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Blazblue Mafia Extend: Game Over - NYANCAT In Charge!


Smash Apprentice
Sep 5, 2015
Behind you
Note: only on page 7 atm, will read the rest later

@#HBC | ѕoup - I had thought of an answer to your question and thought I already posted it, sorry. >~<
-My null/wifom claim was clouded because I had been confused as to Glyph's maneuver with J
-If Glyph is truthful then we should wait till D2 and coordinate with him since he should be able to say what his ability is this time, and if he's lying wait until D2 to catch him at it and Lynch him. Waiting either way.

SlickWylde SlickWylde - I know my evidence isn't robust. That's why my reads are null.

@#HBC | J - Yeah, I tried responding but it just wore me out. Responding to you is exhausting and I play Mafia to have fun and destress. So no.
If that makes me scummy, so be it. *Leans against a cross* Nails are by your feet.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
Note: only on page 7 atm, will read the rest later

@#HBC | ѕoup - I had thought of an answer to your question and thought I already posted it, sorry. >~<
-My null/wifom claim was clouded because I had been confused as to Glyph's maneuver with J
-If Glyph is truthful then we should wait till D2 and coordinate with him since he should be able to say what his ability is this time, and if he's lying wait until D2 to catch him at it and Lynch him. Waiting either way.

SlickWylde SlickWylde - I know my evidence isn't robust. That's why my reads are null.

@#HBC | J - Yeah, I tried responding but it just wore me out. Responding to you is exhausting and I play Mafia to have fun and destress. So no.
If that makes me scummy, so be it. *Leans against a cross* Nails are by your feet.
Nobody wants you to die if you're town. Help us out.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
"Other one"? Are you gonna tell us what that means, or is it gonna be a surprise to most parties involved?

If anything, I'm more cautious of J than anyone else. He seems to have a way with getting all of the newbies to town read him (he played me pretty good in Revival of DGames, but I knew to look for it in games after that), and can assume complete thread control by endgame if you aren't careful (the recent Gheb's Jungle Republic comes to mind where he had everyone speaking out against him in some way or another (Zalak, RR and I) lynched/NK'd because people had him for a strong town lean). The late-game could be a concern if there are only easily-played noobies (such as myself) and J, but I sincerely hope additional experienced players stay in until the end.

But if we waited until the end of the day, we would have more interactions to go off of and we could have content to go off of. Doing it this early in the day, while getting us out of RVS, could have prevented us from getting a lot of valuable information based on J's flip.

I see the getting out of RVS argument, but killing someone you think will be slightly harder to read than the average DGamer to get out of RVS is a bad move in my opinion.
1. Don't fish for what his role might also do.

2. What do you make of Glyph with why he tried to shoot j?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Not to be the guy.

You did literally semi-role claim and tried to shoot me. I'm just saying, calling someone out on role-fishing on you is not really fair with the position your slot has point us in when the entire discussion is revolving around that.

That is actually a fair point.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 11, 2014
Dietz n' Ryker Avenue, Kagutsuchi
With 15 alive it takes 8 to Lynch!
1. FML
2. J [1]: Glyphmoney
3. Soup
4. Maven
5. Bardiculous
6. Red Ryu
7. Raziek
8. Mal_Thug [1]: Laundry
9. Laundry
10. Fandangox
11. Glyphmoney
12. Spak [1]: Soup
13. MooseyDoosey
14. SlickWylde
15. Zaixl [5]: J, Mal_Thug, Slick, Bard, Spak

Not Voting: FML, Ryu, Raz, Fandangox, Moosey, Zaixl
Day 1 Deadline is Midnight Central Time, Friday the 23rd!



In bold text. Colon included.
Zaixl's self vote does not count with ##'s, and spak's almost didn't count trying to @ Zaixls name)
Last edited:

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Going into this post individually because it's a lot.

Laundry, I get it. You dislike my playstyle. That does not mean every post you quote or thing you discuss about me should be regarding my playstyle.
I confess to a few jabs but have intended it mostly as reference to why I agree with Glyfe's target of you.

I have to say that your malor vote is something I dislike because although their posts have been mechanical, what about them are scummy?
Guy walks into the thread and tells me why I should be pushing the likely dayvig as a viable lynch choice for the weakest possible reasons. Not necessarily scum but out of all I've seen thus far, it's the worst content I've witnessed in thread. Sue me for pushing for more.

I was going to push your slot more if you really were pushing soup over his early posts because that is just the super easy way out of getting some easy points. Soup's posts have not made much of an impact into the thread and I think that is because he is being cautious to not truly come into the spotlight.
Here's a question: how is that not scummy play? A player is hiding, hesitating, being flaky, jumping around, and posting a fair number of posts that simply go "this is both good and bad" and leave me with nothing after a lot of words. Take soup's name away, that's still scummy, right?

To put it quite frankly, your votes are weak and I see more "pushing what is easy" rather than "pushing what is scummy" especially when combined with your superfluous mention of your dislike for my playstyle which is incredibly easy to do.
I don't like the options on the board. As of this post, beyond you and Spak (which is hella recent and particular to mostly Glyfe), the best options are...literally, I don't even know. The entire game's been focused on Glyfe dayvigging you but there's been zero major pushes as a result of it. I picked a target I didn't like and stuck my vote there.

Literally every slot in this game so far has mentioned that they fear my slot. I will always be in the spotlight and I understand that so I don't get the mention of saying that I am "hiding" when I've been pretty here in the thread.
I fear you as much as I fear a mosquito. I've never said that you're hiding, simply that I like the spotlight on you because you can't hide or brush it away this time.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but do you honestly feel Malor is the scummiest in the game?
Who's a better target, honestly? Spak? Zaixl? Moosy? Do you really think any of those are stronger scum candidates?

You say you understand Glyph's reasonings, but what about his actions make you think he is town?
The fact that you confirmed his role had a targetd mechanic, meaning he's either what he claims (and I doubt there's a scum or indy role that kills itself by d2) or you two have private comms. Giving that he's now trying to lynch you, I think the latter is false.

Glyph reads as...well not smart currently. Mod-meta'ing a little bit, the role Glyph has could very well be scum simply put because Ryker loved to make mention of his Day-Vig game that was stellar play and I could see a role like that being given to scum. Do I think this is the case with the current slot/action? Not really. Glyph just seems more obtuse in the way he is looking at certain slots. Saying that I am not really doing anything is actually contrary to the thread state and also I wouldn't be much of a conversation piece. His read on Sparky has devolved from the fact that he "role-claimed" on him and he seems to just be biting onto that. I think Glyph is mistaking "Disagreement" for "Scummy" and to fault him for that I truly cannot do since I have a similar way of thinking depending on the game. I will say that Glyph's reads, however, are not something I really am too worried about. If he continues down this avenue of thought without reflection and consideration, then I will make sure to hone in on him and truly make him pay for trying to shoot me D1 and knock me out early. I understand the rationale behind shooting me. That's not the problem I have with his shot. I have the problem that he did not wait until later on in the dayphase to do as such for a mid-day breviety so that we may examine a slot if the shot went through. The way I think of it, it would be a good thing to help D1's no connection or paper trail to have a dead slot half-way through the day. The fact that he came into the thread guns blazing and trying to knock me out makes me believe he did that just for his own being. Do I think it is a scum-team decision? Possibly. Glyph is a curious slot because everything he has done this game is scummy and towny at the same time. To clarify, I mean that Glyph has been doing things that are both scummy/towny at the same time and can't be faulted or cleared by any of his actions. He is the most null player out of the game and he is playing that way on purpose. Why? That'll be for us to find out later, but I could see myself getting behind pushing a Glyph lynch toDay just to make sure that we clear up his slot sooner rather than later. I would like to see what he does with his PR toMorrow since he did say he has one, but it would not stop me from lynching him toDay because I am not that curious.
Your entire point of view hinges on the alignment of Glyfe's role and you even doubt that. You set up an entire scenario for you to push him but you've confirmed his role is at least partially what he claims. Why even are you mentioning him if you doubt the one scenario that'd make it even worth your time to look into him?

Soup is playing exactly how I expect him to play for his first game back into DGames. He is being incredibly passive and conforming to whichever power player is in thread. When I was making waves in the beginning, he agreed with me. Now that Laundry and Glyph comes in and says they dislike me, he literally waffles onto their side. Whether soup is using this as a preservation technique as scum or town will show sooner rather than later. Soup is going to be a harder read because all of his play is going to be him ducking out of the spotlight and not wanting to get anywhere near being a possible lynch candidate because his anxiety makes him do some rash things, lose his emotions, and semi-ruin games for all players in the game. Soup, soup, soup. I am watching this slot with a fine tooth comb and honestly, I am hoping he does not make me believe he is scum because I hate putting him under puressure because he reacts so poorly and it inevitably ends up to him being lynched. He said that I am being "pussyfooting" the thread which is half-true.
Again, why is this not a scumread? Because you think he doesn't wanna explode? If you viewed literally any other player like this, you'd be calling him scum. You'd call me scum to play like this. You'd call Drew scum for playing like this. I get the hesitation--Soup explodes when pressured--but Soup's a big boy, he can handle himself. That shouldn't throw off a potential investigation angle.

Hell, that's what everyone does on D1 so to fault any player on that is absolute garbage logic and I apoogize for the harshness of that but it needs to be said. When you judge a player solely off D1, you won't be able to read intent/connections and players like me love to manipulate that regardless of my alignment because it works to my goal of controlling games to help my faction win. I will say this, though, I am no Yes-Man. That much is known and soup saying that means he isn't looking into intent and also isn't reading as closely as he is letting us to believe.
What is the point of all of this?

blah blah zaixl case


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Oh, those are just my thoughts on players I deemed noteworthy. I've been taking cautious note of tons of people, but instead of just having people complaining that I am "coasty/passive" D1 and that I'm not playing. They can literally go somewhere else because I'm here to play a game of mafia. Not a game of "Critique/Fear J" for the upteenth game in a row.

I'm a scary player, I know this. I don't play usually play D1, I know this.

I also just got shot D1 for being one of the hardest players to read and I'm kind of salty it has come to that so I'm literally wanting to destroy mafia this game and people who get in my way will be dealt with.

You want to play hardball, I'm game, but be warned I did not shoot the first bullet.
might wanna add an "heb" at the end of that cuz you lookin' pretty gheb there


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Thanks for finally playing J, I don't know why it took me making a snide remark out of you to get those stances I was fervently looking for, but I appreciate it nonetheless.

You're wrong about a lot of me though but I don't have time to get into it. Am I just following the Power player by stating that I like your vote? That was a nasty misconception because I'm not treating glyph or laundry anywhere different than the other players. They are not getting special treatment and I have my own mind that makes my own decisions, and just because I agree with something they said does not instantly mean I'm their lapdog.

I'm heavily offended that you're trying to get into my head and treating me like the same person you last played with. I've done some maturing in my tenure and I want you to wipe that false interpretation of me out of mind as soon as possible, thanks.
Do you have anything more to say about it? I dunno, anything more meaty? Anything beyond "your meta is wrong"


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Ok, finally have some time to dig in.

So, "required to use D1" does slightly change my valuation here. Only slightly though. Votes are still the king source of information, and you still pulled the trigger before we had enough votes for the flip to be useful (in terms of co-alignments). I will give you that at the point you took your shot, J was the most informative target based on interactions, but since you entered the thread already planning to shoot him with your Destiny post, that's post hoc reasoning /at best/.

I also don't like that your answer to "Why shoot J?" wasn't even remotely close to "I thought he was scum". The line of thought about him "tricking" other players really pings my scumdar. To me, it reads as "I want to kill this guy before he does stuff that's undeniably towny and makes me look bad for the shot". Separately, shooting somebody because you can't read them is basically forfeiting actually playing mafia if you do so while town. Paranoia lynches are fine, going after remaining nulls as part of PoE is fine, but just flat out not even trying to read them because they've tricked you in the past is lazy as town, and a great excuse to save yourself a NK as scum.

As far as the "get us out of RVS" thing, its taken me long enough to get back to this post that I can judge the effectiveness of that strategy . . . and its definitely worked. I could nirvana fallacy myself all I want, about how you could have done something different/better to do so without doing the early dayvig attempt, but I can't argue with results. So, to me, this is actually the most convincing part of your explanation. And you've only reiterated it since in this post:

Hmm, I guess I wasn't clear enough

It makes you scummy, because town wants to use their powers in the most protown way possible, while scum wants to use their powers in the least protown way they can get away with. The whole point of having mechanics discussions like that wall is so that all of town knows and agrees on the most protown method, so that scum doesn't have any room to do any differently without getting caught. Its about keeping scum from pleading ignorance, or carelessness to excuse them from mechanically pursuing their win condition.

That said, that's not what you're doing. Unlike several others in the thread that felt the need to just doubtcast the entire wall without actually engaging my points, you're actually standing up for your own valuation and explaining why you acted differently than I would have expected you to. That's legitimately towny. I think that you're not valuing wagon analysis enough, but my inexperience with closed setups could mean that I'm not valuing flips enough.

As I've now seemed to have talked myself into mere rational disagreement on this topic, I should probably move my pressure somewhere more useful, rather than letting the dayvig discussion dominate the thread for longer than is necessary.


I STILL don't like your shot or the meta part of the reason behind it, and I'd STILL implore any other potential dayviggers to keep my valuation in mind before shooting, but you're no longer the scummiest player in the thread.

This is significantly better than I imagined.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Oh I guess Laundry IS saying he just doesn't like your play, but regardless I hope that its clear that this is not a personal attack on your play I just find you hella scummy.
I mean I hate his ****ing play but that's not why I'd call him scummy, just anti-town at best.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Beep, boop, how did the primitive sacks of meat you call eyes see through my clever disguise?

Seriously though, I think that you and soup are both laboring under the wrong impression of that post. That post is not some mechanical opinion I whipped up from scratch in response to Glyph's action. That post is attempting to be a comprehensive summary with a full explanation of the general valuation on dayvigs from my home forum. That's part of how we play, and I wanted to make that clear before I started laying out accusations based in context that this thread couldn't possibly know. And I wanted to clearly lay out the strongest form of that argument, rather than making an appeal to the authority of posters you guys also don't know. Based on the game I played with Raz, the collision of the dgames mafia meta with the fantasystrike mafia meta is likely to produce explosive results, so I wanted to head that off at the pass. idk whether I've actually succeeded in that.
That's fair, but when my only perception of that is "this guy should be laying his play out for town to dictate", that's not a very telling reason. There's nothing personal in that type of response, nothing that allows me to get a bead personally on you. You've simply laid out a plan for a dangerous role to be used at town's whim. That's the very definition of mechanical play and while that may be the basis on the home forum, it's certainly nothing like that here. Do you know what i mean when I call your play mechanical?

So, the valuation behind the first statement is this:

Scum doing protown things is still protown, regardless of their alignment.
So, they would prefer to not have to do protown things.
As such, players that resist doing protown things are much more likely to be scum.
You're gonna have a fun time here if you stick to this train of thought. We have loads of players with bogus, bull****, or otherwise stupid behaviors built up due to years of passes thanks to meta, game situations, and the like.

Its not assuming that Glyph is town aligned, its saying that I want Glyph to act in a protown manner regardless of his alignment. And that failure to do so will make me see him as scummier, unless he can lay out a serious argument for why his actual behavior is actually as protown as my expected behavior. (which he did, see my previous post).
It was a simple phrasing question. The way you laid that statement out came as if you were automatically assuming his alignment and disregarding it in favor of removing an anti-town player.

Do you know the difference between pro-scum and anti-town?


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
What made you get a spak townlean out of that? (Aka can you specify what you liked about soaks recent posts)
Whichever of you played Revival (I think both of you did), does Spak look any different to you here? Honestly I can see the arguments made on him but at the same time, this is pretty typical and looks similar to what happened there. Do you think he's worth pushing here, and if so, why?


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I liked this post, and then you had to go ahead and retract your vote. Whomp whomp.
Do you agree with my original point of view? Do you think it's still accurate as of now?

This is horse ****. Basically what you're proposing is that J and Glyph came into the game with a fake vig gambit, but it just seems super unlikely to me considering the extent by which Glyph's tunnel has gone on. Considering that some momentum has been levied towards J post-gambit, I don't see them being partners. Glyph's MO right from the start has involved biting into J and not letting go, and it can potentially get the slot killed at this rate.
Correct, later posts basically assume exactly what you're saying. At the moment, I was just expressing my frustration in that I saw nothing after all of that because it confirmed nothing about Glyfe himself.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Also, to Soup and everyone else currently pushing either Zaixl or Spak, I'm not not particularly opposed to a Spak lynch. My previous stances still stand, but presently I think we should focus on J. Soup, get me up to speed on how you feel about his slot considering the recent developments. Laundry I would ask the same of you but I don't know if you actually are existing or not right now.
Spak, Zaixl, or J?

Hell, I'll give you all 3.

I've played with Spak before. I don't see any significant difference. I targeted him early D1 with a wagon because of some weird shenanigans with...Maven? I think? And that wagon built up to the point of getting us out of RVS, same with the double point on WOTT. He had pretty much the exact same responses that he has here: very defensive and kind of goofy but when left alone, will probably get around to posting ****, though most of it will be unoriginal. I don't like his touchy feely way he's handling the J read, and that alone has me curious to lynch one, but given one or the other, I'd lynch J, who I feel may be scummy beyond his handling of Spak, rather than Spak, who's purely scummy due to his handling of J.

Zaixl is either a patsy or a fool. Lynching him benefits town because his statements are mostly useless to us (those gutreads are silly) but I imagine that he's played less than 5 games and none of them have been here and especially not in conditions like this. Sure, I want more, but I don't think he's lynchworthy and I think pushing him as a primary candidate to be lynched is weaker than my read on Mallorean.

I liked J before he made his wall. Now he made his wall and I dunno what to think. He pressures me for pushing Malloren for a mechanical approach to a slot I think scum want to slam some FUD on but then pushes Zaixl who is probably even weaker than Mall to push. He says that Glyfe's role is likely not scum but then starts to talk about why he thinks Glyfe is scummy. He says that he's got his eye on Soup, i guess, but instead of digging into him for reasons tha would be enough to call others scummy, he simply says "I'll handle him later." His handling of Spak is off. That entire post about "wow my play thus far has been bad because I don't have layers of **** to bury myself behind" reads of some AtE-ass bull****. That post about being pissed because he got shot out of the gate, beyond it being some hilariously egotistical bull****, seems so sudden given that he was shot 24 hours ago and didn't seem phased by it beforehand. Out of everyone posting consistently, he has the most scummy points to his name, but I'm not sold on his lynch for whatever reason. Something in my gut says this isn't right and I'm looking for more to flesh that out on. A lot of it is due to me not seeing the scum angle from his play. He's done some grody ass **** but I can't see his angle as a scummer.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I like where Bard's head is at. However, when we talk about his tunnel vision with J, we need to remember that he's currenlty voting for Spak, right? So I don't know if I quite think he's latched on like a bulldog.

#HBC | Laundry #HBC | Laundry Has your opinion on Mallo changed at all?
Correct, it has. Now that he's explained the mentality behind the mechanical point of view, I don't think it's nearly as nefarious.


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Have I ever told you I love you, Moosy? Because I don't.
However you are quite likeable and I laughed way too hard at that first line.

On the glyph thing (correct me if I'm wrong) I thought I saw somewhere he said he had to use it D1.

And my specific thoughts so far:
Gheb is always mafia
J is extremely null but my gut is wary of him, probably because he's so null even with this much activity. Null. Gut lean slight scum.
OrboRake is hard to read because half the time I'm puzzling over which one is posting. Null.
Glyph seems to check out so far, but is nonreadable imo. Null. Gut lean very slight town.
Spak is a bit scattered but that says nothing towards alignment.
Zaixl is a mafiacat kill him dead with sporks (or handforks)
Null on the rest cause inactivity

##vote Zaixl
Well this is a start but I don't get the self vote.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Are you of the mindset that J has not contributed so far? Do his posts appear to be - forgive using the common vernacular- "filler"?

What do you think of Spak? I have found myself bemused by his posts. I cannot tell what his intentions are, but I don't believe his posts have been informative or helpful at this point. He seemed to spend most of the last 2 pages merely defending himself. I cannot entirely fault him for this, as suspicion was cast upon him. But still, I fail to see any productive posts from him, which brings me to believe he should be under surveillance.

The most productive (as in producing the most conversation, not necessarily the most pro town) player I've observed is DtJ Glyphmoney DtJ Glyphmoney
I am of the mindset I want him to do something on d1 or I will push for his lynch.

Spak is weird, a lot of votes like his Glyph one I'm not as certain unless I see him answer my question on why he voted the way he did. Defending himself I'm not as bothered given the back and forth. What I want to see is what he does right now. Just push him to post more and I think he will do more. He is newer so I am not expecting front force posts, even though last game this is why I wanted him dead but more so the lack of any direction and any he came up with was obviously fake and trying to save himself.

I might agree on glyph but I want to read everything.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Don't be scummy as **** and I won't. It's pretty simple.

I'm back now, reading up guys.
Read me right for once and this won't happen. :^), kidding.

I want to avoid a back and forth wasting town's time but I'll wait and see where you stand later before I nail into some questionnaires.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
was curious if the destiny **** was going anywhere. still curious about its resolution but i like using it on j early.

this is some gross-*** touch-and-go "i see the good sides and the bad sides of this" null-*** non-committal *** lookin *** ****

vote: soup

You got my interest on the Soup angle here.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Putting on the punctuation pants.

I can't trust this. I'm actually annoyed that all of that build-up came out to something that I physically cannot see. You could be telling the truth--you have a role that, when triggered, sends a question to a player and if they're wrong, they die. But I see nothing, so I can't automatically believe it. There's no data. This could be an elaborate ruse set up by mafia or neighbors or masons. This could be a different kind of targeting role. This could be a giant gambit even. My point is it's inconclusive as of this post and that bothers me. You spent like half a page and got all of these responses out of players and none of their statements can be validated because of it. Mall's giant mechanical post about directing dayvigs? Worthless because we don't know if Glyph's actually a dayvig. Soup talking about the good and bad points but then saying he'd lynch on a misfire or a gambit? Worthless, we don't know if Glyph's a dayvig. Maven calling it all null? Actually correct! It is all null!

I damn well better see something that warrants others to claim Glyfe's mindset is the most townie in this game as of this page.

I noted this myself, but am not interested in delving into that until it is more of a possibility.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The entire first point automatically assumes Glyfe is town-aligned and lynching him is purely to prevent him from being a bigger detriment. In general, I'd say ignore these slots but it is hard to ignore a dayvig.

At any rate, would you lynch a dayvig you think is town?


k i'm convinced. my initial read was whack

Uhh, then dropping of the Soup angle.

You liked his explanation?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Freaking RR with the RVS'est of posts, come on hombre things have happened I want your head in the game not way behind it.
I go start to finish when I read a mafia game no matter if stuff happened.

Your shot, I believe it. I am reading into the slots around the game right now who are at least talking about it to get something from it.

Looking into J's focus on this post I quoted though to get an idea of how badly he is reacting to it or it he is fine. Dunno, seems fine to me for right now outside of his dislike of focus #181 which is the only post in here I get a firm dislike from.

I want to see more from Spak as of this post before I consider him a lynch.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
You refuse to take a hard stance on people and instead contradict yourself on the same people.

hm...So why does there have to be 1 Mafia in J and DtG?
This seems better for what I would do with an inno child if you saw something wrong with it.

Still not a fan of it overall though.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Ok, finally have some time to dig in.

So, "required to use D1" does slightly change my valuation here. Only slightly though. Votes are still the king source of information, and you still pulled the trigger before we had enough votes for the flip to be useful (in terms of co-alignments). I will give you that at the point you took your shot, J was the most informative target based on interactions, but since you entered the thread already planning to shoot him with your Destiny post, that's post hoc reasoning /at best/.

I also don't like that your answer to "Why shoot J?" wasn't even remotely close to "I thought he was scum". The line of thought about him "tricking" other players really pings my scumdar. To me, it reads as "I want to kill this guy before he does stuff that's undeniably towny and makes me look bad for the shot". Separately, shooting somebody because you can't read them is basically forfeiting actually playing mafia if you do so while town. Paranoia lynches are fine, going after remaining nulls as part of PoE is fine, but just flat out not even trying to read them because they've tricked you in the past is lazy as town, and a great excuse to save yourself a NK as scum.

As far as the "get us out of RVS" thing, its taken me long enough to get back to this post that I can judge the effectiveness of that strategy . . . and its definitely worked. I could nirvana fallacy myself all I want, about how you could have done something different/better to do so without doing the early dayvig attempt, but I can't argue with results. So, to me, this is actually the most convincing part of your explanation. And you've only reiterated it since in this post:

Hmm, I guess I wasn't clear enough

It makes you scummy, because town wants to use their powers in the most protown way possible, while scum wants to use their powers in the least protown way they can get away with. The whole point of having mechanics discussions like that wall is so that all of town knows and agrees on the most protown method, so that scum doesn't have any room to do any differently without getting caught. Its about keeping scum from pleading ignorance, or carelessness to excuse them from mechanically pursuing their win condition.

That said, that's not what you're doing. Unlike several others in the thread that felt the need to just doubtcast the entire wall without actually engaging my points, you're actually standing up for your own valuation and explaining why you acted differently than I would have expected you to. That's legitimately towny. I think that you're not valuing wagon analysis enough, but my inexperience with closed setups could mean that I'm not valuing flips enough.

As I've now seemed to have talked myself into mere rational disagreement on this topic, I should probably move my pressure somewhere more useful, rather than letting the dayvig discussion dominate the thread for longer than is necessary.


I STILL don't like your shot or the meta part of the reason behind it, and I'd STILL implore any other potential dayviggers to keep my valuation in mind before shooting, but you're no longer the scummiest player in the thread.
I want you to stick around, but I'm not sure I can read into this slot well come later on if all the posts are like this.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Uhhhhhhhh did I miss something? How do you know how many factions are in play?

Seriiously I just went back over the OP, day start, and role PM and see no mention of this anywhere. Note that he specifies 'another two' as well, which is way too specific and implies there is already at least one faction he knows.

vote: Spak
Wow, this is noteworthy.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I was basing it off of the "We'll get the rules up tonight, but yes they should be nearly identical to the previous BB game." (Post #37), which I took to be the same type of setup. I went and looked at the previous Blazblue for basic setup info, so I assumed that there would be an Indie, a Mafia, and a Town. In addition, I've never seen a big game of Mafia without an indie, so I kinda assumed it was a normal part of the meta.
Nevermind then, this is fine.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Was just explaining the acronym brah lol.
just read us as one oerson, hell even the majority of dgamers who know us cant tell us apart

Because i felt like it?
Iunno figured it was something that didnt matter who answered
**** you :x
Come one you guys, just let them answer for themselves.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
i actually disliked glyph dropping spak just like that, almost like "yeh thats good enough k cool thanks by let me push J more now"
-1 for glyph not even pushing that slip, which by the way, that explanation is literally the most believeable thing ever which really makes me doubt it happened
I don't agree, I think it makes sense if you read the rules and his explanation.
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