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Blazblue Mafia Extend: Game Over - NYANCAT In Charge!

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Ebwop: fanny vs. Bardull

Bardull, do you have any disposition on fanny aside from his actions related to glyph? Same question to fanny.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
So, who did NOT vote for Maven yesterday? While not a sure thing, I'm fairly confident at least one mafia member voted for Maven along with the rest of us. I would be surprised if neither one did. I wouldn't be surprised if they both voted. (Would be smart not to vote, but mislynches are very good for Mafia)


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I didn't vote for Maven and instead voted for Zaixl. Maven was looking like TownMaven from my most recent game with him and I preferred Zaixl.

People were harping on Maven for backpedaling and whatnot, but I didn't personally find it to be scummy because people gave him a rude awakening. Either alignment would just drop their approach right in their tracks, so I thought it was more null than anything else.

FML, Laundry, Raziek, Fandango I know for sure voted for Maven. Funnily enough, I find FML's and Laundry's critiques to be quite empty considering their play D1 lead to a mislynch. I want to hear their opinions on what direction we should be looking at and why, I'm not interested in hearing them point the finger without heavy substantiation from this point on as they lack credibility to a degree.


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
continued: you are proposing I am taking a 'textbook' WIFOM approach to his slot, but that's just not true. The alternative you are suggesting is so completely unlikely to happen. In standard WIFOM cases, one side has almost as much of a likelihood of occurring as another, but what you are suggesting is that Glyph came into the thread, tried to 'plant the seeds' or whatever you want to call it, and then try to set everything in motion for his mates to take control of the thread. What are you even on? If this is true, then I demand to hear from you who his scum mates are, because I did not see any of his mates capitalizing on his 'seed planting.' I'm calling bull**** on your seed planting theory.

What I'm really telling you is that you're flat out wrong, because this has got to be the worst method I have ever seen for Scum to take...ever. You realize you are suggesting that Glyph tried to 'plant the seeds' by using an ability that could have killed J? Do you not realize that everyone in this game would immediately look at him with scrutiny as a result? Do you realize how stupid and foolish it would be for him to do that?

What you are proposing is that Glyph is literally ********.
This right here, the bolded, that's what I mean by WIFOM, you are saying that It would something too stupid for Glyph to do as scum, but that's ultimately WIFOM, I could argue (as Maven tried to) that Glyph could be aware of that, and hence the reasoning goes back and forth. I mean THIS is the main reason people are not pressuring Glyph, he's basically crossing the line twice, and people are fine with it.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
I didn't vote for Maven and instead voted for Zaixl. Maven was looking like TownMaven from my most recent game with him and I preferred Zaixl.

People were harping on Maven for backpedaling and whatnot, but I didn't personally find it to be scummy because people gave him a rude awakening. Either alignment would just drop their approach right in their tracks, so I thought it was more null than anything else.

FML, Laundry, Raziek, Fandango I know for sure voted for Maven. Funnily enough, I find FML's and Laundry's critiques to be quite empty considering their play D1 lead to a mislynch. I want to hear their opinions on what direction we should be looking at and why, I'm not interested in hearing them point the finger without heavy substantiation from this point on as they lack credibility to a degree.
Okay, good to know. I voted for him as well, because he really did come off as scummy to me. Which is why I'm really going to try to pick apart people's posts today, and not go off vibes as much.

Who's your top target, if you had to narrow it down to one, for today?


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
Yes, it could be looked at this way too, or it could be looked at as a subtle attempt at applying more pressure to the J slot.

Try again? I don't need to; if "a perspective that ignores player's intents and thread context" equates to being mechanical, then you are throwing a presupposition into the question that obviously doesn't make Thug look great.

WIFOM means that an action can be looked at in one of two ways. Wine-In-Front-Of-Me. He could have done this because of this, but he might be smart enough to know that would happen and did this, and so on.

The thing is, I don't think Glyph walked into this thread thinking he was going to get away scott-free

This is what I mean by tone. Reads as an arrogant wiener. Regardless, I feel like the post you are referring to easily could have been a subtle attempt at misdirection.

This is just plain not true. If our reads are starkly different in that you are pushing slots that I feel are likely to be Town throughout the entire day phase, of course I'm going to be giving you a perplexed look. Having similar reads is actually a good thing because it allows me to push my agenda. I'm just curious, and it's not entirely relevant, what exactly are you basing your scum reads on? Is it just contradictions that people spout in thread, or are you actually trying to read into intent?

ScumGlyph is simply not capable of planning like this and ensuring his team's victory. No one in this thread is like that. This is probably the most contrived statement you've made all game.

I don't know what this is referring to.

This portion seems pretty salty, but I guess you kind of have to concede to excusing yourself with policy. :smirk:
Yes of course it was another way of pressuring J's slot, doesn't mean I was pushing for a wagon, its Mafia, the entire point is pushing people for reads.

And also of course the point was to make thug not look great, because that's what his post made me think of him, and thus, I lay that out for the others.

About the reads, it really means nothing to just have the same or different reads you have to explain WHY those reads differ, for what reason, and why that could equate to the other player being scum.

I don't even know what you mean at the last part, if you mean policy lynch, well yeah, it was ONE HOUR to deadline and Maven wasn't L-1 yet, we were risking a no lynch.


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
Based on Revivial of DGames D1, Fanny posted 43 times, a vast majority of which were legitimate questions that others didn't ask, observations that progressed the game along, or stating his viewpoint on how the game has progressed thus far. In D1 of this game, however,
*Goes back and checks*
Fanny posted 39 times, and... uh... a vast majority of those questions were legitimate questions that others didn't ask, observations that progressed the game along, or stating his viewpoint on how the game has progressed thus far.

I guess it just felt like he contributed more D1 of DGames because I was the scrubby kid that didn't know how to play Mafia well and thus got questioned by him a lot. Also, Fanny spread out his content more evenly this game (because of pretty much no RVS) and had a big burst of content the last few real-life days of DGames D1.

Carry on.

Did you just read 80 or so of my posts in the moment that you voted and unvoted me? Who is your biggest scumread? What's your biggest townread?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Come on. The glyph topic is so stale at this rate that I think anyone who doesn't care (me) is tired of hearing it. I can't really take all this talk about glyoh as anything because you keep taking about something you've both stated as WIFOM. Did glyph shoot J thinking he could look town as scum? Did glyoh shoot J because he was town and was going by a lead and reaction? I don't know!!! Nobody does!! You picked the worst topic to hate each other especially with the fact he still has alluded to one more ability. He might not be playing the game as much you want him to (fanny) but unfortunately he has that immunity given his antics. The only thing glyph has really done is push J so the least you could do is read him off that instead of his shot.


Hero of Neverwinter
Jul 30, 2014
So, who did NOT vote for Maven yesterday? While not a sure thing, I'm fairly confident at least one mafia member voted for Maven along with the rest of us. I would be surprised if neither one did. I wouldn't be surprised if they both voted. (Would be smart not to vote, but mislynches are very good for Mafia)
I'm very glad you are a confirmed townie because this would have caused a mislynch. It's a closed setup, so we can't assume there are two.

I'll get to everything else later because I'm playing Melee w/ friends.


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
Still hella busy recently, but if you boners insist on wagoning me then I should say that I am hated so don't put me at L-1 cuz I'll die.

Saw a few questions aimed at me and most of them can be answered with 'I don't care how you think I should play mafia'.

If there's anything particularly critical that I get to tag me in it and I'll try to answer it sometime today.
What are your reads. Explain your reasoning for targettng J. its not the newby buddy buddy thing, because as Maven pointed out, that doesn't makes sense, considering the point the game was.


Smash Lord
Oct 7, 2007
Oh look I changed this
Ebwop: fanny vs. Bardull

Bardull, do you have any disposition on fanny aside from his actions related to glyph? Same question to fanny.
I think his vote on me is very weak, Laundry apparently voted him for playing in the background and being on the sidelines which Laundry said wasn't good enough to gofor a push on him, its a solid reason, but I am not seeing the background bardull thing, I still haven't re-read.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
I'm very glad you are a confirmed townie because this would have caused a mislynch. It's a closed setup, so we can't assume there are two.

I'll get to everything else later because I'm playing Melee w/ friends.
Yeah. I said "both" meaning "all of them" I even thought someone might say that, but I don't care since I'm confirmed town lol. Though I just realized, with 15 people, there are probably more than 2, which might actually change the way I look at things a little.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I didn't vote for Maven at the end of the day because his end of day posts were incredibly towny.

We should have lynched Glyph yesterDay to finally cease and desist all of the Glyph Topic in one fell swoop.

But ya know, here we are with people still complaining about a situation that could have been handled.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Oh, I'll also say this. I don't really feel Fanny is scum based on his posts and find the current case against him reaching.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
This right here, the bolded, that's what I mean by WIFOM, you are saying that It would something too stupid for Glyph to do as scum, but that's ultimately WIFOM, I could argue (as Maven tried to) that Glyph could be aware of that, and hence the reasoning goes back and forth. I mean THIS is the main reason people are not pressuring Glyph, he's basically crossing the line twice, and people are fine with it.
1. My stance isn't WIFOM. Here's an example of WIFOM:

I come into the thread claiming I was roleblocked.

J comes in and says "that wasn't very townie of you to claim roleblocked, Bardeezy. I bet you did it because you wanted to come off as Townie!"

Someone else comes in and says "that's WIFOM, J! Bardeezy had just as much reason to tell everyone he was roleblocked as he would if he was scum!"

Ultimately, J's call is wrong because claiming roleblocked is more or less null from my position.

What YOU are suggesting is that Glyph had just as much reason to do what he did as scum as he did from a town sided perspective. I am telling you that you are wrong because your rationale for why he did it as scum is too out-there, hence why you didn't explain who his mates were that capitalized on the supposed 'seed-planting' as well as why you didn't address the obvious repercussions of his immediate actions to be seen from a scum-sided perspective.

I'm going to let Glyph handle this because there is little merit in us trying to play semantics with respect to this accord, but know that you claiming that my read on Glyph is WIFOM is incorrect.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Oh, I'll also say this. I don't really feel Fanny is scum based on his posts and find the current case against him reaching.
Of course you would, you're the one tunneling me this Day phase.

I don't actually have a strong scum lean on Fandango, for the record. It's slight.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
1. Not tunneling
2. I never said you claiming RB was neither towny or scummy. I merely asked for your motive behind it and you never responded. Don't twist my words.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
1. Not tunneling
2. I never said you claiming RB was neither towny or scummy. I merely asked for your motive behind it and you never responded. Don't twist my words.
1. You basically are.
2. That was an example, not what actually happened verbatim. Although, I will say you spent an awful lot of time trying to figure out why I claimed roleblocked when I did, so I'm not sure if I'm twisting your words.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I didn't vote for Maven at the end of the day because his end of day posts were incredibly towny.

We should have lynched Glyph yesterDay to finally cease and desist all of the Glyph Topic in one fell swoop.

But ya know, here we are with people still complaining about a situation that could have been handled.
Even if you didn't think glyph was scum? I don't remember you updating you read all too much so I'm wondering why you'd said this.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Bardull, all I've done is vote you and light questioned you. If that's tunneling, oh dear...

Glyph was in that weird pile and I made a point to talk about him. He literally has done nothing this game besides shoot me, gripe on minor pet peeves, and say that he would die to see me lynched. Glyph was a null read that is either anti-town or scummy that I was not confident on and okay with lynching. That is why I voted him first before my arm was twisted into voting Maven and then I unvoted Maven because I disliked the lynch when he finally posted.

Scum-team played the D1 lynch very well since it kept Glyph around at the end regardless of if he is town or scum with them I still don't know, but unless he comes in with stellar posts, he is a distraction slot moreso than Zaixl since this entire game has been revolved around him and he isn't even here. As Fanny pointed out, he hadn't posted in a week until today and that's shocking.

I'm mainly looking at people who spear-headed the Maven lynch and also some sideliners toDay because people like Fanny/Maven/Moosy/Sparky who have been on Glyph ring as towny to me whereas the other side of the battlefield is "Glyph is anti-town and a crapshoot, but let's keep him around anyways" and the latter half won out somehow.

Meanwhile, I'm here in the middle watching it all because of the fact that it revolves around his shot to me and I've been put in quite the precarious position.

I mean, you don't get to complain about people talking about Glyph if the lynch your side chose to do flipped town. I'm definitely more willing to listen to the other side now.

This game is more down the middle than people seem to be looking at it from and also we have some strange slots that are in weird positions/connections. (I will definitely acknowledge I'm in the category)

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
That's a good post that deserves my keyboard instead of my thumbs. I'll get to that later.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
That's not tunneling. You are my target if my vote is on you, that's pretty self-explanatory.

Pushing a lynch =/= Tunneling. I'm not ISO'ing every single one of your posts and harping on every reason to call you as scum.

I mean, wgat?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
That's not tunneling. You are my target if my vote is on you, that's pretty self-explanatory.

Pushing a lynch =/= Tunneling. I'm not ISO'ing every single one of your posts and harping on every reason to call you as scum.

I mean, wgat?
Nice backpedal I guess, but it's not something I'm interested in harping on. I'll let you pivot for the time being.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2015
So, who did NOT vote for Maven yesterday? While not a sure thing, I'm fairly confident at least one mafia member voted for Maven along with the rest of us. I would be surprised if neither one did. I wouldn't be surprised if they both voted. (Would be smart not to vote, but mislynches are very good for Mafia)
Here's the final votal, because Ryker never got around to posting it:

J (1): DtJGlyphmoney (#296)
Soup (1): mallorean_thug (#911)
Zaixl (1): BarDuIL (#1026)
DtJGlyphmoney (2): MoosyDoosy (#552), Spak (#896)
Maven (8): Raziek (#754), Laundry (#853), RedRyu (#870), FullMetalLynch (#977), Soup (#988), SlickWylde (#991), Fandangox (#1067), Maven (#1068)

Abstaining (2): Zaixl, J
Here's one from a little bit earlier, when Glyph's wagon was at its peak, before people started consolidating over to Maven:
J (1): DtJGlyphmoney (#296)
Soup (1): mallorean_thug (#911)
Zaixl (2): SlickWylde (#561), Soup (#909)
Maven (3): Raziek (#754), Laundry (#853), RedRyu (#870)
DtJGlyphmoney (4): MoosyDoosy (#552), Fandangox (#892), Spak (#896), J (#970)

Abstaining (4): Zaixl, Maven, BarDuIL, FullMetalLynch
And here's one from a bit earlier than that, right after Zaixl self-voted, when his wagon was at its peak.
J (1): DtJGlyphmoney (#296)
MoosyDoosy (1): RedRyu (#403)
DtJGlyphmoney (1): MoosyDoosy (#552)
BarDuIL (1): Laundry (#599)
Zaixl (7): J (#266), mallorean_thug (#300), BarDuIL (#349), Spak (#357), FullMetalLynch (#494), SlickWylde (#561), Zaixl (#611)

Abstaining (4): Maven, Raziek, Fandangox, Soup
Hmmm . . .

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Raz was first to vote maven? I swear he voted like last.

This kinda changes my angle on raz a little slightly, as I was under impression he got on maven only later.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas

What are you even doing, Bardull?
>J comes into this phase, votes me, says I'm his target for today, proceeds to question me like 6-7 posts in a row on topics that don't matter much.
>Claims he's not tunneling my slot, immediately pivots, tries to act like a wiener towards with me cute girl pictures.

What is this game?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Are you getting to a point soon on this whole "J is tunneling me" poppycock?

I'd say I tunneled Soup more than I have you.


Jun 7, 2012
I was skimming through real fast before responding to ****
But wtf bardull? "Having similar reads is good because it lets me push my agenda"
Is onebkf the scummiest things ive ever ****ing seen stated in a thread


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
>J comes into this phase, votes me, says I'm his target for today, proceeds to question me like 6-7 posts in a row on topics that don't matter much.
>Claims he's not tunneling my slot, immediately pivots, tries to act like a wiener towards with me cute girl pictures.

What is this game?
That's how J posts. I've been watching him (said early on that I suspect him) but he was just questioning you, and he always votes for someone when he wants to get their attention. This is J play. Not just J scum play, but also J town play. I'm not saying he's town, but this point you're bringing against him doesn't have any weight behind it. If I felt like he backpedaled in the slightest, I'd call him out on it myself. Reading through today, I did not feel like he was tunneling you at all, but rather getting information.

Don't mistake this as defending J. He and Glyph are the two people I want to hear the most from today. #HBC | J #HBC | J Withdrawing your vote right before someone is hung to make sure you're not on the list of people who voted can be a very smart thing to do as Mafia, especially when it's obvious they're dead meat. Not that doing that is a suspicious act in and of itself, but I find it interesting.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Are you getting to a point soon on this whole "J is tunneling me" poppycock?

I'd say I tunneled Soup more than I have you.
Yes. This is about ensuring that you think twice before going at me again, although I'd have imagined you would have figured it out by now.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I was skimming through real fast before responding to ****
But wtf bardull? "Having similar reads is good because it lets me push my agenda"
Is onebkf the scummiest things ive ever ****ing seen stated in a thread
This slot is also a problem.

If I read someone as Town, and someone reads someone else as Town, then I don't need to worry about someone contesting my approach to a given slot.

What exactly is the problem here, and why does it deserve a vote?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Slick, I would love to read a post from you that doesn't have a qualifier after everything. Bro, you gotta take a stance a bit more haha. Like who exactly are you looking at and why isn't your vote on them?

BarDulL BarDulL What in the world answer is that supposed to mean? You can't be getting this bothered over one vote and a series of questions. If anything, this makes me want to push you even harder.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
BarDulL BarDulL What in the world answer is that supposed to mean? You can't be getting this bothered over one vote and a series of questions. If anything, this makes me want to push you even harder.

Someone else comment on this, J is no longer making any sense to me.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
Slick, I would love to read a post from you that doesn't have a qualifier after everything. Bro, you gotta take a stance a bit more haha. Like who exactly are you looking at and why isn't your vote on them?
Yeah, you're right. Or, are you? You could be wrong. or you could be right.. ;)

I try, I just have social anxiety and some of you guys seem to get personally offended when accused lol. But also, during the beginning of the day, I try to just get my thoughts in the open and see if they bounce, or just fall dead, so I can pursue the process, or find a better one.

I don't know how strong of a scum lean I get from Glyph, but his slot definitely bugs me. As I've said from the beginning, I believe either you or him is scum. So if we lynched him, it would tell us a lot about you.

I'm not gonna vote until tomorrow. We have till Friday, I'm in no rush.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Getting voted and lynched is just part of the game. Do not worry about that portion when talking about your vote because as a town member, it is your BIGGEST tool in game is your vote.

Besides your one of J/Glyph scum-read, who else are you looking at? With your thought, that is only 1 scum-read possibly and you still need to find 3-4 more at least so let's talk that out a bit since if you aren't going to vote we need you generating content more considering your cleared and mod-confirmed.

Give me at least 2-3 more scum-reads/leans that aren't J/Glyph.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2015
Ok, so here's somebody I'd actually like to hear more from:

Vote: FullMetalLynch

Seriously, who do you think is scum? I keep trying to follow your thought process this game, and all I can find is over the top responses to whatever recent snippet scores the highest on the surface level "gross ****" meter. You're in the bottom third of people voting, despite being the in the top third of people posting, and I don't feel like anybody has come under any serious pressure from you.

Day 2 needs fresh wagons for the votal gods, and this is a slot that hasn't gotten nearly enough scrutiny.

(@Soup , this doesn't mean you're off the hook, but your content yesterDay after you calmed down, and early toDay gave me enough pause to merit a reread while I explore some other options. Please vote as soon as you get to that computer though)
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