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Blazblue Mafia: Game Over! Ouroboros Breaks the Cycle

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
do you seriously put it past ruy, the guy who tried to get away with counterclaiming watcher against his own partner in that-one-game-i-cant-remember-from-some-months-ago to try and weasel his way into some ridiculous claim with either an inactive townie or his scummate? cuz i dont, and when its the only tangible lead i can see i say yolo

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
i still think its not worth just rubbing off and that reading chaco's play will lead to a good grasp on the alignment of both of them.

we thuggin

Nov 18, 2013
this is why i want to lynch raz before gorf btw. i know gorf considers ruy a 100% ****** capable of atrocious plays to the point of delusion...raz does not have this distinction

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
do you seriously put it past ruy, the guy who tried to get away with counterclaiming watcher against his own partner in that-one-game-i-cant-remember-from-some-months-ago to try and weasel his way into some ridiculous claim with either an inactive townie or his scummate? cuz i dont, and when its the only tangible lead i can see i say yolo
He was a traitor that CC'd me.

Try again.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
null with some outliers to his play i think ill b able to figure out in time. is bardull as gross as i think he is?

currently operating with you/me/maven/jexs/ruy/chaco = town
I have Bard scum, but it's not hardmeta like my last excellent scumread on Bard, he's just bad.

That's a good town list at this point, I'd reevaluate D2 though.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
im pretty sure you guys are wrong n should maaaaybe think more than "ruy was town. THAT MUST MEAN THOSE WHO WERE GOING AFTER EM MUST HAVE BE SCUM!"
Did you miss my comments on your overall content this game?

when its the only tangible lead i can see i say yolo
You've read this whole game, and the only read you have is someone who is confirmed mason? And you justify this with YOLO?

I can't comment on Ryu doing things in some other game before I got here, but unless he did the exact same thing I don't think it's relevant. No one is denying he did a bad play, so showing some other play that's bad doesn't cut it. You'd have to show him being mafia and throwing other mafia players under the bus for no damn reason to say he has a track record of this (unless that is what you're saying? link it if it is)

Maven did you answer my question?
I forgot. He asked me

its weird to see maven talk like he can meta me accurately with how new he is. not sure what to make of that.

@ Maven89 Maven89 who else do you feel like you have a good meta read on?
No one, and I wouldn't even say I have a real meta read on you. I said earlier that I don't know what Scum Potato looks like. But I believe I've seen enough to know most of what they''re blaming you for is null. I'm mainly basing this off Lovers mafia and seeing snippets of your posts in the other games that were going on/had recently ended.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
Oh forgot to add, Gorf I'm mainly voting for you because I believe you're spouting bull****. No way you've read this entire game and have no reads at all except for someone who is 99% confirmed town.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I have Bard scum, but it's not hardmeta like my last excellent scumread on Bard, he's just bad.
someone's looking a little...butt hurt :awesome:

as an aside, i don't think you've ever correctly read me as scum.

but back to more important matters: you seem pretty confident in bard scum while leaning scum on ruy. i'm actually feeling more like these are overextensions on your end, perhaps inadvertent? i just don't get why you'd voluntarily be willing to hang yourself. or have you just not been scum in a while?

Vote: Nabe


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
some clarity: frankly, i think nabe is just trying to fuel the fire towards slots under suspicion, but i don't think he actually believes what he's saying, or he's scum.

we thuggin

Nov 18, 2013
>we thuggin votes bardull
>bardull votes we thuggin
>nabe voices suspicion on bardull
>bardull votes nabe

i swear bardull is tryna set the world record for ****tiest and most unabashed omgus play of all time


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
request votecount

see yall tomorrow when i inevitably try to strongarm a raz lynch
>"bard has ****ty and 'unabashed omgus play'
>declares hes going to try to strongarm raz instead of going for bard

while i appreciate the change in subject, raz isn't dying today unless you've got something compelling up your sleeve.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
someone's looking a little...butt hurt :awesome:

as an aside, i don't think you've ever correctly read me as scum.

but back to more important matters: you seem pretty confident in bard scum while leaning scum on ruy. i'm actually feeling more like these are overextensions on your end, perhaps inadvertent? i just don't get why you'd voluntarily be willing to hang yourself. or have you just not been scum in a while?

Vote: Nabe
As an aside, I don't think I've ever read you wrong, except in Scott Pilgrim as TvT when I read you as scum, but then went back on it and proceeded to defend you hard against detractors. I'm certain I've called you as scum twice before; once after we were mafia together, and once in Tekken.

Back to more important matters: I'm not terribly confident on you being scum -- it's been well over a year since I've played TvS with you as well as over a year since we hydra'd. I simply think your play is raunchy, and would be very down for a D1 lynch given that. This vote really fuels that fire as well, as it's weird gut with question marks that comes very shortly after a different direction on a marshy vote.

If I die toNight, I'd have to count on you to look at probable killer marshy. (Raz would probably look at marshy at well but has zero credibility and might not be here D2.) And that's a concern, because you don't seem to have any focus or direction to pull that off, and you look like you're flopping which cuts your credibility when it might matter. What all of that means is that I'm also eager to hope you're scum rather than simply ineffectively town.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
As an aside, I don't think I've ever read you wrong, except in Scott Pilgrim as TvT when I read you as scum, but then went back on it and proceeded to defend you hard against detractors. I'm certain I've called you as scum twice before; once after we were mafia together, and once in Tekken.

Back to more important matters: I'm not terribly confident on you being scum -- it's been well over a year since I've played TvS with you as well as over a year since we hydra'd. I simply think your play is raunchy, and would be very down for a D1 lynch given that. This vote really fuels that fire as well, as it's weird gut with question marks that comes very shortly after a different direction on a marshy vote.

If I die toNight, I'd have to count on you to look at probable killer marshy. (Raz would probably look at marshy at well but has zero credibility and might not be here D2.) And that's a concern, because you don't seem to have any focus or direction to pull that off, and you look like you're flopping which cuts your credibility when it might matter. What all of that means is that I'm also eager to hope you're scum rather than simply ineffectively town.
i was not scum in tekken, i replaced in as some interesting yet jank town role kataefi came up with. do some homework!

in terms of my play being 'raunchy,' this is the crux of the over-extension as a result of your declaration of bard scum. but i certainly will concede to playing a fairly passive role while trying to move town along the correct path. bad play? absolutely not. you'll have to do better than that since 'raunchy' is hardly a form of substantiation to begin with.

i don't see you dying toNight; whatever could possibly allude to you that you are going to die toNight? i don't understand the implications from a PR point of view unless it's a poor attempt at reverse psychology. either way, i'm not biting into it with much currency. are you being a silly goose?

marshy is not out of reach. raziek made a mistake; everyone makes mistakes. the way raz went about it does not spell out scummy play to me, and he's a good resource, so he's worth the second chance in my book.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
i dislike marshy just on principle of him targeting raz and bardull while giving gorf a pass because he thinks gorf being ******** is remedied by his dislike of ruy

like, no... all the votes onto ruy before chaco was in the thread were dumb. theres literally NO reason to be giving gorf a pass while going after raz, and i dont understand how marshy can be so confident that he is trying to steer the lynch AWAY from gorf onto raz

**** dat


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008

plz stop playing lazy. also reel in ruy
I ain't been here fool. Haha. I hopped on last night for a sec and then went to sleep because I had to be up early for a doc's appt, and I just got back home. My phones busted so I can't post off of it rn.

Anyways, as far as Ryu, i'll hit him up in a few. I haven't even talked to him yet. He usually doesn't even communicate much when he has OC, so I hadn't even attempted it yet. But forreal, @ Ryu, stop playing defiantly and you'll be good.There's no need to keep on justifying yourself, I finished the out you started so it's good. We're clear.

Gorf, why in the **** would Ryu pull that as scum? I mean honestly, let's be real. If you wanna base him off my play that's cool and all, but it's pretty much stupid to assume that it's a gambit at this point. There's no logical gain to be made there.

Dull is looking better imho.

Thuggin seems good to me as well. Logical thought to go after people who try to cast doubt on an-CC'd outed claim, especially after I confirm it. You'd have seen some real rage if I was scum and he pulled that ****. As town it's more like "well, Im confirmed so that's good for us, but goddamn wtf was that play?"

I agree on the Raz hate, but I'm throwing Kantrip right on up there with it. Both are pulling the same sort've stuff.

Idk how to feel about Nabe yet, I need to read him again more closely.

JeXs is all over the place with those sheep votes..

I'm re-reading more closely now cause before it was just to catch up.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
marshy is not out of reach. raziek made a mistake; everyone makes mistakes. the way raz went about it does not spell out scummy play to me, and he's a good resource, so he's worth the second chance in my book.
Do you really write off Raziek's push as a mistake? I mean the evidence was all laid out in front of him.

Also what's your views on Gorf?


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Pursuing of Ryu as scum for that bobble.

Gorf is just hating on ryu, which is why Marshy is passing it off. Gorf is giving ryu an out to better his play, and based off of mine. No one else is. They're just pushing him as scum.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia

I find myself in a really ****ty spot right now. As much as I wish I could just lynch him for such atrocious play, Ruy is not scum, and neither is Chaco.

I hate that Marshy is actually trying to get me lynched for pushing against the really ****ty play. (Which, mind you, I was pushing against him BEFORE Chaco came in and confirmed it.)

After Chaco came in and confirmed it I made the 'Is this real life?' post, left Ruy that list of questions because I wanted his clearly explained motivations, and I went to bed. I left my vote there and planned to move it today after sleeping on it.

Because Marshy has put the wagon back on me, though, I'm now forced into a position where the only two slots I really dislike (Marshy and Gorf) are 'OMGUS' or 'The easy way out' respectively, and he's going to paint me as grimy for that. I do not have a scumread I have any confidence in besides those two, and even those two are tenuous and biased as a result of them pushing against me and directly drawing my attention.

Runner-up is Kantrip, I guess. I'm not confident on how serious he was actually being about settling on a policy lynch so quickly.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
i dislike marshy just on principle of him targeting raz and bardull while giving gorf a pass because he thinks gorf being ******** is remedied by his dislike of ruy

like, no... all the votes onto ruy before chaco was in the thread were dumb. theres literally NO reason to be giving gorf a pass while going after raz, and i dont understand how marshy can be so confident that he is trying to steer the lynch AWAY from gorf onto raz

**** dat
Vote Gorf imo.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
On a re-read I don't think Gorf is actually scum. I think he's a ****head for proxy'ing his vote on Marshy, but I don't think he's scum.

So no, I'm not going to vote him right now.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2014
decisive games
I'm just going to repeat this because no one seems to be mentioning it

Gorf has

1. Not added any information
2. Made constant joke posts
3. Insists he has zero reads on anyone, even this late in the day
4. Is blatantly trying to buddy with Marshy when he already said he has no read on Marshy
4. Voted for what's essentially a confirmed townie, justifying it with "yolo"

Either Gorf is a ****** or he's scum

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I'm so glad this game has taken off. Bless you all xoxo

Maven's pratically erased all doubt from me and he's putting in a ton of legwork, and good ones at that. There are still some things that I want to get out of the way though before I'm fully done:

@ Maven89 Maven89 I still disagree with your potassium read obviously, but the way you're explaining yourself doesn't seem fabricated. That's what matters in hindsight but hopefully I can pull enough of my own legwork to get potato six feet under. I'm gonna pull out all the stops relatively soon.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I'm just going to repeat this because no one seems to be mentioning it

Gorf has

1. Not added any information
2. Made constant joke posts
3. Insists he has zero reads on anyone, even this late in the day
4. Is blatantly trying to buddy with Marshy when he already said he has no read on Marshy
4. Voted for what's essentially a confirmed townie, justifying it with "yolo"

Either Gorf is a ****** or he's scum
Regrettably..... this is typical for Gorf.
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