Idk why I randomly decided to come here but Hi~ xD
If I had to give an input I'd say this MU is pretty even it really does just come down to whoever outplays who.
lemons are annoying (that goes without saying) but the Pit's do have tools to deal with them, nair eats through lemons iirc (although lemons are stronger at the start right? that might beat nair need to double check) if so nair can also be used as a safe landing option against lemons. Megaman's fair and bair do beat this out though.
Pit's dash attack is a godsend in this matchup, its quick enough to close distance and hit megaman even if it clanked with a lemon or something. The difference between Pit and other swordies is that he doesn't have to stick strictly to zoning and spacing, he can rush down megaman which imo is the way he should play this MU. And as
said we can condition you to shield with dash attack. In regards to dthrow there is no DI option that prevents a followup, If you DI in we can get uair and if you DI away we get a Bair/Fair/Uair/Dair/Usmash. DIing in is best not up and away. DIing away gives us the most options for followups and stage control. If you DI in we can only land uair (which is guaranteed so there is no reason for you to ever try airdodge and get punished harder). This can still lead to juggle situations, especially in Pit's case where a read with an arrow can be used to snipe jump attempts or rush coil attempts afterwards, in these cases Pit will always go for a followup after an arrow but nothing is true, just remember to dodge or jump or something, so just be wary of that. Another fsctor of the neutral is that all our disjoints outrange you so don't try challenge with anything besides, fsmash, dair, lemons, etc. Also how well does megaman do against other campers? Pit's arrows have a faster firing rate than sheik needles or greninjas shurikens and can be curved and shot while moving (full hop arrows that is, also you can't punish aerial or up angled arrows unless you are right in our face).
Just like Megamang said, his primary advantage states are juggling and offstage shenanigans. Also be wary of your shield when Pits have your metal blade, as it can lead to a shield break setup with side b. Don't DI fthrow up and in, just hold straight in, it already launches into the top right corner or close to it (I think there was a vid by beefy smash dudes explaining a similiar scenario). Also be careful when choosing between shield and spotdodge/roll near the ledge when trying to avoid an fthrow or somehting, if used right the electroshock covers all dodge options, and if your spotdodge gets read at the ledge you die at like 70%. You're fine to mess up against Pit though, his upperdash never kills megaman :/
In regards to ftilt, Pit's tipper ftilt is safe and kills near the ledge at around 100%. Dark Pit may lead to tech chase situations but it is not ever safe so always try and punish it. Watchout for hip checks though, it's a good mixup we have with ftilt. Also all our smash attacks are impossible to react to, dsmash is f5, usmash is f6 and fsmash is f10, so try to predict them at kill percents,
Just because Pit's up b isn't fast and doesn't have a hitbox it isn't a free edgeguard as many might think. You won't get the chance to abuse our up b unless we seriously stuff up an edgeguard from down deep but that shouldn't happen with any decent Pit. I'd say bair and fair are your best edgeguarding tools against Pit's up b. Dair can't really be used on reaction most of the time and we have enough jumps to wait it out. Careful with uair offstage, if we see it coming we can reflect it with either side b or down b (iirc uair is one of those wierd projectiles that our side b reflects properly correct me if im wrong though). And a reflected uair results in a spike against you. Megaman is annoying in that he can mess with our side b recovery. Just throw a projectile at it and we will be forced to deflect it and put into a vulnerable state (you have no idea how much it triggers me that side b doesn't reflect properly). On the flip side here are some pointers for when you are getting edge guarded. Don't airdodge arrows offstage it's frame trap, just hope your percent is low enough that the hitstun from the arrow wears off before we can get a followup and airdodge then. If you get spiked don't instantly jump again, look for a safe opprtunity, we often like to spam dair offstage because it is free to throw out as megamang once again said (im surprised you know so much about pit, their not that well known). Our best edgeguarding tool is fast fall fair, it creates a literal wall so just watch out for that. When stuck in a fair string be wary when you airdodge, it is not true but airdodge can lead to an early death. Dair > Fair catches jumps if it is not true, im blabbering now...basically be very wise with your jump, a man without a jump offstage is a dead man against Pit (most of the time).
Pit is pretty momentum based, once he gets an attack he can keep pressing it with a multitude of strings and frame traps but it depends on how well the Pit can read you so mix it up. Don't airdodge all the time after a dash attack, don't always tech away, etc. Oh yeah, and respect bair, it is safe on block, and Bair > Side b can break slightly weakened shields, rolling or spotdodging means you get hit by side b anwyay, best to mixup between jump and roll in.
Word hahaha! do not ever freaking jump right after getting launched. We love that!
Stage wise comes to preference, on stages like T&C and FD we can choose to camp you. Stages with platforms are self explanatory. Lylat gives us wavedashes xP. Whispy in Dreamland can lead to some pretty great mixups for us there such as boosted side b or rapid jab shield break but it's pretty rare.
Do not SDI nair. Nair > Smash attack is a thing but the timing is strict so you SDIing out only makes it easier for us. You probably could SDI nair at low percents though because that's the only time it will combo into other moves by normal means, we wouldn't normally think of going for a smash attack at those percents.
Also hanging off the ledge z-drop metal blade is not the way to go, we can reflect it with side b to give some leniency in recovering, that is, if we somehow lost all our jumps, if we have spare jumps we could just catch it and throw it back. Just stick to bair.
Lately some Pits have been incorporating footstool resets into their play if you get stuck in one, depending on the situation, try to DI the footstool offstage but if that is not possible don't DI to the ledge, Dair > Dair > Bair is true and will kill you on most stages at mid percents.
Also the Pit's may have a mediocre 'reflector' but it doubles as a midair shield if we want to safely get back to the ledge.
Yeah this MU is pretty much, even it really comes down to whoever presses the right buttons.
Sorry this is really messy so excuse errors and stuff, I just wanted to get it out. Nice meeting y'all btw! Hopefully my input helped with the Pit MU. Overall I think it is 50:50, i'd like to say otherwise but I haven't played megaman enough to really decide, he's just as rare as the Pits over here.
Also Megaman Zero > Megaman