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Blazblue Mafia Extend: Game Over - NYANCAT In Charge!

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
J is the lesser evil here and I will now over exaggerate my camaradiere with people who dislike Spak even remotely with THIS.


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Also FML is actually playing really solid. I don't know if it's orbo or rake but I see none of the rake effect being displayed here. I usually just write them off as fodder but overall the avenues they've been pursuing (even if they are little) are insightful to me. I don't like how Glyph dropped Spak either but that doesn't agree with the fact I still don't really feel what he did was scum.


Jun 7, 2012
also i realize i got off topic but only bad mafia goes AFk. literally mafia 101, if you're mafia and you go afk expect yourself to be lynched lol. Like If i can't coast in a game like J's banjo kazooie then Mafia def cant coast, plus the threads too active now. Mafia always wants to be manipulating things. Activity like this is a perfect opportunity to look for openings


Jun 7, 2012
Since i'm the one here I (Rake) am going to take all the credit for hat compliment Soup. Also, i really hope J rejects you, just so you can react with the Sadladdin picture, that one gets me everytime


Smash Ace
Jan 11, 2014
United States
Also FML is actually playing really solid. I don't know if it's orbo or rake but I see none of the rake effect being displayed here. I usually just write them off as fodder but overall the avenues they've been pursuing (even if they are little) are insightful to me. I don't like how Glyph dropped Spak either but that doesn't agree with the fact I still don't really feel what he did was scum.
Yeh, fml is probs town.


Jun 7, 2012
Also also I think I finally cast off the Rake effect after being gonzo for 6 months. When orbo harassed me to come back for DGames revival (which did basically what the title suggested, coincidentally) I took it as a chance to revive my mafia career as well and finally cast off the chains of being "that crazy guy" in games. Admittedly, I was right alot , but I realized after re-reading all my old games, that I was right for the wrong reasons

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Wait, that hand was meant for me?

Womp womp.
If you look at it like Aladdin is reaching to put his hand across his face in a slapping motion to backhand some mofo who done crossed him the wrong way, then yes, that hand is for you.


Jun 7, 2012
Also, i take potshots at J, but it's only because it's entirely too easy to do so.

I think I'm okay with Moosey. I like that Fando is processing glyph like he is, so +1 for that guy.

I'll also retract what i said about soup dropping spak to soon as i like this renewed push especially in light of recent spak.

Glyph is really odd to me, would like him to address what I've said about him and I'll decide where I stand on him then.

SlickWylde might be a bit chintzy but his points on spak I've really thought were on point so +1 to that guy for not being trashbad confirmed town like "lynch anyone who disagrees with me " Ryker esque style. Inb4 ryker gives me a mod vote for saying that.


Smash Ace
Jan 11, 2014
United States
Also, i take potshots at J, but it's only because it's entirely too easy to do so.

I think I'm okay with Moosey. I like that Fando is processing glyph like he is, so +1 for that guy.

I'll also retract what i said about soup dropping spak to soon as i like this renewed push especially in light of recent spak.

Glyph is really odd to me, would like him to address what I've said about him and I'll decide where I stand on him then.

SlickWylde might be a bit chintzy but his points on spak I've really thought were on point so +1 to that guy for not being trashbad confirmed town like "lynch anyone who disagrees with me " Ryker esque style. Inb4 ryker gives me a mod vote for saying that.
@_@ You're okay with me not doing anything?


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
This seems..overly defensive
He seemed to spend most of the last 2 pages merely defending himself.
I really want to see you not just spending your time defending yourself and instead going more into the people who are discussing you or seem interesting.
Anyone who knows how I play knows that when I get accused of something, I instantly go into defense mode and stop actually analyzing people's slots (other than those accusing me) for a while. I'm trying to move on and actually get to reading people, but Soup seems intent on hyper-analyzing my slot and preventing me from actually doing anything useful because I have to spend all of my free time typing responses or else I'm dodging questions/accusations. I got a little bit of a push on Glyph, but it was written off as a OMGUS and everyone just sorta ignored it.
What do you make of J in all this, aside from his reputation that you've built up in your head? Do you think his outburst is townie, scummy? What about all other players? Suffice to say, I suspect you even more than J because the sole difference merely is from experience. J is going to have the more practical responses because he knows how to sell it like that, rather you just look like you're just trying to plead your innocence.
Not plead, prove. And I'm getting a bit sick of it because I've not been able to read slots to the extent I need to; I've been spending time writing responses like this one, which will get me even further behind on the state of the thread.
which by the way, that explanation is literally the most believeable thing ever which really makes me doubt it happened
Believe what you will, but I was telling the truth. I was on mobile and there's no chance in the world I could have checked the PM, checked the start of the game, read all of the first page, found the role list on the original game (which took me 5 minutes in of itself the first time I looked for it), and typed out a response in 5 minutes.


Jun 7, 2012
@_@ You're okay with me not doing anything?
you made the one town slip im not sure anyone could fake which was trying to push slick. Like thats literally so boneheaded that from my POV only the most absent minded not giving a **** type of person could manage that. I know its a wifom reason to town lean you but I still hold to my statement i made many years ago when I said that townies are generally the people who are the most idiotic and willing to literally bash their skull into something or someone over something dumb and not look two ways about it


Smash Ace
Jan 11, 2014
United States
you made the one town slip im not sure anyone could fake which was trying to push slick. Like thats literally so boneheaded that from my POV only the most absent minded not giving a **** type of person could manage that. I know its a wifom reason to town lean you but I still hold to my statement i made many years ago when I said that townies are generally the people who are the most idiotic and willing to literally bash their skull into something or someone over something dumb and not look two ways about it
Wow. I don't know if I appreciate this read or not. XD

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Anyone who knows how I play knows that when I get accused of something, I instantly go into defense mode and stop actually analyzing people's slots (other than those accusing me) for a while. I'm trying to move on and actually get to reading people, but Soup seems intent on hyper-analyzing my slot and preventing me from actually doing anything useful because I have to spend all of my free time typing responses or else I'm dodging questions/accusations. I got a little bit of a push on Glyph, but it was written off as a OMGUS and everyone just sorta ignored it.

Not plead, prove. And I'm getting a bit sick of it because I've not been able to read slots to the extent I need to; I've been spending time writing responses like this one, which will get me even further behind on the state of the thread.

Believe what you will, but I was telling the truth. I was on mobile and there's no chance in the world I could have checked the PM, checked the start of the game, read all of the first page, found the role list on the original game (which took me 5 minutes in of itself the first time I looked for it), and typed out a response in 5 minutes.
Well, the thing is that I don't know how you play, so this sort of invalidates you saying this completely. I will say though that you have your priorities a bit messed up here if you're saying that you're too busy defending yourself so you can't get down to the other aspects of the game. You need to strike a balance between the two and find a way to be productive while also silencing all the doubters. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you haven't wholly engaged Glyph besides what he has thrown at you, yes? What's your read on him after all this? These are things that I feel like you would've gotten to already yet I'm not seeing full circle.

I like that you're trying to say prove instead of plead though. It's good. Prove me wrong in the best ability that you can. Prove to me that you have been trying to make reads and that you can show that you've been trying to progress instead of just falling back on the woe is me spiel.


Jun 7, 2012
Take it for what itnis. Hell prolly go by it till endhame unless he has reason to believe otherwise


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2015
So, let's see what our votal looks like 48 hours into the game:

mallorean_thug (1): Laundry (#235)
J (1): DtJGlyphmoney ( #296)
Spak (1): Soup ( #315)
Zaixl (3): Zaixl (#214), J (#266), mallorean_thug (#300)

Abstaining (9): FullMetalLynch, Maven, RedRyu, BarDuIL, Raziek, Fandangox, MooseyDoosey, Slickwilde, Spak

. . .

. . .

That's a little bare guys. A poster over on my home forum likes to say "Votes are the only thing that's real", and, uh, I've found that sentiment to be pretty correct.

There's no reason for anybody actively posting in the thread to not have a vote down (looking at FullMetalLynch FullMetalLynch , MoosyDoosy MoosyDoosy from this page alone)

and there's REALLY not any reason for somebody actively posting in the thread with people voting them to not have a vote down. Like, Spak Spak , what are you worried about? 1 person voting you in a 15 player game is not a significant amount of pressure. I really don't care how you try to defend yourself until I know who you'd rather lynch instead. Please communicate that to me with your big red VOTE button.

That's not to say that I don't want votes from everybody else as well. Its just with 9 (really, 9!?) players that need to get votes down, I can only spread my pressure so thin. And the fact that the lack of votes in the thread hasn't been commented on by anybody else makes me think that this is another forum meta difference, and I might not get the backup I need to actually get town to vote, so we can smell out the scum using black votal magic later.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
Okay guys...

PLEASE PLEASE don't hate me... But I'm all screwed up. I actually believe Spak's argument, and from the past two pages, it seems like he's actually contributing and might even be scum hunting.

Plot twist!

Vote: Zaixl

I haven't seen anything I've really liked by him, that's made me actually think about the game, or changed my opinion about anybody. I think Spak did a poor job for a few pages trying to defend himself, but he turned it around in my mind. Zaix hasn't done anything to change my mind.

People (including Zaix) please talk to me! Remember that I'm confirmed town, so I really do have our best interests. And the thing is, if we don't get a scum tonight, my role is pretty much wasted, because I imagine I'll be one of the first night kills (assuming there are night kills).


Jun 7, 2012
What made you get a spak townlean out of that? (Aka can you specify what you liked about soaks recent posts)


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
What made you get a spak townlean out of that? (Aka can you specify what you liked about soaks recent posts)
I know people hate this reason, but a lot of it is from past games. Also, his responses didn't seem like they were planned out, which is usually a scum thing to do. When he replied, it seemed pretty genuine. He called out Glyph, but changed his mind, which he knew could throw suspicion on him, which again tells me that he's actually trying to find scum.

I'm drinking a little, so I hope I make sense.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I don't really see what the hold up is with J's slot. Glyph seems like he bit into J like a hound ever since the game started, but it doesn't seem well substantiated.

Laundry seems to share dislike for J's play style, but it's not indicative of scummy play. Why are we talking about this?

I don't really get Soup's angle either. Soup claimed that he understood why Glyph was annoyed with the J slot, but didn't agree with the conclusion. Frankly,

People seem more paranoid of J than they do with respect to having something legitimate on the slot.

Hihi dgames.

Vote: J

I don't know any of you (except @Raziek ) or how you play on this site, so maybe you can help me fill in the blanks.

The one thing you need to know about dgames is _______.

My favorite player in this game is _______.

Knowing Ryker and Dietz, _______ is probably true this game.

Remember when _____ happened last game? That's really going to color my perceptions on _____, ______, and ______ this game.

Doing the ______ strategy is a terrible idea. Even if other mafia playing sites think its good, that's not going to fly around here.
The one thing you need to know is that I'm probably going to be playing catch up a lot, but I'll be trying not to so that I can stay current with ongoing discussion.

My favorite player isn't anyone in specific at the moment.

Knowing Ryker and Dietz, they probably ****ed me over this game just like last time. Kidding, kind of.

I don't have many comments to make with respect to #4.

Lynch all liars is a terrible strategy. Everyone has a good reason to lie at some point or another. The truth isn't always for everyone. What matters is understanding the lie and why it was told.

@#HBC| J

Glyphs vote if serious looks logical to me, somewhat. You're disengaging him by switching over to that topic of 'destiny' (which didn't seem to be anything but RVS fodder) out of nowhere and got in the middle of his conversation with rake, or even pressure if you want to call it that.

I will say though that despite me understanding why glyph is annoyed with J's actions I necessarily don't agree with his conclusion. People are going to get into the middle of arguments and I think it's better people their neck out instead of just letting events play out.
Something about this post rubs me the wrong way. Alleviate my concerns a bit; you seem to understand why Glyph is annoyed with J's actions, but I'm having trouble understanding what exactly about J's actions were annoying. From my point of view, it looks like Glyph simply bit into J like a hound this game and has opted not to let go in a manner that is tunnel-ish.

Yeah, I do think they could or would. It's pretty reasonable to see how this would play out. Unless J dies and turns out to be a huge power role it's probably not going to becomes a big thing, and even if it does Glyph is crafty and could feasibly explain it away. I sure as **** do not think this even slightly be viewed as a town move, he might have just killed someone. At worst it's scum
I don't agree with this knee-jerk reaction, why would scum ever do this while publicly announcing how the ability works and the like? I agree though that it was an awful move.

I'm going to chose to extrapolate from J's comment and take it to mean he's admitting to being scum with Glyph
If they both are scum, putting themselves in the spot light so early on with a fairly anti-town move on Glyph's end just doesn't seem like something J would let happen.

Yeah, I'm seeing this already with the conversation around the possible attempted dayvig in the last page.

So here's my opinion on dayvigs:

In the early part of the game, dayvigs should be a town resource, regardless of the alignment of the player with the power. This is because:

1. Town can collectively direct dayvigs
2. Town gets to react to dayvigs before the scumteam
3. Town can punish players that use their dayvigs in a manner that contradicts 1.

So, given that dayvigs are a town resource, how does town want to use them?

Well, town wants:
A. To only kill prospective mislynches.
B. To kill them in a way that gives just as much co-alignment and votal analysis info as a real lynch
C. To kill them early enough that they can apply the information gained from B and the flip to inform that Day's actual lynch.

From all of that, we can come up with some guidelines for when a dayvig is protown, and then as a group lynch players that use their powers in an anti-town manner. This forces scum with dayvigs to either help town eliminate possible mislyches (they shouldn't do this), effectively claim scum and then argue against the valuation in this post (Shouldn't do this if there's consensus behind it), or not use their dayvigs until endgame or until they're about to be lynched (this is the expected behavior). All of which make this strategy very good at hedging against scum!dayvigs. Its also very good for town!dayvigs because it should both work towards that player's win condition in the best possible way, AND keep scum from trying to spin their dayvig use as scummy because town decided beforehand that it wasn't.

So, when is a dayvig protown? Its protown when its aimed at a player with a large enough wagon to be a possible lynch candidate, about 1/2 to 2/3s of the way through the Day phase. It is also protown if a lynch candidate claims, and then allows town to direct their kill, given that information. Any other usage is scummy because it either gives us less information than we could get in the optimal use case, because it doesn't give us enough time to react to it before Night, or because it helps scum get away with early dayvigs.

Unfortunately, this strategy doesn't work at all if Town doesn't agree to punish players that go rogue. And since I'm new here, and this strategy actively quashes player agency (sometimes argued as "fun") in favor of Playing to Win, I'm not entirely confident that I can get all of you to agree to it. Additionally, we're having this conversation after role pms have been sent out, so what should be an entirely clear mechanics discussion will instead be clouded by doubts and accusations about each other's alignments.

So, if you guys aren't willing to change your meta on the drop of a hat after a long wall of words, I understand. I just wanted to make my position on the matter clear.

As far as the specific instance here, for about the same reasons as above, I fail to see how dayviging J is useful in the slightest /right now/. Its not clear that he's a prospective mislynch, we don't have a wagon on him to evaluate for coalignment, and he doesn't have much of a voting history to evaluate for coalignment. Like, if he did die and flip scum, does that tell us anything? Not yet. Why not push a wagon on him first to get that info?

So, instead of staying in RVS any longer, I'm definitely going to move to kill anybody being scum in broad daylight.

Vote: Glyphmoney
I agree with people that this post was fairly mechanical. Yes, on the table the move sucked. From scum's point of view, it's a disastrous play regardless of whether it hits or misses. I just don't see the scum intent from it unless he's intentionally trying to play the dumb town card.

was curious if the destiny **** was going anywhere. still curious about its resolution but i like using it on j early.

this is some gross-*** touch-and-go "i see the good sides and the bad sides of this" null-*** non-committal *** lookin *** ****

vote: soup

I liked this post, and then you had to go ahead and retract your vote. Whomp whomp.

Putting on the punctuation pants.

I can't trust this. I'm actually annoyed that all of that build-up came out to something that I physically cannot see. You could be telling the truth--you have a role that, when triggered, sends a question to a player and if they're wrong, they die. But I see nothing, so I can't automatically believe it. There's no data. This could be an elaborate ruse set up by mafia or neighbors or masons. This could be a different kind of targeting role. This could be a giant gambit even. My point is it's inconclusive as of this post and that bothers me. You spent like half a page and got all of these responses out of players and none of their statements can be validated because of it. Mall's giant mechanical post about directing dayvigs? Worthless because we don't know if Glyph's actually a dayvig. Soup talking about the good and bad points but then saying he'd lynch on a misfire or a gambit? Worthless, we don't know if Glyph's a dayvig. Maven calling it all null? Actually correct! It is all null!

I damn well better see something that warrants others to claim Glyfe's mindset is the most townie in this game as of this page.

This is horse ****. Basically what you're proposing is that J and Glyph came into the game with a fake vig gambit, but it just seems super unlikely to me considering the extent by which Glyph's tunnel has gone on. Considering that some momentum has been levied towards J post-gambit, I don't see them being partners. Glyph's MO right from the start has involved biting into J and not letting go, and it can potentially get the slot killed at this rate.

The read lean lead to you both looking null. Therefore I classified it as a non read/lean.

J is too quick to post without much actual content and you are obviously gonna get funny looks from your dayvig attempt.

I gtg for like two hours, hoping for some decent debate in the meantime. Seeya then~
I'm not really getting the thought process here. You say J is too quick to post, and that he is going to get funny looks from the dayvig attempt, can you break these statements down a bit and identify which posts you feel determines J to be scum?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
EBWOP: I don't really get Soup's angle either. Soup claimed that he understood why Glyph was annoyed with the J slot, but didn't agree with the conclusion. Frankly, it's a bit confusing to me and I'd like it cleared up.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
why does it feel like you always make arguments put to frame people as like 2nd graders to devalue their opinion? Dunno if its just how you do it or what so i can't say its scum, just thatbit bugs me
Actually, this would help me out better, DtJ Glyphmoney DtJ Glyphmoney what exactly do you want me to respond to? I posted my thoughts on your slot based on what you have done this game. I'm not taking offense to what you said at all brother haha. I would just request the comebacks be a little less spiting is all.
Fair enough, I've gotten accustomed to playing this kind of thing with a crowd that requires a bit more strong arming than this does. I'll keep that mess in check going forward.

There ARE still some things I need to hit on here though,

However, I don't see much to go off of on your post because a lot of is just you disagreeing with the way I view things and not much else. I am truly not trying to strawman you here, but a lot of your post is coming across as because I disagree with your shot and it inherently being null, I am scum? You say I am taking your actions out of context, but even with your explanation I stand by the fact that you are not fully analyzing certain measures more so pertaining towards my slot.
The issue is not you calling it null, I 100% back that call especially considering its, well, me. My favorite thing to do is mafia is just throw random things out and see what sticks, but the reason I do that is it gives town misleading information or no information at all. This is certainly not a conventional shot, but you can't deny I've used it to breathe a ton of activity and conversation into this game. Not only that, but look at how many slots are now tied to yours. Several people have come to your defense, and several others have jumped on and pushed. You flip is no longer important, because its going to yield an enormous amount information, but I just think you're actually scum beyond that.

To be blunt, there isn't anything I'm looking for you to respond to. I've already convinced myself based off the events thus far that you're the most probably scum slot, and even though its not 100% its worked out that its a win/win either way.

So I guess what I'm getting at is, J, are you as a member of town, willing to be lynched today considering how much value it gives to town? Also, preemptively shutting down anyone who wants to call out my usage of 'member of town', I'm not implying I know he is town but rather its implied that J would say he was town no matter the situation. This probably seems really strange to see someone do, but if you ask J about being a double roleblocker it will make more sense.

Also, to Soup and everyone else currently pushing either Zaixl or Spak, I'm not not particularly opposed to a Spak lynch. My previous stances still stand, but presently I think we should focus on J. Soup, get me up to speed on how you feel about his slot considering the recent developments. Laundry I would ask the same of you but I don't know if you actually are existing or not right now.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I honestly think Glyph vs. J is incredibly anti-town in the sense that Glyph is clearly biting into J like a dog that just won't let go. Am I wrong in saying that this seems like blatant tunnel vision?

I'm currently endorsing the Zaixl push, I don't see anything inherently wrong with Spak at the moment.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Bardull if you want to bring like points against my push on J it would be nifty, but if you're just here to say you don't like it then it does very little to persuade me away from it lol

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
I will say however that I would drop the J case entirely if Laundry asked me to


Smash Ace
Jan 11, 2014
United States
I don't want to believe you...but I do right now.

I hate that.
Fair enough, I've gotten accustomed to playing this kind of thing with a crowd that requires a bit more strong arming than this does. I'll keep that mess in check going forward.

There ARE still some things I need to hit on here though,

The issue is not you calling it null, I 100% back that call especially considering its, well, me. My favorite thing to do is mafia is just throw random things out and see what sticks, but the reason I do that is it gives town misleading information or no information at all. This is certainly not a conventional shot, but you can't deny I've used it to breathe a ton of activity and conversation into this game. Not only that, but look at how many slots are now tied to yours. Several people have come to your defense, and several others have jumped on and pushed. You flip is no longer important, because its going to yield an enormous amount information, but I just think you're actually scum beyond that.

To be blunt, there isn't anything I'm looking for you to respond to. I've already convinced myself based off the events thus far that you're the most probably scum slot, and even though its not 100% its worked out that its a win/win either way.

So I guess what I'm getting at is, J, are you as a member of town, willing to be lynched today considering how much value it gives to town? Also, preemptively shutting down anyone who wants to call out my usage of 'member of town', I'm not implying I know he is town but rather its implied that J would say he was town no matter the situation. This probably seems really strange to see someone do, but if you ask J about being a double roleblocker it will make more sense.

Also, to Soup and everyone else currently pushing either Zaixl or Spak, I'm not not particularly opposed to a Spak lynch. My previous stances still stand, but presently I think we should focus on J. Soup, get me up to speed on how you feel about his slot considering the recent developments. Laundry I would ask the same of you but I don't know if you actually are existing or not right now.
This post gives me the heebie jeebies. You're not thinking straight DtJ.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
I don't know what you're hoping for outside of someone just admitting they're scum. No lynch is ever a 100% thing, especially on D1.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Bardull if you want to bring like points against my push on J it would be nifty, but if you're just here to say you don't like it then it does very little to persuade me away from it lol
We've gotten a lot of information out of it, so we don't need it at the moment. Other avenues are more important right now, i.e. Zaixl v. Spak, reasons for people pushing (or not pushing) J aside from yourself, general opinions from @Raziek FullMetalLynch FullMetalLynch who seem to have kept their hands in their pockets a bit.

@Raziek what is your general grasp of the board thus far?

FullMetalLynch FullMetalLynch same question goes to you guys.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Long as you leave J on the table I'm happy to pursue other slots at the moment. What are the key differences you see between Zaixl and Spak? They've both kind of floated around in the 'new player so you don't really know for sure what's happening' cloud for me, with a few gut feelings here and there pushing them towards one side.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
OK, I'll give my reads at the moment:

J - I've already stated my recent opinion on J, but just for the sake of clarification, I think that J has been fairly townie. His activity seems to be more consistant with what I've come to expect from townie J, he seems to have contribued a fair amount of content. The only concern I have is J's defense of my slot (looks like he possibly has knowledge of my slot's alignment outside of this thread), but it wouldn't make sense for scum J to be defending a townsperson that has been stated as a scum read by a fifth of the thread.

Slick - Confirmed townie

Spak - Town (obviously)

Mal - I had Mal as null for a long time (because of no posting), but I've started to like the slot more as Mal has started posting more. Half of what he's saying is based on differences between the meta he's used to vs the meta of DGames, but he seems to be trying to provoke conversation and has started giving useful insight on people's playstyles.

Rake (you're welcome, Orbo) - I've seen nothing but town intent from FML; he's currently at the top of my town lean pile.

Glyph - I started to tunnel his slot after my sight turned a bit red after the false accusations on my slot, made some arguments that were invalid and tried to force them on him anyways, and after going back and re-reading, see why he said what he said about me. I see a decent amount of scumhunting from him, he seems to be willing to reconsider his reads if he's pleased with an observation, and while I still don't like what he did with the J shot's timing, I understand what he was trying to (and fortunately did) accomplish. Town lean.

Zaxil - This is the most wishy-washy and inactive slot I've ever seen. Scum lean, I'd be fine with him dying today.

Bard - Not enough content to give a super-accurate read (was null until about half an hour ago), but town lean at the moment.

Raz - You seriously need to be more active, dude. Null.

RR - I liked most of his content when he caught up, but he hasn't posted enough to be either town or scum. Null.

Moosy - This might be the most controversial of all of my reads; I actually think that Moosy might be scum. Almost every time I'm on this thread, he's viewing but posting little to nothing. I've read all of his posts and nothing seems to have him sticking out his neck on a subject, he seems to have all of the popular reads at any given point in the game, and he's been active enough to be not inactive, yet inactive enough to not make an impact. I've seen a few good questions here and there, but I can't think of any pushes he's attempted thus far. Moosy is welcome to correct me on this if I'm wrong, as I might have missed some significant content. Slight scum lean.

Laundry - Look at my opinion on Ryu and you have my opinion on Laundry. He's been missing a lot more than he was for RoDGames. Null.

Fanny - I've always read Fanny as town, and he's also super townie in all of his posts so far. He seems to be fairly inactive, though, so I'm hoping he'll shape up later today or early tomorrow.

Soup - Some of the pressure that he gave me early-game seemed to be a bit odd (stuff off of small wording differences), but most of his pressure seemed to be justified.

Maven - I'll have to go back and re-read his slot because I know he's posted, but I can't remember anything of significance.

So, let's see what our votal looks like 48 hours into the game:

mallorean_thug (1): Laundry (#235)
J (1): DtJGlyphmoney ( #296)
Spak (1): Soup ( #315)
Zaixl (3): Zaixl (#214), J (#266), mallorean_thug (#300)

Abstaining (9): FullMetalLynch, Maven, RedRyu, BarDuIL, Raziek, Fandangox, MooseyDoosey, Slickwilde, Spak

. . .

. . .

That's a little bare guys. A poster over on my home forum likes to say "Votes are the only thing that's real", and, uh, I've found that sentiment to be pretty correct.

There's no reason for anybody actively posting in the thread to not have a vote down (looking at FullMetalLynch FullMetalLynch , MoosyDoosy MoosyDoosy from this page alone)

and there's REALLY not any reason for somebody actively posting in the thread with people voting them to not have a vote down. Like, Spak Spak , what are you worried about? 1 person voting you in a 15 player game is not a significant amount of pressure. I really don't care how you try to defend yourself until I know who you'd rather lynch instead. Please communicate that to me with your big red VOTE button.

That's not to say that I don't want votes from everybody else as well. Its just with 9 (really, 9!?) players that need to get votes down, I can only spread my pressure so thin. And the fact that the lack of votes in the thread hasn't been commented on by anybody else makes me think that this is another forum meta difference, and I might not get the backup I need to actually get town to vote, so we can smell out the scum using black votal magic later.
I recently retracted my vote that was put down just over 24 hours ago, but it was either 2 or 3 votes a while ago. In addition, I tend to be more conservative with my voting and don't like throwing them around a whole bunch, but I'm willing to do this in order to get him more active:

Vote: @Zaxil

(We might want to leave the Zaxil votes alone after I post this so that we don't give scum the chance for an "accidental" early hammer. If I can count, that's 6 votes, which puts Zaxil at L-2).

Anyways, I'm off to bed so I can get up at 5:30 tomorrow morning for school. Good night to DGames and to DGames a good night!


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
I recently retracted my vote that was put down just over 24 hours ago, but it was either 2 or 3 votes a while ago. In addition, I tend to be more conservative with my voting and don't like throwing them around a whole bunch, but I'm willing to do this in order to get him more active:
I'm tired lol. Just take out the ", but it was either 2 or 3 votes a while ago" and change "him" to "Zaixl". Also, I thought Zaixl's name was "Zaxil", so change all of the "Zaxil"s to "Zaixl". Tagging @Zaixl to provide the same effect that was intended in the above post.

Anyways, I clearly can't Mafia any more tonight. See ya later!


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Long as you leave J on the table I'm happy to pursue other slots at the moment. What are the key differences you see between Zaixl and Spak? They've both kind of floated around in the 'new player so you don't really know for sure what's happening' cloud for me, with a few gut feelings here and there pushing them towards one side.
I'm feeling better about Spak based on his interactions and how he has played this phase. Having modded Revival of DGames and subsequently seen his play firsthand, I can dig what he's selling at the moment. He seems pretty innocent-townie in his support of J, which could be considered an unpopular opinion at this stage. In fact, the opinion seems to have garnered votes in his direction as a result, yet he's still fairly adamant about his support.

Zaixl has drifted in-and-out and hasn't really contributed much to conversation. When he did contribute, he stated that J seemed 'too quick to respond with posts that didn't have much substance' or something to that effect. It just seemed more like he was trying to come up with an excuse to jump on the pressure piling on J, but not really substantiating himself well enough for me to buy it.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
I like where Bard's head is at. However, when we talk about his tunnel vision with J, we need to remember that he's currenlty voting for Spak, right? So I don't know if I quite think he's latched on like a bulldog.

@#HBC | Laundry Has your opinion on Mallo changed at all?
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