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BISB 2 - Brawl Is Serious Business 2 Tourney Result


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise

Oh god, I was really ashamed of losing that match x.x My first main was Tink, for god's sakes. I could use a lot more matchup experience though, that's for sure.

Good stuff, though.


Smash Master
Jul 26, 2005
Laval-Ouest, Quebec, Canada
My turn for shoutouts I guess.

First of all, a big thank you to swordgard for organizing a tournament which turned out to be much better than I thought it would be. The turnout was very nice and I had a really enjoyable experience. Sorry for not sticking around long to clean up, although I did clean up recycling in all the rooms early :lick:. Please hold more tournaments in that location, it was a blast, and I'll be sure to bring better sleeping gear next time!

Second of all, a big **** you to the brothers, Ally and Holy. I got 3rd in Brawl Low Tier (Lost to Ally's Falcon and Holy's Sonic), second in Brawl Doubles (Lost to Ally and Holy 2x), and 3rd in Brawl+ (Lost to Ally's Wario and Holy's ROB). I'd be a couple hundred bucks richer if it wasn't for you guys. God ****.

Third of all, I don't think swordgard's deodorant rule was stressed enough, at least in the sleeping quarters LOL. Thank goodness there were plenty of classrooms to choose from :chuckle:.

Lastly, I'm not a big fan of the ruleset that was used for Brawl Low Tier, specifically the allowance of Sonic. As it stands, Sonic is C tier, and is ABOVE Sheik, who was not allowed in the tournament. I don't mind if characters considered as Low Tier are either derived from the 'Low Tier' subsection on the tier list, or considered Low Tier based on being in tier divisions D, E, and F, but to make an arbitrary DEF+Sonic rule bugs me. Why not let me use Wolf then? Where does the line stop, and why does this line not include Sheik? In any case, I feel this rule robbed KingKong, Stroumbert, and myself of potential victories due to Holy being allowed to use a better character. Whatever, what's done is done, and I shouldn't have let myself get grabbed so much, although I'd still say the same thing even if I had beaten Holy.

Now for some individual shoutouts:

Ally: ****, you ***** me in every event. I never expected your Wario to have such nasty chains. Adding to the fact that I have no knowledge on that kind of matchup was a recipe for disaster. We'll have to play more sometime unless you just want to beat me in every tournament with a big yawn. Also, your Falcon is out of this world. So is your Snake, as usual. Are you a space martian?

...OH YEAH, THANKS FOR MAKING ME LOSE GUARANTEED MONEY AGAINST DOM AND HIS BIG GRIN. Seriously, I get bull**** outside of Smash as much as in Smash. :(

Holy: You and your brother are on another level over us peasants. I finally got revenge on your PT. Sonic sucks. So does ROB. You grab more than swordgard, and that's including all the grabs he does per infinite! Step up next time, you got frustrated and outplayed by your brother in every event, and Swordgard was 3 steps ahead of you in that set. I don't think you were yourself.

Dom: Congratulations for winning undeserved money, but I forgive you for your more than deserving doubles performance. Have you ever considered MMing people in 1v2's, or having a starting % of 150? You'd be rich. Seriously though, we played really amazing, our chemistry just worked so well when it counted. Who needs wifi, eh?

Kingkong: Lol, I played you in every event. Sick Bowser, I don't know how you overcome some matchups with him, but yeah, Wolf is just absurd in B+.

chet: We probably could have had a better set in B+, but I think we were both pretty tired. I had a 3 hour sleep advantage over you, which translated into 3 less SD's than you :chuckle:. Nice work in Melee although Kage ***** you when he lands a hit.

Pest: Living with Vincent shows, I was just a punching bag on your way through the brackets. I'll try not to look like a 1-handed player next time.

Zac: I guess you've kept in shape more than I have, since I got smoked by you too.

Agora: I'm so sorry for getting you sick! On the positive side, you're the only one I know who got it from me :p. Apparently, it made you play well in Brawl, so you can thank me later.

Stroumbert: Your Falcon is so beast. If I wasn't so **** amazing you would **** me for sure. I guess I'll need to work on the Link matchup if I want to stay in brackets next tournament.

Buenob: Was very happy to see you again, and sad that I had to defeat you on the way to greatness. Apparently you're a beast at BlazBlue.

Rest of Ottawa: Thanks for playing poker!

filauc: Thanks for the poker chips. How did we let vrud cash again?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2009
Ok quick messages to the people i played at the tourney. For the others, well i like you all, your a nice comunuty

Thanks Silverdoc, but haha i think ally is too good. He must have god mode on or something.

Strombert, GG man, its 1-1 now, maybe you win our next fight :p

Guard,next time we play more, was fun seeing you

Buenob, very good rob . it was a big diference for me, you don't play like holy or agora at all. I think we should have played a few frienndly

Oh Thanks Techio, you and agora pretty good too. This is more related to last weeklie, but nice toonlink ! thanks for the "just powershield everything" tips, but its not that easy :p

Jerry,GG That yoshi was mad agressive, i think you could do very well in double.

Alpho, fun playing you, sorry i play so ****** and grab release your lucas with snake :( that was a bit wrong

Swordgard nice tournemnt, i was real proud of you when you beated ally, i think you could do it again. Obviously i would be ready to put money on it again. What do you say joel :p

Holy ;) Now we have to train to beat swordgard. My 3rd game against you was easily my favorite match of the weekend, very nice comeback ! your too good marco

Ally, wow i wish you tell me how to beat swordgard and your brother :p hopefully i give you a closer game next time we play

And Joel it was my pleasure teaming with you, your too good in double. And wow you did real good under pressure :p

Kingkong, good job still, i would bet money you place higer next tournement,

and muchl gay love to kev and fizzi and his mummified partner chet


Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2009
haha i just read your post joel, did you knew you were a funny guy ?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2007
I think he cashed in because I lost a coin flip where I was a favorite to you.

Oh and I almost forgot..

Cynan Machae

Smash Journeyman
Oct 3, 2007
Montréal, Quebec, Canada
I might as well do some shoutouts.

First of all, as my first tourney which wasn't a small smashfest with friends, I really had fun and hope I can come again next time. Didn't get really good results but that was expected and I gained some precious knowledge. And next time I wont show up after a 6 months hiatus without any practice :bee: (dead wii is bad :( )

1: Ally: Good finally metting the top canadian player, you play really is amazing. I had seen the Snake and CF before, but **** that Wario in B+ was impressive. Amazing work there. And sleep deprivation is not good for conversation, lol.
2: Swordgard: Thanks for organizing this awesome tourney, really enjoyed it. A good first tourney is important to convince people to come again and maybe bring some friends; which I will do.
3: Holy: I hadn't seen you play much prior to this; I can't say why. But really your R.O.B. just ***** and you Squirtle really impressed me (PT overall but even more the little blue ball)
4: Dom: Amazing Snake in Doubles, really, that was impressive. Oh and don't worry about those grab relase vs Alpho (the friend which I brought with me); I'm not sure he even noticed, lol.
5: Stroumbert: God that set in low tiers was total ****, lol. My zelda is really not on par with any of my other mains, but sadly no other is low tier :( Looking forward to some friendlies in Quebec City; there is definitely a lot of stuff I can learn from a player your caliber. From what I've seen of your Falco, it's quite different from typicals Falcos. But it was quite effective :p Good job on your tourney results!
5: Mar1: Even tho Snake is usually the matchup I can do well, there really was too big a margin in skill. I lost so bad first match lol. I'm glad I almost won second match, but that was on RC so, heh :p . And thanks for the Doubles friendlies, was fun.
7: Agora: I really enjoyed our set, letting aside that SD on RC where I have no idea why I went throught that platform, which kinda destabilized me for the remainder of that match :( Still, I think I did well on the first match, but I really need to pay attention more to R.O.B. mains and the like, when they know even more than me how to use my armor pieces ;)
9: Guard: Thanks for the Doubles friendlies, those were pretty good games, it was fun. You Fox is pretty good, I wish I had the chance to play you in 1:1s.
17: Alpho: Hm, thanks for the lift, lol.
17: Linkshot: I wish I could have played your Lucario, and good set in te Doubles. I really need to get some practice with ZSS in teams.
17: Znot: Thanks for all those friendlies, your Luigi is nice. Kept getting hit by those misfires, lol.
17: Hells: Nice Toon Link, thanks for the Doubles friendlies.
25: Steb: That Brawl+ game of Ness vs Luigi on Delfino was just too hilarious lol. PSI Magnet ftw.
25: Frr: ZSS representation! We'll have to play a ZSS ditto sometime.
25: SnowD: Good set, I really thought I was going to loose halfway throught the second match when you started ready my play way too well. Good Wolf, ZSS doesn't like you :p

Frank: I really should have gven more of a challenge in Brawl low tier.I'll John and say I was still getting back in shape :ohwell:
Shiro/Milord: Fun friendlies, and you're a fun guy in general. Hope to see you again next time.
ThatGuy: TeamLiquid represent! I don't post there much either, but good to see other TLers. And your Mario really is good, especially in the Brawl Doubles.

All melee players: All I saw was pretty impressive, keep it up guys. I really need a lot more practice before even trying some friendlies :p

So that's about it, I hope I didn't mix up names or something, lol. I might have forgot someone or two someones, I'm not sure, if yes, I'm sorry :embarrass . I wish I had played friendlies with more different people, but heh, there's still a next time.

Looking forward for next time!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2006
Cynan! Our match completely slipped off my mind, even though I waited for it for like an hour! You were about to get disqualified XD

I blame my victory entirely on the match-up experience I had against FRR, my Brawl apprentice, whose been practicing ZSS for months. He's gotten really good at using the shield pieces, so, consequently, I've gotten decent with them myself : P

He's always going off about how ROB vs ZSS is one of ZSS' best match-ups, and how he doesn't get why Rainbow Cruise is her best counter-pick since he always ends up suiciding in it; ironic that you would pick that exact level and not prove him wrong as he was watching our match, lol. Hope to see you in a future tourney, all leveled up to take us on ; )


Smash Cadet
Jun 22, 2007
As I said, amazing tournament swordgard, Good luck for the next one :)

As of my first irl tourney, I am satisfied with my results but I wish I could've make it top 10. Ah well, I didn't have much luck by facing Dom first round xD Anyways, I'll try to make better next time, and I'll probably still go all yoshi =)

I don't remember really nicknames and everything, so I'll make comments about my tourney matches

Dom: AMAZING snake, and I really want to insist on the AMAZING. Usually my yoshi is a really good CP on snakes (well, that is online) I think you're the first snake my yoshi ever lost to. And they were both 2-stocks >_>. But I don't think I did my best on those matches, I'll try to do better next time. Until there, I will practice online (yea, online >_>) Dom, I can't play doubles btw xD

Steb (aka bye) that was an easy 3-stock, I hope you will be playing better next time [/sarcasm] Srsly I hope next time we will be able to play =O I hate to advance in a tourney without playing =(

Haze: Amazing diddy kong. Can I make a ''I-lost-my-first-match-bcause-I-didn't-take-off-tap-jump-johns''? LOL jk. Anyways, amazing matchs, I hope we can play again some time =)

Hidef: You made me learn that Kirby is a REALLY BAD matchup for yoshi. daaaam*, both 2-stocks (I think xD) Next time I play your Kirby, I'll take Rob, now we'll see who will win it =D Anyways, amazing kirby, I really enjoyed getting pwn my something else than a MK =)

Brawl low tier:

I don't know why I don't remember your name. Elmo wasn't it? Anyways, great first match, as you can see even if I get pwn in my first match I can still win the set, so watch out next time :p anyways, good falcon, great falcon punch on me, it was sawksy

Kage : Wow. Really Nice Ike. That BO3 was the best of the whole tourney. All 3 matches were 1-stock 1xx% for the one who won, before the end noone could know who wins. Nice FSmash mindgame at the end also. I hope we can play again some time, because it was really fun =).

Hate: That footstep kill at low % and spike at the second life were cheap. CHEAP xD. Anyways, great samus, really fun matchs, even though you won the set by 2 matches. Those samus vs yoshi were amazing matches, next time I'll win it. Oh and how did you find that tech after your spike at 100%+? daaaam* I think it pwned, but that's just me :p


SwordGard: HOW THE FUC* CAN YOU COMBO A JIGGLYPUFF? xD. Amazing Lucario lol. Brawl+ is so amazing, I think it's bad that they made lucario combo jigglypuffs xD Anyways, great matches, next time I'll beat you... or not..

Fizzi: Ken called so he could get his combo back :p Great snake, you just pwned my jigglypuff and marth. How can you come back after a Ken combo, Iunno, but next time you won't be able to come back x). Oh, and I don't know about your DDD how good it was, Jigglypuff's combo to rest are simply easy to do against him so yeah... =)

And that's it for tourney matches. Thanks a lot to everyone who played freeplay with me (especially samthedigital with all melee matches he gave me.

I won't comment melee single and brawl doubles, I simply got pwn. I dunno why, I played much better in freeplay than tourney matches. Too bad.


white walker
Jul 28, 2006
I hope my random trashtalking/cheering people made them have more fun.
I'll post up some shoutouts later.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Whose's wii was it that had b+ the first day?

couple of good ones on it.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
lol i was kinda jokign wit hthe harassment thingy, just lst tourney, i didnt see them videos or maybe it was nother tourney.
Bisb 1: Uploaded

Its a trap!: I dont think we actually recorded any of them lol.


Smash Cadet
Nov 13, 2005
I loved the guy who stood at the front of the classroom and played GunZ all tournament. He was beast. Please come to the next tournament!


Smash Cadet
Nov 13, 2005
I was the gunz player harhar, just came to cheer or swordgard.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2005
Quebec City
Whee, this was a really fun tourney for me. I have to say, though, getting 5th in Montreal all the time (in Brawl singles) is getting somewhat redundant. I'm starting to think I might be cursed or something! :( Oh well, at least I got 4th in Brawl Low Tiers. I like that we had a live stream this time around, too.

Ally - I know I fought your Falcon in dittos back in FFYF 2's low tier tourney and I remember you beating me, but after watching you play other people in the low tier, I realized that your mindgames with Falcon are even more amazing than I thought. I mean, I don't consider myself to be a scrubby Falcon, yet that's exactly how I felt after watching your low tier set with Holy. You're way too unpredictable at times and your reflexes are mad good. There's a lot I could learn for Falcon just from watching you play. Props to you. You should pay a visit back to GameFAQs once in a while. That'd be certain to cause a reaction, haha.

Swordgard - I seriously need a good counter against the ICs now. I thought my Link would actually stand a chance against them, but oh wow was I wrong; I'm just glad I didn't get 3-stocked by you. My ego has been crushed enough times by you already, so at the next tourney, I'll finally be ready for you! (really)

Holy - I didn't get to play your R.O.B. this time around, but your Sonic did a good job of kicking me out of the low tiers, so congrats to you. Looks like I'll have to look into the Sonic match-up a bit more.

Dom - Argh, how dare you 2-stock me on the live stream when our friendlies were so close! D: I'll get you next time for sure. :)

Mar1 - I had lots of friendlies with you and they were all fun. Looking forward to seeing you at the next tourney and Wi-Fi!

Knuckles - Good games during the tourney; you have a pretty good MK. I'd suggest being careful with how you maneuver the tornado since I kept being able to DI out of it.

Guard - Your Ike's really good; you scared me more than once during the low tier tourney. I'll be looking forward to facing you again!

Hidef - Close games during the tourney. Good Kirby.

Buenob - I was happy to get to face you in friendlies before you left. Wish we could have played more, but oh well. Nice R.O.B. as always.

Jerry3333 - We only played one game, but I was pretty impressed with your Yoshi. I'd say you were too aggressive, though. I'd like to fight you again at some point.

Kingkong - You've got an intense Bowser. Great games in both the low tier and normal tourneys.

Hells - Sorry that I had to be your first match in the tourney even though we had already been playing for about an hour before then. :(

Cynan - I'll be looking forward to playing you again in Quebec City. Add me using stroumbert@hotmail.com if you want to talk.

Hate - Really nice Samus; you've got great spacing with her (as I already told you at the tourney). I just wish I could have saved more replays against you.

Joel - Amazing Mario as always. Looks like I might have won in low tiers if only I had gone Link, but then again, we can't know for sure. Great games overall.

Sorry for the late shoutouts. I had exams every day this week, so I couldn't find any appropriate moment to type these. :(


Smash Cadet
Jun 22, 2007
Yeah amazing falco, and that's something I should improve for next tourney, play less aggressevely, especially against top tiers lolz. Anyways, next time I'll go for top 10 mwahahaha :p


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2007
this was my best tourney yet I finish 5 in brawl single and 9 in low tier
I think I should be higher in low tier because I lost to holy and swordgard

Ally - **** ur snake is amazing our match was realy fun I was sure to won the match when I put u on the water in Delfino :s

Agora - Your rob is realy good our match was very intense see you at the next tourney

Holy - I didnt play ur rob this time but our match mario VS pokemon Trainer was realy close
ur squirtle is just too good

KKong - I was sure to lose when u say that double blind thing. But our match DK vs Bowser was realy close I got a free kill because u didnt know the stage spike on japes and our match in battlefield was realy close oh and ur peach pwn in team

Cynan - Great ZSS u almost won on RC

Guard - You have a good fox even if we dont play.

Jerry3333 - you have a realy good yoshi and our melee match was fun

Hells - **** next time we will rank in team

Stroumbert - Our match mario vs falcon was realy fun your falcon is just too good

Fornax - our match was realy close but u counterpick the wrong stage

Swordgard - **** ur too pro with IC everytime I do a mistake u kill me :mad: and the last kill of the mario vs lucas was ***** bull**** lol


Smash Hero
Aug 25, 2008
Hermit in the Highrise
Personal shoutout to Hate's Samus:

No matter how well you can tech

You don't **** with Ness XDD

People I wanted to get hardcore matches against (in vBrawl):

Swordgard (thanks for the friendlies, though!)
Ally (I'm confident I can put up a fight against your Snake)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2006
Kingston, ON
how did the top 5 / 6 players for melee play out?
To the best of my memory:

zac lost to chesterr 2-3 and kage 0-3
I lost to vwins 1-3 and chesterr 2-3
vwins was never sent to losers
pkm lost to kage 2-3 (1-3?)
pest lost to chesterr in losers 1-3 not sure who he lost to in winners

Anything other than that I fail to recall at the moment
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