I'll make my top five list.
1. Checkers; There french fries are so damm good, the season they put in it is just a flawless taste in my mouth. <3
2. Mcey D's, (McDonald for short); They fires kind of fell off over the years dispite being the number one restaurant of the year a good amount of times. It's still good but not as it use to be.
2. Burger King; Yep, they fries did a great improvement over the years and desrves credit for that, and that, I'll give them third.
4. A&W; Yep, I had to put this in one of the top five for a reason, on of my favriote places to go, even though they are not number one on french fries but it has good taste.
5. Wendy's; I think Wendy's fries got better/worst over the years. Some area's give you a good amount of salt, some give you too much salt, some just don't give salt.... at all. T_T
Yea, that's my list, I would put Coney Island up there but that's too epic. ;p