So this is it. The beginning of the big reveals. The head honchos. The legends. Unsurprisingly, old AGame legends like Mashad, Tom, and Eor all made the eminently short list of Batman: We Own the Knight's complete winners. However, we see evidence of advance in this presently oh-so-small community within DGames with the presence of Macman. Macman was a brand new DGamer when he joined Batman: WOTK, with a few mafia games under his belt and, well, that's about it actually. Early on, he made rookie mistakes that could have completely destroyed the game for him. Somehow, he managed to work from that point and move forward, getting better and better at the game with every Day/Night cycle. Eventually, he found himself here, on the shortlist of complete winners.
That's a pretty incredible 180.
Regardless, this post is going to be about one of the AGame legends - Tom.
Player Name: Tom
Character Name: Catwoman
Character Identity: Felicity Esprit
Complete Win
Role PM:
Tom said:
CATWOMAN (Felicity Esprit)
It's a dog-eat-dog world, and that's why it's so fun to watch from afar.
No one can blame a girl, of course. Not when she so resembled her dead mother that her father would not look her in the eye and drank himself to death. Not when she is forced to sell herself as a seedy, dominatrix prostitute for several years, before scraping together enough money to buy a small property and run her own pet store.
In fact, with such a cold relationship with humans, it is easy to understand why a girl might just sympathize better with animals.
And even moreso, why she might just take up a costumed mantle, inspired by the Batman, to get what she wants. The riches plundered by men at the expense of weaker men and women... and animals.
You own a pet shop called "Gotham Unleashed", which is in the dark red district just beneath Finger River (33).
You live an apartment building on Trinity Place (51).
You employ two people: Augusto, a young male who hits on you frequently. He works from six to two. The other is Miriam, a high school aged girl who loves puppies. She works from two to ten and closes up. For Christmas you gave Miriam a free golden retriever, and she has been a great friend of yours since. You pay them both about nine hundred dollars bi-weekly.
Your pet store averages about 8400 dollars in profits, after subtracting your employees' wages (3600) and the lease/utilities of the business (3000). This does not include the cost of buying animals and such.
You still have the dominatrix costume you used to wear in your street days. You have modified it to be slightly more catlike. You also have the whip still.
Your apartment costs 700 dollars a month and the utilities are 300.
A high school friend named Roy Bennett, a successful inventor, expressed interest in building you spy type tools for burglaries when you confided what you were about to embark on. When you refused to accept charity, he offered that you could trade for or buy them, and also mentioned that he knew some wealthy friends that may want to purchase some swag.
You are extremely agile, with serious gymnastic skills and flexibility. You are also a very fast runner and lithe parkour artist.
You have a fair amount of martial arts experience as well, although it works best when mixed with your acrobatics.
You are of course, quite experienced with your whip...... .... y'know, because..... yeah.
You have claws in your gloves that are quite sharp, although they don't have much penetrating power. All the same, a cat scratch is never pleasant.
Seduction -- You are an attractive woman, and given your past, you know how to manipulate men.
Batman & Robin
Batman was the one that put a stop in her movement through the criminal justice system, convincing Dent and Gordon that she was more valuable out and about as a possible resource they could count on. This occurred sometimes, such as when she helped Batman with the Time Adventure riddle, or investigations, or in helping to arrest Bane. [Sidebar: I completely forgot to go into the arrest of Bane -- care to shed some light in your inevitable big post, Tom?] Other times, however, she was quite a detriment, given the inherent duality of her character. She was also more often interested in messing with Robin than helping him.
The Joker
Catwoman performed two big jobs for the Joker. One was her impromptu decision to aid him in the Fundraiser, as she took out Robin before he could enter the fight and then attacked Plague Doctor to even the odds. When Batman and Plague Doctor almost recaptured/killed the Joker as he attempted to flee, she stopped this from taking place. Shortly thereafter, she agreed to take out a Chechen-turf drug lab for the Joker, which produced her only kills of the game. Though I'm not sure why.
Carmine Falcone & Salvatore Maroni
Catwoman had a constant rapport with Falcone. She was the courier that gave him Harvey Dent and collected the bounty. She was the one that convinced him not to kill Bane. They worked together on The Bank Job to End All Bank Jobs (more on that later). All in all, Falcone quite enjoyed her company and theirs was a mutually beneficial relationship. Catwoman also maintained relations with Salvatore Maroni, although little came of it. She paid her respects to Falcone and kept things on friendly terms.
Mr. Freeze
You could say she shared more of a relationship with Dr. Melvin Taransky, the good-hearted scientist, than Mr. Freeze in a way. But that's the thing that makes Mr. Freeze so interesting. Anyway, although they both harmed each other in pretty big ways (see below), they ended up patching it up, and had a great number of nice talks. He also provided her with some Freeze technology in exchange for some research materials he needed.
The Riddler
A very significant one, as they ended up living together and being significantly involved in the business of one another. They shared technology, skills, money, and goals to the Nth. More on this dynamic is below.
Possible Alliances:
Killer Croc
The animal-like state of Croc's mind and life was certainly not lost on me in designing the game. The fact that his intentions were specifically deranged and evil while hers are placidly removed from the good/evil spectrum would have made for an interesting dynamic.
The Scarecrow
The duality at the core of Catwoman's character is interesting, and the fact that a Player Character psychiatrist in the game was one of the first things that came to mind. As a character whose sole purpose was basically to be bewildering with the cavalier manner by which they play both sides, and generally unpredictable, I felt like the Scarecrow could be a very interesting person for Catwoman to encounter. Even the casting was no accident, as I lobbied to recruit KevinM for the part, who is a close friend of Tom's and has an innate understanding of the way he thinks. Imagine how astonishingly pleased I was when Kevmo replied that the Scarecrow is one of his favorite characters in anything ever. This once again has the interesting evil/wild card dynamic mentioned above.
Any Crime Boss Except Roland Gambol
Any of them may have had use for a professional thief, especially if a gang war started, and that's one of the first things that came to mind when I was making sure the Catwoman character would have enough things to do in the game. Not Gambol for obvious reasons.
Rupert Thorne
A powerful man that may need to cover up traces of some of his pre-existing connections to certain power players in Gotham City, Rupert Thorne was always thought of by me as a guy who might hire a freelancer of sort to do some behind the scenes work for him and help him manipulate his affairs.
The Clock King
I think Catwoman would have sympathized with Clock King, as she can relate to having people use you for a service and discard you like trash and ruin your life in the process. Even moreso if and when she/they found out what Midland was actually up to (selling the M-cell through the back door to terrorist organizations and rogue governments because of its potential to massively enhance the power of a bomb). This would let her work towards both the good and evil sides of Catwoman simultaneously. And there would be plenty of stealing and stealthing to be done.
Not unlike Macman, Tom was coming back from a deficit. On Catwoman's first night, she made an ambitious heist in a high-rise skyscraper, the "C" building. Specifically, one of its art galleries. In the process she encountered some civilians that worked for another company in the building, and was forced to pacify them. Unfortunately, she didn't restrain them, and only one of them (the male) was violently knocked out. The woman ended up calling the police while Catwoman was still in the building, and as Gordon was in the area he took a drive nearby in time to see her car leaving, though he didn't know she was in it. Gordon decided to follow the car that was pulling out, tailed Catwoman to a gas station, and arrested her.
Interesting dramas unfolded from there. She attempted to stage a jailbreak with the sickly and dying Mr. Freeze, who had also been arrested and thrown in an ordinary cell with her. Gordon, Freeze, and herself were led to Freeze's house, where various things occurred. Eventually, Catwoman kicked Freeze to the ground, who attempted to shoot her dead but was disarmed by Gordon.
[sidebar: See, I wasn't just being nice when I said Lombo was good at the stuff you see Gordon do in the movies. He
was good at it. Really good. His flaws lied elsewhere.]
She made the argument for herself that she was just helping to deal with Mr. Freeze's bomb threat, and as the bomb squad had located the as-yet unarmed bombs in his home, she's right. She had. Considering this, the justice trio had a rooftop meeting -- Dent, Batman, and Gordon, who was told to bring Catwoman up and had her in cuffs and leg-irons. Seeing her potential as an ally, Batman argued for her release. Dent was ambivalent. Gordon was staunchly against it. However, as the debate wore on, Gordon trusted Batman's justice, and Dent did not oppose. Catwoman was released, given her things, and she promptly disappeared into the night.
The next heist of interest was a Midland Engineering factory. Can't remember if that was coincidence or inspired by Clock King's bombing the R&D plant or what. Either way, she broke in there and stole an M-cell. While she was there, the private investigator Dexter Hill (some of you may have met him at the Wayne/Thorne Fundraiser) was being given a tour, as the company had hired him to track down the plant's bomber. Catwoman was briefly detected while stealing the M-cell, and a short chase ensued, before she left Hill and the security guards watching her bungee swing over the fence and disappear into the inner city.
Shortly afterward, as her alter ego Felicity Espirt, she called Dexter Hill to meet him for a few drinks, ostensibly for business purposes. They met at the bar and talked for a while, drinking. Can't remember the decoy reason for her business, but they talked indeed. Hill, however, had easily deduced that this was the woman that stole the M-cell, and that she was making some kind of play/test. Unfrotunately for her, Dexter Hill was also The Riddler. One moment they were talking, and the next, several tranquilizer darts had fired into her throat from his wrist-shooter.
She struck him to the ground with a fierce punch, but as she tried to run she didn't get far before stumbling to the ground. The horrible screeching emanating from Hill's cane didn't help her balance, that's for sure. As she fell she rolled over onto her back, fumbling through her purse for her gun, and shot Hill in the chest. This was the only bullet she fired all game, interesting trivia.
As she lost control of her arm's motor functions, Hill rose, because he was wearing a vest, and knocked her out with his cane. Catwoman then woke up in captivity, naked in a pitch black cell, with some kind of device around her neck. She didn't care for that. She talked with her captor, and eventually convinced him to let her out of the cage and take her on as a business partner, for mutual interests. Riddler even put her under and removed her collar, while also applying some of a new formula for scar healing he had created/modified, which almost completely healed her gunshot scar from Mr. Freeze.
They worked together to abduct Roland Gambol, the gangster that used to run Catwoman as a prostitute. Posing as an NPC, Tom seduced Gambol. This was very uncomfortable for me, but also pretty damned impressive. In the course of disabling Gambol, Catwoman got shot in the stomach by him. However, The Riddler burst through the window on his jetpack, pumping Gambol full of tranqs and such. They then flew away before security could arrive to a nearby getaway car.
Riddler went back later to Dice and got there shortly after The Chechen had finished slaughtering Gambol's lieutenants. Riddler extended a hand of friendship, pointing to Carmine Falcone's recent employment of the Joker as evidence that he might need one of the "freaks" on his side in the futre. The Chechen hesitantly agreed. He also said nothing as Riddler stood there for several minutes filling a sack with money from Gambol's safe. Chechen presumably just didn't care about the money. They went their separate ways, Chechen with his new turf and The Riddler with ten million dollars. When he arrived back at the hideout, Riddler did the old "what's that behind your ear" trick, and it turned out to be "ten million god damn dollars!"
And then she tackled The Riddler to the ground and, well, you know.
This forged the longest-standing alliance in the game between Catwoman and The Riddler. They consulted with and worked with one another on almost everything. She would steal things for him if he desired them and needed stealth to acquire them, and he would provide her with gadget upgrades as he invented new things or refined prior inventions. She was Dexter Hill's +1 to the Wayne Fundraiser, which you can imagined turned some serious heads. She was also jointly-riddled with Batman on an adventure through time, the success of which she was instrumental in.
All in all, they definitely were able to rule the night, as their skills and resources complemented one another perfectly. They also performed numerous heists together, as The Riddler had obtained the city's architectural records from Harvey Dent when he captured him. Generally, Catwoman would perform the heist while Riddler would monitor from the base, feeding her information from the blueprints and the like. Notably, they robbed the contents of one of Gotham's larger banks by coming in from beneath, and Riddler got personally involved with that heist. Catwoman herself moved through the building to disable the security and recording equipment. Another fun one is that they were actually Santa and his sexy elf, the people who stole toys from several factories and delivered them to various charities and hospitals. She also helped The Riddler fight and capture Black Mask and some of his goons outside of a museum Black Mask was staking out for his next crime. Riddler and Catwoman's trust eventually grew to such a point that they shared almost all information with one another, including offshore bank accounts.
The romance also continued. No, there was no cybering. Somethin's wrong with your brain if that came to mind. I just do what "Grindhouse" did, which is patch in the words REEL MISSING when some erotic things are about to go down. For more trivia, Catwoman had the most sex of any character in the game, with The Riddler in second place. The Riddler's best gesture, if not abducting Roland Gambol and stealing all of his money, was probably purchasing a jaguar online from somewhere it was not getting a proper treatment. It was put in the garage, which ended up being a very interesting shared work space for the duo; half of it was turned into a tiny, indoor garden of Eden for the jaguar (Pandora) and then, later, the animals Catwoman was able to rescue from her pet store when the Joker burned it down. It was a rather peaceful place. On the other side was The Riddler's workshop, and one of his computer terminals. All in all, a great and notable partnership.
But Catwoman took many strides independently of the Riddler. She struck a precarious balance, intent to do as many evil acts as good. The Christmas-themed heists are one good example. Another would be the night Penny Plunderer derailed one of the L-trains as it was crossing a bridge, causing it to crash into another train and send hundreds of people -- those who weren't already dead -- into the icy and frigid waters. Catwoman, of all people, showed up and dove down to the bottom of the river to make frequent trips, saving as many people as she possibly could.
But there were dark actions, as well. At the Wayne Fundraiser, when the Joker attacked, she knocked out Robin and left him out of commission during the fight. She then attacked the Plague Doctor, who had arrived intent on killing the Joker. When Plague Doctor managed to get through her and mortally wound the Joker, Joker fled, leaping out do his helicopter and passing out halfway through the jump. As his henchmen tried to pull him up, Batman fired his grapnel into the Joker's arse, while Plague Doctor went to take potshots at the goons. However, Catwoman interfered, kicking Batman's grapnel away. Batman rushed her, but was not able to land an attack as she quickly cartwheeled away, slapped her whip to the helicopter's landing skid, and was carted away by the escaping chopper.
She maintained a good relationship with the Joker, talking with him after he had been stitched up and given a blood transfusion. Joker enlisted her to help with his attacks on The Chechen's operation, and she did so by burning down a drug lab on the Chechen's turf. This killed about nine people, and accounted for all of her kills in the game. Despite this, he would decide to do things such as burn down her pet store, and was always carrying the idea of killing her, chopping her up, and eating her over rice noodles somewhere in the back of his mind. And despite that, they would find ways to work it out. I'm not sure if the Joker's impulsive attitudes reminded her of an animal, or what, but they had rapport.
She also liaised with Mr. Freeze, whom she was interested in for numerous reasons, among them the fact that he understands love and she doesn't. They would have many discussions, and ended up forming a great friendship. Before that, however, she broke into his home and stole his wife's wedding ring. That's cold, man. I can't remember if she ever owned up to doing so, but I believe she returned it at some point as they grew closer.
However, Freeze suspected that she had done so right after the incident happened. When she approached him shortly afterward, he agreed to create Freeze technology for her. However, he was also making his plans. When Catwoman made another scientific request at one point, Freeze gave her a list of metals and parts he needed to do so. When she arrived, he stuck her with a syringe of powerful anesthetic. She awoke in his laboratory, suspended over a pool of cryofluid. What ensued was probably the most horrible thing to happen to any individual player character, as Freeze repeatedly submerged her in the cryofluid until he was able to refine some processes for bringing one out of a cryostate. Frankly, I have no idea how they patched it up after that, especially considering that she was killed and subsequently revived numerous times during this process.
Regardless, Freeze found what he was looking for and released her, and she did not go seeking revenge. However, this tethers back into one of her more evil actions. As Mr. Freeze, now a very reformed Dr. Taransky that was curing numerous diseases, grew in prominence, The Joker took an increased interest in him. He appealed to Catwoman to know their location -- and she told him. I'm sure everyone remembers the result of that decision.
She also kept very good relations with the Italian Mafia, which started, humorously enough, when she attempted to break into Carmine "The Roman" Falcone's mansion, and was easily noticed. Falcone promptly invited her inside, and they chatted. Falcone eventually ended up hiring her to do a job; he and his boys wanted vengeance for what Harvey Dent did their kin. Falcone wanted him alive. Catwoman accepted.
She of course lucked out when The Riddler captured the Plague Doctor and he turned out to be Harvey Dent. With the sizable bounty on Dent's head, it took little convincing to take Dent from him. Catwoman delivered him to two men from Falcone's organization in a back alley, and came with them. Falcone made his spectacle of Dent to all of his men, as she watched from behind a muggy window. Eventually she couldn't bear to watch the grisly things that were happening, and walked away.
It wouldn't be long before Two Face would strike, killing Falcone and Stark. I believe Catwoman snuck in there and got a copy of the tape recording of the session, which allowed her to hear what Dent had become. I have to wonder what she thought of that; it's very interesting that Catwoman an instrumental cog in the corruption and lost souls of two of Gotham City's heroes. I wonder how she felt about that. Nonetheless, she kept her ties, touching base with Salvatore Maroni after he was promoted from capo to don. I don't think they ever worked together.
Of course, it goes without saying that she catted around plenty. She had a particular fascination with Robin, eternally seductive and manipulative. They never got it on, but there was a weird something or other there, given her strong reaction to Robin's death -- she stole his body from the crime scene before the police arrived and took it to Batman at the scene of a riddle, throwing at his feet and attacking him in rage for letting this happen.
They also fought numerous times. As Santa's Helper, she fought him in the treeline right before the edge of a cliff. After "Santa" had captured Robin, she attacked him again in what was presumably the most sexual tension-laden fight in the game, as he was in his underwear in a holding cell and she came in there in a bra and panties and they just went at it like nobody's business. Another time, she attacked him wearing the Plague Doctor costume, which Riddler had kept. Robin nearly killed both of them in the process. A very unusual relationship indeed.
And she wouldn't be Catwoman without a baffling relationship with Batman. Despite aiding the Joker's escape from the fundraiser, they still managed to continue their unusual blended enemies and friends routine, with -- of course -- occasional splashes of romantic tension. Sometimes they would fight, very briefly. Then suddenly they'd be in the Batpredator (jet), flying through the city and talking wistfully about the things they might do in the future when the city has calmed. Even Batman conceded that it was a nice thing to think about, though he was presumably going to arrest her once he was finished with the worse threats. Maybe he'd have let her go, though.
All through the game, Batman was an object of fascination for her. Far more than anyone else. She would often follow him around when he was fighting crime, just to watch him work. They also had a rather hilarious ritual where they would both place a tracking device on one another, then shortly after leaving each other's company, commence a ritual search for said bugs. If one would forget, the other would be disappointed. Eventually, the Joker told Catwoman his true identity, and she expressed this by showing up at Bruce Wayne's penthouse and having tea with Alfred. She hinted it very strongly, while also hinting that perhaps if Bruce could find someone like him, who understands the strange things he goes through, he could be happy.
Her most notable achievements are what follows. The theft of a priceless feline statuette, solid gold and jewel-encrusted, from Gotham's most well-secured museum, was a good one. My personal favorite, however, would definitely be when she
stole an entire bank. She didn't even steal the money. Just the bank. She did this by working with Carmine Falcone, knowing that he had a grip on several construction unions and companies. She liaised with a contact Falcone gave her about her idea, while Falcone liaised with the now-Mayor Rupert Thorne. Thorne agreed to provide permits for construction to the company and did so, though I can't remember what he was getting in return. He'd certainly have plausible deniability if they were caught, but it would rather clearly expose him as corrupt, even if nothing could stick legally.
At any rate, it played out like you would expect. Catwoman broke in, disabled the security, knocked out the goons. Where it diverges is with the construction company rolling in. For quite a while, they had been doing as much as possible to prepare for the bank theft without arousing suspicion, from weakening the foundations to securing large flatbed trucks nearby. The next she broke in, the vault was emptied, and then the building itself was partially demolished and carted away to a now-abandoned trainyard. The company (I forget the name of it/its CEO which is a shame as he was a cool character) took the money, with Falcone of course receiving a generous cut.
Another fun heist was when she broke into a ritzy car dealership and stole all of the keys but no vehicles. She also issued an open challenge to the world to steal anything from anyone, and was provided with one from an Anonymous person. This person wanted the identity of Batman. She did manage to procure his identity in response to this -- but would she have provided it to this person? An interesting question indeed.
Last of her more interesting actions was phoning Falcone while he was meeting with Bane in Santa Prisca, about to murder him. She cut a deal that she would, instead, take over custody of Bane. Probably an "I owe you one" kind of deal. Falcone agreed and smuggled Bane back into the country, and Bane and Catwoman teamed up. They immediately hit a bank job together, with Catwoman disabling the security's outgoing junctions, and then Bane simply murdering his way through the bank as outrageously violently as possible. Funny enough, they forgot to bring tansporation for this money, so they simply stole as much as they could in the bank's moneybags and went their separate ways. She had other plans, which I don't recall, that were thwarted when the Joker, as Benjamin Briggs, killed Bane.
Some other interesting relationships I didn't get to touch on much that Tom might want to shed some light on: Penny Plunderer, with whom Catwoman shared mutual hatred. This all started when they were locked up together and traded various insults, and PP exemplified rather vile behavior in contempt for her. She ended up calling on a guard, one that had a particular grudge against PP for being a cop killer, who was all too happy to march in there and get a bit happy with his nightstick, bludgeoning PP repeatedly before being kicked away. Interestingly enough, PP actually planned to burn down her pet shop, and just hadn't gotten around to it yet when Joker ended up doing so.
Harvey Bullock. I can't remember how their rivalry started, but it was a big one. The most notable culmination here was when she called Bullock on his phone to talk to him, and Bullock immediately got a trace going and played to her ego to complete it. She was forced to flee into the frigid waters of the bay and swim away as plainclothes officers approached her. They ended up firing into the bay but did not hit her. Honestly I feel like I was a bit too lenient with the effects of the cold water, as the amount of time she spent in there would have killed her, so it's possible she should have been recaptured there. Just as an aside. However, I forgot that it was late november in Gotham City, so on we went. She caught a taxi, who recognized her picture from the papers, and found a way to report it without her noticing. I forget how... I think he texted it in, or maybe it was just that he flagged down a passing cop car. Either way, he ran out of his taxi on Sprang Bridge, and a patrolman approached the vehicle. Escaping, Catwoman whipped up to the top of a passing truck, though she was shot in the back as she did so. Luckily for her, she was most of the way to Old Gotham, and managed to make it to the Riddler before passing out. He was able to save her life because he had long since established and maintained a blood bank for exactly that sort of scenario. ****ing Riddler, man. So much anticipation. Funny enough, Bullock impounded her car because he noticed it when he was driving to the scene where MCU and Batman were taking down the last of Black Mask's gang. In turn, Catwoman had resolved to steal it from MCU... and his badge. Shame that never happened, I found it super amusing.
Another was Black Mask. I can't remember much other than that she hated him and he hated her. I think it was because he used her as the fall guy for his attack on the Department of Waste Management, and maybe he said some cruel **** to her in person, when they met after his capture.
Yet another interesting one was The Scarecrow, whom Catwoman helped The Riddler in capturing as well. Knowing from Riddler's research that he was the professional psychiatrist Dr. Jack Krilling, she wanted to know what he would think of her, have to say to her, because she felt so much confliction in all the duality of her actions. They had a brief but meaningful meaning, as she spoke to him and he psychoanalyzed her, rather quickly exposing her insecurities and troubles. Can't remember what came of it from there or even what Scarecrow's intentions were in doing so (benign/nefarious), but he left a deep mark in her.
The last I will mention is Charles Midland. For the life of me I cannot remember why Catwoman took an interest in Midland Engineering and its bull-headed CEO, but she did. I think this may have been one of her good deeds, as I recall her breaking into the main HQ in downtown and getting some information off Midland's computer for Batman. At any rate, she talked to and confronted Midland. Also, he punched her in the face, what a jerk.
Ultimately, Catwoman decided that staying in one coup just did not fit her, and also that she was done with Gotham City. She set aside half of the monetary assets shared with The Riddler into a new bank account, and made plans to leave Gotham City for Paris, leaving a goodbye note to The Riddler. Although it hadn't yet happened, nothing would have stopped her (with the possible exception of The Riddler himself). As such, that is what I consider to have canonically happened.
So, Catwoman finds herself in a new city, full of wonderful new things to steal, new friends to make, new enemies to make, and new friends to betray.
Kill Count: 9 - All of them were gangsters and chemists that worked for The Chechen, who perished in the drug lab fire she started.
Player Evaluation: Tom was great. What else can I say? He stole things. Then he stole things that were more difficult to steal. Then he stole things that should be IMPOSSIBLE to steal. And so on, and so forth. A few brain farts here and there gave him a bit of a workover, but Tom always kept his chin up and kept at things, ultimately pushing through them.
I knew before casting Catwoman that no one but Tom could pull it off. All jokes (tom is a girl, tom is a cat) aside, that's the real reason I cast him as such. And sure enough, he pulled it off so perfectly. That regal demeanor, the tension she fires up around people like Batman. The constant duality between villain and hero. It was always represented, and just as importantly, represented
well. Tom just...
became Catwoman. And the results were great indeed.
Tom even played off the silly moments of oversight so well, such as the time Batman ended a brief fight with her by wrapping her with the grapnel and hauling her into him. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and went to give him a kiss, forgetting that they were both wearing rebreathers, which simply clunked together. So she sighs, and hops off of him, pulling off her rebreather with a wry grin. That's just so damn Catwoman.
Catwoman is probably one of my favorite female characters in comics, and I couldn't be more pleased with the way she turned out, both in her portrayal and in the skill of hte player. And although Tom received a massive amount of assistance from The Riddler, he found creative uses for these resources, giving him ideas for new inventions and gadgets and modifications to make. I'm fully confident Tom could have been just as successful at the shoulder of anyone else in the game, as he would simply have used their resources instead, in an equally clever manner.
That took forevorrrrrrrr and ended up being her report card too, I guess, so I'll let Tom add anything he wants to elaborate on or etc and let y'all talk about it for a bit. Dunno when the next one will be up. Maybe this weekend, yet.