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Blaziken as a playable character for brawl.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
For one there are characters in every franchise that deserve a shot in brawl:

Wolf and krystal for SF
Olimar in yo dreams:p
Ridley for metroid
Ganondorf for TP (with his own moveset)

and so on, also ur just considering america and UK, and ur not taking consideration of japan, you know, where brawl is being made? japanese dont like cool looking pokemon, they prefer the cute ones, but even so Lucario is on the most popular pokemon world wide...

Actualy Japan does not like lucario that much,so there goes world wide

Popular in both japan and america, his chances are very high in gettin in rbawl, also another pic? Munchlax, yeah u heard me, munchlax is considered the mascot of the newest gen in japan, hes just too **** popular, its amazing, I wouldnt be surprise dif hes in...

munchlax would be wierd,but i fine wizz that

you see most of the blaziken supporters just want him in cause of the cool factor, and saying he can bring uniqueness to the table, what uniqueness? theres ANOTHER fire/fighting pokemon, and not to mention we already have a fire punching/kicking fighter, falcon...

I could quote a lot of lucario fans on the poke battle thread thing that have wanted him cause of coolness,and i will if you tempt me

WHY would HE represent the starters in brawl? why not the monkey from DP? hes newer, not to mention DP has sold more in its 1st week that the other versions did (I think so im not 100% sure) so why not add the fire pokemon of the newest gen that sold more copies? it makes sense doesnt it?

We need some 3rd gen rep, lucario+infernape(monkey)= 4th
Blaze,gardivior= 3rd

Point is blaziken doesnt have the the fan base in japan (where it matters) nor the uniqueness to be a fighter in brawl...

uniquness is based on opinion, i do not think omilar is unique,you do,so that point gets us nowere.
i think blaze is unique,you dont. that gets us no where also.

statments in gray. i think i just own stryks, the world will now blow up


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
For one there are characters in every franchise that deserve a shot in brawl:

Wolf and krystal for SF
Ridley for metroid
Ganondorf for TP (with his own moveset)
. . .That different buddy, these no clear cut main characters in pokemon other than Pika:ohwell:

and so on, also ur just considering america and UK, and ur not taking consideration of japan, you know, where brawl is being made? japanese dont like cool looking pokemon, they prefer the cute ones, but even so Lucario is on the most popular pokemon world wide...
WTH are you talking about? Pika/ Mewtwo/ Char/ Mew/ Moewth/ Jpuff and a crap load of other pokemon (maybe even Deoxy) are WHY more popular. And last I heard Japan don't like Lucario so he is in the same bout as her. . .

And IDK if you have followed my past post but I keep saying that Blaze would ONLY get in duo to being a US/UK pick pokemon.

Popular in both japan and america,NOOO. . .he aint his chances are very high in gettin in rbawl, also another pic? Munchlax, yeah u heard me, munchlax is considered the mascot of the newest gen in japan, hes just too **** popular, its amazing, I wouldnt be surprise dif hes in...
I see Munch being more likely than Lucario in some ways. . .

you see most of the blaziken supporters just want him in cause of the cool factor, and saying he can bring uniqueness to the table, what uniqueness? theres ANOTHER fire/fighting pokemon, and not to mention we already have a fire punching/kicking fighter, falcon...
1. OH JUST F**K ME SILLY! ALL I see from the Lucario fans are "he looks sooo coo!". I peeked at the last page of the Lucario thread and guess what I saw? Many. . .MANY people wanting him because he is "coo" and the same can be seen on the poll thread. Thats all I see for him so IDK why you seem to think he is anydifferent than Blaze in that respect.

2. Blaze uniqueness being shot down just because theres alil fire monkey out now that (to be blunt) is a complete RIP of Blaze because she was popular? Thats not what most people wonted her for (as in, I never hear of her being "unique" souly because of her type) and that aint something that effects her.

3. This C.Falcon bull again. Can CF do fire projectiles like will-o-wisp/ flame thrower/ over heat/ ember/ fire blast/ blast burn? Can CF use bird attacks like Brave Bird/ Arial Ace? Does CF have like 13 fire attacks to pick and choose from in his game?

And if you think it's logical for Blaze to be less unique because of CF than do you want to know how I see Lucario? Mew2 b with a few other Mew2 light effect smashes + Fox's fighting moves. . .

WHY would HE represent the starters in brawl? why not the monkey from DP? hes newer, not to mention DP has sold more in its 1st week that the other versions did (I think so im not 100% sure) so why not add the fire pokemon of the newest gen that sold more copies? it makes sense doesnt it?
. . .No, the fire monkey is the LEST liked starter of this gen and Blaze has been top dog sence RS came out in terms of starters and RS pokemon:ohwell:. Thats like saying Gard should be left out for it's male form because of sells and w/e even if it's Japan's most popular 3rd gen.
Plus, the most popular starter this gen is the water/ steel bird and that aint lookin too likely.
And as ToWK said. . .
Blaze/ Gard=3rd gen picks
Fire monkey/ Lucario=4th gen picks

If theres some 3RD GEN picks than Blaze/ Gard look the most likely. . .and they wouldn't be over shadowed by the 4th gen.

Point is blaziken doesnt have the the fan base in japan (where it matters) nor the uniqueness to be a fighter in brawl...

Lucario doesn't have the fan-base in Japan either:ohwell: nor the uniqueness to be a fighter in brawl. . . wow, that was easy to say

Reply in blue.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
and so on, also ur just considering america and UK, and ur not taking consideration of japan, you know, where brawl is being made? japanese dont like cool looking pokemon, they prefer the cute ones, but even so Lucario is on the most popular pokemon world wide...
I prefer the cute ones, too. >_>


Smash Cadet
Jul 17, 2007
please no more pokemon im sick of it. only if they make it differnt from the rest of the pokemon and give it new attacks.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I don't care for pokemon but at least they should add more variety and not only those cute looking ones.
Actually, the "cute ones" add more variety than the "cool onees." A character like Lucario would probably play like a Fox or a Captain Falcon, whereas a character like Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Poliwhirl, etc. would play very different from anyone on the roster.

Besides Pichu, they have all been diffrent. >_>


Smash Rookie
May 5, 2007
Well, I don't think blaze should be in brawl
because he doesn't really have much signifigance in any games
Or anime I think, but who gives a crap about it
Gengar (PMD) or Meouth (anime) deserve it more


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Actually, Blaziken is a lot more important game wise than those two, seeing as he's the final evo of a starter. It's his human shape that makes him so appealing as a fighter, also.

In the anime, Blaziken has had I think two very significant roles.


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2005
Madison, WI
I would like to see balziken as a playable character but it's much more likely that he will be a pokeball character, or maybe in a metal mario in SSB64 type character role. But that would just make people want to play him more.

and your avatar was way cooler before pokebrawl


Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2006
Almondia City, NW of Leruki
Blaziken is cool, but I'd prefer Lucario in Brawl, also I think that Lucario will be more unique than Blaziken. Actually, I used to wish both in Brawl but... well.
If they put Blaziken in a Pokeball, I think that he would be a nice poke to be summoned.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
I totally agree. whether it's the female Blaziken from the anime series or, just a run of the mill blaziken, he/she does fit well in the cast.

I am in total support of this thread :)


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
BLAZIKEN FTW!!! I really want to see him appear in Brawl, I don't care what anyone says about him, he is 100 times better than Charizard imo and Charizard should just stay in his pokeball like he has been, as for Blaziken being female well...

Yes. That picture is awsome. I'd love to see Blaziken in brawl.
nice screen btw


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2007
I think since Torchic was confirmed as pokeball, Blaziken won't get in (sad!) hopefully the would put Lucario in as a fighter


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
Fire Based Fighters in Brawl (in order of falme power):

Captain Falcon (he's gonna get in. we all know it)
Snake: explosions galore
Samus: explosives and flame throwers
Bowser: fire breath
Zelda: Din's Fire
link: bombs
Dedede: falme effect from jet hammer

being honest, Captain Falcon is the only one out of the lot of them which has his special moves based on fire. the others get explosives, or one firey move.

Blaziken would be a good addition. although Torchic being a pokeball, it doesn't kill of Blaziken totally. but it does look pretty grim

on the subject of gender, it's not restricted.

there have been a total of four in the anime. two have been female (May and that other person's) and two have been Male (one from a movie and one from Harrison)

if the game goes by Diamond and Pearl rules, then we'll know its female, as the crest and main will be shorter than the male's

it would be nice to see Blaziken, but it looks like Lucario is gonna get the pokemon slot this time.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2007
heh, it would be hilarious if he turns up on the Dojo next week :)

Pyro: not really, his side B is rock smash, and it is highly likley his up B will be seismic toss or fly, or something. but yeah, it is my fault for leaving him off the list

pass the syrup

Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2006
The problem is that Blaziken is not a main character in any story line which is what it requires to be in smash (with the exeption of a few). He is a cool pokemon, but he is no smash bro.
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