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Blaziken as a playable character for brawl.


Deleted member

Blaziken has as much a chance as Charizard in my opinion. Both popular fire starters in their games, both with good potential. Still a very low chance for both.


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
I just googled Gardevoir, that would make me sad too
Don't get what you mean. Gardevoir in Brawl would make you sad, or her not being in Brawl would?

Because if it's the former, I'll have to say you said "I agree" to the exact opposite of what you think. I'd love to have Garde in brawl.

Blaziken has as much a chance as Charizard in my opinion. Both popular fire starters in their games, both with good potential. Still a very low chance for both.
Yep, that's pretty much how I see it too. Ah, Smash Daddy, as logical as always :p


Smash Journeyman
Feb 16, 2007
I actually wouldn't be upset if Gardevoir is one of the newcomer Pokémon characters, it'd be the only playable Pokémon that is at all pretty.

But if there is going to be only one new Pokémon character, then I'd have to say no to her being the newcomer...


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
Gardivior better NOT be in brawl
I myself think that if they do take out Mewtwo (it's been repeated a lot around here - I hope not, but who knows) the only real choice to replace him as a psy-type would be Gardevoir. I mean, who else? That ugly-*** Deoxys? No way. The thing with Mewtwo is that he had style - you just had to look at the way he glides, the way he throws, etc. Deoxys is a ugly DNA abortion who keeps changing mid-attack. Sorry, but that won't do, at least for me ;).

Deleted member

I don't know, Deoxys is very original. His real downfall is that he's an event Pokemon that few people know about. Gardivior is extremely original design-wise, but hardly the cream le crem of Pokemon candidates. If you want a Mewtwo replacement, sure, but wouldn't you rather have something new altogether?

And Lucario fits the Mewtwo bill better than Gardivior anyway, when you think about it. :lick:


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
I don't know, Deoxys is very original. His real downfall is that he's an event Pokemon that few people know about. Gardivior is extremely original design-wise, but hardly the cream le crem of Pokemon candidates. If you want a Mewtwo replacement, sure, but wouldn't you rather have something new altogether?

And Lucario fits the Mewtwo bill better than Gardivior anyway, when you think about it. :lick:
Not really. Lucario's moveset will include a lot of kicks and punches and stuff if he's in. He's a fighter-type after all, and has good physical prowess. The thing with mewtwo/Gardevoir is that (aside from a few tail attacks with M2) they don't really touch you. They look at you, wave their hands and you go boom. That's the difference between psy-types and fight-types, you know :p. Probably Deoxys, if he's in, will have a lot of "Not touching youuuu" stuff too, due to psychicdom, but also more than a few physicals courtesy of his attack form. In that sense, moveset-wise maybe Deoxys and Lucario overlap more than Mewtwo/Garde and Lucario! :p (not really, since anyone with a bit of an imagination can make any of the four so they don't overlap with any of the others at all, but you know what I mean)

By "mewtwo replacement", I meant someone representing the psychics, given it is my favorite type, so I'd like it to be at least one in the game. Mewtwo or Garde, I don't really mind, I like both. But I loved M2's style in Melee, despite he being just so bad, and I would like someone of the sort in the game.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2005
Why do people mention Gardevoir? Is it really that famous?
Blaziken, Mewtwo, Lucario or Deoxys are the only realistic options IMO.


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
Why do people mention Gardevoir? Is it really that famous?
Blaziken, Mewtwo, Lucario or Deoxys are the only realistic options IMO.
Actually, this came mainly because someone asked what pokemon had appeared in Sakurai's poll, and Garde was the only one there. After that, we all kind of... drifted away towards this topic ^^u.

And yeah, thing is, Blaze and Garde are not really that far away in chances. You see, in Japan Blaze is considered totally generic, while Gardevoir is loved by all. In the states, the inverse situation is true: everyone loves Blaze, but Gardevoir is not really that known. So their situations kind of mirror each other :p.

I do agree Mewtwo, Deoxys and Lucario are the ones with the better chance, though.

Drasicn, s daddy means as in Movie dude, he is the movie dude like mewtwo was
I myself kind of think Mewtwo was there mostly due to overwhelming popularity during the R/B era, with the movie as pretty much an afterthought. Remember, he probably was the most popular pokemon after pikachu by that time. So as replacement, I'd prefer someone with the same style than another "movie dude". But that's just me ;).

Deleted member

Thing is, Deoxys is an event Pokemon and isn't widely known.

I'm now confused on the whole Mewtwo replacement thing... Argh. I consider all four of the Pokemon you suggested to be floaty movers, so even if they're actually walking they'll be breezing across the screen. They also all use projectiles and have high jumps, but fast fall (as far as I know). So it's all down to Sakurai and his team... They could easily bring back Mewtwo and clone him to make Gardevoir, then include Lucario/Meowth. I really don't see any Pokemon that come from events being in Smash. They're just not known enough.

Deleted member

Yeah... Well, the movies have the least effect on a Pokemon's chances if it's not popular. It's more about the games. The Anime sort of counts if a Pokemon's popular in it.


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
Thing is, Deoxys is an event Pokemon and isn't widely known.

I'm now confused on the whole Mewtwo replacement thing... Argh. I consider all four of the Pokemon you suggested to be floaty movers, so even if they're actually walking they'll be breezing across the screen. They also all use projectiles and have high jumps, but fast fall (as far as I know). So it's all down to Sakurai and his team... They could easily bring back Mewtwo and clone him to make Gardevoir, then include Lucario/Meowth. I really don't see any Pokemon that come from events being in Smash. They're just not known enough.
Lucario is not a floaty mover, nor is Blaze. They both run.

It might be that they can all use projectiles, but again, please hear me here: Deoxys/Mewtwo/Gardevoir are psychics. Lucario/Blaze are not. Lucario and Blaze, while having a few projectile attacks (in fact, Lucario pretty much has Ryu's hadoken, and Blaze is... well, he's a fire starter. Do the math) achieve their victories mainly through rushing towards you and beating the snot out of you until your guts are making a nice carpet on the ground. They are both fast runners and combo quick, and probably both of them are fastfallers indeed.

On the other hand, Mewtwo/Deoxys/Gardevoir have another style. Their attacks have more range, they rely much more on their specials, and are high jumpers but slow fallers (Garde might even have a bit of gliding ala Peach :p). They are all VERY floaty. They hit much harder than the fighters, but don't combo as easily. And due to low (more accurately, none. It's not like the ground matters much to them - Garde doesn't even have legs!) traction, who knows, maybe they are Luigi-level wavedashers xD.

And you can probably count on their throws being top-notch, too ;).

So, as you see, the styles are intuitively different. Lucario/Blaze are more "space animal style", only less b0rked, while Deoxys/Mewtwo/Gardevoir will probably go for a stronger Melee Zelda or Mewtwo style. So the only way to have them overlap somewhat is having two from each "category" so to speak. As long as we get any combination of two that represesnts both styles, we will have good variety in the poke department (little quick rodent/floaty aerial expert/fast comboing fighter/hard-hitting psi) and no need of cloning and/or excessive similarities.

And yes, I hope you're right on that last part. Event pokes don't really deserve being in Brawl - they lack recognition, and a lot of people will not even know what the hell they are. I mean, the only reason I know of Deoxys is the internet. Same with the rest of event pokemon, such as Manaphy, Arceus or Darkrai.

the pnly reason people say deoxeys,is the fact he has a movie. wich is not much
Yup, pretty much. That and that some people seem to think Deoxys is supposed to be a natural replacement for Mewtwo as a genetic oddball badguy. Of course, that people seem to ignore that Mewtwo is still wellknown and loved, while Deoxys is... well, he's there, and not much else. He's probably used a lot less than most legendaries, actually.

And I repeat: he's ugly. Mewtwo gave that "cool evil" vibe. Deoxys just makes me go "...WTF?!" :p


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
Just poppin' my head in. Not that he has a chance, but if we're talking Gardevoir/Mewtwo/Psychics and Blaziken/Lucario/Fighters, what about a Psychic/Fighter? Gallade looks cool. And he's got sword things on his arms, I mean, c'mon.


Anywho, Blaziken would be awesome! So long as Lucario gets in first, of course.


Smash Cadet
Jul 8, 2007
blaziken is awesome and here is a good move set

B^ skyuppercut(if he is on the ground when its used, it makes friction causing more damage)
B" Flame wheel ( his body ignites with flame + he can run around as a scorching fireball for a while)
B<> Blazekick (kicking his foot out with flame...=.=)
B v Mirror move (copy cats the person reflecting the damge back)

^ mega kick (kicks into the air,,,kindof diverse but i think it will work)
<> Focus Punch (powerfull when helt of course)
v Fire spin ( he haunches over and shoots flames towards the gound)

^ Flamethrower ( throws up and shoots a flamethrower at'em)
> seismic toss ( spinning and throwing them forward for range)
<seismictoss ( spinning and throwing them back and down for strong damage)
v Double kick (throws them down and then stomps on them twice with double kick)

^ Ariel Ace (wind pressure forms around his hand as he slashes up)
> Fire Punch (slamming a firey fist forward for good damage)
< Slash (slashes backward to strike them down,,,good spike)
v Fireblast (shoots a non constant fireblast in its star form)
A" U Turn/summersault (kicks allthe way around,,,depending on angle is where they fly)

"A" slash turns into furyswipes
down a would be kick


Smash Rookie
Jul 17, 2007
Blaziken as a playable character isn't appealing to me. It's probably because Blaziken is a starter pokemon, and I think other pokemon are more deserving such as Lucario.


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun
blaziken doesn't deserve to be in brawl, period. The only reason why people like him is because he looks cool. It pretty much ends there. Blaze is a starter pokemon, never did anything special in the anime, and wouldn't be all that unique. In fact, even if he had an original moveset, he'd play very similar to C. Falcon, except less awesome.

lucario, (normal form) deoxys, and even gardevior>blaziken.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
blaziken doesn't deserve to be in brawl, period. Says who? You? The only reason why people like him is because he looks cool. . . . Same can be said for Deoxy and Lucario bud. It pretty much ends there. What? Blaze is a starter pokemon, so? never did anything special in the anime, She helped introduce us to the 3rd gen. . . And Deoxy had way more anime importance than Lucario and we see what happened there and wouldn't be all that unique. Says who? Looks at her movepool and tell me this again In fact, even if he had an original moveset, he'd play very similar to C. Falcon, . . . You DO know that thats a contradiction right? Thats like saying Lucario would play like Fox even if he had a original move-set. . except less awesome. How?

lucario, (normal form) deoxys, Deoxy = Pokeball Doc smart and even gardevior>blaziken.
And thats what I have to say about your post. .


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Atlanta, Georgia
Honestly, I would have to say I disagree with Blaziken being added into Brawl as a playable character. I just don't like the fact of starters being playable characters. Also, if Deoxys can turn out as an assist trophy, then there is pretty much no chance in hell that Blaziken will turn out as a playable character. Deoxys is a much more of important Pokemon than Blaziken, but is also more recognizable, and could have an easier and cooler moveset. Plus, when it comes down to starters being playable characters in the game, I would have to say Charizard is even more deserving than Blaziken. He's more recognizable, more important, and served a larger purpose when it came to the Pokemon show. Sorry, I just really disapprove of Blaziken being a playable character, and I doubt it will happen. My guess is that Blaziken will turn out as a Pokeball Pokemon (an item). Who knows, that's just my opinion.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2007
In your sock drawer
honestly i have nothing against balziken, hes one amazing chicken, but how its been in the last two smash games with all 3rd evolution starters being in the pokeball, i dont think blaziken doesnt have a strong chance. but besides the point hed make an awesome fighter.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
A question blaziken supporters, WHY does blaziken deserve the shot above othe rpokemon and above other starters? just give me a GOOD answer and Ill support blaziken, but all Ive got is HE LOOKS COOL BLAZIKEN 4 BRAWL!!1!!


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
like i said a few posts ago, he wont be a PC because hes one of the starters, and as we know if charizard never got the spot neither will blaziken, but still fighting fire chicken. SWEET!
Whats up with people and this starter crap? Thats like saying Mew2 couldn't be playable for SSB2 because there where no legendary pokemon playable in SSB. . . :dizzy:

And Char didn't get in because appearently he was not as popular as Pika, Mewtwo or Juff (Jpuff in Japan) at that time. Right now the most popular 3rd gen pokemon in the US/ UK is (and has been sence RS came out) Blaziken. And seeing as Deoxy is gone Blaziken would most likely be the best choice for a US/UK popular 3rd gen pokemon.

And lets not go around trying to make up blunt patterns based on the past 2 games. Just because Char couldn't make it (Pika/ Mew2/ Mew/ Jpuff/ Meowth where all probly more popular than char back than) doesn't mean Blaze can't.

A question blaziken supporters, WHY does blaziken deserve the shot above othe rpokemon and above other starters? just give me a GOOD answer and Ill support blaziken, but all Ive got is HE LOOKS COOL BLAZIKEN 4 BRAWL!!1!!
For one, whats up with this "deserve" crap? I really think the Nsiders have had a bit of a influance here. . . that "deserve" crap started there than Micfox made that retarned poll thread. . .

You want to know why Blaze should be in over w/e random pokemon or w/e random RS starter? Simple, I could go on about how Blaze did so and so in the manga/ toy/ anime (one of the first 3rd gen pokemon to introduce us to the 3rd gen) area but it really doesn't matter seeing as Blaze is the most popular 3rd gen pokemon of in the US/UK and is also more popular than her counterpart starters.

What else is there to say? The ONLY popular pokemon in the US/UK happen to be popular because their cool looking (Lucario/ Blaze/ Deoxy). Theres no hard PROOF that being popular here will do much (Sakurai said it in his opening statement for Deoxy that he was a popular pokemon) and seeing how Deoxy had more anime "importance" than both Lucario and Blaze I don't see anime helping either one.

What makes Blaze a "choice above w/e" is fanbase/ popularity and maybe even the fact that she could be the first and only starter rep.

(Doesn't matter if you support her or not. If she is in than she has most likely been in for a well now. . . if she aint than it aint happening.)


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
La di da~

Neutral B – Blaze Kick: Blaziken stands up on one foot, and with the other, starts to kick rapidly, much like Chun Li. The foot is covered in fire like aura as Blaziken kicks, and as long as the B button is held, Blaziken will keep on kicking. Like Bower though, prolonged use of this, will cause the kicks to become slower, the the fire aura will reduce as well.

Forward B - Double Kick: Blaziken makes a spinning kick, advancing forward, pivots on his feet, and spin kicks forward again. Though it’s still double kick, there is a flame like effect around his feet just like Blaze Kick. The first spin kick will always be forward, but the second kick can be toggled to either keep up in the same direction, or strike back where Blaziken already was.

Up B – Sky Uppercut: Well every move set for Blaziken has this, but you know it’s probably the best attack for him to recover. As you would expect, it’s a powerful rising uppercut that launches Blaziken in a direction similar to Mario or Luigi. If anything though, it’s more Luigi like, with a higher vertical distance at the expense of a lack of horizontal gain. If it hits right on the top , it will send the opponent straight up, but if not, it will do little damage or knock back.

Down B - Overheat: Like the Wario Waft, this move builds up over time. When the player uses down B, a heat aura will generate around the Blaziken. The heat aura builds up the opponent’s percentage steadily, with no knock back, regardless of shielding. If used without much charge, it barely any charge, it will not extend much from Blaziken at all, and only inflict damage if they are in the same proximity as say Jigglypuff needs to be to get her rest attack to work. If charged for a long time though, the heat aura will extended enough to damage a opponent to about a range of a full character at both sides of Blaziken. The shield will deplete though if it remains around Blaziken to long, but it can be shut off by pressing down B again, so power can be conserved.

Final Smash – Flare Blitz: Blaziken’s wrist fires burn extremely hot, and a fire aura surrounds Blaziken (Not the same as his heat aura like Overheat) For a short time, all of Blaziken’s normal attacks will be coated in fire, increasing their power and range slightly. Blaziken’s speed will also be increased, but not as much as a Bunny Hood. After the FS ends, Blaziken becomes tired for a few seconds, leaving him open.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
For one, whats up with this "deserve" crap? I really think the Nsiders have had a bit of a influance here. . . that "deserve" crap started there than Micfox made that retarned poll thread. . .

You want to know why Blaze should be in over w/e random pokemon or w/e random RS starter? Simple, I could go on about how Blaze did so and so in the manga/ toy/ anime (one of the first 3rd gen pokemon to introduce us to the 3rd gen) area but it really doesn't matter seeing as Blaze is the most popular 3rd gen pokemon of in the US/UK and is also more popular than her counterpart starters.

What else is there to say? The ONLY popular pokemon in the US/UK happen to be popular because their cool looking (Lucario/ Blaze/ Deoxy). Theres no hard PROOF that being popular here will do much (Sakurai said it in his opening statement for Deoxy that he was a popular pokemon) and seeing how Deoxy had more anime "importance" than both Lucario and Blaze I don't see anime helping either one.

What makes Blaze a "choice above w/e" is fanbase/ popularity and maybe even the fact that she could be the first and only starter rep.

(Doesn't matter if you support her or not. If she is in than she has most likely been in for a well now. . . if she aint than it aint happening.)

For one there are characters in every franchise that deserve a shot in brawl:

Wolf and krystal for SF
Ridley for metroid
Ganondorf for TP (with his own moveset)

and so on, also ur just considering america and UK, and ur not taking consideration of japan, you know, where brawl is being made? japanese dont like cool looking pokemon, they prefer the cute ones, but even so Lucario is on the most popular pokemon world wide...

Popular in both japan and america, his chances are very high in gettin in rbawl, also another pic? Munchlax, yeah u heard me, munchlax is considered the mascot of the newest gen in japan, hes just too **** popular, its amazing, I wouldnt be surprise dif hes in...

you see most of the blaziken supporters just want him in cause of the cool factor, and saying he can bring uniqueness to the table, what uniqueness? theres ANOTHER fire/fighting pokemon, and not to mention we already have a fire punching/kicking fighter, falcon...

WHY would HE represent the starters in brawl? why not the monkey from DP? hes newer, not to mention DP has sold more in its 1st week that the other versions did (I think so im not 100% sure) so why not add the fire pokemon of the newest gen that sold more copies? it makes sense doesnt it?

Point is blaziken doesnt have the the fan base in japan (where it matters) nor the uniqueness to be a fighter in brawl...


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Blaziken is another random Poke'mon with no significance in the series/anime. It doesn't have a big fan base, either.

I'd rather have Meowth in Brawl than Blaziken.
Well I wouldn't say that. Blaziken's got a fairly big fanbase, probably larger than Meowth. (Who doesn't play any real roal in the games)

Blaziken is a starter's final evo though...but it has been mentioned in the Pokemon sticky, that if you had one starter final evo, you would feel oblgiated to put them all in, so Sakurai probably won't let Blaziken in.
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