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Blazblue Mafia Extend: Game Over - NYANCAT In Charge!


Jun 7, 2012
I just felt like it changed my ideal. If mavenn was scum he's not calling J and glyph scum off something like that. Plus it kinda started gut esque and me (the Rake side ) has the tendancy to take things from a town perspective first and give people alot of BoTD just due to how i read actions and all, Orbo agrees with me though, and i really didn't feel all that worked up about the scum possibilties that a scum maven would be trying to swing at.

Its kinda like you could say i had goggles on in terms of how i percieved maven and his joke post helped fuel that perception of him


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
how can you say that not knowing what J might have revealed ? Unless you think any isnt greater than some which I would argue against
Unless there's a mechanic revolving around J dying, or Glyph getting the kill, we would have just known their role. Using it so soon seems like a gamble. Not knowing what J may have revealed is exactly why I am saying that, from my point of view there's nothing indicating J's super early death would have given us anything solid if he was town.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
-Why use the daykill at all?
I wasn't joking when I said I had to. I have two abilities that have to be used before the end of D2 or else I die. I could have opted to save the daykill for tomorrow, but feel the other one is much more consistent for that stage in the game.
"Other one"? Are you gonna tell us what that means, or is it gonna be a surprise to most parties involved?

-Why target J?
First and foremost, J is a slot I have historically had a very hard time reading. Any quote unquote meta slot generally throws me for a loop, and beyond that J if any of those were to be likely to pull the wool over my eyes it would probably be him. I also found it a little alarming how many of the new players are already buddy buddy with him, which could lead to them just following his directions instead of pushing to find scum on their own.
If anything, I'm more cautious of J than anyone else. He seems to have a way with getting all of the newbies to town read him (he played me pretty good in Revival of DGames, but I knew to look for it in games after that), and can assume complete thread control by endgame if you aren't careful (the recent Gheb's Jungle Republic comes to mind where he had everyone speaking out against him in some way or another (Zalak, RR and I) lynched/NK'd because people had him for a strong town lean). The late-game could be a concern if there are only easily-played noobies (such as myself) and J, but I sincerely hope additional experienced players stay in until the end.

Odds are, he is! That's always town's advantage, having the numbers. But a) my daykill is confirmed to not end the dayphase, and b) J is one of the more connected slots in the game already. I was willing to pull the trigger because even if we did get a J town flip, it kicked us out of the bull**** RVS stage so we can actually play mafia as well as the most valuable thing you can receive in this game, which is modconfirmed information.
But if we waited until the end of the day, we would have more interactions to go off of and we could have content to go off of. Doing it this early in the day, while getting us out of RVS, could have prevented us from getting a lot of valuable information based on J's flip.

I see the getting out of RVS argument, but killing someone you think will be slightly harder to read than the average DGamer to get out of RVS is a bad move in my opinion.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
So is your cautiousness reflecting on how you read J right now, spak?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Glyph's first reasoning for shooting me is decent enough for me. His second reasoning is pretty illogical to me. Mainly because that was not even true considering most the new players were warning people who've played with me for years to be afraid. The "kicking us out of RVS" is kind of null and also just shooting in D1 RVS and killing my slot would have been bad for the remainder of the game.

It was literally a 50/50 shot and I was lucky enough to choose right, but in the end I think the shot was a terrible idea besides the fact that it generates discussion.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
So is your cautiousness reflecting on how you read J right now, spak?
Right now, I have J as a VEEERY slight town/null read; I'm always a bit careful reading J D1, because I've noticed in all 3 games I've had with J that he seems enjoy playing (and puts himself out there more) after someone dies. I'm going to re-read him N1 to see how he acts through the rest of the day, but he seemed pretty townie so far. Soup said the interrupt seemed a but scummy (with the destiny thing), but Glyph stated that he wanted to say more on the subject later, so I can see J bringing it back up.

Vote: spak
Care to explain?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Spak said:
Soup said the interrupt seemed a but scummy
I don't know where you got this from my explanation of understanding where Glyph was coming from about him being annoyed, moreover, I also said that I didn't agree with his conclusion.

Moreover, if you said all that but evidently just concluded 'yeah he's null/townie' then why even respond to glyph in the first place? It seemed that you already decided your read and instead posted some fluff that wasn't really needed.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
EBWOP: Your fear of J is offputting given that you're town/null reading him. I can understand there being confident issues and not wanting to get tricked, but you're hamming it up at this point.


Jun 7, 2012
the fact glyph shot J basically due to "Coz J" reasoning is pretty Jank though, eventually I'll feel one way or another about it but i always dislike when people just throw things at J for "cause J reasoning, sometimes its right like in J's most recent go through as mafia in whatever game that was but other times it just looks ******** when it comes clear that J's just a regular gy living a regular life being confused for a women online


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
I don't know where you got this from my explanation of understanding where Glyph was coming from about him being annoyed, moreover, I also said that I didn't agree with his conclusion.
Sorry, I misinterpreted this part of the post where you were disapproving of J bringing up the "destiny" part again:
You're disengaging him by switching over to that topic of 'destiny' (which didn't seem to be anything but RVS fodder) out of nowhere and got in the middle of his conversation with rake, or even pressure if you want to call it that.
as a scummy move in your opinion. I'll try to go back and fact-check wording next time.

EBWOP: Your fear of J is offputting given that you're town/null reading him. I can understand there being confident issues and not wanting to get tricked, but you're hamming it up at this point.
I'm town reading him based off of what I see so far, but I said VEEERY slight town read because I can never be completely sure. I'm very undecisive at this point in time because I've spent literally one hour in this thread since I got back home from the competition yesterday and I'm being asked for reads on one of the hardest-to-read players. Like I said, I'll re-read N1 and have a more decisive read D2.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Well, without coming off as Armchair Aficionado, you look a bit jumbled up and nervous right now. I can't really make sense of you because it feels like your story alters a little bit the further we discuss your read on J. First he's slight null and town. Now he's town but you're unsure because he's a hard read. I can empathize with you only so much before it seems like you don't really have your bearings and you're just making things up on the spot in an attempt to produce content. It doesn't correlate with bringing up your past experience with J either here because it doesn't sound like(?) that's what is determining your read.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Well, without coming off as Armchair Aficionado, you look a bit jumbled up and nervous right now. I can't really make sense of you because it feels like your story alters a little bit the further we discuss your read on J. First he's slight null and town. Now he's town but you're unsure because he's a hard read. I can empathize with you only so much before it seems like you don't really have your bearings and you're just making things up on the spot in an attempt to produce content. It doesn't correlate with bringing up your past experience with J either here because it doesn't sound like(?) that's what is determining your read.
When did I say he's town?


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Oh, nvm. I forgot to add in the /null while referencing my previous post. My read hasn't changed, I just accidentally forgot to copy past the slash from my previous post.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
My avatar properly describes what I feel right now in regards to you.


Someone with Spak experience tell me how often Spak would confuse himself as either alignment. Is he just this goofy in general?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Sparky's fear of me is a tad strange, but adds up to how he has dealt with me in every game so far. I think being a stickler for wording is a tad off for this argument.

Also we should move this RVS away from becoming any more of tihs "Well let's talk about J cuz J scary." because although flattering, it does not help move the game forward to find scum unless you see something in my actions that would cause you to think that me being scary = scummy.



Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
My avatar properly describes what I feel right now in regards to you.


Someone with Spak experience tell me how often Spak would confuse himself as either alignment. Is he just this goofy in general?
With in regards to corrections, I'm OCD so if I post something and realize it's not right, I instantly correct it. I'll let J respond in general goofiness because I see him viewing the thread right now.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Oh, I didn't answer the question.

Yes, sparky is goofy, but that's because his adorable.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Oh, I didn't answer the question.

Yes, sparky is goofy, but that's because his adorable.

Still waiting on the Glyph explanation if he gets on a Smash break, but in the meantime, I've seen Moosy viewing for a while. Moosy, do you have any input on what's going on?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Sparky's fear of me is a tad strange, but adds up to how he has dealt with me in every game so far. I think being a stickler for wording is a tad off for this argument.
It's not really his wording that I'm focused on, rather it's if his play seems genuine or not. Given that he is a newbie he's probably a bit more prone to error comparative to someone who knows what they're doing, which is why I asked about his playstyle in general. Was he town or scum those games J?

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
"Other one"? Are you gonna tell us what that means, or is it gonna be a surprise to most parties involved?
Role fishing like crazy. Comment about hoping good players stay alive sounds more like trying to look town than actually being town. But mostly the first part. Would like to see some more pressure on this from others.


Smash Ace
Jan 11, 2014
United States
I've got a smash tournament today so I don't have quite as much time to write this up as I would have liked. Here comes the abridged version.

-Why use the daykill at all?
I wasn't joking when I said I had to. I have two abilities that have to be used before the end of D2 or else I die. I could have opted to save the daykill for tomorrow, but feel the other one is much more consistent for that stage in the game.

-Why target J?
First and foremost, J is a slot I have historically had a very hard time reading. Any quote unquote meta slot generally throws me for a loop, and beyond that J if any of those were to be likely to pull the wool over my eyes it would probably be him. I also found it a little alarming how many of the new players are already buddy buddy with him, which could lead to them just following his directions instead of pushing to find scum on their own.

Odds are, he is! That's always town's advantage, having the numbers. But a) my daykill is confirmed to not end the dayphase, and b) J is one of the more connected slots in the game already. I was willing to pull the trigger because even if we did get a J town flip, it kicked us out of the bull**** RVS stage so we can actually play mafia as well as the most valuable thing you can receive in this game, which is modconfirmed information.

You guys kick around this post for a while, I need to go do video games. When I get back there's like 3 players I want to touch on, and hopefully they'll do more things while I'm gone too.
follow up on bolded please


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Role fishing like crazy. Comment about hoping good players stay alive sounds more like trying to look town than actually being town. But mostly the first part. Would like to see some more pressure on this from others.
I didn't know that curiosity and trying to learn more about the game I'm playing is scummy. Also, the whole hoping experienced players stay alive thing was in reference to how easily J can manipulate people if he gets a scum role in addition to the fact that I don't want this to turn into a mini end-game. I really don't see how that's trying to look like town.


Smash Ace
Jan 11, 2014
United States
Glyph's first reasoning for shooting me is decent enough for me. His second reasoning is pretty illogical to me. Mainly because that was not even true considering most the new players were warning people who've played with me for years to be afraid. The "kicking us out of RVS" is kind of null and also just shooting in D1 RVS and killing my slot would have been bad for the remainder of the game.

It was literally a 50/50 shot and I was lucky enough to choose right, but in the end I think the shot was a terrible idea besides the fact that it generates discussion.
What do you think of Spak saying that he didn't want you to be shot even though you're difficult to read?


Smash Ace
Jan 11, 2014
United States

Still waiting on the Glyph explanation if he gets on a Smash break, but in the meantime, I've seen Moosy viewing for a while. Moosy, do you have any input on what's going on?
soup's pressure is remarkably town. idk what it makes you though.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
J, how do you feel about Soup dropping Spak like that
Null, however, I am scratching my head at soup.

It's not really his wording that I'm focused on, rather it's if his play seems genuine or not. Given that he is a newbie he's probably a bit more prone to error comparative to someone who knows what they're doing, which is why I asked about his playstyle in general. Was he town or scum those games J?
Mafia in 1. Town in the others. Sparky is fun to read.

Role fishing like crazy. Comment about hoping good players stay alive sounds more like trying to look town than actually being town. But mostly the first part. Would like to see some more pressure on this from others.
Not to be the guy.

You did literally semi-role claim and tried to shoot me. I'm just saying, calling someone out on role-fishing on you is not really fair with the position your slot has point us in when the entire discussion is revolving around that.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
What do you think of Spak saying that he didn't want you to be shot even though you're difficult to read?
I mean, that's more of a question to ask Sparky because I can think of a plethora of reasons as to why. I don't particularly think much of it at the time being.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Okay. So does this play seem more townie or scummy of spak based on experience? I hate feeling like I had to drag this out but you didn't really give me all the information I was looking for which surprises me given I'm used to J walls to say the least.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I don't unnecessarily wall especially on D1. Plus we are only on pg. 5.

I would lean more towards liking Sparky over not liking Sparky. I don't really like Glyph's vote on him for the reasonings he has explained.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
What do you think of Spak saying that he didn't want you to be shot even though you're difficult to read?
Since the question was redirected at me, I'll give my reason and you can choose to believe it or not. It's not so much the fact that he chose shooting J (it makes sense to shoot the one who is, in his opinion, the hardest to read), but it's the timing. We would have gotten very little out of the flip if J got killed so early in the day, and he himself said himself that J was likely town. In addition, if J is town, he would be a HUGE asset.
Would like to see some more pressure on this from others.
I know you're busy at the moment, but telling other people to pressure someone for you doesn't sit quite right with me.

Vote: Glyph

Somebody is going to have to explain to me J’s reputation here because it’s getting rather confusing. mmm…
Legend has it that J is hardest to read Prince of DGamesia that ever roamed the lands. He has fought wars, been through much turmoil, and if he gained experience for every game he won, he'd be over level 9000. He fights for the good of DGamesia everywhere he rides on his valiant steed named "Wall O'Text". Every once in a while, the Mafia Masters of #HBC take over his mind and skew his senses of good and evil. He thinks NKs are justified and that the village is filled with Mafia, so being the valiant prince that he is, he must purify the village. After his work is done, he realizes what he did, morns the passing of innocents that he unknowingly slaughtered, and rides off into the sunset. But you can't blame him, because every rose has its thorn.

tl;dr - He's good at this game.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Spak sounds more like a fanboy that an admirer at this point.

#HBC | J #HBC | J

I agree to disagree. If we were getting down to mafia in the most simplistic level right now, he just OMGUSed Glyph while piggybacking your disdain for him. He might be a goofball but I don't think that's enough of a reason to completely like him. Go more in-depth about what you like of him before I decide my vote. I'm trying not to be anxious.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Spak sounds more like a fanboy that an admirer at this point.

#HBC | J #HBC | J

I agree to disagree. If we were getting down to mafia in the most simplistic level right now, he just OMGUSed Glyph while piggybacking your disdain for him. He might be a goofball but I don't think that's enough of a reason to completely like him. Go more in-depth about what you like of him before I decide my vote. I'm trying not to be anxious.
lol nah, I was just trying to come up with a medieval-themed summery of J because he missed out on most of half of RR's Kingmaker because he got modkilled for an accidental post (and sent town into MyLo).


Smash Apprentice
Oct 11, 2014
Dietz n' Ryker Avenue, Kagutsuchi
With 15 alive it takes 8 to Lynch!
1. FML
2. J
3. Soup
4. Maven [1]: J
5. Bardiculous
6. Red Ryu
7. Raziek
8. Mal_Thug
9. Laundry
10. Fandangox
11. Glyphmoney [2]: Mal_Thug, Spak
12. Spak [1]: Glyphmoney
13. MooseyDoosey
14. SlickWylde
15. Zaixl

Not Voting: FML, Soup, Bard, Ryu, Raz, Laundry, Fandangox, Moosey, Slick, Zaixl
Day 1 Deadline is Midnight Central Time, Friday the 23rd!
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