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Basketball Thread


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Knicks played ZERO defense tonight. I was arguing with people on the ESPN boards after their loss to Boston that as long as they have D'Antoni and Amare, they will not go anywhere. Perhaps if they had Melo, but Amare plays no defense, and any team D'Antoni has coached has been predicated on a run and gun, no defense style.

I didn't watch the Boston game, but Miami was getting way too many open looks. The Knicks should be embarrassed for playing such ****ty defense. Honestly, Miami should take this win with a grain of salt. Any team would have beaten the Knicks tonight with all the looks they gave up.

Mavs will be a true test though. Finally a game worthy of their skills. Mavs are a top defensive team, so let's see how Miami plays.

Edit: Knicks are seriously a reincarnation of the old Phoenix Suns lol.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Knicks played ZERO defense tonight. I was arguing with people on the ESPN boards after their loss to Boston that as long as they have D'Antoni and Amare, they will not go anywhere. Perhaps if they had Melo, but Amare plays no defense, and any team D'Antoni has coached has been predicated on a run and gun, no defense style.

I didn't watch the Boston game, but Miami was getting way too many open looks. The Knicks should be embarrassed for playing such ****ty defense. Honestly, Miami should take this win with a grain of salt. Any team would have beaten the Knicks tonight with all the looks they gave up.

Mavs will be a true test though. Finally a game worthy of their skills. Mavs are a top defensive team, so let's see how Miami plays.

Edit: Knicks are seriously a reincarnation of the old Phoenix Suns lol.
Yup there are still doubters...

Yeah the Knicks have terrible defense but where's the credit for Miami's defense? The Heat absolutely shut Stoudamire down when even one of the best defenders in the league, Kevin Garnett, couldn't do anything to stop him. The Heat just exposed a huge weakness on this Knicks team. It's quite simple. Their defense is atrocious, so when you're able to stop Amare on offense, the Knicks lose. Heck the Heat went as far as TRIPLE TEAMING Amare at one point... Nuff said.

Anyways, the Heat have a few rough games coming up ahead. They play Dallas Monday (I'm predicting yet another Heat victory), Lakers on the 25th (BIGGEST GAME YET), and then play the Knicks yet again on the 28th.

New Orleans HORNETS
Phoenix SUNS
Los Angeles LAKERS


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Phoenix is not rough lol. Especially with Nash hurt now. If anything, Phoenix should be easy for Miami given Phoenix has no bigs to push around Bosh.

And TRG, I never said the Heat would not be contenders. I'm saying they won't beat the team's elite in a 7 game series. So even if they do beat the Lakers (which I'm positive they will given Lakers horrible Christmas record), Boston, Magic, Mavs, Spurs, etc....I don't see them winning in a 7 game series. I'm a true believer of the playoffs dictating who the real contenders are (Atlanta Hawks fail).

Edit: I will say it again, Amare is not a franchise player. Dude plays no defense and is a terrible rebounder.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Yeah Phoenix does suck I copy-pasted this off of a thread in the Heat forums that was made quite a while back when Phoenix was seen as a pretty good team.

I agree, but teams start going on streaks like this to make a statement for the playoffs. What team in their right mind other than the Lakers, Celtics, Spurs, and maybe Dallas would WANT to go up against the Heat in a 7 game series right now? Slowly but surely people are finally realizing that maybe this Heat team IS one of the elites this year. Ignore the records for a moment... The fact that the Heat are improving as much as they have from the beginning of the season is what you really need to focus on. Our defense has been rock-solid despite the fact that our Center and PG positions are weak, our offense has been spectacular (which was expected), and Coach Spoelstra is finally looking like he has what it takes to handle this team.

But I'm still getting a little ahead of myself. It's still fairly early in the season, but things are REALLY looking up for this team.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
You are getting way too ahead of yourself. It seems like you just started watching basketball today. I believe it was the 2004 Mavs that started 14-0 and didn't make the finals. Remember when the Rockets won 22 straight? Yeah, still didn't get out of the first round. Overall though, the regular season is not the sum of the season. What are you going to say if the Heat lose to the Mavs, Boston, and Orlando again? What if the Heat go on a 3 game losing streak? Are you going to jump ship? One week a team can be playing very well, and the next week it will not. I like Spoelstra as a coach, but we'll see how he intends to make gameplans and adjustments when he gets into a series with Boston or Orlando. Cleveland for the past few years was a 60 win team and each time got bounced out before the Finals. However, their 2007 team I believe made it to the finals because LeBron caught fire vs the Pistons despite them being a lower seed.

Lakers are notorious for coasting throughout the season. Like how they went 52-30 in one year during the Shaq era only to nearly sweep the competition. Last year, they won 55 games I believe, and won it all as well despite the stories of Kobe being hurt, their defense being poor, Bynum has a bad knee, etc.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
No I've been watching plenty of basketball long enough to know that this isn't another Cleveland Cavaliers team that does amazing in the reg season and chokes in the playoffs. In fact, being a heat fan back then, I remember the 2006 Mavericks stomping all over the Heat during the regular season, but look who ended up winning the championship series 4-2 after being down 0-2 (thank God for Dwayne Wade). Once again you're only looking at records, but I'm actually watching all of the Heat games and seeing the improvement from the beginning of the year when this team was a laughing stock.

It's the amount of improvement and chemistry that I've been taking notice of. Spoelstra is finally getting good with the rotations, the Heat role-players are playing absolutely phenomenal basketball despite both Miller and Haslem being gone, and the Big 3 are just getting better and better. Don't even try to pretend none of that will translate into the post-season.

Bottom line I don't care at all if the Heat lose some games here and there it's just all about correcting the issues this team has in preparation for the playoffs, and honestly the Heat have been doing a hell of a job with that. Quite frankly I'm glad this team performed as terribe as it did towards the beginning of this season. It made us tougher and more focused.

EDIT: Oh yeah and if the Heat can at least beat Dallas OR the Lakers, I'll be more than satisfied considering that Dallas beat us already and the Lakers would have too towards the beginning of the season.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Everyone outside of Miami and Wade fans believe the refs cheated the Mavs out LOL. There are videos everywhere of "phantom" fouls being called for Wade. That was a BS series. I'm not blaming it on Wade or the Heat, but the refs, Stern (who I hate to death), and whoever is involved in that stuff. Here is an excerpt from Bill Simmons' book.

‎"wade and salvatore made one of the most memorable finals ever"
"salvatore bailed out wade time and time again from 30 feet away"

It's just a few excerpts, but that had to be one of the most disgusting Finals in NBA history.

And how do you know Miami won't choke in the playoffs? Wade is clutch, but Bosh and LBJ sure as aren't. Hell, even Big Z disappeared last year in the post season.

Edit: Before you say anything, I also do belief the refs played a hand in giving LA the 20 some point comeback vs the Kings that eventually lead to LA winning the series 4-3.

Anyways, I do think Miami will be there in the ECF unless they get eliminated in the second by Orlando, Boston, or even Chicago. If the playoffs started today, they would lose to Boston in the ECF given Orlando's recent struggles, and Noah being out.

One concern I do have is this. Wade turns 30 this year. That's the twilight year when speed declines, and you have to start developing a more consistent jump shot. These guys are locked up for 5 years I believe, so by year 3, Wade will be 32, LBJ 30, and Bosh 29? LBJ is going to lose his explosiveness, his quickness, etc. He needs to develop a consistent post game soon, and make his jumpshot more fluid. Same goes with Wade in regards to developing some kind of alternative game to counter his loss of speed.

Then again, Ginobili is fast as ever...or is he just crafty? Maaan would know.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 27, 2008
Everyone outside of Miami and Wade fans believe the refs cheated the Mavs out LOL. There are videos everywhere of "phantom" fouls being called for Wade. That was a BS series. I'm not blaming it on Wade or the Heat, but the refs, Stern (who I hate to death), and whoever is involved in that stuff. Here is an excerpt from Bill Simmons' book.

‎"wade and salvatore made one of the most memorable finals ever"
"salvatore bailed out wade time and time again from 30 feet away"

It's just a few excerpts, but that had to be one of the most disgusting Finals in NBA history.
Yeah, it was the case of a "superstar barreling out of control towards the basket to draw some sort of contact" series. I believe Simmons also made a comparison between game 6 and a WWE match. Yuck. Poor Mark Cuban (however controversial he is). The Mavs totally deserved to win that Finals.

In relation to this year's Mavs, I just don't see it happening. Not saying that one year always corresponds to the next, but there have been too many playoff meltdowns since 2006 to convince me that this year's rendition of the team is anything truly special. Yeah, they're red hot, but every team is bound to eventually cool off. Or completely melt down, like the Mavs are prone to do. Time will only tell.

.....how about those T'Wolves?!? Let me hear ya!!


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Yeah, it's events like these that do make me wonder if Stern sometimes has a hand in things to get TV ratings up and what not. I do remember that was the year Cuban drew a lot of fines for comments towards the organization, so maybe Stern also had it for him. Funny how Cuban has kept his mouth shut since then lol.

Nevertheless, Cuban is probably one of the best and coolest owners I know. He treats his players nicely and gives them a lot of benefits (free massages, jacuuzis, etc) at the stadium. I would love to play under him lol.

Edit: New trade in the talks involving Orlando, Wizards, and Suns. Orlando will be getting Hedo, Arenas, and J-Rich. They give up Carter, Gortat, and Lewis.

In my opinion, Hedo plays best with Orlando, Gilbert is a proficient playmaker and scorer. He'll most likely be their 6th man to boot. J-rich...well we know how ridiculous he can be.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Wow, just finished watching highlights to the Miami vs Wizards game. Good to see J-Howard back. A lot of potential for him going forward despite tearing his ACL last year. I always liked him on the Mavs, but his off the court issues were his downfall. Hopefully he's fixed that.

And how the hell does D-Wade get free throws on one end, but Hinrich doesn't? Talk about superstar treatment lol. Wizards gave the game away though.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
Yeah, the East is always wild because they stay in contention all year for a spot. 42-42 is enough to make the playoffs normally. Still fun to watch though.

I refuse to get involved in whether I think the Heat are for real yet, only because I love you two going at it. XD

I think Amare is an outstanding player, and is definitely a franchise player. Teams are nothing without offensive weapons, so you can't knock him for lazy defense. He makes up for it with hard-fought offense.

As for talking about refs controlling games... I don't think that's as prevalent as many think. I do however know that the league hates Mark Cuban and the Mavs, and I do know that Tim Donaghy(however it's spelled) has said on Dan LeBatard's radio show that Stern has told referees before that the Mavericks will not win a championship with Mark Cuban in charge.

I don't personally believe that's true, and that the Mavs will always be cheated, but that's what he said.

As for more current news, two things on the agenda:
Major Trade today.

Orlando Magic receive: Hedo Turkoglu, Jason Richardson, and Earl Clark
Phoenix Suns receive: Vince Carter, Gortat, and Pietrus, as well as next years Orlando 1st round pick and cash considerations.

That was big, but even bigger in my opinion:
Rashard Lewis for Gilbert Arenas. So, yeah. Big changes.

As for my own personal question: What do you guys think of the Spurs? Are they still just a boring team that doesn't impress?

Because from what I gather, people are starting to root against us because of our success, a la Boston or LA.

This comes up all the time, rumors about the league hating us because of our boring, all-business winning attitude, but most basketball greats love us. lol

The reason I asked this is because recently Manu's become a candidate for MVP in the early season, and immediately, sports writers around the nation said it won't happen because he's a Spur.

I personally don't think he's MVP caliber right now, but I think he's one of the best players in the league easily, and perhaps the best foreign player ever.

So, what do you guys think of Manu, and what's your take on the Spurs in general?

Bored: Manu's slower, it shows, but he's still extremely limber with the ball. His year of nothing has paid off big. His resurgence has made Tony Parker an unnecessarily expensive player in my opinion, but we're lucky to have them both. lol

As it stands now, Manu is more valuable then Tim, but they're both due credit for our success. They don't play well together surprisingly, but Manu makes our bench the best in the league like it was in our previous championship seasons.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
^And the Wizards were unclutch by missing free throws and committing a stupid foul LOL. That's why they are...whatever the hell they are. A lottery team. How was the game even that close without Gilbert and Wall?

Spurs are not boring anymore. From what I understand, they've installed a more uptempo offense that makes them more "entertaining" per say. I only hate the Spurs, because I'd rather have LA win lol. They barely beat Memphis tonight, but meh. I just want them to lose games so LA can catch up.

Manu is NOT MVP. I know the definitions vary, but no way in hell is he one. He is perfect for that system, but if you put Manu on any team...crappy or good, he is not someone who can shoulder the load and carry you. He NEEDS a Duncan, a Parker, or overall another star. A very good compliment all-star, but that's it.

It's hard to agree on him being the best foreign player. You have Dirk and Gasol in the mix as well. Manu and Gasol have the rings, but Dirk is practically unguardable. I don't think Gasol is the best foreign player due to his lack of consistency in the regular season (he brings it in the playoffs though). Dirk...he has no rings, and has a monkey on his back for choking, but it's become more apparent he doesn't have a true second banana and Stern just hates them. Again, Miami should not have won that title. Ginobili has had some down years due to injury. I mean...he got shut down by Sasha Vujacic a few years back LOL. Assuming he stays healthy, he'll be in the convo.

Though if you want to get technical Hakeem is the best. He was born in Nigeria lol.

KD has fallen out for MVP status so as of now. Orlando has gone south. Honestly, I would consider Dirk again. LBJ is always in the mix, but he has Wade and Bosh now. Assuming Orlando gets it going again, Dwight will be back in the convo. I also like D-Rose as well. Oh, and there's always #24.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Yes, LeBron cares more about winning then money. The same guy who said his dream is to be a billionaire.

LA always overpays their players. Nevertheless, they are always going over the cap to ensure they have a good roster on their team. I'm fine with Kobe getting paid that much, because after his contract his done, he won't see that kind of money again.

Also, I believe before Ray Allen's new contract, he was getting paid 20 mil a year. I guess he doesn't want to win too right?


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Plus, if I recall...LA taxes < Miami's


If that somehow goes through and Mavs land Kevin Martin...shiiiiiiiiiitttttt.

Actually, if I were the Mavs, I would seriously consider offering Butler, Haywood, and Barea (remember, Beaubois is due to return) for Melo. I'm sure Melo wouldn't mind signing an extension for a contender.

Kidd, Stevenson, Melo, Dirk, Chandler....soooooo legit.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Biggest game for the Heat yet is tonight I'm pumped!

This game will undoubtedly be close both teams have too much at stake tonight to allow for a blowout.

EDIT: Rough loss for the Heat but I was very impressed they could have easily had that game if their FT shooting was a little better... Oh well the match wasn't nearly as lopsided as the first time they played that's proof this team has improved greatly.

I'm very interested in what a 7 game series between these 2 teams would look like. D Wade and Lebron wouldn't play that bad in back-to-back games. I'm guessing it would come down to a game 7.

Good job Heat.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
I didn't watch the game, but the Heat went 11-31 from the 3-point line. Not a good average, and too many 3's... but you have to think that some of those shots would fall more often than not.

Heat played well.


Smash Lord
Jan 9, 2009
Cleveland, Ohio! my homeplace but for now living i
eh didnt see the game will watch the overview though
got tickets to the cavs vs utah which was sort of a wash

cavs need to establish themselves inside the post

it least if you gonna get beat take the game to move yourself to the inside perimeter.
thats a lesson that will help you for a life time


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
The Cavs were weak inside when LeBron was there too. Maybe it's the philosophy of the organization?

Big Z was never a dominant inside force(although he was great), and one of the biggest flaws in LeBron's game is his lack of initiative with his back to the basket.


Smash Lord
Jan 9, 2009
Cleveland, Ohio! my homeplace but for now living i
its weird cause besides the cavs the east is always physical on offence

this year is gonna be bumpy so you might as well take the games to force yourself in the post and experiment.
i just facepalm whenever teams resort to 3 pointers in the later parts of the game.

you not gonna be able to do that in a seven game series
why not drive lmao peoples defense naturally gets more rough/sloppy in the second half
get in and at the very least draw the fowl


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Biggest game for the Heat yet is tonight I'm pumped!

This game will undoubtedly be close both teams have too much at stake tonight to allow for a blowout.

EDIT: Rough loss for the Heat but I was very impressed they could have easily had that game if their FT shooting was a little better... Oh well the match wasn't nearly as lopsided as the first time they played that's proof this team has improved greatly.

I'm very interested in what a 7 game series between these 2 teams would look like. D Wade and Lebron wouldn't play that bad in back-to-back games. I'm guessing it would come down to a game 7.

Good job Heat.
Why do the Mavs have so much at stake? Unless you're implying they need to stay in contention for the number one seed, there isn't much at stake. Maybe the Heat did better, because they were at home, and had the crowd behind them? Don't get me wrong, they have improved, but once again, a stellar defensive team turned the Heat into a one dimensional offense...31 3 point attempts, and not many fast break points. Take that all day.

And D-Wade had a great game. LBJ was bad, but hey, Dirk was ICE COLD (one lay up out of 9 attempts) in the second half, Marion's only fg was a dunk, and Jason Terry didn't make a hoop in the first 3 quarters. I honestly credit LBJ's bad game to the Mavs defense. They didn't let him drive, they turned him into a jump shooter, and his post game was still abysmal (LOL at easy lay up missed).

Miami will always be picking on the lesser defensive teams, but against Mavs, Spurs, and Boston...they can't run in transition. I expect them to be able to run easily on the Lakers simply because Lakers don't know the term defense in the regular season. They think they can outscore you.

Also, when Desean Stevenson was in the game, D-Wade was shut down. Dude has improved his defense.

Finally, with Mike Miller back, James Jones (who's been playing great) is going to get less playing time...wonder if that even works in their favor now.

Best sequence of the game was close to end of second quarter when the Heat got 7 offensive rebounds in one possession LOL.

Edit: Also, Roddy Beaubois has yet to return. He'll be replacing Barea in the line up and we all know how lethal Beaubois can be...ask Maaan.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
7 in a row? Lmao, good **** Dallas.

At any rate though, I'd say that those statistics speak more to the Heat's true nature than anything.

Dallas is a good team. They played their style, and set the Heat off of their gameplan offensively.

And they still only won by 2. The thing about Miami is that they are nigh on unguardable as a team. Neither Dallas nor Miami have a true inside game, so I think they're a couple of very evenly matched squads that prove offense wins games. Until the playoffs actually get here though, we can only mention the fact that Defense and Inside consistency is what wins championships.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
Which is why they've had so much success so far. Every year before this? They can't win it all because of that weakness.

I'm not saying they're a weak defensive team right now though. They're silly good.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Of course, defense does win championships. I mean...the year the Mavs won the finals in 2006, they were the number one defensive team in the league. Though it does piss me off why the Lakers can't play that championship defense every night. Especially Gasol. Dude makes scrubby players look like they are the next big thing.


Smash Ace
Feb 14, 2007
Texas (UoH)
A few things:

Houston should start heating up again now that Brooks is back. Also, Scola is a hella underrated player, he's mad good.

I don't think Miami has a chance because they really only seem to have 3 players... like seriously... as hard as it is to believe, everyone else on the team is terrible. I only feel like the white ghost is satisfactory in any given game. Anyone else noticed that Wade seems to be doing better than Lebron? Maybe it's just his familiarity with the team.. Miami just won't be able to beat like Boston, Lakers, Dallas, S.A., etc. because they only have 3 players. I think their success depends on the potential for their existing team to get better for them to be successful come playoffs. Also, Bosh is overrated, it might only be 2 players. They shouldn't have paid so much for him, opting instead for two players of decent talent.

If the Knick's get Anthony and some defense they'll be totally sick. I really think they can do that too, cause going form zero defense to some defense shouldn't be too hard even if they only pick up Anthony.

Kobe has soooooooooooooooooooooooooo many other great players over there on the Lakers it's not even funny. He's obviously great great, but seriously, that team is hella stacked. Gasol, Bynum, Fisher, Artest, Barnes, ODOM.... that team is broken. Celtics are like that this year too but not quite as bad..

San Antonio is legit this year!

If Miami onnnnnnllllllyyyyyyyyy had two decent shooters in place of one chris bosh it would be epic..


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
James Jones is shooting out of his mind from the 3, and Z is having one of his better years shooting the mid range shot. Mike Miller...when healthy should also be a viable 3 point threat.

And you are seriously overrating the Lakers team. Barnes, Gasol, and Odom I'll give you. However, Artest and Fisher are struggling horribly like they always do in the regular season (especially Artest...smh). Gasol plays ZERO defense in the regular season, and Bynum just got back from injury. If you ask me, Boston is more lethal when healthy. They can throw Shaq, Perkins, KG, Big Baby, Jermaine at you down low. Pierce, Allen, Rondo, West, and Nate up top...it's just ridiculous.

Oh yea, forgot abotu Shannon Brown. Dude is gonna definitely opt out next year for more money. We have to get rid of Luke somehow =/.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
Scola is a great player, that's true.

Oh, and Miami is better when Dwayne Wade is the primary scorer. They've lost 2 games when he's the top scorer I believe, and like 6 when LeBron is the high man.

That's how it should be though. Wade's a better scorer, LeBron's a better all-around guy.

And The Onion's sports stories are some of the funniest things I've ever read. I can't wait for their show on Comedy Central to come out.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Why do the Mavs have so much at stake? Unless you're implying they need to stay in contention for the number one seed, there isn't much at stake. Maybe the Heat did better, because they were at home, and had the crowd behind them? Don't get me wrong, they have improved, but once again, a stellar defensive team turned the Heat into a one dimensional offense...31 3 point attempts, and not many fast break points. Take that all day.
Simple reason... A rivalry match. These 2 teams have too much pride at stake to allow the other to completely blow them out. Last night was proof of that. Same thing with Boston and the Lakers.

Honestly that game could have gone either way but 68% free throw shooting is completely INEXCUSABLE for a top-tier team.

And D-Wade had a great game. LBJ was bad, but hey, Dirk was ICE COLD (one lay up out of 9 attempts) in the second half, Marion's only fg was a dunk, and Jason Terry didn't make a hoop in the first 3 quarters. I honestly credit LBJ's bad game to the Mavs defense. They didn't let him drive, they turned him into a jump shooter, and his post game was still abysmal (LOL at easy lay up missed).
LBJ has had great nights against the Mavs while he was on the Cavs. He was just off in all aspects... Heck nearly the whole starting lineup didn't get going until the second half.

Miami will always be picking on the lesser defensive teams, but against Mavs, Spurs, and Boston...they can't run in transition. I expect them to be able to run easily on the Lakers simply because Lakers don't know the term defense in the regular season. They think they can outscore you.
Meh I could care less about how many bad teams we beat I want to see the wins against Boston Dallas San Antonio and L.A.

I don't think Miami has a chance because they really only seem to have 3 players...
You're kidding me, right? The Heat bench has been playing ABOVE expectations...

James Jones is shooting out of his mind from the 3, and Z is having one of his better years shooting the mid range shot. Mike Miller...when healthy should also be a viable 3 point threat.


Smash Lord
Jan 9, 2009
Cleveland, Ohio! my homeplace but for now living i
how bout griffin lmao
dude is carrying that team i didnt think the timberwolves would lose by that much.
Really it comes down to post season cause the mavs and spurs you see now arent gonna be the same teams come playoff time. the only team that lights up the regular and post season is boston.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
The Heat are pretty deep. They had Miller, Haslem and House not even playing during their 12-game win streak.

They have bad PGs and Centers, but at least they don't lose much when they go to the bench. The rest of the floor is completely shored up with Jones, Miller, Wade, Bron, Bosh, and Haslem.

Sucks that Haslem's done though. He's really underrated. Before he got injured he was leading the team in rebounds from off the bench.

I'm not worried about the loss to the Mavs. They gave us open 3s all game. They just didn't go in. We also missed too many free throws. I was excited when Joel Anthony locked down Jason Terry 1 on 1. Joel's fast for his height. Of course he hit the 3 with a hand in his face, but that's okay. You can't expect that every 4th quarter, and prolly not 4 times in a 7 game span.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
Then you don't watch the Mavs. Take it from a guy who lives in Dallas and has watched JET for a long time, he's hit several jumpshots with a big on him. He is not a slasher or driver, and will opt or the J even if a big switches on him. Also, JET is probably the most clutch player on that team. I seem to remember if it was last year or two years ago when JET buried a jumper in front of Duncan's face in the late moments of the game.

I believe Haslem may return for the playoffs though.

And honestly, it's going to come down to if the "Big 3" can maintain having good or normal games. If one of them has an off night...mainly Wade or LBJ, expect them to lose. If the defense shuts one of them down, expect them to lose. You cannot expect the bench to beat your team. It has to be the Big 3.

TRG, LBJ was off, but you are not giving enough credit to the Mavs D. They didn't give LeBron a single lay up until the end of the game when it was over. Wade only went off when Desean Stevenson was not on the floor. And I don't care how good of 3 point shooters the Heat have...31 attempts is not going to win you ball games.

Edit: LOL! The real big 3.


Simple reason... A rivalry match. These 2 teams have too much pride at stake to allow the other to completely blow them out. Last night was proof of that. Same thing with Boston and the Lakers.
Do you even know what a rivalry is in sports? You seriously compared the Heat and Mavs to Boston and LA? Mavs vs Spurs is a rivalry. Boston vs LA is a rivalry. Orlando vs Boston is a rivalry. You know what they all have in common? They've met several times in the playoffs, and took turns beating each other. Miami and Dallas? *****, please.


Smash Ace
Feb 14, 2007
Texas (UoH)
EVERY game I've watched the Heat play Lebron or Wade create easy shots for those guys and they miss ALL the time. The other players on the team suck, it's a known fact too..... (they are getting paid like nothing) James Jones is just decent right now, not great or even close to sinking most of his shots.. Haslem wasn't terrible.

Dude, Fisher and Artest are really really good, trust me. Artest has really good 'D' and Fisher is just as clutch as Kobe, really he's a great shooter in general.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
James Jones is shooting 44% from 3 point range. That's most likely the league best if not one of the best. Mike Miller shot 50% from 3 last year, so when healthy...he may cut into Jones time but that's two 3 point threats. Z is shooting 54% from his midrange shots. Arroyo, another jump shooter is shooting 50% from the field. If anything, these guys need more looks instead of Wade, LeBron and Bosh taking contested jump shots.

Also, please don't talk to me about the Lakers. I watch every single game, and I will let you know that because they are so lazy during the season, Artest's D is abysmal for the most part, he has lost his 3 point touch, he can't hid a jumpshot, and he even blows lay ups. Fisher is slow, gets burned by any point guard, and is overall shooting 39% from the field. Lakers wouldn't have so many losses or be in close games if these two would step up their game. Gasol usually shoots around 50%, but makes the person he's defending look like all-stars. See Amir Johnson for latest example. 14 points in limited action while playing with back spasms.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Do you even know what a rivalry is in sports? You seriously compared the Heat and Mavs to Boston and LA? Mavs vs Spurs is a rivalry. Boston vs LA is a rivalry. Orlando vs Boston is a rivalry. You know what they all have in common? They've met several times in the playoffs, and took turns beating each other. Miami and Dallas? *****, please.

Lol yes I know what a rivalry match is. I didn't mean the rivalry was at the same level as Boston/Lakers but a rivalry is still a rivalry.

You're not looking at it from the Heat's perspective (since they don't go to the playoffs nearly as often). Who would our biggest rivals be since the 2006 NBA finals? Obviously the team we barely beat. The majority of Heat fans feel like another Mavs/Heat Finals would be the best rivalry match.

EDIT: I **** on myself when I saw this- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2VLEGtRuz4
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