortunately, rockem has quit competitive pokemon, but I look forward to more battles from kirbyraeg in the future.[/collapse]