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Blazblue Mafia Extend: Game Over - NYANCAT In Charge!

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Things I want to see
Glyph: More info on your role or some other form of further evidence of your ability
J: Worthwhile contribution that pushes debate and more info on your end of Glyph's ability

Also I have to interrupt your regularly scheduled Mafia for a HUGE shout out to my favorite smasher, Liquid|Nairo. Props, man.
DtJ Glyphmoney DtJ Glyphmoney : You explained why you targeted J, but it seemed somewhat strange to me there that you didn't target FML given his annoying you just beforehand. I am probably overreading this since you said it was just a pet peeve, but that contrasts with the 'what the **** man' aggression you displayed when he did so. Can you clarify on that?
Picked J for reasons already stated (difficulty reading, meta based slot). Didn't get a chance to touch on this earlier (also I forgot since it was from before the game quote unquote started), but this post:

Town. 100% town.

Indy if I get really lucky.

Mafia is my least favorite. I hate lying and betraying people even in game since it goes against my ethics/morals.
Came after we got our role PMs and were largely confirmed. Felt like a push to paint himself in a artificial townie light in people's eyes to me. Haven't felt much better about him going forward.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Whoops forgot to talk about the first quote, Zaixl you boner I just got mad at Spak for doing that exact thing. Do not believe that Zaixl and Spak are both scum together. If Spak flips town, I want to reassess Zaixl. But for now I'm sticking to my initial reads.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 5, 2015
Behind you
Right now I don't have any reads, heck I don't even have leans. The gut stuff is stuff I feel but can't really explain. The two people most suspicious right now are you and J, but still not managing to pull any leans out of that. Irritating to say the least. I'm in favor of lynching J over you because I'm curious to see what happens with you D2.
Sorry I don't have much.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
If you are suspicious of our slots, that is a read. Why are you suspicious of us?


Smash Apprentice
Sep 5, 2015
Behind you
The read lean lead to you both looking null. Therefore I classified it as a non read/lean.

J is too quick to post without much actual content and you are obviously gonna get funny looks from your dayvig attempt.

I gtg for like two hours, hoping for some decent debate in the meantime. Seeya then~

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Alright. I have a quick lunch break before going back to work and there are some things I would like to knock out.

Zaixl Zaixl I know you probably saw that I pinged you like I am doing right now, and while I have not been upfront in saying 'hey i want you to answer', I would've at least expected you to notice it, let alone contest me. Give my #142 another glance and tell me why you keep dodging questions or people trying to confront you.

Spak Spak I'll get back to you later tonight because it would make me a hypocrite if I didn't do so while going on about how much I dislike people dodging questions or responses.

I don't know if Glyph and Laundry somehow tapped into my mind but I haven't really liked J either, a part being what I dislike of Zaixl which is being ignored completely, and another being that I feel he's pussyfooting around in the thread without getting much done in the process. Kind of being a yes man in some sort that he's answering questions, nodding his head to things, but not getting down to the knitty-gritty. A lot of people are going to say 'well it's only X amount of pages in' and that doesn't mean anything in this case given there is plenty to look and work with.

Moosy is an interesting case to me given that he's straightforward yet not really elaborating on his reads fully. I like the straightforwardness however so I'm not really worried about him.

All other players who have posted seem in the vein of needing more content or being a non-factor and someone I'm not interested in either due to the fact they are playing to their typical meta (FML, Laundry, Ryu) or I am simply waiting for their next move (Mallo).


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
I don't like Zaixl Zaixl 's reasoning for his reads. His argument is anything but robust. But I find myself without a robust argument as well, so I can't judge too harshly. However, I still don't like his posts in general.

I wish to contribute to the conversation, since I have been mod confirmed, and I'm the one person the town can fully trust. I hope I can live up to expectations.

I don't know how I feel about the interactions between DtJ Glyphmoney DtJ Glyphmoney and #HBC | J #HBC | J . At first I pondered the possiblity of them being teammates, and attempting an elaborate ruse, but for them to risk such a gamble so early in the game seems highly improbable. This, in turn, leads me to believe that one of them is town, and the other is Scum.

At the moment I find myself believing in the "pro town" mentality of Glyph, which scares me. I also seem to be in a similar mindset about Spak Spak

I don't see Spak contributing much of anything useful, and his vote for Glyph reeks of fear. I realize that Glyph voted for Spak early as well, but I believe that vote was to create a reaction, which it did.

On the other hand, I do believe that this is Spak's play style in general, whether or not he's scum. I'm not quite ready to vote for him yet. We still have plenty of time before the deadline.

I find J to be playing typical to his style, so it's a 50/50 chance in my eyes.

I think HBC Soup's posts have been well thought out and actually contribute, so I don't find myself too suspicious of him at the moment.


Smash Ace
Jan 11, 2014
United States
I don't like Zaixl Zaixl 's reasoning for his reads. His argument is anything but robust. But I find myself without a robust argument as well, so I can't judge too harshly. However, I still don't like his posts in general.

I wish to contribute to the conversation, since I have been mod confirmed, and I'm the one person the town can fully trust. I hope I can live up to expectations.

I don't know how I feel about the interactions between DtJ Glyphmoney DtJ Glyphmoney and #HBC | J #HBC | J . At first I pondered the possiblity of them being teammates, and attempting an elaborate ruse, but for them to risk such a gamble so early in the game seems highly improbable. This, in turn, leads me to believe that one of them is town, and the other is Scum.

At the moment I find myself believing in the "pro town" mentality of Glyph, which scares me. I also seem to be in a similar mindset about Spak Spak

I don't see Spak contributing much of anything useful, and his vote for Glyph reeks of fear. I realize that Glyph voted for Spak early as well, but I believe that vote was to create a reaction, which it did.

On the other hand, I do believe that this is Spak's play style in general, whether or not he's scum. I'm not quite ready to vote for him yet. We still have plenty of time before the deadline.

I find J to be playing typical to his style, so it's a 50/50 chance in my eyes.

I think HBC Soup's posts have been well thought out and actually contribute, so I don't find myself too suspicious of him at the moment.
This post is a big:


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
I'll give you a bonus tidbit that might help with this. I didn't have to submit my action in thread, I only chose to post that at the same time I PM'd the mod to make it as clear as possible that I was the one taking the action. I can confirm this toMorrow, as my other ability functions in a similar fashion.

This took a lot longer than I had hoped. Like Laundry, Soup, and Mallo in that order.

Want to see Spak and J dead, in that order.
Still same question at before though, why not later? Your explanation for why J makes sense, but still not convinced about why it had to be at that point.


Smash Ace
Jan 11, 2014
United States
Yes that is the answer to the question I made, you see through all my tricks.
Wait what? I was addressing SlickWylde not you in that post.

On that note, I do think mallorean_thug is becoming scummy the longer that time passes and the longer he refuses to post. I just want to pursue my line of questioning on SlickWylde for a bit longer.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Still same question at before though, why not later? Your explanation for why J makes sense, but still not convinced about why it had to be at that point.
Because RVS is the stupidest part of mafia and my shot only had a 50% success rate in the first place. I opted for guaranteed discussion over really ****ty odds of maybe killing someone we had decided to lynch anyway down the road.


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
Wait what? I was addressing SlickWylde not you in that post.
I know it was just my way of saying "answer my question pls"

On that note, I do think mallorean_thug is becoming scummy the longer that time passes and the longer he refuses to post. I just want to pursue my line of questioning on SlickWylde for a bit longer.
I don't think Thug's inactivity is a sign of they being scum, considering the point of the game is at, their glyph-role analysis post is more worrying than any lack of posting they have. Look at that post is a huge wall of nothing but the role, almost nothing about Glyph, you could replace the mentions to Glyph and this specific game, and replace them with another player and game, and it would still make "sense" That's worrying.


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
Because RVS is the stupidest part of mafia and my shot only had a 50% success rate in the first place. I opted for guaranteed discussion over really ****ty odds of maybe killing someone we had decided to lynch anyway down the road.
I can understand that, but I just don't think it's worth wasting a shot like that and potential info over something that we know is eventually going to end, has there even been any game in Dgames where RVS lasting too long was a legitimate issue? It's not about the odds of killing someone we may or may have not decided to kill down the road, is about having a lot more to go on at the moment the shot would have been made.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Does that make him scum or does that make him inactive? Or both? Regardless of what you answer I want a little more insight into your thought process.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Seems without posting much, I've already made thread enemies. This'll be a different game for me since I don't really have the capacity to deal with gripes against my playstyle. I'll just quick hit the main opponent and move on.

Laundry, I get it. You dislike my playstyle. That does not mean every post you quote or thing you discuss about me should be regarding my playstyle. I have to say that your malor vote is something I dislike because although their posts have been mechanical, what about them are scummy? I was going to push your slot more if you really were pushing soup over his early posts because that is just the super easy way out of getting some easy points. Soup's posts have not made much of an impact into the thread and I think that is because he is being cautious to not truly come into the spotlight. We both know that when push comes to shove, soup will reveal his true alignment when he is brought up to the mic. In a game this size, soup is an easy read for me I am watching much carefully then he probably realizes. This turned more into my read of soup since you voted him, but your malor vote does not make much sense to me either. To put it quite frankly, your votes are weak and I see more "pushing what is easy" rather than "pushing what is scummy" especially when combined with your superfluous mention of your dislike for my playstyle which is incredibly easy to do. Literally every slot in this game so far has mentioned that they fear my slot. I will always be in the spotlight and I understand that so I don't get the mention of saying that I am "hiding" when I've been pretty here in the thread.

I've got my eye on you currently because I dislike a majority of what you have said thus far and comes to me as scumLaundry filling the thread and feigning content to appease the crowd. Correct me if I'm wrong, but do you honestly feel Malor is the scummiest in the game? You say you understand Glyph's reasonings, but what about his actions make you think he is town? You mention you want something substantial or evidence that something took place, but how do you expect me to produce said evidence without being modkilled since it was presented in PM. It's mouth of word and you should be able to see from my diction in the thread that it actually did occur and I am telling the truth because I know you are smart enough and logical enough to see that.

Glyph reads as...well not smart currently. Mod-meta'ing a little bit, the role Glyph has could very well be scum simply put because Ryker loved to make mention of his Day-Vig game that was stellar play and I could see a role like that being given to scum. Do I think this is the case with the current slot/action? Not really. Glyph just seems more obtuse in the way he is looking at certain slots. Saying that I am not really doing anything is actually contrary to the thread state and also I wouldn't be much of a conversation piece. His read on Sparky has devolved from the fact that he "role-claimed" on him and he seems to just be biting onto that. I think Glyph is mistaking "Disagreement" for "Scummy" and to fault him for that I truly cannot do since I have a similar way of thinking depending on the game. I will say that Glyph's reads, however, are not something I really am too worried about. If he continues down this avenue of thought without reflection and consideration, then I will make sure to hone in on him and truly make him pay for trying to shoot me D1 and knock me out early. I understand the rationale behind shooting me. That's not the problem I have with his shot. I have the problem that he did not wait until later on in the dayphase to do as such for a mid-day breviety so that we may examine a slot if the shot went through. The way I think of it, it would be a good thing to help D1's no connection or paper trail to have a dead slot half-way through the day. The fact that he came into the thread guns blazing and trying to knock me out makes me believe he did that just for his own being. Do I think it is a scum-team decision? Possibly. Glyph is a curious slot because everything he has done this game is scummy and towny at the same time. To clarify, I mean that Glyph has been doing things that are both scummy/towny at the same time and can't be faulted or cleared by any of his actions. He is the most null player out of the game and he is playing that way on purpose. Why? That'll be for us to find out later, but I could see myself getting behind pushing a Glyph lynch toDay just to make sure that we clear up his slot sooner rather than later. I would like to see what he does with his PR toMorrow since he did say he has one, but it would not stop me from lynching him toDay because I am not that curious.

Soup is playing exactly how I expect him to play for his first game back into DGames. He is being incredibly passive and conforming to whichever power player is in thread. When I was making waves in the beginning, he agreed with me. Now that Laundry and Glyph comes in and says they dislike me, he literally waffles onto their side. Whether soup is using this as a preservation technique as scum or town will show sooner rather than later. Soup is going to be a harder read because all of his play is going to be him ducking out of the spotlight and not wanting to get anywhere near being a possible lynch candidate because his anxiety makes him do some rash things, lose his emotions, and semi-ruin games for all players in the game. Soup, soup, soup. I am watching this slot with a fine tooth comb and honestly, I am hoping he does not make me believe he is scum because I hate putting him under puressure because he reacts so poorly and it inevitably ends up to him being lynched. He said that I am being "pussyfooting" the thread which is half-true. Hell, that's what everyone does on D1 so to fault any player on that is absolute garbage logic and I apoogize for the harshness of that but it needs to be said. When you judge a player solely off D1, you won't be able to read intent/connections and players like me love to manipulate that regardless of my alignment because it works to my goal of controlling games to help my faction win. I will say this, though, I am no Yes-Man. That much is known and soup saying that means he isn't looking into intent and also isn't reading as closely as he is letting us to believe.

Fandangox Fandangox Since I saw this in the ninja edit, I thought I would add this here. The point of that questions was to get Zaixl to do some scum-hunting and start interacting with more people. Based on who he chose and why, we can dictate what his thoughts are. For example, he chose Moosy which was, to me, the obvious candidate for a question like that. Moosy has not been posting much in terms of letting his thoughts be expressed in detail, but he has let us know his thoughts. When Moosy did respond, I defintely got more of a feel for that slot and I do like Moosy especially more so than a lot of the newbie crowd. Zaixl's main problem he had in Banjo Kazooie Mafia (which I hosted) and almost got him lynched was the fact that he does not really scum-hunt at all. I attribute this to him not knowing that much in terms of how to go about it in thread, but it also allows me to question him more. I also said in a paragraph prior to that question that I did not want any of the people who have talked in the thread to answer the question because new people need to discuss things. We still don't have anything to dive into from a striking number of slots and deadline is friday. My question was to generate more content, make Zaixl give me a connection, and also to help Zaixl move himself more into the game instead of saying "*shrug* Idk what's going on guys...." because that helps no-one. Hopefully that answers your response.

However, let's talk about Zaixl since I am looking at one of Zaixl for toDay's lynch currently. Zaixl is a slot that does not seem to be doing much of scum-hunting which albeit is a bit hypocritical to call him out on considering I just stated that it is what led to him almost being ML'd in my game. However, he is being rather more unrelenting in his Glyph/J die posts and also the fact that I just don't see him looking for scum, but looking for a lynch. That's the thing that bugs me about Zaixl that would make him okay in my book to go for toDay. I refuse to look into the inactives until they actually give me meat to bite into because lynching inactives is lame, boring, and unfruitful. I don't want to vote for malor because I don't see how mechanical posting = scummy. Nor do I see Sparky as scummy yet from Glyph or his opposers so until they either hike up the momentum or move-onto another slot, then bully.

I'm not going to lie, I just posted like a semi-case against Slick before realizing that he was mod-confirmed town. SlickWylde SlickWylde We need to talk. All of your reads thus far are waffly and I agree with Moosy. If you were not cleared, I would say that you are playing mirror to how you played as my scum-partner and I would like to discuss this. You left yourself a lot of avenues with things like "J/Glyph is one town/one scum" which is a argument to pigeonhole, you dislike Glyph, but would vote Sparky even though you can see the pro-town content from either which is contradictory almost. You also say that I'm playing to my 50/50 playstyle, but do not let that stop you if you care to investigate me. Logic dictactes that if you feel one of Glyph/J are scum then your vote should be on one of them and pick a side of the fence to stand on. If you do not truly feel that way, then what are your thoughts for toDay? You mention you are skeptical on voting Sparky, but what about him makes you wary.

Vote: Zaixl

Let's talk. I'd like to discuss some slots with you. Talk to me about Moosy, Fanny, Laundry. You say that your most suspicious of myself and Glyph, yet you want to see more of Glyph's PR toMorrow. If this is the case, why have you not voted my slot yet and pushed me to define your read on me? It makes no sense to sit on "Well J is scummy because J" and it's a cop-out excuse given to you from every other player. You said it yourself that you have no prior knowledge to me regarding my slot but have heard stories. Well, you're stories are coming real and I am wanting to lynch you so far. I feel that someone had fed you that I was a scary player before the game started which is a non-tangable argument, but it is a theory I am proposing that would make sense to you throwing F.U.D. at my slot without any notion so far and also using the heated momentum of a bully poster such as Laundry to take a backseat and help subtly push dislike onto my slot. So what about me, exactly, do you dislike in your own words? What do you make of the opposing Malor/Sparky lynches that have been brought up? Finally, talk to me on Fanny/Glyph's interaction since you have a dislike read on Glyph. Thanks.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
You refuse to take a hard stance on people and instead contradict yourself on the same people.

hm...So why does there have to be 1 Mafia in J and DtG?
I don't refuse to take a hard stance. It's day one.

I have strong feelings about Spak. I understand that me saying "He does play this way" may have sounded like I was changing my mind, but that is not the case. The point I was trying to make is that if we vote for him, we should have a little more than "I don't like his playstyle."

As far as J and dtJ, that is all based on a gut feeling right now. And out of the two, I'm thinking J is scum.

Also, since you've never played with me, I don't normally talk like this. It's a character I'm trying to make for Mafia games :) I'm normally just super low key and post short stuff, but I thought it would be fun to make a character.

So, I'll just say this:
DtJ: Town read
Spak: Scum Ream
J: Scum Read
Zaix: Scum read

Everyone else: Meh.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
J I feel like its Christmas morning, post incoming.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
#HBC | J #HBC | J Okay, let me reanalyze my play style then.

This is what I was trying to tell people in the last games: It's how I play. I don't usually get strong feelings about anyone until D2. I don't even know HOW to make strong opinions when I literally have no evidence and nobody's flipped.

Also, I don't dislike Glyph. I trust him more than you at this point. But I need to really digest that wall of post you just did before I say much more.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Actually real quick first since I was already typing this, Fanango you're getting caught up in a hypothetical situation in which my shot could have been used better. Sure, it probably could have, but the end result of the action I did take isn't going to break the game either. What's done is done, I'm gunna move on from it and would ask that you do the same.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Oh, those are just my thoughts on players I deemed noteworthy. I've been taking cautious note of tons of people, but instead of just having people complaining that I am "coasty/passive" D1 and that I'm not playing. They can literally go somewhere else because I'm here to play a game of mafia. Not a game of "Critique/Fear J" for the upteenth game in a row.

I'm a scary player, I know this. I don't play usually play D1, I know this.

I also just got shot D1 for being one of the hardest players to read and I'm kind of salty it has come to that so I'm literally wanting to destroy mafia this game and people who get in my way will be dealt with.

You want to play hardball, I'm game, but be warned I did not shoot the first bullet.


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
Actually real quick first since I was already typing this, Fanango you're getting caught up in a hypothetical situation in which my shot could have been used better. Sure, it probably could have, but the end result of the action I did take isn't going to break the game either. What's done is done, I'm gunna move on from it and would ask that you do the same.
Its not about the hypothetical situation of the scenario. We don't know what could have happened, that's not the point. Its why you thought now was better than later, your getting out of RVS answer doesn't quite convince me for that, and that's why I asked you again, why not later. Its not about what could have happened, its about why you did what you did, its just about your reasoning.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Let me knock this out really quickly. To anyone who thinks I used my shot poorly, consider this. Even if I had sat on it and really waited for the perfect moment, it only had a 50% chance of doing anything. If it failed, we would literally be in the exact same position except my shot would be gone. Shooting early not only gave this game a huge shot in the arm (look at how many people actually have reads posted now), but had the potential to give us a full day to work with modconfirmed information at worst. At best J could have flipped scum and given us a massive advantage, but he blocked it so none of you babies can complain about that.
Worst thing that could have happened is losing one of the most valuable players to town if J is actually town, getting a minuscule amount of information out of it because of the fact he had very few interactions at that point in time, and the best thing that could happen is we get a scum J (which is less likely, considering that there are another two factions in the game and having scum near majority would be severely unbalanced). I'd have been fine with it even closer to mid-end D1 because we would have had more content to go off of with J's flip, but risking executing a townie based off of the role assignment RNG doesn't sound like a pro-town decision. The game would have exited RVS naturally if you wouldn't have done it, and since we have an extra long day, we would have been able to have good conversation. Your risk-reward perception seems a bit off to me.

Post I've already touched on before, but I'm going to reiterate how messed up it is that he's pushing me for role information. It was not an accident for me to phrase my semi-claim post in a way that sets me up to be a threat tomorrow and tomorrow alone because I knew it would be a HUGE gigantic flaming red flag for scum. I'll admit, it -could- be just inexperience at play here but I'm not inclined to let that slide so easy at this point.
1. I had no clue that was seen as scummy; I had literally no idea because every other time I asked for information about slots in every single game of Mafia I've played, nobody has been offended and said I was scum for it. The meta may have changed since you were on last, but I haven't seen anyone criticize me for doing this previous games. You can go back and look at any closed game I've been in (Revival of DGames is the only one thus far) and see that.
2. If I did in fact know that it was scummy, why the heck would I do it? Best case scenerio is me knowing what I could have learned yesterday, worst case scenario is people trying to kill me for revealing information about your role.

What the **** is that read. A read can't be made up of half null! Saying he has a 'VEEERY slight town' read in the first place is a pretty weak stance to put out there, but then you throw the '/null' in and why even say it in the first place? The only reason I can see fitting this is, trying to look like you're doing things without actually doing them. I can handle maybe one swing from the inexperienced reasoning, but two like this is making you feel like a liability already.
I already said a couple pages ago that I was unsure of J because I had only spent about an hour in-thread when Soup asked me for a read. Of what I had seen, he seemed pretty townie, but I wasn't sure of anything and scum J has sent me pretty far down the wrong path previously. I wanted to have more time before responding with a good read, which is why I said "I'll have a more decisive read D2". Right now, J is a town lean for me, as I see more consistences with his play in JR than in RoDG or

More of the same. OMGUS. J still can die but I would highly prefer to see Spak toDay.
Except it's not, I stated why I wanted to vote you, asked you to defend yourself, and you reply with some "I swear its OMGUS guyz" garbage. I'm frankly getting fed up with you flat-out ignoring any reasoning I give and try to re-focus my slot with points that I already addressed.

I'll give you a bonus tidbit that might help with this. I didn't have to submit my action in thread, I only chose to post that at the same time I PM'd the mod to make it as clear as possible that I was the one taking the action. I can confirm this toMorrow, as my other ability functions in a similar fashion.
This worries me. The fact that he could daykill without posting anything about it in-thread doesn't sound like a townie ability.

This took a lot longer than I had hoped. Like Laundry, Soup, and Mallo in that order.
Care to elaborate? I haven't seen much townie content from Mallo; what makes you think Mallo is town?


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Spak Spak I'll get back to you later tonight because it would make me a hypocrite if I didn't do so while going on about how much I dislike people dodging questions or responses.
Please elaborate when you get the chance and quote me with any questions I missed.


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
Fandangox Fandangox Since I saw this in the ninja edit, I thought I would add this here. The point of that questions was to get Zaixl to do some scum-hunting and start interacting with more people. Based on who he chose and why, we can dictate what his thoughts are. For example, he chose Moosy which was, to me, the obvious candidate for a question like that. Moosy has not been posting much in terms of letting his thoughts be expressed in detail, but he has let us know his thoughts. When Moosy did respond, I defintely got more of a feel for that slot and I do like Moosy especially more so than a lot of the newbie crowd. Zaixl's main problem he had in Banjo Kazooie Mafia (which I hosted) and almost got him lynched was the fact that he does not really scum-hunt at all. I attribute this to him not knowing that much in terms of how to go about it in thread, but it also allows me to question him more. I also said in a paragraph prior to that question that I did not want any of the people who have talked in the thread to answer the question because new people need to discuss things. We still don't have anything to dive into from a striking number of slots and deadline is friday. My question was to generate more content, make Zaixl give me a connection, and also to help Zaixl move himself more into the game instead of saying "*shrug* Idk what's going on guys...." because that helps no-one. Hopefully that answers your response.
Wouldn't any other question have been better to get him to interact to others, like asking him his reads, or thoughts on the game? Asking him who he wants his questions answered by doesn't seem like it'd push him too much into the game.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Thanks for finally playing J, I don't know why it took me making a snide remark out of you to get those stances I was fervently looking for, but I appreciate it nonetheless.

You're wrong about a lot of me though but I don't have time to get into it. Am I just following the Power player by stating that I like your vote? That was a nasty misconception because I'm not treating glyph or laundry anywhere different than the other players. They are not getting special treatment and I have my own mind that makes my own decisions, and just because I agree with something they said does not instantly mean I'm their lapdog.

I'm heavily offended that you're trying to get into my head and treating me like the same person you last played with. I've done some maturing in my tenure and I want you to wipe that false interpretation of me out of mind as soon as possible, thanks.


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
Also y'all are focusing too much on whether Glyph's ability makes sense for town, or scum, or if he planned up with J to do it, none of that can be deciphered now and most of it its wifom, its best to focus on the intent of his actions.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
lol spoilered one of the quotes instead of quoting it. Still, my post stands and I would like Glyph to respond.
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