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Blazblue Mafia Extend: Game Over - NYANCAT In Charge!


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Can we not lynch Glyph or J today or rather put everything on them?

Like I'm all for looking into intent and what not but come on, let's not make it the Glyph and J adventure time show.
Going ditto with Orbo on the low hanging fruit with this vote btw.

Pressure or not I do not like it.
His reads stink, his push on slick looks like dumb not a town slip. Even parts of that looked bad when it looks like discreting attempts with little substance.

One post in that exchange from his side I liked.

All of his reads have been one liners with little substance, then when I question him on them he claims I'm in a tunnel to push away presssure while proceeding to not go anywhere after I let him post on his own.

He takes the waffling he called out slyke on, the AtE stuff people do not like from J with the, "please do not look at me" and then with a pinch of spak issues with his vague and random reads.

He is scum.

Join me, and with our combined strength, we shall bring order to this town. When we bury Moosy.

End him.
Got slightly sidetracked on the way to Alex's posts, but this is a great example of what I meant by him looking like TownRuy, J.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
That's..not really acceptable to me. I'm gonna claim I'm gonna do things because I do them but work with me here and try to get away from 'you should accept how I play and if you don't you're wrong!!' That being said, is there any opinions of his that you disagree with?

That's again really weird for me and I don't know how you expect to be successful if you just parrot and buddy someone from the start. Again - what if Alex is deceiving you? What then?

Yes there is. I wouldn't be an *** and make a big deal out of what happened if I didn't have something to follow-up with. I won't share it now because I am not in liberty and the only reason I'm bringing it up again is because I might as well leave paper trails because I ****ed up and made myself obvious thinking I could just confirm scum right now.

You're not going to get me to change how I play the game, sorry. I am not just 'parroting and buddying'.

I'm not sure what you don't get here. I form a Town read on someone BEFORE deciding to use them as my mental sounding board. If he's deceiving me that always comes out in the wash, because eventually he'll have to fabricate a read that doesn't align with mine and if, when questioned, can't change my mind, then that's a red flag.

I don't just stick to the read blindly for the rest of the game, which is what you seem to be implying. It's a method that allows me to both focus on reading the player in question (Alex) while drawing attention to flaws in my own reads. (If I a player I think is Town disagrees strongly with me, that's usually a cue to reevaluate the read)

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Also, the end of the first paragraph too about disagreeing with any of his opinions.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Again -

What if Laundry is deceiving you?
I literally just answered that. What more do you want?

This strategy has been how I play mafia forever. It has proven effective for me. I have explained in great detail how I use it to evaluate my reads and the person I am using for it.

If you continue to harang me over it I'll give you an atomic wedgie if we ever meet each other.


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
I think he's interesting. That sounds like bull**** but it's true. He's someone I am keeping my eye on and going to be gauging based on his next move and his responses. As regards for the wagon - I'm in the process of figuring it out, and I just wanted to bring up an avenue of discussion like I said to mallo. Do you agree with my points made on Mallo and how do you feel about Raz/Laundry?
Laundry is my biggest townread, as I said D1, he is tackling all angles, his scumhunting intent is pretty clear, the only deviation was him voting bardull first when at that point it was clear he thought Maven had a bigger chance of being scum, but I don't think that would indicate he is scum.

Raz is null, he wasn't prominent day 1, and is getting into things right now.

Also what points on Mallo? You are arguing his logic, that I get, but he is the one putting your processes of the wagons on the spot. Most of your argument with him has been a back and forth explaining your reasons.


Jun 7, 2012
This seems like a giant loop around of soup asking "do you think alex could be scum decieving you and how woild that affect your reads"

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Laundry is my biggest townread, as I said D1, he is tackling all angles, his scumhunting intent is pretty clear, the only deviation was him voting bardull first when at that point it was clear he thought Maven had a bigger chance of being scum, but I don't think that would indicate he is scum.

Raz is null, he wasn't prominent day 1, and is getting into things right now.

Also what points on Mallo? You are arguing his logic, that I get, but he is the one putting your processes of the wagons on the spot. Most of your argument with him has been a back and forth explaining your reasons.
You dislike him though so I'm wondering if your angle compares with mine? Did you not get the posts where I criticized him for his play too?


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
I scanned through 80 of your posts and compared the types of questions you were asking when I went back and looked at the posts. I searched for big differences in playstyle, and saw very, very few. My biggest scumread is still Glyph with the Zaixl slot in second place. My biggest town read is still J because I've seen a lot of scumhunting intent, he's responded well to all pressure, and I haven't seen any bad intent from him.
Why are Glyph and Zaixl your top scumreads?


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Which brings me to my latest point cleanly:

I don't like any of the directions left in this thread and if we dogpile an inactive due to it I'm not gonna be happy.

Look at the common sentiments right now:
-Ryu is scummy for pushing Moosy
-Ryu thinks Moosy is scum for one-liners and other vague **** I dunno Ruy never is succinct in his accusations
-Zaixl (again, Vinyl 2.0) is the biggest bandwagon now and despite his weird and wonky approachs to J and Glyfe, that slot is a coinflip at best on what he flips
-Weird rumblings about J which may mostly be limited to Glyfe now and he's starting to sound like Murderbush from Sleepover
-A ****ton of mild to strong anti-Glyfe sentiment from most of the cast
-Weird rumblings of Soup, which even I'm guilty of, due to his flakiness and his tendencies to handwave things as both good and bad and leave ultimately pointless posts about subjects at times
-Spak **** which I literally do not understand how he is different than any other game he's been in

I have a bunch of vague **** which on paper looks scummy individually at best but never trumps out the "town could be doing this" answers I have in the back of my head. Let me go over the list again:

-Ruy is scummy for pushing Moosy but that read feels weak as **** because this is so typical for Ruy that he's not individually scummy. Even better, he's actually going hard in the paint for a slot he finds scum. I've seen Ruy as scum overextend for a slot--that's not happening here. His targets are weak but that's mostly typical for Ruy. He could be scum but overall I don't see any reason thus far to think that he is.

-Moosy is scummy is just in general weak. Yes, he needs to extrapolate more on his points but that's a weak point to lynch someone on, especially when he does express himself whenever necessary. It feels very Nabe-esque but without Nabe's nefarious chuckling that goes on behind the screen whenever Nabe rolls scum.

-Zaixl is Vinyl 2.0, again. He could actually be scum but you'll never get me to believe it. He could be town and you couldn't get me to believe that either. I'd love to be rid of him but at the same time his lynch feels like a waste of time and I'd rather just leave him until later and let D1 focus on a slot that could provide better directions for tomorrow. PRs go a long way in solving a slot like this.

-J is scum because of his weird actions in thread but a lot of that can be explained by being thrown out of his comfort zone and Glyfe's shot directly investing him in the game. His claim for his bogus D1 play (deal m8) is generally that he won't interact until something interests him. I guess being targeted by a Dayvig in 3 pages goes a long way in getting around that. Yeh, he has some weird **** in thread but most people at this point do. I don't find his general mentality scummy and most people at this point seem to agree with that perspective, though this weird cold war between he and Soup needs to escalate or be dropped.

-Weird rumblings of Soup, which may be accurate but nobody will ever dig further at the slot, due to fears of Soup exploding. I hate J's approach to it but it's very much J so I can't fault him for it.

-I literally don't understand the Spak is scum read. Someone should give me a quick hit on it because everything I've seen has not struck me as particularly nefarious, just goofy in general.

None of these options feel good or right. We lynch Spak, we get a read on J and that's it. We lynch J and we get reads on half the game but he feels more likely to flip town so is it really helpful? The best or strongest reads you get is Soup/Glyfe/me. We lynch Moosy, Zaixl, or Ruy and we're right back where we started with a night of actions to decipher on top of the same ol' question marks and Glyfe's inevitable D2 action, providing he isn't somehow compromised during the night. All of these directions feel like *** and none of the players are individually scummy enough for me to say that they're worth my time to lynch. Now let's talk about Glyfe.

I don't think Glyfe is scum for very obvious reasons.

Most people won't step back from the thread and see them, though. It's not something that's overtly obvious, but I'll start with this:

Count how many people in the thread actually like Glyfe or think he's town. The correct answer should be something along the lines of 2-4 people. I know two of them (myself and Soup), I think J may be another but he also wouldn't mind if Glyfe died. I can't think of anyone beyond that.

That means out of 14 people, at least 10 think he's scummy, a detriment, or should be removed ASAP. Ever since his claim, there's been so much doubt and suspicion thrown at his slot from a variety of angles that I can't imagine him to be scum because of it. I wish I could outright say scum's the one continually tearing him down but it's physically impossible for that to be the case--there's too many slots that hate him.

Even beyond that, though, look at his claim in tandem to a bunch of other things. You know he has a targeted role that activates on the answer to a question. The only other possibility is that he and J could be bull****ting all of this and simply be in a neighborhood or masonry or mafia but that is so far likely that I cannot possibly imagine that to be the case. It is possible for him to be not town, but given his position in thread, he's not mafia. The mafia have to be among the slots dogpiling him as I am not mafia and I strongly believe J is not either. Slick, who also says he thinks Glyfe's town, is confirmed town as well. He could be indy, but I doubt it. Ryker's the type of guy to put two indies in his game (I assume that abductor that the mod revealed earlier in the phase is an indy as of this moment), but I would never operate on that logic until I see actual reason to believe as much, so that angle doesn't hold much water to me right now. The only conclusive result I have left is Glyfe is a dumb-as-**** townie who made a play that he thought would do something without considering the consequences to his actions.

What that means to me is the slots dogpiling him are the ones that hold the scum. It's actually somewhat easy to sift through them and find the scummier members as compared to the townie ones, too. I'll get to that in my next post.

****. I had this long thing posted about how some slots had a good approach but some didn't and then I went back and fact-checked one and felt that I was completely wrong. I still have to make a point about his approach but I'll return to it in a second.

I'll just give you the shorthand on the other one:

I don't like how Maven is coming in here pages after the others and claiming that Glyfe is scummy, we should've lynched him ages ago, and that we're all *******. I guarantee you that is how his reread is going to end and I hate it so incredibly. To me, that is the very definition of a scum overextension for a slot that they want to lynch for whatever reason (I don't know why they would but that's how it reads, probably so they don't have to deal with whatever his D2 ability is while also having a shot at the Inno Child or some other more threatening player than Glyfe would be my guess). Seeing him coming in here and ignoring 90% of the thread's postings to talk about Glyfe and rant at us from the past strikes me the wrong way.

The other one I don't like is Bardull. There's a very similar (and very bad for Bardull) comparison to Ruy here in that neither of them are down for the Glyfe vs J thing but both somehow end up on the exact same lynch pool. Where I don't fault Ruy for it because it's a very Ruy thing to do, I don't like how Bardull does his damnedest to shut down the Glyfe vs J discussion but then direct it to other useless slots for one reason: he clearly dislikes Soup. He refuses to put it to voice for whatever reason and I don't like how he holds Soup at arm's length to prioritize a guy that's clearly outmatched and a guy that simply doesn't expand his points unless necessary when he thinks his Soup read is right to the point that he's questioning me for ditching it as early as I did. It seems like he wants that wagon to kickstart but doesn't want to be responsible for it and for that reason, I'd like to lynch Bardull today. His play definitely reads of that grody background manipulator right now, moreso than most other posters, and I'd like that addressed.

vote: bardull

Bardull and Maven at the moment. I don't feel so solid on those because I have very little to go off but I don't think the current thread focuses are really fruitful, quite obviously.

Alright, let’s talk about Glyph. We have to. He almost killed a power player right at the start of the game, and people are currently giving him pro-town credit for doing so. This requires we discuss it. The game has yet to actually discuss it, people never did anything but mention how much they don’t want to discuss it and squash all real conversation about it. I get people don’t want to discuss it, the play comes off like nothing but head-hurting WIFOM that could never be proved. Well, I believe they’re wrong. I’ll prove it.

Glyph attempted to dayvig a power player right at the start of the game, and according to J it’s literally a 50% chance if it works. It didn’t work, and J survived. At this point, everyone basically threw up their hands, myself included, because **** that. No one wants to deal with that. This is important, and should be looked at more closely, because it’s a critical piece of information that I’ll get into shortly.

We all waited for Glyph to respond with why he did it, but it really seems no one wanted to deal with it because no one cared enough to look at the post and realize what it meant. It meant Glyph was full of ****. I addressed it here (http://smashboards.com/threads/blaz...-continuum-shift.417970/page-13#post-20335607), but there’s three major things that stick out. His only explanation for why he did it early in the game was to get us out of RVS, by giving us mod confirmed discussion. He also said that he targeted J because he was hard to read and would give us lots of information, as well as paranoia over the newbies hanging on to him. Important thing here is that the last two points are blatant lies. No newbie was even talking to J, nor did J have anything in the way of “connections”. Even suggesting that J or any player had connections so early in the game is laughable. So no matter what, Glyph is exaggerating and adding on to his reasoning with things he’s making up. That is undeniable.

He claimed it was to get us out of RVS, by giving us mod confirmed information. So clearly, the benefit to town was discussing his shot, and by association his now mod soft-confirmed role. He even included a little detail about another secret power he has.

But how does Glyph react to the discussion about his slot? By insisting we don’t discuss it. By saying that looking into his slot is scummy. By saying discussing his shot is bad for the game. By ignoring questions directed at him, and by forcing a tunnel on J. And then nothing else.

So on a basic level, Glyph is not acting consistently. He does not want us discussing any of the information he claimed he gave us to discuss. So why is he listing the information as pro-town benefit when he’s saying it’s not pro-town to enjoy the benefits? That doesn’t line up. It’s not a consistent view of what is pro-town behavior.

This is important, because right now Glyph as town makes little sense.

This, however, doesn’t mean he’s scum. He could just be stupid, and not care at all about what he’s doing. Because why would scum attract so much attention to himself and do something so anti-town right at the start? But that’s not looking at the question with the full scale of information that Glyph, or even any player knowledgeable in Dgamesia, would have. What we just did is normal.

Basically, the game’s reaction to the shot is not surprising. In fact, it’s pretty obvious this is what Dgames would do. He would know this. Hell, I know this. In fact, we all knew this. Look at the thread. As soon as the shot happened, almost everyone went “Eh, **** it, let’s just ignore it”. We all did that, and we did it immediately, and we did it before Glyph even defended himself. This is 100% something that can be predicted. In fact, he has two separate games as evidence that this is how Dgames handles it, and he even used the same explanation Ryker used to shoot Evil Eye to try and defend his J shot.

Knowing this, knowing that Dgames would act like this, what would be the benefits of a scum member doing this? It’d be day-viging a slot day1 and being given Pro-town credit for doing so. That’s what people are willing to do to him. It’s undeniable he’s embellishing his claim about why he attempted to vig J. He’s not acting in a pro-town way. He’s acting in a way that’s inconsistent with why he claimed he did the vig in the first place. He’s done nothing positive since. He’s purposefully avoided and attempted to squash any discussion on what he did. He claims the discussion on what he did makes him pro town.

Vote: DtJ GlyphMoney
I suspect both of them equally and would take either of them that I could get. I think there's a decent shot they're partners but I have little reason to believe as much, just a gutread. I voted Bardull because, despite the townreads, I think it's easier to convince people that what Bardull's doing is scummier than Maven spitting hellfire about Glyfe. I don't care about which we pursue, I just think they should be pursued. I don't care for that contradiction, that doesn't throw out the basis of my point of view about Glyfe. That newbie point is at best a minor point and doesn't really hold water in the grand scheme of things.

It's nothing too major but something that reads really nefarious. He walks into the thread and in his initial posts, commends me for suspecting Soup early in the game and then reprimands me for backing off so easily. When I asked him if he thought I was right later, he told me he thought I was. Despite this, he never seems to mention Soup as a primary suspect and instead said that the wagons du jour were better lynch targets. Given his position in the thread (in the background, pushing directions to weak wagons, I do believe he is voting Zaixl albeit I'm not sure), I think he's likely scum playing the outside and trying to direct attention elsewhere

It's not very strong and hoenstly the more I write about it here, the more I just wanna vote Maven. This is weaker than I thought.

J, read these over for me. He pretty clearly holds both Maven and Bardull approximately equal UP UNTIL the very last post I quoted, which is directly after I asked him to elaborate on his Bardull read.

He did so, then re-evaluated accordingly.


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
You dislike him though so I'm wondering if your angle compares with mine? Did you not get the posts where I criticized him for his play too?
I dislike his reasoning and the logic he uses to push votes, but right now the slot is not a priority. I agree with your 1244, but funnily enough part of the reason why I am not looking at his slot is because I found his D1 late game better, specifically the questions he made to you. Those seemed to have clear scumhunting intent.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Why are Glyph and Zaixl your top scumreads?
In addition to everything that went on with the shot (only slightly scummy because apparently that's normal meta for him), he didn't respond well to pressure, instantly dropped my case whenever I unvoted him, has been completely inactive since Tuesday, tunneled a slot that has looked fairly town-ish all day long after trying to shoot him, had a weird post saying that his slot didn't need to make it to endgame for him to win, said that he would self-vote in an instant if it meant his reads were followed up on (which assumes he knows more about people's slots than the average townie), and he hasn't really contributed much to the thread other than being hotly debated for his controversial actions.
I can't find the place where I said it last, but I'll summarize before I'm off to bed:
I've never seen a self-vote used non-scummily unless the person is EXTREMELY frustrated (although apparently it's normal meta for Zaixl), the slot has always had the popular reads and never justified them, the slot has had no interactions that have even come close to resembling scumhunting, he did a pretty obvious OMGUS and then got upset when someone called him out on it instead of justifiying his vote, and he's had an over-all low level of commitment to anything all game (that is, when he posts, which is nearly never).

Also, I haven't liked Soup's interactions with pretty much anyone as of late. I can't tell if it's frustration or if he's trying to cover something up, but I'll have to re-read the interaction and points against him after I get a decent amount of sleep. Tag or quote me if you need me, and I'll check in the morning.


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia

I can't find the place where I said it last, but I'll summarize before I'm off to bed:
I've never seen a self-vote used non-scummily unless the person is EXTREMELY frustrated (although apparently it's normal meta for Zaixl),
Happened to look back to see this, but this is actually pretty common.

In fact, it literally happened in this game. (Maven hammered himself)


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
Happened to look back to see this, but this is actually pretty common.

In fact, it literally happened in this game. (Maven hammered himself)
That's why I stated EXTREMELY frustrated as an exception. I've only seen it there, Maven's joke-self-vote in RoDG (he was indie), J's self-vote in RoDG (he was Mafish) and Zaixl (TBD, but I think he's scum).

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Want to know more about this.
I think I already explained that after making that point. The gist of it is that I don't like Soup's play but I don't like Bardull's treatment of Soup. I think one of the two is scum but I doubt they're scum together.

Do you have some specific examples on the "I don't like how he was setting up the game as J vs Glyfe and we needed to lynch one." point? I remember a few people doing this but he didn't stand out in particular.
He did it for an entire page...I wanna say like page 19/20 or so, there were a lot of posts setting it up as "Yeh man everyone that likes Glyfe hates J and everyone that likes J hates Glyfe" when that was sorely misrepresenting the game state.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Also, someone showing the line of reasoning that you would expect from experience off of a previous town game with them is a sign to townread them. Also, someone showing the same line of reasoning as you in general is a sign that they're town too. Like hello? Literally the main reason why you guys voted for Maven was because he had a different way of obtaining reads that you guys didn't stop to try and understand.
Who gave a **** about his reads? Did anyone cite his reads as a reason to lynch him?


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
EBWOP: Legitimately, has anyone seen Moosy cite an accurate reason for his thoughts? He misrepresents everything going on either in false dichotomies or just inaccurate information.



Jun 7, 2012
Altho laundry, do you think mooseys anywhere near as blindly convicted about all this **** if hes scum?

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Haven't reached the laundry conclusion because my read was unabashedly based on meta and overall feeling, but I don't wanna give laundry a free pass because he knows how to sell himself and I wanna look more into his angle after being wrong on maven. It just annoyed me people like moosy came out and said he was town because he lead the lynch.
At this stage, I only have my two fallbacks from yesterday: You vs Bardull, two slots that are freely giving content at the moment to continue to shape my perception. Outside of that, I need to look over Maven's wagon and simply haven't done it but it forming in the last 24 hours is going to skew my perceptions a little bit--players will be voting Maven that are simply avoiding a No Lynch and Maven self-hammered.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Things I want to see toDay:

Bardull vs. Fanny to continue
Laundry vs. Soup to happen because Laundry has been hinting at it and I need to see what he has there.
Raziek and Glyph to do anything.
FML to come in and actually vote/push a slot instead of being in the background.
And I want a replacement/decision on the Zaixl slot.

We've got a lot to do toDay.
Probably will drop my thought process on Soup by the end of tomorrow but that's about it. I'm going to be V/LA starting Wednesday and lasting through Friday so any sort of "Laundry vs Soup" shenanigans you want aren't really going to develop beyond "this is my thought process on Soup"


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Fanny v. Bard won't happen until tonight. It's not going to be some grand spectacle though. Frankly the vote isn't that great to begin with, but I'm not a fan of Fanny's tone.
Not sure why you're continuing with this wagon. You hinted at Soup being a problematic slot early in the game but have yet to pursue it. You later mentioned it at the end of the phase and still have yet to truly pursue it. Meanwhile, you start this day off on Fanny, admit your case is weak, yet still pursue it--despite Soup still being there, still arguing with you, and those reasons for your suspicion of Soup have not gone away. Your priorities are out of whack.

vote: Bardull


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I didn't vote for Maven and instead voted for Zaixl. Maven was looking like TownMaven from my most recent game with him and I preferred Zaixl.

People were harping on Maven for backpedaling and whatnot, but I didn't personally find it to be scummy because people gave him a rude awakening. Either alignment would just drop their approach right in their tracks, so I thought it was more null than anything else.

FML, Laundry, Raziek, Fandango I know for sure voted for Maven. Funnily enough, I find FML's and Laundry's critiques to be quite empty considering their play D1 lead to a mislynch. I want to hear their opinions on what direction we should be looking at and why, I'm not interested in hearing them point the finger without heavy substantiation from this point on as they lack credibility to a degree.
what the **** is this ****

"Man I thought Maven was actually town and didn't vote him, my hands are clean of that ****. Meanwhile these slots that pushed Maven's lynch through are really kinda blowhards because they mislynched on the easiest day to mislynch."

In fact, "my hands are clean of that ****" is pretty much the summary of your play.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
EBWOP: I need to xpand upon that last point. It's the summary of yrou play. When Glyfe vs J was going on, you were urging the thread to look into other directions. When Maven was getting pushed to the lynching block, you voted for Soup (pretty sure it was actually Soup, not Zaixl). Now when the day starts, you're trying to put together this shoddy case on Fandangox based on his "tone" and that's the most I've seen of your play this day phase. I don't like it at all.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Here's the final votal, because Ryker never got around to posting it:

Here's one from a little bit earlier, when Glyph's wagon was at its peak, before people started consolidating over to Maven:

And here's one from a bit earlier than that, right after Zaixl self-voted, when his wagon was at its peak.

Hmmm . . .
Seeing that wagon now, I don't have any major read on Raz but I don't have a reason to think he's scum. Slick is confirmed town. Fanny only voted for Maven to avoid a no lynch and I think he's town. Maven flipped town. I think Ruy and FML are town anyway. The scummiest slot on that wagon is Soup, which is ironic given that he's up in arms about how the people leading it are likely scum. Now J and Bardull are saying the same thing and both are only now saying "yeh I thought Maven was likely town which is why I stayed off the wagon". All three of those slots are looking at the people who spearheaded that lynch simply due to the fact that it was wrong and are saying "yeh, it was wrong, scum-fueled wagon" when it's completely possible that scum could've avoided that wagon knowing as much and are now turning around and using that to their advantage. That's merely a theory of mine but I don't like how Soup, J, and Bardull are all saying something similar, especially when all three are at each other's throats and J is trying to push me towards Soup.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
tl;dr i trust my reads and i think the people trying to fuel paranoia at the leaders of maven's wagon are significantly scummier than the people on it


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I didn't vote for Maven and instead voted for Zaixl. Maven was looking like TownMaven from my most recent game with him and I preferred Zaixl.

People were harping on Maven for backpedaling and whatnot, but I didn't personally find it to be scummy because people gave him a rude awakening. Either alignment would just drop their approach right in their tracks, so I thought it was more null than anything else.

FML, Laundry, Raziek, Fandango I know for sure voted for Maven. Funnily enough, I find FML's and Laundry's critiques to be quite empty considering their play D1 lead to a mislynch. I want to hear their opinions on what direction we should be looking at and why, I'm not interested in hearing them point the finger without heavy substantiation from this point on as they lack credibility to a degree.
I didn't vote for Maven at the end of the day because his end of day posts were incredibly towny.

We should have lynched Glyph yesterDay to finally cease and desist all of the Glyph Topic in one fell swoop.

But ya know, here we are with people still complaining about a situation that could have been handled.
Bardull, all I've done is vote you and light questioned you. If that's tunneling, oh dear...

Glyph was in that weird pile and I made a point to talk about him. He literally has done nothing this game besides shoot me, gripe on minor pet peeves, and say that he would die to see me lynched. Glyph was a null read that is either anti-town or scummy that I was not confident on and okay with lynching. That is why I voted him first before my arm was twisted into voting Maven and then I unvoted Maven because I disliked the lynch when he finally posted.

Scum-team played the D1 lynch very well since it kept Glyph around at the end regardless of if he is town or scum with them I still don't know, but unless he comes in with stellar posts, he is a distraction slot moreso than Zaixl since this entire game has been revolved around him and he isn't even here. As Fanny pointed out, he hadn't posted in a week until today and that's shocking.

I'm mainly looking at people who spear-headed the Maven lynch and also some sideliners toDay because people like Fanny/Maven/Moosy/Sparky who have been on Glyph ring as towny to me whereas the other side of the battlefield is "Glyph is anti-town and a crapshoot, but let's keep him around anyways" and the latter half won out somehow.

Meanwhile, I'm here in the middle watching it all because of the fact that it revolves around his shot to me and I've been put in quite the precarious position.

I mean, you don't get to complain about people talking about Glyph if the lynch your side chose to do flipped town. I'm definitely more willing to listen to the other side now.

This game is more down the middle than people seem to be looking at it from and also we have some strange slots that are in weird positions/connections. (I will definitely acknowledge I'm in the category)
As a result, I hate all of these posts, especially how they all suddenly come with the knowledge that Maven was obviously town at the end of the phase, despite letting that wagon happen regardless when it was practically tied up until I got back from work at 10 PM my time with two hours to lynch.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
At a computer now. Phone posting is the bane of my existence.

What about the people who decided he was town, e.g Me, Laundry, Bardull(?) There is still a couple of slots that don't fit into this category and I disagree that all glyph haters are good. Moosy and Sparky aren't really good to me based on their read of Glyph and I hope you're not completely like that too. Laundry said earlier that I was trying to bring up a false dichotomy making it into a Us vs. Them mentality when in reality I was just being an *** and making light of a sort of funny situation where it felt like one. I hope you're not reading all of those slots (one of them being dead) merely based on the fact they disliked Glyph. Is your fanny read based solely alone on how he has handled/talked about Glyph?

It's relevant to the game thread in the worst way, and that's what is so horrible. The problem you face is the fact both sides are stubborn and playing into the situation regardless if Glyph is town or scum. That's why I feel it's not fruitful to really read anything in regards to him because people are just either going to continue to muddle or continue to defend him. It's all not worth the time and I reserve the right to be angry about it.

A perfect in-the-middle example here would be Mallo and I've been thinking about that slot a lot more lately. Not only because he shot a vote at me and has been yelling at my ear about things he doesn't like, but also that he's played the game not really committed to either side. I do not think all townies are the ones engaging in this stupid battle, but I would take a chance at someone like Mallo to possibly fit the description of someone who is just watching it conspire.
This post gives a little absolution to Soup though.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I'm thinking of voting you or Raz, but leaning more on you because I'm struggling to find your commitment. You've been playing the game in such a way that you can't really be traced to anything that has happened thus far because you have stuck to your mechanic posts, vote analyzation, and other repertoire. I remember having a decent impression of you but when I read back your posts didn't stick with me. You're analytical about some things but you never really take the proper steps to do anything about it and just go on a tangent about how things like voting and such are important to you, but apparently not crucial to how you scumhunt.
Can you go back and find posts about it then? I think Mallor has the highest content value per post out of any slot in the game as he's always giving me information. His case on you was rather unique and I also think his case on FML is fairly unique. He's constantly pressuring slots to vote and put more effort in as well. His analytical approach is a bit cold but I don't get your point of view about how he can't be traced to things.


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
EBWOP: I mean, you go out of your way to write the reads post but there's like.. no in-between after. You come to your conclusions without interaction for the most part and I simply don't understand that. What you write looks good on the surface but that's about it. There's not really any meat.
The slot's account has 32 posts overall in a game that's spanned 33 pages. He hasn't even filled a page in this game by himself. Does that weigh at all on your perception of him?


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
Ok, let's do this the other way, and put that FML pressure on hold for a moment

No, you're scum because of **** like this:

Ok, so I think these five quotes illustrate Soup's mudspewing hypocrisy the best.

He comes into the thread very worried about the Maven wagon (a wagon that he was completely confused about the contents of up until I posted that votal). So, does he start pressuring somebody that was on that wagon? No, instead he starts harassing Moosy. Does he "chime in on how it went down"? No, he brings up the topic, but doesn't answer it himself, or really ask it as a pointed question.

Then he starts harassing Moosy on the topic, and brings up that he wants everybody to doubt their townreads on Laundry because he lynched a townie. I mean, presumably, everybody has already done this overnight, because that was the last piece of info we got yesterday. But does Soup have a straight opinion on Laundry yet? Nope, maybe he'll share that with us another day.

Then he wants to put some shade on anybody that consolidated onto Maven at the end. Except that he's one of them: #988 ? Not only is he one of them, but he's actually the person that made Maven the majority wagon at the time of his post. Like, spot #5 isn't /quite/ as bad as spot #4, but he did the whole "abstain, will vote either easy wagon later" thing earlier in the day that I voted him for.

And then, forget all this focus on the Maven wagon, Soup wants you to also suspect the people on the Glyph wagon, pulling focus from the one thing he's yelling about people pulling focus from already.

That AND the fact you don't want to vote. As long as you're not voting, its harder for people to see the disconnect between your actions and your words.

So, let's try this wagon again:

Vote: Soup
A point to add on top of this is how much Soup was following my logic, my reads, and my posts. He even flat-out admitted to it at one point towards the end of the phase (I think it was even about my Maven read but I can't accurately remember).


#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
EBWOP: But yeh, I'm gonna be talking about Soup, J, and Bardull at the end of this because their posts this phase have left a bad feeling in my gut.

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