1: AndyG good job takin first man
2: MexiMadnez crazy squirtle man, i wanted to get to play you
3: Spammer good **** dude, ur fox is really good sorry for gettin pissed like i did, btw i'm king of kirbycides lol
4: Vex Kasrani: nice matches dude, **** lucario, i hope they nerf him
5: Gonzo: stop SD'ing u idiot
5: NinjaLink: Step it up man, hot hacks on ur wii BTW
7: The Cape: good matches dude and thnx for housing us, wish we had got in some friendlies
9: JCaesar: u shoulda stayed ROB it would have been a lot closer
9: Turbogilman: Good Shiz dude! i gotta come by ur place for more of that brawl crack fo sho
13: Shanus: Nice to meet ya, PLEASE NERF LUCARIO AND MARTH!!!!!
13: Thunderhorse: Nice to see ya dude, wish u coulda came up for teams.
13: Count Kaiser: Yo great job in teams man, i'm sorry for SD'ing so many times, sorry
25: Yeroc: Dude thnx for the ride, i'm really sorry about the run around when i fell asleep, thnx again so much cuz i really needed it.